Happy Friday, friends!
I haven't had it together very well this week. My sleeping patterns are KILLING me. I have been getting only a few hours of rest. I try and go to bed, but my mind won't let me sleep. It wonders and swirls in every direction and will NOT shut down. I even took two Melatonin last night and it did absolutely zero for me. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was almost 2 AM. This has happened every night this week and it's catching up with my body, my mind and the bags under my eyes. I am trying to avoid taking Ambien because it makes me to groggy and grouchy in the morning. I am NOT a morning person as it is, so waking up from a night of Ambien sleeping is not good for my family. It's like Oscar the Grouch crawling out of his trash can.
So, since my mind is tired, overworked and little fuzzy, I figured headless photos would be most appropriate to show you today. These are a few of the styles I wore this week and posted to Instagram. You can find me @becauseshannasaidso. (Hey, Dusty, this post is JUST for you!)

Cardigan: Target | Top: Forever21 | Jeans: Express | Flats & Bracelet: Forever 21
Top: Forever 21 | Vest: Old Navy | Jeans: Express | Loafers: Charlotte Russe | Necklace: Target
Top, Pants & Shoes: Old Navy | Necklace: Forever 21
And I almost forgot, the winner of the $330 Frasier Sterling necklace is Shane! Such a lucky lady! Shane, your necklace will be in the mail soon. Thanks to everyone who entered and to Landi and Fraiser Sterling for making this giveaway happen!
Annnnnd, did you see the September Group Giveaway from yesterday? If, not take a peek here. Five ladies, five prizes! Make sure you enter!
Have great weekend everyone. I am going to relax and count some sheep. Wish me luck.

Girl, I feel your pain! I couldn't sleep last night either. Must be my new job. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my How to Wear Printed Denim post. You are a sweetie!!!
I hate those nights! it is so frustrating to just lay there. my husband always tells me to just turn my brain off - as if it was that easy. you're still cute headless. ; ) love all your outfits!
Oh no, Shanna! Not being able to sleep is the absolute worst :( I hope you're able to get some sleep this weekend.
The Tiny Heart
Sept. Group Giveaway!
My sleeping pattern gets mixed up everytime Skye goes on evening shift, which is every 4 weeks. Then it takes at least another week or two to get back into a normal routine. UGH!
I am so sorry you're having trouble sleeping. That is just the absolute worst. It always stresses me out more when I look at the clock and think about how tired I'm going to be the next day. It makes it even tougher to sleep. I hope you are able to rest this weekend. I also love your outfits. That first one is great with the patterned shirt with the studs on it! So pretty! How do you angle your phone so that you get that much of your outfit?
I know how you feel, I've had nights just like it. Just try and relax and maybe that will help. And I have to say the 2nd outfit is my favorite!!
Yuck..hate that you're not getting any sleep!! I've unfortunately had that problem this week, too but it wasn't because I couldn't fall asleep...I had textbooks to be read, notes to be studied, and TWO exams to be taken. Staying up until 4am Monday AND Wednesday night and waking up at 6:30 the next morning with class from 8-6:15 just wasn't my cup of tea...
Here's to hoping we catch up on some sleep this weekend, lady!! xo
Even tired you still dress super cute, b!tch :) Love your style per the usual! I hate when I have days/weeks where I can't sleep. I hope you can get some shut to ward off the bags under your eyes, which I'm sure aren't that bad. You're beautiful, lady! Happy Friday!
I wish I had your sense of fashion. Beautiful outfits I especially love that first one. I try my best not to take strong sleeping pills too. I'm always a mess in the am if I do. I stick with camomile tea. Hope you get some good sleep this weekend!
Oh man, girl that is rough! I hope you get a full night tonight! Love all 3 outfits you posted!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Those are the worst night! But at least you have two days to catch up!
Love all those outfits! I wish I could pull of some of the things you do!
Happy Friday!
girl, your outfits are always so colorful, I love it! Sorry about the lack of sleep.. that is just the worst. I hope you can get some rest this weekend.
ps, I am so jealous of Shane, it's not even funny. ;)
I used to have the worst sleeping problems so I feel your pain! Hope you are able to catch up on sleep this weekend! xo
I absolutely love that very first outfit! The cardigan and shirt are just precious together! Hope you can catch up on some sleep, girl! :)
Nights when you can't sleep seriously suck! I love this week's outfits though, and I'm going to need to hit up Charlotte Russe for a pair of those leopard loafers! ADORBS. I hope you have a great weekend and are able to get some sleep!!
little miss fashionista!!! my goodness you are fabulous I am sorry you cant sleep : (the worst! seriously the worst!! call me if you are ever bored, 1 am 2 hours behind you :)
For some reason I've had a lot of trouble sleeping this week too. My mind just won't shut off. I have tried everything. Blah! Hope this gets better for you! And for being off this week you sure looked fabulous!
Awww that is the worst feeling in the world. It's a weird time of year with the light changing and that really screws with us. Make sure you aren't on your computer/phone too late! Hope you get some good sleep soon!
Not sleeping is the worst, it makes the entire day feel 10 times longer.
In other news, I love your headless outfits. The first one is my favorite!
Loving your outfits this week...especially the one with the mustard jacket! Laughing at your comment about headless photos :) Get some rest, girl! Happy weekend :)
I am going to need therapy after this. Serious medication. I love you well half of you anyway!
Shanna! I'm sure you look just fine... but I hate when my sleep patterns get outa whack! Since it's the weekend, you could try ambien tonight?? Hope it gets better! xo
Love your outfits! Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping :( that is NO fun.
I love all 3 outfits, but that first one is just my absolute favorite. Not being able to sleep is the WORST. I've had this problem too. My mind is ALWAYS moving. Have you tried nyquil? They make ones just for sleep aids now. I've also found reading helps me sleep... mainly because my body is like, wow this is boring, goodnight. Haha. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
i loooooooove the second look - precious!
I love that top from F21! I am a huge fan of tribal anything!
Hope you get some quality sleep soon, love!
I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time sleeping! Hopefully you can catch up this weekend! Of course I love your looks, even headless! Have a great weekend Shanna!
I love the second look!! totally cute!! Try counting sheep :) it really works!
xo Rachel
I'm having the WORST sleeping patterns lately too :( I'm hoping that I can finally get back on track and get some rest soon. Loving your outfits as always! I want you to take me shopping :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Poor girl! Sleepy time tea??? Warm milk???? I hope this weekend is restful.
Hopefully you'll catch up on your rest this weekend. I love the first look. That top is really cute.
Visiting from Friday's Fancies...have a fabulous weekend,
i totally feel your pain! (as i sit here catching up on my fave blogs lol) i love that yellow cardigan! is it a recent buy?
C’s Evolution of Style
Sorry about the no sleeping. I can relate. I am going to try this week to be in bed by 12!! We'll see how it goes. I love all of your outfits!!
xo, amy
melatonin works wonders for me but not at all for my husband. however, chamomile tea OR chamomile pills help him very well. give it a shot--no drugs and not addictive!
oh lady - that is such a bummer that you are having a hard time sleeping. Sleep is everything to me... and just a little bit less puts me in a funk, so I can totally understand. As much as I hate working out... I do find that when I get my body moving during the day my mind is more at ease when I get into bed. Good luck! I love all of your outfits... especially the fab shoes you have in your wardrobe for Fall!
well, its safe to say your crazy sleep schedule has not affected your awesome wardrobe choices. rest up my friend... hope your weekend is a relaxing one :)
I hope you manage to catch up on some sleep over the weekend!
Thanks for posting these outfits. They are all very cute. I really like your leopard print flats :) I do miss seeing your pretty little smile though.
I hope your nights have been better. :(
I have the same problem. My mind just won't shut off!!
I hate not being able to sleep! I take melatonin usually. But when I really can't sleep I try Nyquil. Or try making your body reaalllyy tired. Go on a long hike, run a couple miles...just get really physically exhausted. Then I usually fall asleep fast! haha...
Your outfit photos even look cute without your head :-) Number 3 is my fav!
I'm obsessed with your instagram outfits lately. These are seriously amazing! And girl, I've been having the EXACT same problem lately, too!! I feel so tired at night, but the moment I lay my head down on my pillow my mind starts turning and I end up laying awake for hours. It's definitely taking a toll on my appearance... there are serious bags underneath my eyes!
I am having sleepless night as well, but becasue I have a Master's proposal due that determines if I graduate this spring or next fall.....anywho love the outfits...I have most of those pieces as well :) so thanks for the outfits inspiration
I LOVE all of your outfits! You are so stylish ;)
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