I haven't gotten very random lately and I thought now was a good time to do so. My mind has been a little bit in shambles with never ending events, travels, birthdays, holidays, winding down the school year, summer plans and prior obligations. Today is all about chatting girlfriend-to-girlfriend.

Forever 21 Stripe Maxi Dress (option here and here) // JcPenney Denim Jacket // Forever 21 Sandals (option here and here) // Target Bag (option here and here) // Forever 21 Necklace // Wrenn Jewelry Rings c/o (here and here) // Michael Kors Watch c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Alex and Ani Bracelets c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Gorjana Griffin Ring c/o
Shop More Jersey Knit Maxi Dresses
Shop More Jersey Knit Maxi Dresses
There are a few things I wanted to admit to you guys, nothing too serious...just coffee talk., except for #5...this was something that hit me and thousands of others like a ton of bricks.
1. I have worn this stripe maxi dress twice in four days...with the same sandals, jacket and necklace. Sometimes outfits deserve to be on repeat.
2. I haven't cooked a meal in almost a week. We have been eating out as if every restaurant in town is shutting down. And because tonight (actually yesterday) starts the second round of NBA basketball playoffs, we are ordering pizza. Go Spurs Go!
2. I haven't cooked a meal in almost a week. We have been eating out as if every restaurant in town is shutting down. And because tonight (actually yesterday) starts the second round of NBA basketball playoffs, we are ordering pizza. Go Spurs Go!
3. My nails are in big, ginormous trouble. I got back-to-back shellac/gel manicures. I was bad, really bad and picked off the color myself (both times) instead of going to the salon. Now that my nails have been stripped a few layers, they are super brittle, thin, bumpy and crying for some TLC. I plan to go bare for awhile and hope that some of you ladies can recommend a nail repair polish that can whip them back into shape.
4. I turn another year older at the end of the month. To say I am not looking forward to it is an understatement. I will not be partaking in "birthday month" this year. I know age is just a number, but it is STILL a number. How did I get here? I swear I just graduated college two years ago...
5. A fellow blogger lost her son last Friday in a tragic accident. After hearing about the story and scrolling through recent pictures of their family on Instagram, my heart fell to the floor and stayed there the rest of the day. Being a mom myself, I cannot even begin to fathom losing a child or comprehend what this couple and their family are going through right now.
I do not know Jacqui, her husband or had the opportunity of personally meeting her gift from God, Ryan, but for some reason I feel strangely connected. Is it because I am a mom too? Or because she blogs? Or because her son had red hair like my youngest? With tears streaming down, I think it's all of the above, plus so much more.
The blogging/social media world can be cruel at times, but I truly believe that 90% is it to do good and spread good. It's a platform where we can share cheer, positively engage, remorse together during tragedies, triumph in victories and most importantly, lift one another up in times of destitute.
I shared this excruciatingly painful story on my social media channels yesterday. I called my mom crying. I couldn't contain myself when chatting with my husband. I squeezed and kissed my kids tighter and harder than I have in a long time.
Seeing the posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook gave me relief. Relief that this one family's tragedy made thousands of people stop what they were doing to say a prayer, remind themselves of how lucky they are, let out a good cry and rallied to support a family in this big, gigantic world to let them know that we are all grieving, yet rejoicing for their little boy's life...people we haven't ever met. Ryan has already left a legacy.
Stop and think about it. It's truly remarkable. Thank you to everyone who clicked on my posts that shared the donation page for Ryan. I believe those clicks equated to hundreds of prayers for a family that needed it now more than ever.
Never underestimate the power of blogging, social media and prayers. #RedBalloonsForRyan
*There a many shops and companies creating items in Ryan's name. If you decide to donate or purchase something, keep in mind the percentage of proceeds that will benefit the family.
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
I love this outfit on you - I can see why you've worn it a few times. I recently get gel nails done and didn't realize the process it takes to remove it. I am never going to get it done again - it's so bad for your nails.
I was in tears as well reading about the loss that Jacqui experienced. I just can't imagine losing your child.
Very much loved today's post! My heart is in pieces for this family. I can't even imagine and as I am typing to you, I have tears running down my face. Such a beautiful, beautiful boy. So full of life! You never know what each day has in store for you, life is too short to do anything but love. Thanks for writing about this family Shanna! The more prayers the better! xoxoxo
My heart is breaking as I saw the pictures of Ryan....I can't fathom the pain of losing a child & I want to reach out to Jacqui via that donation page. On a fashion note, I'm so into your look today Shanna....as I have been living in maxis on weekends!
I feel so bad for Jaqui, that's just aweful. So happy everyone is coming together to help the family.
Our hearts go out to Jaqui and her family. Praying that God holds that family in the palm of his hand during this time of grief. Thank you for sharing Shanna.
xo, Whitney and Blaire
That story is so, so sad...I will keep her and her family in my prayers
loooove this maxi - I don't think there's ever been an outfit that I haven't loved (for the record). My nails are in some serious need for TLC as well - but that's because I keep biting them. Awful I know. And It's amazing how the blogging community has banded together for Ryan...I can't even...
I didn't know the blogger who lost her son, but I can not get them out of my head. I don't know how she will go on. But I do know that she has been lifted in prayer and that God is with her. On a brighter note, I am requesting a similar dress in my next Fix! Love it!! Susan
I totally get what you are saying about all this. I was the same way when I heard the news and I didn't know her either, just a friend of hers. It's so heartbreaking. I felt myself tearing up as I bathed my youngest last night and squeezed them all extra tight. My oldest heard me talking to my husband about it and got really concerned and it was hard talking with her about it all. We said a prayer for peace and comfort for the family. It's tragic.
On a whole other note, it's my birthday month too. I'm so not in the birthday month mood. Too busy with life to think about that this time. :)
You look fabulous, as always. Love a maxi dress with denim jacket.
My birthday is tomorrow. I can barely even talk about it.
Love this outfit.
I had the same shellac-nail-wrecking-experience this winter. I haven't gotten one since!!!
I can see why you repeated this outfit! Its so easy and fun. That is so said what happened to Ryan. Sometimes even though we don't meet other bloggers we still feel a connection with them. Her family is in my prayers
Ryan's story is so completely tragic and unthinkable. I was crying as well.
xo Emma
I absolutely love this outfit!! It is just my style. I have pinned it as well. Thanks for sharing and for hosting the link up. Also, my prayers go out to Ryan's family. :(
Thanks so much for sharing Ryan's story. I'm not a mom yet, but I can't even imagine going through something like that. I know I'll be thinking of them all day.
I saw this story on social media yesterday and it broke my heart. I can't even imagine the pain and heartbreak. Let's squeeze our kids tighter and pray for this family.
Love your dress,beautiful look.
So heartbroken for their family and this enormous loss - I cannot even imagine what they are going through. But it has been incredible to see the outpouring of support and it makes me realize what an amazing community we are a part of.
I have had the heaviest of hearts since reading about this news yesterday, one cannot even fathom the emotions of losing a child. What a beautiful little boy. My prayers and thoughts are with the family, Shanna thank you for connecting me with a link to support this family during such a difficult time.
Wow, this is very sobering. It's too painful to imagine losing a child. It must be beyond difficult. Thank you for sharing. Her and her family will be in my prayers.
I do the same thing with outfits. Over and over! But when it's cute like this, it deserves to be worn multiple times in a week!
I was so sad to hear about her son. It was amazing to see the support they were receiving. I hope that brings her a some kind of comfort.
Sometimes I think things hit us so hard because we are in the same peer group and can put ourselves in the other person's shoes so well, and we lose it a little when we do that. I wish them comfort and peace. I truly can't imagine that loss.
I have no hat in the ring for any NBA team, so wishing yours well!
This is the second sweet family I've read about in the last couple of days who had to say goodbye to a child over the weekend. The Fish family lost their precious son, Teddy, to Menkes on Monday. My heart is just breaking for all of these parents today. So unimaginable. Thank you for sharing this story so that Jacqui can be lifted up during this dark time. Sweet Ryan was such a doll.
Thank you for sharing about Jacqui's family. What a tragic story and definitely a good reminder for all of us to be extra grateful and appreciative of our loved ones!
On the note about the nails, every time I remove polish (gel or regular) I rub coconut oil into my nails and it makes a huge difference!
Gina -- On the Daily Express
My heart is breaking for the family. Even though I just became a mom... I can't imagine my life without my little girl. It's so tragic. I hope the family is able to find peace.
You look adorable, love the simple maxi. And I know what you mean about getting older. Sometimes I forget how old I am, or maybe I'm just in denial. Tom is a year younger than me and you betcha he makes sure I remember that! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Ryan's story is so heartbreaking. My heart is hurting for your friend Shanna.
Err yeah, I'm also guilty of #3. Like, every single time I get a gel mani. I use nailtiques (you can get it right at CVS) to strengthen my nails after I've inevitably peeled them. It's fabulous and definitely helps whip them back into shape!
xoxo Danielle @ For the Love of Leopard
This striped maxi is just the cutest on you! I'd keep wearing it day after day too!
I too am incredibly saddened for Jacqui and her family. Such a horrible tragedy. I hope the Red Balloons for Ryan campaign brings her a tiny bit of comfort.
The Tiny Heart
Oh my goodness, I don't even know the story or the blogger. I can't even imagine losing a child. I will keep their family in my prayers.
I saw your instagram post and just couldn't believe it. With kids almost the same age it hit me hard too. And I also received news yesterday that a fellow high school friend died yesterday morning leaving behind a wife and 4 year old. I was pretty much in shock yesterday. I'm so glad though that people are supporting these families during these rough times. Enjoy your family time Shanna! And enjoy your birthday. I know how you feel about another birthday (I sort of feel the same way) but in all honesty, life seems to get better with age. :)
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Oh no, what a horrible horrible tragedy... that is so incredibly sad. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.
I want to talk about how cute your outfit is but... such a heartbreaking story and I've been thinking about that family all day.... :(
I don't know Jacqui but I just read Ryan's story and I'm crying. So tragic and sad.
On a lighter note, I love that outfit. In fact, yesterday I wore a black & white striped maxi with sandals and a white denim jacket. Great minds!
I recently found your blog through Jennie's Six on Sunday, and I absolutely love it! I'm coveting all your style, with today's outfit as no exception.
I heard about Ryan yesterday, too, and my heart just broke. I wasn't familiar with Jacqui's blog or their story, but it always is so tragic when a child dies. You're right - it really made me and I'm sure all of us take a minute and thank God for all the blessings, little and big, in our life.
i am so saddened by this story. thank you for passing it along and helping out this family.
Love this outfit. You are right when it is comfy and looks great deserves a repeat. The necklace looks awesome.
Thanks for letting me link up!! I hosted my first link up this week and can you believe someone linked two posts and didn't subscribe to my blog or link back?? It's so rude! ha ha...anyway, great outfit. Love maxi dresses! They are so effortlessly chic! Can't wait to see more!
My heart is breaking for Jacqui and her family. No words.
I almost bought a striped maxi last week, but refrained bc I really needed shorts...not maxis. But, not I am regretting it!
And tons of prayers are going up for that family. XO!
That story just broke my heart. Especially having a boy the same exact age. I can NOT even imagine...
As for the outfit...I can see why it's on repeat...VERY cute! That necklace just goes with it too perfectly!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
also, reading about that little boy is breaking my heart. I'm going to go home and hug mine a little tighter, too. :(
When I heard about Ryan on instagram and saw the pics of the family so happy together, Shanna I can't even explain the sadness I felt, so deep. You explained it very well, as a mom, human being, blogge,r I felt that connection as well and couldn't get the family out of my mind.
We really need to cherish all the people we love right now, this moment, life is just way unpredictable. It made me very optimistic to see all the love and support pouring out for the family that there is much kindness in the world even in the challenging social media environment.
On a more cheerful note that dress is so lovely that it deserves many many appearances in your life <3
Thanks for putting these feelings to words so eloquently. And I officially wrote a novel one more time lol. XOXO Elif @theboxqueen
I love that necklace! Can't believe it's from F21!!!!
Ryan's story is so tragic, but his short days on Earth, I trust was full of light, joy, and love - you can just tell. Thinking of their family and sending my heart their way.
Re: the nail situation: Try Butter London's strengthening nail products. They're available at Nordstrom or Beauty.com and they aren't cheap, but they work really, really well!
Love this look, want it for the 4th of July!
I have been thinking of Ryan since yesterday and at times overwhelmed with sadness at the loss for his family.
Marie @
In Our Happy Place
Loved your post today. I don't know Ryan's family but my heart goes out to them.
As for the outfit, I really love your maxi dress and necklace! Such a great look.
Very heartbreaking to hear about her son, I am praying for that family!
I love your 'random' post today! Okay so I had been following you for just a short time now and am just now realizing not only are you in Texas but Austin! (I think right?) OMG I live in San Antonio and have been on the hunt for local bloggers. I would love to possibly meet up one day, love your style & blog!
Diary of a Southern Shopper
I can see why you keep wearing this maxi! I absolutely love it on you!!
It's such a heartbreaking story about Ryan, but I love how the blogging community has come together.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wears "perfect" outfits on repeat! I saw a similar dress at a local shop here and I'm now kicking myself for not buying it! I've been heart broken for Ryan's family as well. All we can do is pray! XO
I can't understand why it takes such tragedy for people to stop being petty and just enjoy each other regardless of anything else. It's very sad and an indictment on the human race. But you are right, we must take these times to recall how lucky we are and how precious every moment is. Thanks for your honesty, your empathy and for hosting such a lovely place to meet other people. Have a great week and you look gorgeous, even if that arbitrary counter is going up one more year soon :)
I have been addicted to maxis lately and am wearing one to work today. Love the stripes!
Absolutely adorable! Very classy. :)
I heard about Ryan.. Praying for all of them.
This dress!!! I love it so much! This outfit definitely deserves to be on repeat! And it's on the expensive side, but Londontown's nail care and nail lacquer collections are insanely good at repairing and strengthening nails! I love the base and topcoats, and I use their nail cream every night!
First, this dress is amazing on you. Seriously one of my favorite all time looks of yours - so effortless!
Second, I feel your pain about not understanding how the years have added up when we get one more year older! It's also quite depressing when everyone from sports personalities to strangers you meet for the first time are almost always consistently younger than me vs. older!
Lastly, I love that the blogging community can come together with a vengeance for things like that. Definitely a time to feel gratitude and feel thankful.
Carylee | morepiecesofme.com
This outfit is so beautiful!:) Love the dress!
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