Jacket: Lauren Conrad for Kohls (similar here) // Top: Forever 21 // Pants: Express // Shoes: Go Jane (similar here and here) // Bag: Phillip Lim for Target // Necklace: Noonday Collection c/o // Bracelets: Forever 21 (similar) & Shop Gallery (similar)
I started this link up almost one year ago and recently strayed away from really being random. I mean, I guess anything we talk about here in blog land can fall into some sort of random category. That word can be quite relative.
Anyway, I felt like going back to the roots of this weekly blog hop and wanted to share a few things that don't relate in any way, shape or form.
Here goes....
1. This YouTube video struck about 1,000 chords with me yesterday. If you haven't heard of Dr. Dave Martin, Google him, check out his channel and get ready to be inspired, convicted and lifted. It's only a four minute video and time well spent. Woman to woman, we all need to be reminded of this one. Enjoy.
2. I had the pleasure to visit the Noonday Collection office on Monday morning. I was lucky enough to meet the marketing manager for the company a few months back through social media and then had the opportunity to hug a few ladies from Noonday in person at Texas Style Council. You guys, this company is doing glorious things all over the world. The story behind Noonday will melt your heart. Not only do they support some amazing causes, their jewelry and accessories are ones you won't find anywhere else...think cuffs made off recycled bullets.
3. Only one more payment on my car and we are FREE! I have been shelling out money towards the "Gray Goose" for almost six years. I don't know what it feels like to not have a car payment. My sweet husband is already talking about what we are getting next. I told him, "I am driving this baby until the wheels fall off."
4. I can't escape wearing or buying neutral tones these days, as evident here, here and my shopping haul here. I am trying my best to add bright colors and patterns, but I am 100% drawn to everything simple, streamlined and basic. We have discussed this issue previously, but I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I like it...I like it a lot.
5. Poor Miley....poor, poor Miley. That's all I can say about this.
6. Last but not least, as much as I am on the fence about it, I cannot wait until the movie comes out. Old news to most, but I can't stop thinking about it. Shameful, I know. My mom is not very proud that her daughter read all three books in less than 2 months.
There ya, go...six bits of random. That was kinda of fun. Maybe I should do it more often. Happy Wednesday!
Today, I have a style blogger I would like to introduce you to. Her name is Sherry and she blogs over at The Life of the Party.
Sherry hosts a weekly link up called the Fashion Informant. You should definitely go over and add your current style post. If the kitchen is your safe haven, then take a peek at this yummy salad. I am such a sucker for easy, no mess meals and lunches. It looks dee-lish, right? If home decor is more your thing; I have fab news for you! The Life of the Party has your back on this one. I wish she lived closer to help with my living room situation....ah, loving the nature inspired pieces. And because Sherry's blog is full of all sorts of knowledge, I felt obliged to share her drug store cosmetic finds. Don't pretend like you don't hit up CVS or Walgreen's makeup section every time you go in to fill a prescription. I know I am guilty. Go visit The Life of the Party, she is definitely reaching out to all of us ladies. I know I am a fan!
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!

You look stunning!! Love this classy look and I am so sad that I wasn't able to get that bag at Target, everything sold out so quickly!!
Sincerely Miss Ash
I read all of the 3 books and not sure if they cast the right person to be Christian Grey. I am not sure if I enjoyed the books either so I will wait to see what everyone thinks of the movie.
Congratulations on paying off your car. I love this outfit very classy and sophisticated. Now off to check out all the other randomness.
Ms Dee Kay
Love the neutrals! So chic. What a sweet/inspiring story behind that company. Congrats on Gray Goose!
Stunning! Very chic! Love the shoes.
Love the shoes! Thank you for hosting the link up!
Love this look! You're so classic! And congrats to you for being sooooo close to almost being car payment free - good for you!!
Thanks for the style tip for wearing these pants. I got my daughter and I each a pair and we love them!! I think I may wear mine this weekend, as I am scrubbing drywall off of the floors this week at our office(: No dressing up for me this week. I love this leopard top too! I feel horribly sorry for Miley, but my hubby says that she knows exactly what she is doing and that she has a responsibility to the young girls who love her. He is probably right. Where is her mother?!?! Susan
i too am solely reaching for neutrals. I also feel terrible that Miley is exploiting herself that way but, you know what? it's working! Darn this world!
I do love your outfit, aaaannd I read 50 shades too. Loved it, can you help loving it? I don't think you can. Not sure how I feel about the flick or if I will watch. I have a very certain picture of what happened in my head and I don't want it ruined!
Happy Hump Day
xo, Nina
I can't believe it's been almost a year since this link up started!! So awesome about only having one more car payment...freedom!!!
Wow a whole year!? That's crazy! And yes to more randomness. Haha. I'm so jealous of your Noonday visit. I absolutely adore all of their pieces and just ordered 2 more accessories that I can't wait to get in the mail!
YAHOOOOOOOO for getting a car paid off! We just got our Montero paid off too! Such a freeing feeling!
First of all, you look gorgeous in these pictures! It's making me wish I had my long hair again. Second, yay for no more car payments...both ours have been paid off for years now and every time we talk about upgrading to an SUV, we just can't seem to do it because we've gotten so used to being free of that monthly bill!
Love that chevron necklace!!!!
LOVE this look, Shanna! I don't think I could ever pull off those pants, but it all looks fab on you!
Stilettos & Sequins
First of all, I adore that outfit, those pants are perfection! You look wonderful, as usual:) Second, I feel so bad for Miley and all that has misguided her. She is everything I want my daughters NOT to be. The poor thing needs someone to steer her the right way (or I guess she needed that years ago?
Oh gosh, now I need those pants! LOVE them.
This is such a great look. I love how you styled those pants! (And I'm only two car payments away from being done too. I am SO EXCITED!)
I had a blast reading your random thoughts Shanna. What struck me most was Miley Cyrus maybe because my daughter is as old as her....I don't know what really happened to her but I'm sooo sad to see her go the route that she is taking right now.
I could actually relate to what you said about hitting the lipstick aisle while filling a RX....hahaha!
And last but not the least congrats on the CAR PAYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One more car payment? WOOOOOOT. I am always like your husband getting another car immediately. Not this time! I don't care what she looks like, as long as she runs I'm keeping her! My car's name is...Kelly Taylor. Like Beverly Hills 90210. hahaha
I have a few more pieces to pick up for fall when No Spend September ends, including the tweedy vest you posted earlier this week.
Love this!
And don't feel bad, I have yet to read the last book.
Can we share shoes??
I have to admit, I'm excited about the movie, too! I read those books SO fast!!
Congrats on being close to paying off your car! It's such a good feeling!
Black, Winter White & Leopard has never looked better. Love the heels & new Philip Lim Bag.
My pleasure linking up with you Shanna, like every Wednesday. Please stop by to see what I am wearing & doing lately.
Thanks so much, Ada. =)
I need that white/cream blazer! Looks amazing against the leopard. Thanks for the inspiration! Now I know what to throw over my leopard top :)
Congrats on the last car payment! That is so exciting.... we just got a new car in May sooooo lots and lots of payments left. I can't wait to have that feeling! Also, you look stunning!!!!!!
You look so beautiful, I love that 2nd picture of you. Wahoo congrats on paying off your car! I'm only excited about the movie because I LOVE Charlie Hunnam. I'm a huge fan!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
You look SO sophisticated in this outfit, Shanna! Love the leopard!
Congrats on the last car payment! It will be a loooong time before I can say the same.
The Tiny Heart
Sept. Group Giveaway!
I love all the neutrals here. Very classic.
Ahhh.... Miley {sigh} what can you say? Other than put some clothes on.
such a classic and gorgeous outfit! and i LOVE that bag! :)
Sandy a la Mode
I almost bought that bag this week at Target! I'm searching for the perfect black bag- size, shape, versatility. Those pants are perfect on you too! Great look!
We have been car payment free for almost two years and it is glorious! But my husband says the same thing. My pathfinder (grey as well) will be around for a long time. I hope.
I linked up with you. Show off your look at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! Come link up with me and get inspired! http://www.themummychronicles.com
you're SO gorgeous! love this bag
kw, ladies in navy
So cute! i just pinned a quote on Pinterest - Jenna Lyons says she believes leopard is a neutral : ) Congrats on your car!! It feels so great when you get out of debt. We were about to be, and now we're buying a house, ha ha.
I can't believe it's been almost a year!! that is incredible! and I love the noonday collection, so inspiring and beautiful pieces!
I am kicking myself for not snagging a Plilip Lim for Target bag myself! I love this look!
I'm going to pay my car off TODAY!! So excited. Perfect timing to get that taken care of before baby comes. I don't even know what I will do with an extra $350 a month - diapers I guess haha.
I don't think there has been a single outfit you've done that I DON'T LOVE. I never thought I would love those type of pants, but I LOVE them on you!
Random comment of the day: I was shopping for a very important outfit yesterday and was channeling you as much as I could. Meaning I ended up with this killer tweed top from Target. I am obsessed.
And thank you for showing me how to style those pants! I got a pair a while back and have been failing.
Oh Miley... she's gone off the deep end! (pun not intended haha) Congrats on being done with car payments!! Isn't that the best? Oh, and I think I have the opposite problem as you, I buy WAY too much color and not enough neutrals!
Loving your sandals and that necklace. You look gorgeous!
Wow, I love how you made slouchy, casual pants look so chic! - J
ugh miley. SO GROSS! hide her from your girls!!!
You look so stunning–I'd love to wear something similar to this to work. Also, all I can say about Miley is UGH!
You look fabulous! Love the pants, love the blazer, love the top... And that necklace is gorgeous! Great fall look!
LOVE your outfit and the gold accessories. I think gold always goes so well with animal prints. :) You look super gorgeous!
You look fabulous!! Thanks so much for all the kind words:)
Whoo Hoo on almost having the car paid off!! It's a great feeling!! And loving the leopard with those pants..gorgy gorg as always :)
I love love these pants-going to try and get away with wearing them at work in this way!
Chic outfit! Love Lauren Conrad's Kohl's collection-- that blazer shared paired with the black pants and leopard print top looks great together!
Loving those pants on you Shanna! And your photos look AWESOME bigger...love it :) Annnnd I totally can't wait for 50 Shades!!
The Other Side of Gray
Loving this outfit on you, girl. That leopard is FAB!
Congrats on your car! I just paid mine off a couple of months ago, and I said the exact same thing about driving it until the wheels fall off :)
I am too excited about the 50 shades movie. I read the books entirely too fast too, haha. ;)
Your shoes are so sexy!!! I love the neutral palette, and i seriously lust over your Lim for Target bag. Jelly over load today.
I am so loving your animal print! My husband only has three more car payments, then we will only have mine...so looking forward to it!
I love your outfit, and I'm loving neutrals lately too! And I'm going to check out Noonday right now! They sound so cool!
These pants fit you so well! I'm always nervous to try them myself
I paid off my car a few months ago and it's the best feeling!! I love your blazer with your black pants!!
love this look on you, sophisticated chic :)
C's Evolution of Style
Love those pants, and the idea of no car payment!!!
such a classic and gorgeous outfit! and i LOVE that bag and blazer this! :)
Yyay for no more car payments...meanwhile I am over here just getting ready to start my first ones ever. UGH. Not really excited about that but in love with my new ride so I guess that's okay, ha!
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