This basic black and white top, which is my very first peplum purchase, goes beyond color for me today.
Here's the deal. Honestly, I am feeling burnt out and have recently let meaningless things consume, bother and tug at my heart when it comes to this whole world of online journaling.
I have made a conscious effort to keep my stresses of blogging off this blog. Ironic, I know. I am not here to vent, gripe, throw a pity party or anything else Debbie Downer-ish. I just wanted to explain to you guys why I will be absent over the next two days. Some personal time off is long overdue to rejuvenate, take care of some things I have put on the back burner and have a hiatus from blog land. As we have all said before, unplug from it all.
To me, it's black and white. I am going to post because I want to and not because I have to. Quite honestly, I don't feel like blogging the rest of this week. This is the first time in almost two years that I have taken a small break from posting or promoting guest posts.
So, I am going to spend some time with my family before I head to Houston tomorrow and then have some serious girl time at a three-day long wine fest.
I fully intend on being back here bright and early Monday morning. I am sure I won't be able to stay away from Instagram. So, maybe I am not actually taking time off because documenting anything online is considered blogging, right?
See your pretty faces in a few days.
Forever 21 Peplum top (here) // Gap Denim (here) // Target Heels (similar) (similar) // Wallis Bag c/o (here) // Forever 21 Bracelet (here) // Forever 21 Glasses (similar) // T + J Designs Watch c/o (here)
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Linking up with the Pleated Poppy.
P.S. We will never forget 12 years ago today. God bless the U.S.A. My
thoughts and prayers are with our entire country, especially those who
were directly effected on the catastrophic and unimaginable day of
September 11, 2001.

Great peplum top, I am sure we will see you add more to your closet - they are so feminine and flattering!
Enjoy your time off with your family & friends - Have a great weekend!
Enjoy your days off love, you deserve it! Cant wait to hear all about the Nordstrom event, you will do amazing! Love you so much!
Cute peplum top! Enjoy your time off! :)
Enjoy your break - you deserve it!
Hello chic! This top is amazing. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. :) xo
This top is so cute!I ran right over to the web site and added it to my cart! Super cute! And I think it may look good paired with a cardi or jacket for colder days. Am I correct? I hope you enjoy your much deserved break. Life, and blogging, can be stressful. But I wanted to let you know that your posts make a difference to me. I check your blog every morning to try to get outfit ideas. I have purchased so many items that you have suggested. You are so stylish, but I know that you are genuine and kind too - and that matters to me. So take your break and enjoy. But please come back. Moms everywhere need you(: Blessings! Susan
Have a wonderful weekend with friends and family, and know we will all be here when you get back! :)
Have a wonderful well needed time off. Balancing online and offline life can be very stressful and taking the time off to rejuvenate is the best remedy, you deserve it! have fun at the event ♥
Dee Of Ms Dee Kay
You look beautiful, as always, Shanna! Love this outfit!! As for taking time off - I recently took 3 months off from my blog. Everyone needs time off! I'm still so bummed I won't be able to see you in Houston! Have so much fun at the event, and have a fab weekend!!
Stilettos & Sequins
It is hard to not let those little things bother you...don't worry, you're not alone my friend! A break is so great every now and then. You'll feel rejuvenated and ready to go again afterwards!
Since school started, I've barely been able to keep up, so I have NO idea how you have been able to do it. You deserve a break. You work so hard at making this an amazing space.
Proud of you for making this decision & taking some (well-deserved) time off. Enjoy, relax & recharge...we will still be here when you come back :)
Loving your outfit! The peplum and heels are to die for! Thanks for having a link up!
That top is adorable! Enjoy your time at Nordstrom and your blogging break!!
I LOVE this look.
Enjoy your time away.
Enjoy the break my friend, it's totally allowed!
Taking days off is crucial to maintaining life balance and sanity. Enjoy!
You even make jeans look stunning! Love this casual, chic outfit. Great shoes!
Love this look.. U have definately inspired a look I want to make my own!
Enjoy your days off!! You certainly do work very hard at your blog and utterly deserve them. See you when you are back. Thanks so much for hosting.
Love this peplum top, you look so beautiful! Enjoy your time off. We all need a break sometimes and there is no shame in doing so. Have fun!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Good for you! Take the time you need and want to get refreshed :-)
Enjoy your personal days! We all need those once in a while to recharge. The peplum is gorgeous but I really love those heels!
Your Peplum Top is so pretty. I am on the look-out for a Black+White Printed Peplum Top. Looks perfect with the Heels. Great Look as usual.
I would love for you to stop by and check out the outfit I linked. Thanks, Ada. =)
Good for you girl! Enjoy tom's event...wishing I could be there.
Looking lovely as always. xo
Never feel guilty for taking time for yourself! I hope you enjoy your break this week and get some quality rest both in body and soul. "Me Time" is soooo important :)
Shanna, I am so sorry and honestly can't dream of anyone doing anything to you! This is what makes blogging ugly and it's so unfortunate. Thinking of you today. and take all the time you need.
Love the peplum and the heels, gorgeous! You take all the time you need, we'll be here when you get back:)
i've been feeling the same way! and then i feel silly for putting that on myself! no one is telling me i have to blog! enjoy the break!
Awwwwww you & your family deserve QT for each other. I agree blogging really takes a lot of time & effort that unplugging is so necessary. BTW, that peplum top flatters your figure in all the right places!
Love this top, you look so pretty!!
Sincerely Miss Ash
I take time off blogging all the time! It keeps me sane honestly, good for you for taking some time to yourself :) I know that you probably have so much to go through each day, sponsorship, advertising, etc. so it is probably hard to not keep at it all the time!
I totally understand wanting to take a blogging break! Blogging is definitely hard work and it can burn you out sometimes. Enjoy your time off!
The Tiny Heart
Good for you (coming from someone who takes a LOT of breaks) :)! I hope you enjoy your time away and you look stunning as usual!
Good for you gurlie! We all need a break and need to just live life without taking pictures of every little thing or setting things up just right for blog photos. Sometimes it's nice to just relax at night and not even look at the computer ;-)
Good for you lady! We all need to step away and disconnect from the world from time to time. Hope you have a wonderful break!
First time to link up with you. Great blog! Enjoy your break! ~Ann
Tarnished Royalty
that top is gorgeous, i love the print!
Sandy a la Mode
I am a firm believer in taking time off from blogging! Enjoy it :)
ALSO - three day wine fest in Houston this weekend?? I need to research that!
You go girl! Enjoy your time!! Good luck tomorrow, hope its lots and lots of fun!!
You deserve a break, Shanna. No one will fault you for it! And you look beautiful in the peplum top. Have a great weekend, and I hope you have a great time in Houston and are able to relax a little. All the best with the event tomorrow night! xoxox
Hi Shanna! I just discovered your blog and linked up for the first time :)
I LOVE peplum tops and yours is adorable!
this top is amazing and you look gorgeous in it! Love those heels.
Have a great break away from it all! I think we all let it consume us a little too much sometimes and a break is needed!
Sooo stinking cute. LOVE those heels, and that peplum top!! You're a beauty, ma'am.
I understand your need to break; I took a few days recently as well. Mainly because life sometimes requires you to slow down and re-prioritize. Doesn't mean you don't love it any less, just need to hit refresh.
Enjoy your blogging break. We all need a little time off sometimes. Love that peplum top. Adorable!
That's your break? I take 2 days off from blogging every week. More! But then again I'm a little old blog so I can do that. Enjoy it lady!! You have definitely earned it. Love those boyfriend jeans. I got a pair at Old Navy and I want to wear them every week. BTW-I bought something at Wallis last week and I totally thought of you because I would have never found out about the place were it not for you.
Love that you are taking personal time, we all need it. Blogging can be SO time consuming with writing, marketing, keeping up with the rest of our favorite writers it is ALOT to take on.
Have fun on your break, you SOOOOO deserve it!
We all need a break now and then-- enjoy your time off, Shanna!
Love the outfit, especially the heels--- too cute! :)
Such a cute top- you can definitely dress it both up and down easily!
New here and happy to have found the blog and link up. Those heels are adorable!
I love this outfit! Super cute and casual yet uber stylish. You look gorgeous!
Enjoy your break, lady–you deserve it!
p.s. I'm loving the relaxed, casual fit of these jeans. They're great on you!
such a classic look that looks amazing on YOU!
Come check out this single mom I'm featuring and I'd love love LOVE it if you'd be so kind to like her fb page?
I love this peplum and boyfriend jean look, Shanna :) You always look amazing! Every one needs a few mental health days every now and then! You'll feel great once you take a break! The winefest will cure all! Hope you have a fab rest of the week and lots of fun this weekend!
Love you, pretty lady!! Relax and enjoy your blog-break. You deserve it!
Girl, you deserve it! Take a few days for you!! Love hat peplum, so pretty!
You look fabulous! Enjoy your time off.
That´s such a fantatsic combination Shanna, you look really cool! :)
Look at you in ants! I'm so used to you in dresses and skirts. Love it. You're feelin more "real" to me.
Shanna! Peplum is amazing on you!! I love this look.
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