Hi, friends! I am back from a little vacation away from blogland. It was exactly what I needed to recharge and get my mind back on track. I was hoping to give all of you a recap of the Nordstrom event that I attended last Thursday, but I am waiting on a few photos from the team. I will share all the details tomorrow.
Instead of fashion, you get my friends and some wine festival fun. I haven't done a weekend recap in weeks and I forgot how much I love writing these posts and documenting life's memories.
This past weekend, twelve of us headed to Grapevine for the annual Grapefest. It's a four day festival on the streets of downtown. I had never been before and it was more than I expected. Yes, there was wine, lots of it. That was the whole point, but it was so much more. Blocks of shopping. Calorie filled carnival food. Live music. Winery shuttle tours. A dream come true, right? Wine, friends, shopping....the best therapy for any girl.

Our first day we decided to participate in a friendly competition of grape stomping. There were just enough spots for all of us to play. I haven't screamed, chanted, laughed or talked smack like that in a long time. It was hilarious and my legs wanted to fall off after we were done. I tell you, one minute of doing that is a serious calorie burner.

Winner winner, chicken dinner, my girl Sarah and I won with 22 oz. of grape juice in a pitcher. We may or may not have gloated just a little. We went back at 8:00 PM that night and competed for the grand champion grape stomping title. I new we were gonna take them all down and show how it's done. Nope, we lost, but that's okay, because the best part was having our friends cheer us on and create enough noise to stop passerbys in their tracks. Here's proof. God, I love those girls of mine.
Saturday we put our rally caps on and headed back for day two. We visited a few wineries in the area, did a lot more shopping and drank a little more wine. We ate at the the cutest little cafe called Farina's. I highly recommend it and their frozen sangria if you are ever in the area.

Cheers to another fun and memorable girls weekend. Only 362 more days until we return. Grapefest 2013, you were real and too much fun.
P.S. Thanks Kelli, for being a killer trip planner and keeping us "on task". I love you, ladies. I hope this post made you smile.
Looks like such a fun weekend!
How fun!! There is nothing like some girl time to recharge your batteries and fill up your tank. Girlfriends provide us with certain things that other people just can't. I am glad you have fun and I am glad you are back. I missed your posts! Blessings! Susan
Aww, this looks like SO much fun - glad you had a relaxing weekend with much-needed girl time (the best)! :)
Wine stomping looks like a lot of fun (plus anything that involves wine is great to me!)
SO FUN! Girl's weekends are the best!!!!
How fun!!!! Wine stomping would have been a lot of fun. Glad you had an amazing time with the girls :)
Sincerely Miss Ash
This is so much fun! I'v never done anything like that before. Glad your break helped you out!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Fun Pictures.
Love them
check out my blog
That looks like a ton of fun! The stomping is a freaking hoot.
Seriously, what a super fun weekend! Yay for winning stomping competition!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I want to go stomp grapes with you!
I live in the area and have always wanted to go. Maybe next year. :)
OMG that looks like a complete blast!
It looks like y'all had such a blast!! i was there thursday and had never been before- it was too fun!
How fun!
This took me right back in time...my dad made homemade wine for years when I was growing up. I thought he was crazy being in that barrel!
Pretty much anything referred to as "grapefest" is an A++ even in my book. Looks like a blast (I'm so jealous there was grape stomping!).
So much fun! I've always wanted to do a grape stomping :)
Grapefest is so much fun! I used to live in one of the towns right near there!
This looks like something I would just LOVE! My girlfriends and I went on a wine tour earlier this year, but this is awesome!
This sounds like such a fun weekend!!! Congrats on winning!
This looks like SO much fun! The wine stomping is something I'd love to do! And drink all the wine of course :)
The Tiny Heart
I have always wanted to stomp on grapes! Looks like such a fun time!
I need to find a place here in NC that does grape stomping. That looked like fun!
Who on EARTH came up with this amazing festival? I need to go!
This sounds so fun!! Stomping on grapes will always remind me of I love Lucy! haha hope you had fun :)
This is so, so awesome Shanna!!!! I'm so glad you were able to get away and relax and have some girl time!
Looks like a blast! I'm jealous!
Sooooo much fun!!! I've always wanted to do a grape stomp!
how fun!! thats what was missing from my own wine-filled vacation....grape stomping!!! glad you had a well-deserved break!!
We all need a little R&R from time to time. I'm glad you took the time you needed for yourself!
that sounds so neat! They had Blissdom at the Gaylord so that first pic brings back memories!!
SO sad I didn't make it out there, looks like it was an amazing time! Glad you had fun with your girls though :-)
I LOVE Grapefest! I was actually there Friday night. I wish I had known you were going to be in town!
Looks like you girls had an absolute blast! :)
Haha nice work on the win.
looks like loads of fun, happy to see you had a great time to recharge.
Ms Dee Kay
It so makes me think of Lucille Ball! Glad you got a little break ;)
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