Today is all about happy thoughts and happy prizes. I want every single person that reads this post today to say out loud at least one time today, "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Deal? Deal!
I'll be honest here, I about pulled my hair out trying to get this post ready because of two little munchkins that I call my children. I can't tell you how many times I started, stopped, started, stopped and finally finished writing this post. I just kept sending myself to happy places....thinking of all the things that didn't entice me to whip out the whooping paddle...yes, we have one. Judge away.
Back to the happy part. Miss Jenni, has been doing a blog every day in May link up (most brilliant blog idea ever) and I thought I would hop on the train. Today's topic: Ten things that make you all kinds of happy.
Here's my short list. They are the first ones that popped into my head while trying to break up a 5-year-old and 8-year-old from a wrestling match.
1. Summer nights under the Texas stars, preferably in a pool or in a lake.
2. That my ever so loving husband doesn't have a problem with taking on 50% of the household/parenting duties. My ode to him is "Whatta Man" from the one and only Salt-n-Pepa
3. When my children behave and act like civilized human beings.
4. Seeing my mom and dad still hold hands.
5. Two tacos from Jack in the Box.
6. White sandy beaches, crystal blue water with some sort of "mommy" drink in my hand.
7. The entire album of Prince's "Purple Rain"...okay, ANYTHING from Prince.
8. Retail therapy of any kind....take me to a store or lose me forever.
9. Being blemish free for more than two weeks. TMI? Just trying to be honest here.
10. Laughing until I cry with my girlfriends on a patio somewhere with no men or kids. Chatting about things only women chat about...use your imagination.
And one to grow on...
11. My amazing sponsors that so graciously offer up some fabulosa prizes each and every month. I seriously don't know what I would do without their smiling faces on my blog day in and day out.

Living in Yellow - 200 x200 Ad Space
The Serena Saga - $20 Visa Gift Card
Lipgloss & Crayons - 1 Month Ad Space

Sami's Shenanigans - $10 Gift Card Winner's Choice & Ad Space
Keeping Up with the Cyperts - $10 Gift Card & Ad Space
Lets Get Bananas - 2 Months Ad Space

Mrs. in Training - $25 Target Gift Card
Treasure Tromp - 1 Month Ad Space
Litva's Jewelry - $20 Gift Certificate to Litva's Jewlery

Venus Trapped in Mars - $15 Sephora Gift Card
Pursuit of Pink - $15 Amazon Gift Card
I Wore Yoga Pants to Work - 1 Month Ad Space

A Complete Waster of Makeup - $10 Starbucks & 1 Month Ad Space
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I like the last one's always nice to have a fun-filled, long convo Girl's night out with laughter....and drinks :). And #6 is also a happy place :)
Drinks with life long friends.
I LOVE seeing older couples holding hands! My grandparents still hold hands and it makes me melt. And I'm sure YOUR children always act like civilized human beings. Haha. :)
Great song choice for the man! That one takes me back too!
haha at #3!
Yayy for the giveaway!!!
I can't tell you how many times I start writing a post or email and stop because of the boys. Actually as I was typing this comment, I had to stop because one was playing in the dishwasher. Eh.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Ahh what I'd give to be blemish free for 5 days. If I keep stressing, that will never happen.
Out under the stars yes yes yes.
I love being zit free. This is unfortunately NOT one of those times for me. WAH.
Having a 50% partner is totally awesome. Kudos to your husband not only for being that to you, but for showing your girls that that's what it's all about.
My dogs make me happy because they're always in a good mood :)
The Tiny Heart
Target Giveaway!
My parents still hold hands too and I love it. I love seeing grandparents do that too, it's just the sweetest. And I agree with #2, except I'm not sure my husband willingly does it all.. I just make it think it's his idea. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I agree with all of these, and I'd give anything to be blemish free right now. My hormones are going crazy!
The Grass Skirt Blog
Entered what I could- I don't use GFC :(
I'm really happy that I'll be home in less than a month!
I love a good workout! And I'm not gonna lie, my motto could be Take me to a store or lose me forever too!
Gahh I would love to be blemish free for more than 2 weeks too! Grr!
My daughter! I LOVE being a mom and she makes me smile constantly.
Oh my goodness and here I though I was the only one who jammed out to the Purple Rain movie!! It was on Netflix a few months ago and I had the volume full blast!!! LOVE IT!
Sitting around a bonfire on a cool summer night having drinks with friends & family :)
Ah! Sometimes I need to be reminded that life is for living and get out of my doom-and-gloom.
Being with my friends and family makes me really happy!
Lots of things make me happy- I did a post on my top ten here:
Thanks for co-hosting such a fabulous giveaway!
I'm glad to know that my boys aren't the only kids that wrestle!! I do love summer nights...we're not quite there yet, but I'm really looking forward to them!
Watching my cat lose his freakin' mind over catnip. That is awesome.
aww so important to remember the things that make us happy. i've had a stressful few weeks so i try to do some things i enjoy to take my mind off it and remember all the good things. thanks to you and your sponsors for this great giveaway!
-- please vote! - shoe styling contest
My husband, my family and shopping make me happy. I love to laugh too! It doesn't even have to be much. There are a lot of little simple things in life that keep us happy.
i love, love, love Prince. what a great music artist. ( :
Such a big giveaway!!! And you crack me up! ;)
PRINCE! I recently discovered a throw-back station and they play prince at least 2x a day (well when I am listening...probably SO MUCH MORE!). And tacos. Those are the best and most disgusting tacos in the world.
EEeeeek. It's hard to choose ONE thing that makes me happy. As of lately it's been SUNSHINE! There's nothing better than walking outside to a beautiful, sunny day! :)
Retail therapy is hiiiigh on my happy list!! :)
What makes me REALLY happy is my little guy. He's the light of my life
Seeing all the fun things you're giving away makes me happy! :) Thanks for doing this!
YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out! Thank you for bringing the sunshine! xoxo
Being blemish free definitely makes me happy too, girl!
Love the giveaway too!
Trying a new restaurant makes me happy :)!
My family!
My healthy and growing little bean makes me happy!
xo, Kathryn Laine
The thing that makes me as happy as a kid on Christmas, is when my 16 yr old daughter tells her friends that she tells me everything. She does tell me everything, but the fact that she isn't embarrassed about it makes me so very proud of her, and of our relationship.
(that is a legit answer, ahahah)
SUNSHINE! Makes me realllllly happy. Regular kind of happy is usually achieved by acute dog. :)
Haha! Number 3 is so funny. Makes me think of my nieces.
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