Wallis Dress (exact) (option) // Target Sandals (exact) (option) // Target Hat (option) (option) // Stella & Dot Earrings (option) (option)
Are you afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone? Do you want to take a leap, but you're are afraid? Afraid of failure, humiliation, an awkward moment or believe that you aren't good enough?
Yep, I am the same way, or at least I was up until a few years ago.
Let me tell ya that this post might turn into a lengthy one. Not sure where it's gonna go, I just plan to type until I let it all out. Hope you stay with me. It could possibly change your way of thinking. Who knows.
It all began in the sixth grade. I mentioned this once before, so I am sorry if you already read this piece of my life. Anyway, back to sixth grade. I tried out for cheerleader. Only two girls from my school made the squad. I never wanted anything so much in my entire 12 years of life. I made myself sick about it. I campaigned, made signs, did a couple of toe touches and landed a round off. All my friends said they voted for me. I just knew I was going to be an Alvin Junior High Mustang cheerleader.
Well, folks, I didn't make the cut. Embarrassingly enough, I am still a little bitter about it to this very day. I still call politics on this one. Regardless, that very moment in my childhood put a scar on my heart that took a long time to heal. I never wanted to feel like a loser or failure ever again.
That incident deterred me from really ever wanting to "try out" for anything ever again. I was heartbroken. I was embarrassed. I was PISSED that I failed and didn't win. It was a shot to the ego...yes, I had an ego at twelve years old. I don't like to lose. It's not because I think I should win every competition or feat that I participate in, it's because when I go for something, my mentality is GO BIG or GO HOME. I put every ounce of all my being into it. And when it doesn't turn out how I want it to, I may or may not throw a tantrum and think my life is over.
Isn't it ironic how one small incident from your childhood could brand your brain in such a messed up way? It's crazy to think that not making the cheer squad could mold and shape my way of thinking for so many years...years that led into my adulthood...up until a year-and-a-half ago. After that humiliation, I honestly believed that I wasn't good enough to win anything. I didn't have the courage to put myself out there. My "GO BIG OR GO HOME" state of mind was lost. For so many years, I took the back seat. I played it safe. I stayed in my comfort zone. I laid low. Looking back I am kicking myself that I let something so small run me off from so many opportunities. Perhaps it was the thought of losing again and having my
Fast forward to many, many years later. I overcame my fears of rejection and finally decided to bring my "GO BIG" syndrome back home. I will say, it felt really good to sit down and actually type out my new found bravery.
Taking risks both in my professional and personal life.
Standing up for myself and shouting from the roof tops how I feel about certain situations.
Starting a blog. Props to all bloggers. It takes serious guts to post pictures of yourself and share your life for anyone and everyone to see.
Not taking it personal when I lose a follower on my blog or social media. I will never stop being me, posting about my life and what I love. If you can't be true to yourself, then who the heck are you going to be true to?
Competing in the Wallis U.S. Blogger Ambassador contest. This was GINORMOUS for me to put myself "out there" like I did.
Talking to friends about serious topics that were weighing on my heart.
Wearing a fedora and a high low dress in a blog post. Silly one, I know, but both firsts for me. #steppingoutofcomfortzone
Going places by myself, which leads me to the next part of this post.
Last week, a friend asked if I wanted to attend a show for Austin Fashion Week. He was photographing it and could get a pass for me to get in. I wanted to go, but didn't REALLY want to go by myself. I don't like flying solo. Anywhere. I need a wing woman. I hate being The Lone Ranger, but I thought, this could be an opportunity to meet new people, make new contacts, interact locally and see some amazing fashion. So, why not? You can do this, Shanna. And so I did. I went. By myself. Not knowing a single solitary sole besides my friend Jared, who was working.
I am so thankful I did. I DID NOT feel like a loser. I DID NOT feel out of place. I DID NOT feel insecure (okay, maybe for a minute). I felt like a woman stepping out and not caring what anyone thought. I wanted to go see fashion, make new contacts and do something for myself....alone.
I walked up to strangers, designers, photographers and anyone else who would talk to me. I introduced myself, struck up conversations, passed out a few cards, managed to make a few new friends and witnessed some stellar fashion. Take a look. All runway pictures were taken by my talented friend Jared Tennant Photography.

If you take away anything from this winded post, remind yourself that it's okay to step out of your "norm". Go after something no matter how much it may frighten you. If you don't take risks, set fears aside and JUST DO IT, you might be missing out on opportunities and chances that only come around once in your life.
In my "old" age, I have come to terms with the "I don't give a you-know-what" attitude. If there is something I want to do, something I want to share, something I want a piece of, I am going for it. I might scrape my knee a little, get bruised here and there, but maybe, just maybe during that small fall I will rise to things I never thought I could.
So, put the past in the past. Shoot for the stars. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled. Don't let the fear of failure be your roadblock. Because let's be honest, how many times did some of the most successful and historical legends fail before they found triumph?
**If you are linking up today, I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link
back to it in your post. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Good for you! You're awesome and should be confident! I'm horrible at standing up for myself. People get away with way too much and I really shouldn't let them walk all over me. It's been something I've unsuccessfully been working on my whole life.
Loving the dress. The print looks so much like one that we carry at my work!
I am the same way. I have anxiety about going anywhere by myself, not the 2nd time around, mind you..but always the first time around. I don't know where it comes from, but it's uncomfortable. I make myself attend and most of the time I find my "place" (there have been only a few occasions where I walked away thinking..yep, you should've just stayed at least I tried!) But one thing I have learned in my adult life is that no one else is going to provide you with opportunities unless you put yourself out there. (well, some people are lucky...other's work at it and make everyone else think that they are lucky.) Anyways, you gotta roll out your own red carpet. That's my motto. :) xoxo
The "older" I get, the more I feel like this. When I look at all of the things I have done in the past year, I still cannot believe it! One of those things was contacting you. I can never express to you what a difference you made, how much my confidence improved. I plan to continue this "just do it" attitude. As long as God continues to prompt me, I will continue to follow! Love ya!!
Glad you got yourself out of the comfort zone and took some risks Shanna!! I don't really enjoying attending events by myself either. What I try to think about is probably most of the people in the room feels the same way so just go up to them and make it a great event.
Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone! You never know what you are capable of if you don't push yourself. You look fabulous in that hat and I LOVE those sandals!
I tried that same dress on a few days ago :) You look gorgeous! I've always had that feel of failure aswell (my post today talks about similar things). You've done so well and have every reason to be confident but I know exactly wha you mean about the anxiety! Love the photos from the show, what a great opportunity :) x
Shanna - I have a similar experience with not making the cheerleading squad two years in a row. It hurts still. I am a go for it girl, and I don't think it changed that part of me but it was a total blow to my ego for sure. There were politics involved too, but what can you do. I love that you share these pieces of you life, it is touching others for sure!
that's AWESOME, shanna!! i definitely have a few moments from my childhood similar to yours that scarred me for life - but i've used those moments as fuel for growing, getting better, and changing into the woman i know the Lord wants me to be. :) you are so gorgeous, btw! that dress is amazing!
I'm so glad you went to the show!
I think we all have those scarring moments from growing up...not all of us overcome them. I'm proud of you for putting it all out there on your blog and also for putting yourself out there.
Love this look so fun and tropical!!
Fashion week is something that i always want to go through! im glad you got to go with a friend! it the photos look amazing and you look great!!
I am SO glad you didn't let that silly cheerleading tryout stop you from doing big things. It is amazing how one little life event can hinder us from doing BIG things. Go girl! That event looks fun and you looked rockin! :)
I like this attitude, my friend!! It really is crazy how one childhood incident can change our whole way of's happened to all of us. I definitely think you're a role model for a "go get 'em" attitude, and I appreciate that.
You look fantastic in your hi-low dress!!
Loved this post, Shanna! And both that fedora and hi-low hem dress look great on you! So, clearly, stepping out of your comfort zone pays off! :)
Stilettos & Sequins
I have such a similar story and let it fester and keep me down for a really long time. THank you for sharing. Stepping out of your comfort zone just gets easier over time. I'm about to do it real soon with some changes on my own blog/life.
I really love that I found your blog and it has quickly become one of my favorites. I'm an "old" blogger (2004!) and I don't find a lot of new stuff I like lately. You are a true find.
Love it! Wing women are good (I like them myself) but it's healthy to test yourself like that every once in awhile! Scary, but good.
Gorgeous dress and a great reminder! Stepping out of your comfort zone is when great things can happen :)
you loook stunning. I would have never thought of pairing a tropical dress with a hip fedora. It looks amazing, but your outfits always amaze me! you look stunning :)
What a pretty dress. So tropical.
i'm so proud of you! i'd be nervous!! you look so cute in that hat! i love it!
As far as the going somewhere by yourself, yeah I get nervous about that. Good for you for going alone and taking charge. You rock, woman. And I'm super in love with this look. You look awesome!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Shanna, I seriously heart you :) I can totally relate to this post...I tried out for cheerleader in 5th grade and the same thing happened...I didn't make the team and was heartbroken. I actually somehow made myself try out again though, and ended up cheering all the way through college and was captain of my HS and college team...I like thinking about that little girl who somehow managed to have the guts to put herself back out there...and it helps me remember I DO have courage and I can make things happen if I want to :) Anywho...I hate flying solo too...but it looks like you had an amazing time! And how cute are you in that fabulous dress and fedora?! LOVE!
The Other Side of Gray
LOVELY wallis dress! I used to try out for plays. When I was meek and mild I never got parts. I had to swallow a proud pill to get what I wanted.
Thanks for this lady! My problem isn't making myself try more things, mine is finding one that I am in love with! Keep on trucking is my new motto!!
Shanna - you are such an inspiration, both for style and for life! I'm SOO glad you put yourself out there, and look how far you've come! I bet you've taken more risks than you think, but you don't let yourself think that way. Continue to be brave, take chances, and live life!
I loved this post so much. It's so hard to step out because the fear of rejection or losing, but ultimately we cannot change without trying.
Oh, and as a side note, I live near Alvin (kinda)! Haha!
Good for you Shanna! I would definitely say that takes {ahem} b...nerve. I would be dang proud of myself!
Looking lovely. xo
Good for you, Shanna! I am really not a fan of going places myself either-and I don't know why, really. I think I am going to be brave like you and do something like that sometime soon.
Kudos, girl.
And that dress is just fabulous.
Aw, I can relate to so much in this post! I feel like over the last few years I have had to push myself so far out of my comfort zone! I'm naturally pretty introverted and shy! CONGRATS on going to the show by yourself - that's awesome! Hopefully the start of many more adventures! Also, you are ROCKING the fedora! It looks so, so cute on you!
Shanna you are fabulous! Love that dress and hat on you, seriously adorable. And LOVE your attitude. I was SO proud that you went to the event by yourself, I'm not sure I'm able to do that, but you've totally inspired me. If Shanna can do it, I can do it.. right?!
Also, I tried out for the cheerleading squad in 4th grade. I made it... but then again, everyone did. HA. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I'm about to get all mushy on you... you are warned! I absolutely love seeing all these pictures of you living your dreams at fashion weeks and the Wallis gig. You look so truly happy and I could not be happier for you! You deserve it!
girl you be looking like a movie star!!
thanks for hosting!
I love this post Shanna. I am a super outgoing person. But sometimes I just don't put myself out there like you said. I have a huge fear of rejection. But it's important to just do it. I so look up to you!
Good for you, Shanna! That is awesome that you went to the fashion show and had a wonderful time! I also have a major fear of going to things by myself. I'm pretty shy and I like to have at least one person I know with me!
The Tiny Heart
Target Giveaway!
oh shanna! you look SOOO amazing in that dresss!!!!
Sandy a la Mode
oh shanna! you look SOOO amazing in that dresss!!!!
Sandy a la Mode
Love this dress! The cute and print are perfect for summer.
you're looking gorgeous in floral!
kw ladies in navy
enter our giveaway!
Awesome thoughts....awesome maxi!!!!
What a fabulous dress! I would be nervous trying to pull off a pattern like this, but you nail it flawlessly!
Great post! I agree, sometimes you just have to put yourself out there! I remember the first time I went to the movie by myself and the first time I ate at a restaurant by myself..scary at first, but very liberating that I can do things by myself. Good for you!
You're such a great role model and inspiration!
PS I love that fedora with the dress. I would have never thought of that but you've got a great eye for fashion and rock it!
You're such an amazing woman! I am completely opposite in that I am never afraid to go anywhere by myself, but I always love making a friend tag along who is more shy. We both benefit because they keep me reeled in and I bring them out of their shell!
God is good and you are a perfect person just the way He made you!
I went through a very similar situation in high school and let it affect me for years. I'm so thankful that I (and you!) got over it! And you rock for going to Fashion Week alone. Seriously, awesome. I don't think I would have been so brave!
The Grass Skirt
That's so cool! I'm generally terrified to go to any social event alone. It takes a lot of confidence to show up solo. I've experienced so much rejection in my life it's not even funny!! And actually I think it's a good thing because it builds character. It's not just a saying!
Loved this post Shanna! I started going to the movies by myself when my husband was deployed and I realized no one cared or looked, baby steps! PS this outfit makes me want to go on vacation :)
I used to be the same way. I was shy and worried way too much about being rejected in any way, shape or form. Then I got older (specifically in college) and did a complete 180 and I'm so glad I did. And you are so right- putting photos of yourself or personal stories out there IS hard! :)
Sometimes taking risks has big rewards. Like you said, JUST DO IT! Great post and nice outfit. :-)
Who is that girl Mo?
Okay, first: you are ROCKING the high-low dress and fedora! ;) Second: I read the entire post and loved every second of it. Thanks for sharing, Shanna! It was really inspiring to me! It can be SO SCARY to go anywhere "alone" or to put yourself out there and to just DO IT, and you've really inspired me to let go of silly fears, because they only hold you back. THANK YOU.
love this post, Shanna! i may not always comment, but i read every post and always leave your blog feeling inspired. <3
PS. LOVE the dress and fedora.
I tried out for the dance team in high school - pretty much because my friends did. lol I have zero dancing experience and stayed up until 4am practicing the routine. You are so right - just do it!
This dress is charming and perfect for you. I loved the confessional on the "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" history of your attempts at greatness. hahahaha. I am not making fun. I am not. You are very accomplished at your age. We all are, actually, aren't we. To even have a blog at my age astounds me!
That dress is beautiful! I also love those sandals. I got them awhile ago and wore them on our trip to Cuba. Love them!
I am so so proud of you! Seriously, you are so amazing and inspire me daily. Love you shan!
Great post! Good for you! I feel the same way and dislike going to events or functions by myself. I always feel so awkward that i won't know anyone. you are inspiring!
This dress is absolutely gorgeous and looks STUNNING on you! I WANT IT SO BADLY! And what great advice... I am always trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone. It is scary, but you always gain more when you do more!
You GO girl!! I also hate to go to events by myself. Even though we have moved numerous times and I am good at meeting people, I still don't like it!! Guess at some point in my life I'll have to get used to it...or maybe not! :) Love the dress AND the hat!!
way to go girl. it is totally amazing how somethign when you're younger can have such a big impact on you-i have plenty of those things of my own!
way to be an amazing blogger and putting yourself out there!
I LOVE doing things by myself! It's so liberating! :) I'm proud of you!
Love that you're always so real! I struggle when it comes to putting myself out there - this is a good reminder to "just do it" :)
You are gorgeous in this outfit!! You look great in the hat! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets hung up on past "failures". There are a couple things that happened throughout school that really made me upset and now I would consider myself a "play it safe" kinda person. I haven't really taken any risks. I really admire you Shanna for putting yourself out there!
Jeans and a Teacup
I hate being the lone ranger too. Honestly, it gives me anxiety just thinking about it - and I'm not even a shy person! So seriously, props to you for having the guts to do that.
I've realized that to be a better blogger, and really, a better, more whole person, you have to say "yes" to more opportunities you normally wouldn't. I'm starting to slowly just say yes to just about anything. I mean, why not? I don't want to be the one holding myself back.
Hm. That was oddly therapeutic to write, LOL!
I loved reading your story of over coming the rejection you felt from when you were young. I, and I'm sure many others, can totally relate. I'm working at it daily and I hope to one day make as much progress as you!
I'm so happy you took that opportunity to attend the fashion show solo! Saying YES to these little things can lead to BIG connections and life moments :) Good for yoU!
love this! i think i have been burned by not winning/getting some of the things that i strive for and it makes me nervous to put myself out there again. but you're right - that means that we could totally miss out on some awesomeness. and i hate going places alone too but trying to get better at that as well!
-- please vote! shoe styling contest
Here I am with the waterworks again! I completely get where you are coming from and I have had a similar bad experience as a child too. It really scarred me and I have so much trouble putting myself out there now. Even on my blog, I'm sure you can tell that I don't get very personal often. And I love the idea of doing something like the Wallis Ambassador Contest but I have never had the guts to try it out. I'm always worried about the negative things - people making fun of me, or only getting one vote, etc. I take it personally when I lose a follower too, it's hard not to. BUT I think it's amazing that you went by yourself to the show! And that you got to attend in the first place! Huge kudos to you Shanna! You are always such an inspiration to me!
i love this post, Shanna!
i couldn't agree more with your attitude - sometimes going after what we truly want can be so scary but we always end up missing out if we play it safe! i've learned this lesson myself
Couldn't have said it better myself. I feel the exact same way about every single thing you said and actually have a draft saved to one day write my post. Still finding the courage for things. ; )
I totally know how you feel.When i first go to new places I prefer going with someone, then i don't feel so ackward. Love your outfit today.
Hi Shanna! It's my first time posting a comment - I tend to be one of those "lurkers" but I absolutely loved today's post - so I'm stepping out of the shadows. I have always been pretty shy and a little reserved. It makes it hard to put myself out there because I always feel socially awkward and unsure. But I totally agree with you, on how important it is to push past those fears and just do it anyway. While your in the midst it always feels so hard, but afterwards (no matters what happens) its a victory because you took the hard road and put yourself out there. Your words are even more inspiration to keep pushing forward bulldozing a trail to my dreams.
Love your positivity - you literally shine through all of your posts! And I just bought your sandals (in green) last week. Love them!
Merch Maven
I have a feeling you will wear this dress a ton this summer!
Shanna you look just beautiful stepping out of your comfort zone. I think the fedora is giving you a little bit of 'tude ;)
LOVE this look! and also i seriously suck at stepping out of my comfort zone. i do it almost never because i am a big fat chicken. i really need to change that.
So well written. It's hard to get out of my shell but when I do it I'm always glad I did!! Thanks for a great piece!!
Erin @
Oh, I love this post. First, that outfit is fierce - I love hats and the whole thing just looks fabulous.
I am also holding on to bitterness from various points in my life, which all have to do with singing and many times there were politics involved there, too.
I really need to step out of my comfort zone. I'm so glad you did!
Love the dress and i think those sandals became a blogger sandal because i got them too!!
I think with my Master's I put myself out there becasue it took a lot to do and finish, no matter how many times i wanted to take a year off or a semester off.
i'm glad you ahve stepped out of your comfort zone because you are amazing!!
Fantastic post, Shanna! I am glad you stepped out of your comfort zone to go to the show! And to wear that AMAZING dress. LOVES.
Love that you are having such a blast deserve it :) And also LOVE this outfit! I have the I just need a cute floral maxi and hat ;)
Great dress! I'm trying to blast through my comfort zone myself. Good luck!
I found you through Mummy Chronicles.
Good for you, girl! I am the same - I do not fly solo. At all. You've inspired me to go out and do something fun for myself though!
Also, this was your first time wearing a fedora?! You're rockin' it love!!!
I have a couple of things that shaped some things in my life especially when the happen so young. But look at you now .. Fearless. I can only dream to be like you and as beautiful.
I'm so proud of you for going to the fashion show alone. I agree with you and typically I steer clear of going along places...I think I need to muster up some courage! L-O-V-E this dress too!!!! Perfect for my upcoming vacation!
I am with you on the childhood trauma situation. It took me a while to get over things that scared me during my childhood, as lame as some of them are. But I'm glad to see you outgrew that because I love your style. Especially that first dress, so unique and just plain awesome. Thanks for the link up party!
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