Dress: c/o Sass My Style // Shoes: Old Navy (option) (option) // Clutch: Banana Republic Outlet (option) (option) // Bracelet: Gift from Yi-Chia (option) // Necklace: GroopDealz (option)
The last few Random Wednesdays have strayed from it's original intent...and that's to be completely random with my thoughts and life happenings. I guess part of me wants to say I have had writer's block and the other part wants to say it's because I am torn with where I want to take my blog. I will elaborate more on that in a minute.
Let me begin with a little weekend recap that I didn't have time to prepare for on Monday. Better late than never.
If you follow me on the Insta you already know that I attended Girl Scout Camp 2013 with my oldest daughter. I love her, well both of my girls, more than life itself so I figure that sometimes it's required to take one for the team when it comes to the circle of parenthood. Let's just say that the daytime went better than expected, but the nighttime (aka sleeping arrangements) was another story.
It was an experience for the books and Logan was so happy that I was with her. It was a priceless bonding experience and I am proud of myself for sucking it up. Sometimes you just have to buck up and put your big girl panties on when it comes to your kids.
Next on the list is Lone Star Jam. Holy Mother of Texas Music. It was a two day jam and sadly I missed Saturday due to motherly duties; being a mom trumps being a music festival goer. If you live in the Austin area, please make sure to snag tickets for next year. The venue was perfect, plenty of lawn and standing room space, amazing acoustics, stellar musicians, plenty of port-o-potties, short beverage lines and super reasonably priced tickets. A few headliners included: Bob Schneider, Cory Morrow, Jack Ingram, Aaron Watson, Josh Abbott Band, Kevin Fowler, Randy Rogers and Stoney LaRue and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It was "The Nuts, Bro". You know this saying if you read this from last week.

Okay, now for a few other tidbits:
**Best dry shampoo EVER. Thanks, Ashley for this tip. I have already gone through half of a can. I have tried many and Not Your Mother's is the champ and it's NOT EXPENSIVE. That name, who wouldn't buy it for that alone?
**This one is on a more serious note and maybe I should save it for another day because this post is already long enough. I am having identity issues with my blog. I want it to go one way, but that means I could possibly let other topics slip through the cracks. I feel like I am trying to not only stay true to myself, but please so many others at the same time. I want my blog to grow. I dream of bigger things. I work REALLY hard at what I do. I take it seriously, more than any "job" I have EVER had. I am so torn on what to do or what not to do. I see other "style" bloggers not post a single thing about their personal life, stick to 100% fashion oriented posts and they are crazy successful. Then there is me...who enjoys chatting about my life, my kids and my every day. I want to stay relatable, but professional at the same time. To be taken seriously from brands is important to me, but so are my readers and what I want to read on my own blog ten years from now. I am struggling to find a balance. Suggestions are welcomed.
**Now onto brighter topics. Blogging has reconnected me to so many people; past co-workers, high school friends, previous neighbors and college friends, Lindsey in particular. She opened her own clothing store called Sass My Style and oh my Lordy, it is amazing. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING is less than $39.00. Yes, you read that right. The quality is superb and she updates her shop selection constantly. I already have about five things on my "must buy" list. The dress I am wearing is from her shop and I have a few more looks from her store up my sleeve. Check out this dress she named after moi....talk about flattery. Super adorable, right?
Sass My Style is offering one friend the chance to win $50 in store credit. You will want to enter every possible way for this giveaway. Just wait until you see her shop, then you will know what I am talking about. The winner of this is one lucky gal!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So, another long one for the books. Thanks for hanging with me today.
**If you are linking up today, I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link
back to it in your post. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
you are one hot mama!! That dress is beautiful on you. & I am soooo glad you ladies had a great weekend at camp. Logan is just perfect!! LOVE YOU!
I love all the bright colors!! The dress and pics are darling :) I have been totally MIA for the last two weeks so as soon as I post this I am reading all about LONDON!!! AHHH!
Girl Scout Camp? Melt my heart. My lil lady is 3.5 and I can't wait for her to be all grown up and going to camps and such!! But I want her to stay small at the same time...bittersweet I guess!!! LOL.
Anyway, I hear ya on the blog identity thing, but I honestly do like seeing the life of the blogger, personally. It makes you so much more connectable and real!!! If it was just biz-nasss all the time then I don't think we would get a well-rounded idea of who we are following!!!
Loving Millie in green! And girl...do whatever your heart says to do with your blog. If you want to cut back on the "lifestyle" content, cut back. If you don't want to, then don't. Your readers and brands see you for who you are already. Your personality comes through each one of your posts, whether it be strictly fashion related or showing off at Lone Star Jam. ;) You are relatable, personal, fun, spunky, have a huge heart and not to mention beautiful inside and out! Your readers keep coming back for that. :) xoxo
PS...love the pink lips! Great color on you!
Just an FYI I love reading about "life" stories such as Girl Scout camp. I can understand the difficult decision you are having. Regardless of your choice, I love 'Because Shanna Said So' and will remain a loyal reader! :)
PS I love The Misti and Jacey dresses!
High Heels and Training Wheels
I love your fashion posts, but I think what draws me more to your blog versus another fashion blogger is that you mix it up with those personal stories. I check yours more often than I check the fashion only bloggers. I don't know if this helps thou...
I love your fashion posts, but I think what draws me more to your blog versus another fashion blogger is that you mix it up with those personal stories. I check yours more often than I check the fashion only bloggers. I don't know if this helps thou...
Love the dress! The color looks great on you!
I love the chevron top at http://sassmystyle.com/.
Thanks for the giveaway.
You are doing a great job Shanna! I feel like I know you through your posts but probably more through Instagram.
I honestly love the personal stuff since it keeps you more real and not a fashion model.
Would love to win the Hillary top - it's perfect with some cute denim shorts.
As one of your new followers and readers, I personally love your mix of personal and fashion in your post! Your blog is definitely one of my favorites for that. Most fashion blogs I follow, I usually just look at the pics and don't even care of what they have to say. But for your blog, that's not the case. However, at the end of the day, it's up to you to follow your heart :)
Hope I helped!
Beauty to Sparkle
I don't like following blogs that don't throw in a little personal life here & there. It's what reminds us that we're all still/only/always will be human. Fashion blogs {and this is just me}, they just aren't my thing. I love them, but hate them. My personal faves are mommy/lifestyle blogs. But give me a fashion blog with some "real life" in it, I'm sold. Which is why I love your blog :)))
So I say do what you think will be best for you later down the road. But you'll always have haters on both sides & you won't be able to please everyone, unfortunately.
Pretty dress, and how sweet that the pink bracelet is from Yi-chia! Congrats on surviving girl scout camp. I enjoy the mix of fashion and personal stories on your blog, but as a reader it's also fun to see blogs evolve and grow over time. Have a great day! PS- Love the Gloria dress!
Well done on the camp Shanna! That dress is incredible! I love your blog for the mix of personal and fashion. You have to do what you feel is right in your heart though. There's no rush so take your time and I will still be following whatever you decide! X
Love that dress! I'll have to check out the store now :) Don't compare yourself to other bloggers though. I look at some successful bloggers and as much as I may want to be like them, I know what I want to do with my blog. So yeah, I prefer when bloggers talk a little about their lives though.. It's like you can get to know the blogger a little bit.
Thanks for the introduction to this great store! I pretty much love everything they have on line! I am in dire need of a cute summer dress. I have several events this summer which require a dress and I have nothing to wear! So I would choose the Jenn, the Rina, or the Shanna. Is that named after you? Super cute! Thanks! Susan
Wow I love love love your printed dress - so bold but works so well and very stylish and chic. That dry shampoo sounds really interesting, we are going camping soon so may need to buy some of that :)
Laura x
I love this dress on you!! it looks wonderful!! those colors are simply stunningof you!! you always are just look fab!! i know i always say that but its because you truly always look great! have a great day!
FAB dress! And I love that your friend named a dress after you too! It just screams Shanna! If I won the giveaway, I would go with a maxi skirt like Jan or Christy.
As far as your blog, you have to decide what YOU want, not what other people want. Personally, I adore reading about your life, your family, your shopping, etc. I kinda find straight fashion blogs boring. They are great for outfit ideas, but they have no personality. No fun. Just my 2 cents!
What an amazing weekend!! You were one busy gal! And this outfit is one of my favorites. I love that color on you!
You are one good momma going camping. That is my absolute least favorite. But you're right...sometimes we have to really step out of our comfort zone and do things we normally wouldn't do. Logan will never forget you doing that with her!
As for your blog...here are my thoughts. I think that the blogs that are only one thing tend to fade faster than the ones who add in a few personal things as well. I think that's why you have a great support system and a wonderful following...you're not only smoking hot with great fashion, but you're relatable...you post pictures of your kids' school making a London poster for you, you go to camp, you go on dates with your husband. It really is hard finding your identity with a blog...and I feel like I am torn sometimes too.
Sorry about the super long comment...I was typing as I think, so some of that might not make sense.
PS. I would get the Shanna, duh!!! Super cute stuff.
sorry for entering the linkup twice...the first link was broken! and I think i used that link for the giveaway too. oops!
Tough spot. Do what your heart is leading you to do. You are awesome.
Juggling two blogs would be crazy, but if the other was just about life, not fashion, you could post there randomly!
That dress is amazing - love the fun bold print and bright colors!
Pearls & Paws
i really love your dress, the rina!
Sandy a la Mode
thanks for hosting!! LOVE that dress & all the color!
Whenever I think about blog success, isn't "success" in the eye of the beholder anyhow? In my blog, you ARE crazy successful and you foster a winning blog by doing all the things you love--sharing fashion, personal, etc. I love reading your blog because it ISN'T always about styling. But that's just my two cents ;)
If I won I would totally get the Millie dress! So freaking cute!
i'd pick the gloria maxi dress. that does sound like a hard choice with your blog. I have seen sucessful bloggers who do talk about personal things, but I guess most fashion professional bloggers must not. But they also aren't relatable and I feel like you'd miss out on the whole community part. which even though wonderful does take a lot of time too! You just have to do what you think is best for you!!!
Love, love .... LOVE this entire look! That dress is gorgeous!!
Stiletos & Sequins
Firstly, I love your dress! Such a fun color & print and looks so cute on you!
Secondly, I definitely here you about the blog identity crisis! I went through one a year or so ago and still go through minor ones here and there. My only real advice is to a.) follow your heart, and b.) take your absolute FAVORITE blogs and analyze them. Why do you love them so much? What brings you back over & over again? What do your favorite blogs have in common with each other? If you can nail down what you really love about other blogs, it might help give you some direction as to what you want yours to be. I think there is a huge market for both mommy/lifestyle bloggers AND fashion bloggers, and while I definitely think you can combine both into one blog, I think one needs to be the main focus and the other secondary. Or if you felt like they weren't fitting together in the same posts, you could always do sort of a weekly life update or something? Either way, I love your blog and your style, so I'll still be following along! Good luck, lady!
Btw, I would get the Sylvia & Victoria dresses if I won the giveaway (which I really hope I do!) *fingers crossed*
Stilettos & Sequins
I hear so many great things about that shampoo! And about your blog, I think ultimately you have to do what's right for YOU. Your true fans will continue to follow, and I'm sure no matter what you do your blog is going to continue to grow, because you're amazing. You have a unique style but at the same time it's relatable and accessible - not many fashion bloggers have that and it's a gift.
I love the Marissa top!
The Millie tunic -- just too precious! And sister, the "not your mothers" line changed my hair's life. Make sure to check out the sea salt spray too, instant volume and so reasonable!
The Layla dress or Burnadette top. LOVE that dress on you....those colors are perfect for your skin! What a cute boutique!
I started following your blog because you don't just do fashion posts. I love hearing about your life. It definitely makes you more relatable.
Love the Shanna and Alisa dresses!
Ha, yes for the Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo! It's the best! I feel the identity crisis too. I love talking about everything. I stopped considering my blog "fashion" and consider it more of a "fashioncentric lifestyle" blog. This way I get to talk about kids or work AND do outfit posts!
I would get the Rina dress - looks great on you!
I think part of what makes your fashion accessible is that your readers know you ARE just a normal every day person like them. They see it threaded throughout your blog. They figure if you can do it, they can to, so they look to you for inspiration.
Just my two cents! In the end, you have to do what speaks to you. It is YOUR blog.
I honestly think I would go for the dress named after you!!! The Shanna is just too cute! love all their stuff. and pink and blue is to pretty on you!
I love the Alisa dress! The bow is so cute!
I've only just stumbled onto your blog and I just love it! I like that you talk about your life and not just fashion related things- a lot of style blogs are gorgeous to look at and incredibly focussed but those are not the ones I enjoy reading. I like to read blogs with personality, and yours definitely has that! I firmly believe that brands will appreciate a personal spin, because it brings products down to a human level rather than just providing another carefully photographed magazine spread. Just my thoughts.
D x
I love the Rina dress you're wearing! Such great colors!
Love this dress on you! So colorful and happy. Love the backdrop too. Perfect.
Vis a vis your blog, don't change a thing. I truly believe your popularity stems from not just your personal style but from your personality. xo
I love that dress! Especially on you! And paired with the pink flats...dying!
I would pick the "Olivia" dress! Such fun colors for spring!
I would get the dress called "Ebby"! Sooo cute!!
So happy to be catching back up Shanna! The dress is fab, love the colors. And whatever you do or write about, we're along for the ride;)
I'm the 100th to link-up today!! I can't believe it! Thanks for hosting such a fun link-up and a great giveaway!
Your dress is so cute and you look amazing!!
I need the "Jan" skirt!! I don't own any maxi skirts or dress yet and this one would be perfect!!
RubysNPurls (http://rubysnpurls.wordpress.com)
I love the Jacey dress!
The Chloe maxi dress!
You look SO gorgeous in that dress. And yay for the bracelet, so happy you like it!
I'm so glad you girls had fun at girls scout camp. I literally smiled when I saw all the pics on Insta.
I think that you can most definitely have a successful and professional blog that incorporates both fashion and tidbits on your life. I think it makes you relatable. And I think there are certainly lots of brands out there looking for women who represent regular women, you know? This blog represents YOU... your style AND your life. Hope that helps! :)
Oh and my favorite item is The Giselle.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
What a cute dress...I love the bright colors! I'd choose the Chloe maxi dress. I think you should do what YOU want to do and not what you feel others want. Honestly I like that you share so much of your life with us and it's not just about the fashion. That's what makes your blog special :)
The Tiny Heart
$50 PayPal Giveaway!
I immediately started stalking this boutique yesterday when you Instagrammed about it. IN LOVE. I want to buy a dress from it for a wedding in June! I love The Victoria and the Giselle dresses especially! :)
Darcy E
Oooohh! I've been wondering how those Not Your Mother's line works. I'm always a little doubting of those spray shampoo. I'm a greaseball lol. Maybe I'll try it!
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. If I win I'm going to buy the Millie or Shanna dress. Gorgeous!
I love how you smile!! There are enough pouts and serious face in other blogs it's refreshing to see some laid back girl :)
By the way I love Sylvia dress!
I love your dress! I also love the Shanna and Layla dresses!
I am loving that dress. I would get the Shanna
Love Love Love the Victoria dress! I also adore the one you have on!
I love the Brenda tank top. The lace in the back is gorgeous. Thank you.
I LOVE your dress, it's adorable! I will have to check out your friend's online store.
I love the Shanna...is that named after you?!
Penniless Socialite
30th Birthday Giveaway!
I love the val dress, and your pink lips today :)
You look so gorgeous, Shanna! I love how bright this dress is, and the pink lip is the perfect makeup pairing!
Oh that dress is so gorgeous! I love it. And I'm super bummed I missed out on the GroopDealz with that necklace but I swear I can't check every day or I will buy something!
This dress looks fantastic on you! The Shanna dress is super adorable and I love Misti & Mindi.
I would get this dress - the Rina - absolutely, hands down. It's beautiful and looks beautiful on you!
Also, I like the personal parts of your blog just as much as the fashion parts. It's relatable!
Texas Country is my favorite. that dress looks amazing on you and I think I need it too!
I love this dress! The colors and pattern are so fun!
Love the print of that dress. I've actualyl never heard of any of those artists but it looks like it was a damn good time! And i like the t-shirts you and your daughter have. Cute!
When I saw the snippet on Instagram, I thought this would be a skirt, but its a dress! I love the pattern on it :)
Tiff Ima
Style Honestly
To me, I really like that your real life personal material is what made me love your blog in the first place & I would miss it a lot if you cut it out. The fashion is just extra to me, just my two cents :)
& for the giveaway, I love the sylvia dress!
1. LOVE the print on this dress and you look fabulous per usual.
2. I know I don't comment every day on your blog but believe me I am checking it. The reason? Because you are talkative and fun and different. I say be true to yourself. It's the reason your blog has become so successful. I wouldn't change that.
Currently Coveting
Awesome giveaway - her dresses are adorable!!
Rach.E.Cakes – A Life and Style Blog
Enter the Sunglasses Giveaway!
I would get the dress you're wearing in the picture! It's such a good dress to dress up or down, and I always need more of those!
I am obsessed with the Taylor top!
I love the Brenda tank!
It think you just answered your own question! You have to do you! You can't worry about what the other fashion bloggers are doing. In order for this blog to keep making you happy you have to stay true to yourself. I and a lot of other people like to see more then just a 1 dimensional view. You are fabulously successful doing what you are doing. If you feel the need to separate things out you can designate one or two posts a week to lifestyle and the rest fashion.
I've had a major thing for lace lately, so if I won, I'd choose the Hilary top for sure!
Also, your photos are stunning! That bright dress with the pop of pink against the cheery yellow - it all works so well. You look amazing!
I struggle with the same identity issues! I love that you share your life.....honestly I think it's important!
The Shanna and the Anne are at the top of my list! Great shop!
Such a cute outfit! For the blogging stuff, you do need to stay true to yourself. I think you already know that, but it always helps to have other people encourage you to do it! You have to figure out what you want out of your blog and be okay with disappointing some people or on the flip side (from what it sounds like), missing out on some brands. But whatever it is, you've gotta pursue what you feel is in your heart to do because we can all only handle pleasing other people for so long until we crack. Don't crack on us! :)
Absolutely love your dress! I have struggled with that "identity crisis" for so long and went through a few different blogs. I finally decided to just blog about MY LIFE, in all of its here and there glory. Personally, I love reading blogs by fashionable mamas and learning more about their lives.
adore the milli dress--and the one you are wearing!
I would get the Hilary top.
I know what you mean about your blog, in that I am going through the same kind of thing. I really like doing fashion/beauty things, but sometimes want to include personal things in my blog . . . but I really feel like I should be one or the other, you know? I have no advice, just commiserating with ya! :)
I am TOTALLY trying that dry shampoo. Just recently, I tried their curl defining cream and really, really like it.
So many comments...
First, that dress is fantastic on you (and The Shanna is pretty cool, too).
Second, I love dresses and I really love maxis, especially the Gloria and the Ebby.
Third, one of the reasons I enjoy your blog is that you do inject some of your personal life in along with your always fabulous fashion posts. I do see why you're conflicted but as everyone says "stay true to YOU!"
The Rylen top!
Love all the colors in that dress! One of the things that drew me to your blog is how relatable you are as a fashion blogger. There are many "fashion posts" in which I only look at the photos, but with yours, I always read the content, too. Just my two cents, of course :)
Those linen shorts on the Sass site look very cool and comfortable...would definitely buy those!
LOVE that graphic dress and I have old navy flats in red and green that I get constant compliments on. Love the almond shaped toe which I prefer over a ballet flat shape.
Just read that one can use good old fashioned corn starch for dry shampoo purposes. I may give the one you suggested a try if it's not expensive
thanks !
That dress is adorable and love it paired with those bright pink flats!
ok first of all this dress is stunning the color, the shape the geometric-esque print i am in love!! not to mention the perfect pink pumps! second, im constantly struggling with blogging as well, what to include what to dismiss. im a writer so i take my posts super seriously and love to include my personal life etc but feel the only comments i get are "great skirt" etc and im at a stand still with followers so its hard to feel relevant when i feel like im just rambling to myself. maybe its just this instant gratification generation, everyone skims, skips and ignores because were wrapped up in ourselves and our phones! in the end, i guess were supposed to ultimately stay true to ourselves because thats how we got fans in the first place and i would rather be myself with nothing or very little than trying to be someone else with everything, right? xo
p.s. super special you went with your daughter to girl scout camp, my dad always went with me and some of my most favorite memories were made there! great bonding experience!
Okay that dress on you is to die for! Have you lost weight? Seriously! Gorgeous!
Pretty print! Love how your lippy matches your shoes :P
I want! I want! I want that dress! It's so pretty, you look great in it! Love that you paired it with pink too. Wish I had some grand words of advice for you on blogging. I'm sure that your heart is torn and not just your thoughts, oh that makes it hard to decide! Take your time, you've nailed ever other endeavor this one will be no different :)
I love that you share personal things on your blog. I tend to read blogs that are more personal and that I can relate to, instead of ones that just focus solely on fashion. But I love your blog and regardless of what changes you make I know I'll still read it ever day!
I absolutely LOVE the Staci top from Sass my Style!
Hi Shanna, I have been linking up to your party for several weeks now. In my opinion, I would say to just be yourself on your blog and go in your own personal direction. If you want to add in personal things here and there go for it! I think it makes your reader's feel more connected to you, like you are a real person. I am a new blogger, and I want my blog to grow too, and it is extrememly important to me. I can relate to what you wrote. I have my favorite big time bloggers, and I know that some of them would never photograph some parts of there house, for example, unless it was absolutely picture perfect. Me, I have decided that I want my blog to be real, and my house is not always perfect, so I want to show that too, and I appreciate when someone can keep things real. Go your own way, be yourself, and that is when you will find the success you are working for! That is what I say!
Love your dress. So pretty .
the dress named after you is so adorbs! as is the dress you're wearing - amazing colours!
i think the most important thing, with regards to the direction of your blog, is to stay true to yourself (as you mentioned). i think if you do what you know is right for YOUR blog, you will be successful in every way - even if it's different than what other succesful blogger's are doing!
Love this dress! I would purchase it if I won!
LOVE this dress & how you styled it. Duh. You always look a-freaking-dorable. So jelly of your style! I'd love the Chloe maxi dress for summer! :)
Momma Shanna, I love reading your blog because you do add some personal stuff in there in addition to your fashion. Truth be told, you are the only "fashion" blogger I read and for that reason! It is what makes the readers identify with you more. And helps to show us that you can be incredibly well-dressed and do normal things with your life! Did that even make sense? I hope so :)
Seriously, that dress is the cutest! I also love the Shanna dress lol
I really really REALLY LOVE the adorable and lovely Natasha tank top!!! xo
I am loving the color of your shoes!
Um what don't I want from her website? Loving the Riley pants as my recent fave black jeggings have a whole :(
Also, I feel you on the content bit. I'd love for my blog to be more successful and for me to get more sponsored offers but I also love waking up everyday and writing what I want. Stay true to your heart love!
Lots of cute dresses but I would pick victoria!
LOVE the Hilary crochet lace top! thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
love love this look. the dress is adorable!
Definitely the RINA dress! Can't get enough of that print!
xo, tasha
twenty-something blog
Love the Lisa top!
I am loving the Misti dress
Love all the colors in this outfit and it looks even better against that yellow wall! Love it! And I have identity crises with my blog too. I think mine is mainly just fashion and not a lot of personal. But I think that might be why I don't have a super huge following. So I say keep doin what you're doin! I think the personal stuff is why everyone loves you!
Jeans and a Teacup
OK this dress is too cute on you, girl! And Lone Star Jam looks like a blast!!!
LOVING the georgia skirt/maxi from Sass My Style!
i already have like a million things in my cart. including the shanna. love everything!
I think I would go for the Gray Chevron Misti dress! It look comfy and could be paired with any color any time.
I love that you post about your personal life-- it brings you to life for all of your readers and shows that you are an actual person!! I think some bloggers try to be "perfect" and it discourages rather than inspires. I love that you are yourself and I think that is why so many people just love and adore you! :) Keep up the great work!
Glitz & Gold
What about having two blogs? I know that sounds like alot of work but the other one doesn't have to be as big as this one. Like obviously keep this one because we know it and love it, and then maybe start a new one that's all about your life! You could do all fashion on this one and just let your readers know about the other one and you know everyone would read it too! That way you have the best of two worlds and don't have to give anything up. 80 year old Shanna can read about her life on one blog AND you can share your daily fashion on this one!
Love the Stells top
I love that Olivia dress!
I was thinking about your dilemma (you can yell at me later) and thought, what if you had two blogs? One only for style and another for everything else? You could always link to each one from the other....I know that is double the work though! :(
I honestly think that your blog is fabulous the way it is but I will "stalk" you no matter what you decide! :)
First, you are the cutest in that dress and those pink flats...I LOVE it! Second, I was totally jealous of all your IG Lone Star Jam photos...it looked like an awesome time and I wished I was there with you! And 3rd...I totally get what you're saying about wanting to be relatable as well as professional...but I really do think your blog is perfect the way it is (and obviously some brands, ahem, Wallis, do too) :)
The Other Side of Gray
ABSOLUTELY LOVE this dress! So gorgeous on you girl!
love the alissa dress :)
Wow, I just love your style. Definitely following. Found you through Kristina's blog.
I would purchase the Misti dress
But in regard to your blog I love hearing about peoples lives more than just seeing their outfits. I started reading your blog because I thought you were interesting, the cute outfits were just a bonus!
you look amazeballs in that dress!! the colors are perfect and i love the pink flats you paired with it.
you should stick to what makes you happy. if writing about your family, personal life, weekend adventures and style is what makes you happy, then do it! i love reading your blog because you are sweet and relatable to so many gals.
I would so totally buy the Jenn dress. It's so perfect for spring and summer. Love the colors and ruffles. :)
Hey Shanna! Ahhhhmazng dress! Love love love it! :) I am definately checking out your friends shop today. And as far as your blog goes, why don't toy just seperate your family from your fashions via pages? That way you can still be trusting yourself? It's a thought. Oh...glad you did the girl scout camp w/ your lil chickadee. :) xo
I like the Gloria maxi dress!
I love the Hilkary top, but so many things are so cute!
ok a couple things, first I love that dress, but I especially love it against that yellow wall. lol Is that weird? Second, I absolutely love the way that your blog is real. you work hard and it's clear, but I also love how you share that you juggle life outside of fashion. Fashion is beautiful and fun, but it isn't real if you can't match it to real life and I like that you make it real. You're an awesome blogger and I will follow in which ever direction you go girl!
This dress is so cute! I love it on you. The colors are great!
I like the Raven or Gloria dress!
Definitely keep it real on the blog. We obviously live for your fashion advice, but your life and what you share are what keep us hooked!
I love the Shanna dress, definitely my favorite!
Super cute! The Mindi dress is adorable.
That dress is phenomenal, with the easy shift shape and uniquely bold print. It's mesmerizing. I would totally wear it! You look so freakin' cute. My advice: do what you want. Friends are more important than followers. But, uh, I'm following you now anyway. (;
May the force be with you.
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