So, if you have been following for awhile, you know that my little mini me has already made a fashion appearance on this blog. You can see her debut here.
Well, she's baaaaaaaack and back with lots of attitude and smiles.
People, I promise that I did not pose her. I am no Honey Boo Boo child stage mom. She did all of this on her own. I just shot the pictures. It's almost scary how much alike we are. It's not so much in looks, but in personality and mannerisms. Poor, poor Ross!
Anyway, we went to the Gaylord Texan and few weeks ago and they have the BEST places to shoot blog outfit pictures, but this blogger here did not have on blog worthy attire. This is where Miss Logan stepped in for Momma.
She completely volunteered and is so excited to show you guys are own seven year old style.
I must say, if they sold this outfit in my size, I would have purchased every piece. Can we say animal print mixing??? She's a fashion genius, I tell ya!
I am still kicking myself for missing out on the chance to take some back up blog pictures. This place and it's scenery was insane. So, if you are any sort of fashion blogger and live in the Dallas area, bring a bunch of outfits and go take some pictures. It would also be perfect for engagement or family portraits.
So, there ya go, part deuce of not falling far from the Shanna tree.
God, I love this little sassy pants lady. She's a keeper. Don't ya think?

So precious! When my son wants to be a in my pictures - they are more photo bombs type pictures. She is a natural with her on trend sweater!
What a doll she is! I think she's giving you some competition :) I love her owl, so cute!
Happy New Year!
Oh my goodness - I think I just died of cuteness. She is awesome! I would totally wear that outfit!
Oh my gosh, to cute for words! Love her outfit and yep i would follower her fashion blog in a heartbeat! What Sass! LOVE IT!
She is so cute and I love her outfit!!
what a doll, how cute!!
omg shanna this is the cutest thing ever!! she is too cute and she looks just like you!
So cute!!! She poses just like you :) love her oufit!
oh my goodness she is cute!!
She is adorable!!! How cute!!
What a little cutie! I love her boots (I've been planning to buy the same pair) and sassy pants:) Those poses are killing me!
i can't handle how cute she is. she is so sassy!!! just like her momma!!
Oh DEFINITELY a keeper! What a cutie! My family always makes fun of me for posting and popping my arm lol but I still do it!
Oh my!! Girl, you better watch out!! You may have someone else taking over the blog!! She is too stinkin cute!!
Oh my gosh, she is a mini you! A little fashionista in the making, I love it, she's adorable!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Oh my gosh, she is too cute! She really is a mini-Shanna! haha
Miss sassy pants! She is so cute!!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
you have got a diva fashionista on your hands!!!!! Seriously they make little girl clothes cuter than adult women clothes these days!! And SOO excited for you and your new venture girl! I could see you being Stacy from that show on TLC where they take terrible peoples clothes and throw them all out (except please dont come throw mine out!)
Logan is TOO CUTE! It's clear she got her fashion sense from her momma :) I bet she has her own blog soon!
The Tiny Heart
OMG she's AWESOME!!!! I love it!
She is so so cute! She must love seeing you take all your outfit pictures!
Definitely Keeper! She gets her modeling skilllzzzz honestly! Happy new Year lady!
She is adorbs!! And has clearly been watching her mama cuz that gal can work the camera! I love it! XO
Oh my word, she is too cute for words! She looks so excited to be in the spotlight! Furute fashion blogger right there!!
Love, love, lovadubit! She's precious, and has great style! What a doll!
Sass! Love it!
WHAT. She is amazing. I seriously said "ohmigod" out loud as I looked at each picture. I can't take it!! That 3rd pic down especially...LOOK AT HER! I noticed a typo, though. You said "Poor Ross"... that should definitely say "LUCKY ROSS!!!" This is just perfection times TWO!!
How CUTE is this?! There are kids all over the country crying right now because they don't have cool Moms. Way to rock it!
She is ADORABLE! Such the little mini-me. I see that sass and spunk :)
Dear god she dresses better than me. We have a fashion star on our hands, I do believe!
Go buy all this in my size and send it over. Then stop taking pictures for her milkshake will bring all the guys to the yard and our prearranged wedding with be down the drain.
Heart = melted. She is THE cutest.
so cute!! love the owl sweater and she can grow into your new-found business and be the next it stylist :)
Omg she is working it! This is the cutest thing ever!
She sure is a gorgeous little thing!!!! Oh my goodness!!
The Gaylord is awesome! and they have AC so in the summer you can look cute and not sweat to death.
How addable isn't she! You must be really proud!
She is super cute!
Definitely a KEEPER! She is so sweet and stylish! I would totally buy those pieces if they came in adult size.
I think she might need a regular feature, Shanna! Too stinkin cute!!
gahhhhh I love her!
ohhh what I wouldn't give to have dressed that well at seven. She's got a heck of a role model!
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
She's adorable and oh so stylish!
How freakin cute!! She's a tiny diva, I love it!!
she has more style than i do! sigh.
She is definitely a mini Shanna!! Love her fashion blogger poses! She is definitely a keeper!! :)
She's so cute!! Love her boots
She really is so adorable... just like her mama!
OMG!! I love her! She's such a fashionista..just like you! She needs to be on Pinterest with that 7 year old style. I want her sweater!! lol
omg omg omg. seriously?! could she be any cuter?! i cannot believe she poses all by herself!!! mini fashionista for sure. and i LOVE her outfit! the boots really had a fun feel to the whole look. And a side pony is my fav! the best picture is the 3rd one...I mean look at that pose & look. She is such a pro. And she looks SO much like you. I love her & I wish she could do the messy project, she's got some fab style, but duh look who her mom is! xoxo
Can I have this outfit in adult sizes cuz I would totally wear that! lol
Adorable! She's got some style and just the right amount of sass to go with it! :)
this could be a little series I think ;) love seeing mini-shanna poses - maybe a mommy + me one soon?
She is so adorable! Love the sweater and the Gaylord Texan is awesome!!
Oh. My. Gosh! Shanna! She is so adorable. And what a little natural. Wow. :)
Super adorable outfit, Miss Logan!! Loving those leopard pants -- sassy frass fo sho!
This is so adorable! Love her outfit... she is rocking those leopard pants and boots!
Oh my word! She is just PRECIOUS!!!!! Can I send her a virutal hug? I'm her newest fan!!!
Could she be any cuter?! I don't think so!
She is awesome! What a seassy little fashionista she is!! So adorable!
like mother like daughter! absolutely adorable xo
I just love this outfit and your daughter. She is precious!
She is truly a doll.
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