Do you ever feel like you need to get something off your chest, but then you're worried that you may come and get arressted? Well, that's kinda how I feel today. Here goes nothin'.
I got these boots I am wearing over Christmas on a total whim. I was shopping for stocking stuffers for my girls at Rue 21, you know, patterned duct tape, lip gloss, nail polish, etc.
Well, I stumbled upon these boots. I wasn't sure if I really liked them or not, but they were on clearance, so I thought why not. Clearance always seems to seal the deal for me.
Days passed and I started to feel guilty about buying them. Remember it was Christmas time and I was supposed to be shopping for others, not me.
So, I headed back to the store, dug through my hell hole of a wallet to find my receipt. I scanned it. What?! The boots? Where are they on the receipt? I know this has to be the right receipt because it's the only time I shopped there. Hmmmmm. I scratched my chin.
Oh man, they didn't charge me for them. I didn't pay for the boots. They went from clearance to FREE. Oh, I think I really like them now. Should I keep them or be Honest Abe and take them back?
Well, folks, as you can see, my morals got swift kicked to the side and I kept them. I know. I am horrible. I am going to hell. Please don't turn me in. I don't want to go to jail.
Has this ever happened to you? Tell me I am not the only one out there who has chosen this deceitful road.
Remember, what happens on this blog, stays on this blog. Okay?
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P.S. Don't forget about the TWO giveaways going down.
Linking up with Lauren.

that coat is sooooo gorgeous!! I want that lol
Hmm that's a tough one. The only thing is they might think you shoplifted if you try to take them back then you'll really be in a pickle haha for that reason I think I would just keep them.
Never happen thou I think we all secretly wish it did...I think it's too late to go back..just keep them and enjoy them I guess... you could go back and pay for them, but they might just let it go because it has been so long? It wasn't intentional so i think you''re good :)...you know as far as the big guy upstairs :)
Never happen thou I think we all secretly wish it did...I think it's too late to go back..just keep them and enjoy them I guess... you could go back and pay for them, but they might just let it go because it has been so long? It wasn't intentional so i think you''re good :)...you know as far as the big guy upstairs :)
Oh my gosh! That happened to me a couple months ago with a pair of flats! I didn't realize it until several days later, and since they weren't on the receipt, I was afraid they would think I stole them or something if I returned them. So I kept them:/ It's such an odd situation to be in!
Glad I'm not the only one haha.
This happened to me twice, both times at Kohls. Once it was a $12 necklace that she specifically put in its' own bag so it wouldn't get tangled. The second time was a huge candle stick, one that goes in front of a fire place. I got two and she charged me for one.
A few weeks later I was charged twice for shampoo at target- karma!
Have a good weekend in your clearance slash free boots!
Pretty sure I would never have noticed! If I were at the store, I'd have been honest. If I already made it home...that's another story!
Don't even fret about it - this stuff just happens! Plus, it's not your fault and not your duty to scan your receipt after checkout to make sure they charged ya!
Keep em, girl, because they look great on you!!!
That happened to us at Target! We were afraid they'd think we stole it or something!!!!!
Don't worry is not your fault! the sales girl is responsible for making sure everything is on your receipt. this happens to me all the time at the grocery store! I had a whole $20.00 pork loin on the line and she never charged me for it!! shoes are much better free-bee thou.
Woah , these boots are now looking more lovely ;) It has happened to me when I paid for my grocery but they didn't charge the soups :)
Noor @ Noor's Place
oh man! that IS a pickle. i don't know what i would do, honestly. i'd probably take them back and tell them the situation and what happened - that way i'd at least feel like i was clear on my end. but i'm also weird like that, though. they are SO cute!!
I would keep them, but then pay it forward somehow. either as donation to a worthy cause, or buying coffee for the car behind you at Starbucks! You will know when time is right and it will make you feel better! They are adorable, and don't fret, it wasn't intentional!
Hahahhah you CRACK me up! Totally did that with some Nike running shorts...oops! But 99.9% of the time I let them know. The guilt sets in differently depending on how nice the clerk at the counter is...is that weird?!
You look so pretty, love that color and love your hair:)
That used to happen to me when the boys were still in a stroller, I"d throw stuff into the bottom basket and forget about it, oops!!!
That is so weird they didn't ring them up! It was probably so crazy that day with holiday shoppers they got over looked. I can honestly say this has never happened to me! lol I'm kind of paranoid when I'm in stores - trying to make sure nothing accidentally falls in my purse haha Crazy I know!
I'd probably go back because I couldn't handle that little secret lol!
I love what Karen said above-- pay it forward in some way! I think that erases the problem!! :)
And I agree-- if you caught it before you left the mall, it would have been one thing-- once you are home, another! One time I was stocking up on pop (amongst other food items) for my daughter's b-day party at the grocery store and it wasn't until I was home that I realized they didn't charge for the pop! I considered it my luck ;)
BTW-- love that hair style on you-- very cute and "schoolgirl" looking with that jacket! Love!
I look at it as a gift from the universe to you. If I catch them not ringing something at the register, I have said hey I don't think you charged me for that. Once I get home? I'm not going back.
You look so adorable in this jacket! The ruffles! So I'm a firm believer in karma, so if this were to happen to me... if you don't want to go back to the store, I wold give back somehow. Perhaps donate some clothes or even something random like buy a friend a present for no reason. A selfless act! Hope you have a great weekend! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
A few weeks ago after a trip to Sephora I found a bottle of foundation stuck in my bag that I didn't pay for, or even want. It wasn't my shade so I just threw it away. Andy said I should have returned it, but I didn't.
you are not a bad person. i probably would have done the same thing (i know, shame) but retail is usually so overpriced anyway and it's not like you stole it?! haha. i do have a confession:i need that coat.
Beautiful coat! I love the color and the ruffles!
That totally has happened to me. I would make sure that I pay it forward to help with the karma from keeping them. I think they are cute, and the mistake was not yours, rather the clerk. Look darling as always my dear!
First off, your coat is to die for.
Second, love the boots. I think you made the right "choice" *wink wink*
And last, you are so not alone. When I was pregnant with my second child, I went to Target (can we spy a pattern here???) and my flip flop broke in the store. So I went and found some cute sandals and took the tag off so I could wear them around the store and pay for them when I was done shopping. Well, pregnant brain forgot to give them the tag to ring up and I walked out with some free, and pretty cute, sandals! I didn't go back either...I didn't want to give birth in jail!
Too funny your post is about the boots because as soon as I saw these pictures my first thought was, whoa that boots are SO cute!
I agree with some of the other ladies- don't fret it, it was their responsibility to scan it plus it was a clearance item. I'm sure I've done that before with a case of Diet Coke. I think the paying it forward option is a great idea or donate some clothes this weekend...don't sweat it!
I would just go in and tell them what you told us. You probably went digging for your receipt for a reason. I purchased some stuff for my husband one time for Christmas and when I looked at my bank statement I never saw it go through. (It had been a month or 2). So I went up to the store and told them and they said "Oh thanks for coming in, we will take care of it." And they recharged my card. And it never went through AGAIN. Then the store closed. So anyway, all you can do is try. I'm sure they would appreciate it. And I think it is the right thing to do. :)
Fashion and Beauty Finds
You are too cute... lol love the boot story ha!
I had the same thing happen awhile ago! With the not sleeping, diaper bag of a new baby I was in the store and ended up getting home before realizing I hadn't paid for something. I felt horrible but exhaustion set in and I wasn't heading back to TJMaxx and dealing with it. I have spent enough money there to feel okay plus I have donated a massive amount of clothes, shoes and nice items to goodwill. :)
Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick
I have had the same thing happen to me....I was at Marshalls and got a pair of $10 running shorts for free since they forgot to ring them up. By the time I noticed I was all the way home...and I felt guilty, but then rationalized it by thinking about how much money I spend at Marshalls! Haha..probably really bad of me...but it was just that once!!
That jacket is just too adorable! Blue just so happens to be my favorite color too!
I would keep the shoes. It was a mistake on the cashier's part to not charge you! That's happened to me before too. I do feel slightly guilty when it happens, but I feel like it's not necessarily your fault! Maybe I'm bad, but I say KEEP 'EM! :)
haha keep the boots! especially if its from a large store like Target that has so much money they don't know what to do with! Is that bad of me to say??
ehhh see if I was still in the store I might say something. But if you never thought about returning them you never would have even known! Honest mistake. Plus their cute. Keep em :-)
PS-Went to target... and I LOVED those green flats, but they didn't have them in my size! They actually didn't have most things in my size. Why are my sizes so average?
With Luck
Hey think of it this way, you may have beat the system! (from my brief retail experience- sometimes when things would be marked down, and just before they would really be cleared off the shelves, there would be some fluke in the system that the item would ring up as a penny. That's right, a penny. If it rang up as that, we couldn't NOT give it to the customer, but we knew that all the remaining "penny items" on the shelf needed to be pulled) Maybe these boots were your penny boots? Maybe justifying it that way makes your guilt fade just a little... jus' sayin'
Happy Friday!
Understated Classics
Such a cute coat, beautiful color. And your hair looks so pretty in these photos!
Tough call on the boots... They'd probably just let you keep them at this point if they were on clearance haha
Maybooks Giveaway!
Forever 81
I'd just keep them! It wasn't your fault since the employee didn't ring it up. It's going to be very awkward if you go back and try to return them without the receipt. Like some other people said, they might think they were shoplifted. I worked in retail and people would pull shoes off the shelf, pretend like they bought them, and try to return them. Just keep them and save yourself the trouble!
The Tiny Heart
JCrew Giveaway!
It was days later, just keep them! Most of the time when your honest they just let you keep them anyway. And they are cute!
Too funny :) You should definitely keep them. Maybe they were giving you a little Christmas present! How nice of them right? That blue coat looks really good on you!
Shanna it happened to me too! I bought 3 dresses at Nordstrom Rack intending to take at least one back after trying on with shoes/jewelry at home. When I went to take one back, it wasn't on the receipt! So now it hangs in my closet, but hasn't been worn because it didn't look that great after all. I'm sure it happens all the time. Think of all the times you made it home from the grocery store and something wasn't in the bag. As long as its an honest mistake I think you're ok!
Erica N.
Haha! That totally happened to me at H&M. I didn't notice until I got home that I scored a dress for free. I returned it, though. And I puzzled the cashier. I was like, "This dress isn't on the receipt--the other cashier forgot to ring it up--so I'd just like to bring it back and return it." He gave me this weird look and was like, "Uhhh, why wouldn't you keep it?" But whatever. I had to do it for my own conscious. But if I'm honest???? If I had liked the dress more I might have kept it hahaha.
Once my mom accidentally stole some laughy taffy and I gave her crap about it for years! I think I've also stolen the occasional pack of coke on the bottom rack on the shopping cart! Girl - it happens, Rue 21 isn't going to go bankrupt over you stealing their shoes. LOL! You shouldn't feel guilty, what were they 10 bucks anyways??
Hi I found your blog recently via Instagram and YES! it's happened to me. In fact, the pants I'm wearing today were "free" from AT Loft. I bought a boat load of items last winter and when I got home I realized they hadn't rung me up for the pants. I called and the store manager thanked me for my honesty and said to come back in...but I never made it in. Eek. I feel bad every time I wear them.
that coat is banging! ;) loooove it! oh well on the boots, its the shops mistake!
It happened to me at the grocery store, I came home and found a turkey breast in my bags that I didn't put in my buggy and didn't pay for! Clearly the woman in front of me did and it got in my buggy. I took a picture of the tag and went back and paid for it! It was a great shock to the grocery store and all employees who I ran across and it was a great chance to witness to others about me being a Christian and they see me now and always go out of their way to help me. You never know who is watching you and what impact you'll have on them because of this action!
I would have totally kept them too...their fault not yours :) Love your new peacoat - that blue is SO pretty on you!
The Other Side of Gray
Yes, keep 'em!!! They are so cute, and you woulda never known if you hadn't looked at the receipt, sooooo.... ;)
You are soooooo adorable and so are the boots! I probably would have kept them too. I would chalk it up as being a sign that I was meant to have them.
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
I think it's all good, especially since you had no idea until way after you got home. I like the idea of paying it forward if it's weighing on your mind, but I believe this stuff all comes out even in the end.
I ADORE that jacket.
It's happened to me! My husband and I were buying 5 ties..and the cashier grabbed two at once to ring up and didn't notice, I noticed...but I didn't say anything! I felt awful/awesome at the same time. I just keep telling myself I'll be more truthful next time, and honestly, ties are overpriced even at the rack :)
I am in love with that coat!! Amazing.
I say, their fault..you wouldn't have know if you weren't going to return them.. :) Enjoy them, they are cute on ya!
Love the coat! I just bought one in a similar color.
About your accidental shoplifting...I am cracking up. That's never happened to me before, but I probably would have done what you did. On of my friends bought a scarf at J.Crew...When she got home she realized that there were two of the same ones stuck together. She made the same decision you did.
Totally has happened to me and totally didn't take it back!! =)
What a cute coat! I have a black one very much similar! Going to have to wear it more! =) Brooke
love yoru coat and those shoes are adorable. I've found some sweet deals at rue 21 - although I feel like I'm too old for a lot of things there! I think for me it would depend on how much something was - my mom always told me if you would go back if you were charged that amount for something you didn't buy, then you should go back and fix it. I hope I would do that, but i honestly am not sure!
I just love this coat! I saw it in pink at Target, but the BF wouldn't let me buy it :( haha
What?! OMG! You are a lucky, lucky girl! I'm sure you won't be arrested, and you are SO not going to hell! Hey, at least they were on clearance, right?! Love the coat, btw :)
Thank goodness you noticed on the receipt before you gave them to them. They definitely might have thought you shoplifted and then you would have been in shock and wouldn't have known what to say! Free shoes always look better!!
Bah! I about died when I read this. You are hilarious. Cutie patootie!
You are too funny!! It's happened to me with a 12 pk of diet coke and I got home and was like...what? I thought about it and decided it was a nice thing that happened and doesn't happen often. No worries girl! Those boots do look good on you!
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
For as much as you stimulate the retail market, an accidental freebie is okay :-)
You look so dang cute in that coat!
This has happened to me on numerous occasions at the grocery store. I have accidentally stolen so many cases of diet coke from Shop Rite. Once when I went back to the store I said I wanted to pay for a stolen case. The cashier told me she wouldn't just add a phantom case of diet coke on my bill because she said I could return and request a refund because I never bought a case of diet coke. The cashier really thought I was running some sort of complex diet coke ponzi scheme.
Penniless Socialite
Massive Group Giveaway!
First of all, Rue 21 shoes on clearance always gets me. I mean I KNOW it won't be super high quality shoes. But $20 for a pair of black heels? Why yes, I'll take my 100th pair. Sigh. I've walked out of target once with a nail polish accidentally in my cart. I was still really close to the entrance and my conscience was too loud.
I totally would've kept the shoes! You're too funny!
Yay for free boots. I think I once got a free polish so to speak. We bought too many and for some reason the store didn't count right and forgot one. But boots and polish aren't the same. I know you're enjoying the even more.
And I voted!!! :)
I say you go back and buy something full-price that you would NEVER have paid full-price for and that it is sooo tacky no one else will either, so the rest of the lot will go on clearance eventually. Then give it to Goodwill. Overpaying then donating surely cancels out the other right?
This has happened to me before, at a J.Crew outlet(and long drive from my home) I didn't realize it until several days later...and have never been back to make it right. Enjoy your boots!
That is a great coat and I love the color. It looks amazing on you!
i saw that coat at target and you know i thought? "SO cute!!!! BUT, i have hips. that coat was made for a petite lady." girl, it looks perfect on you!!!
Oh man I don't wanna fess up. I order from this foreign retailer a lot and their packages end up getting lost a lot. Almost a month had gone by and I didn't get my package so they credited me my money back. Well, a few weeks later guess what turned up...the package and I kept it. I just kept putting it off calling them. Oops. Don't tell anyone okay? No one else really reads comments...right???
Cute jacket!
I got the same jacket in black!!! I'm obsessed I wanted all the colors! I love the blue on you!! Don't even stress about the shoes bc if you did take them back either the cashier would be cool & let you keep them for free or the cashier could be an a** and not let you have them at all bc they are free which means they go back. They don't re-sell them. It's basically a waste of a great pair if shoes so don't worry!!! I love them btw!
Ok, I LOVE that jacket and I think if the store screwed up by not charging you, that's their fault...not yours! You scored! I want that jacket, so jealous! :)
If I had noticed it before I left the store I would have told the associate. But I don't think I would go back a couple days later. My mom probably would but she's a better person than I am! haha... Yay free shoes!
Jeans and a Teacup
Such a beautiful coat, love the colour! :)
Laura xo
Haha it happens. Never has happened to me :( boooo. LOL. But it has happened to some people I know. And they just keep them. Don't feel bad. But if it happened to me i'll have a guilty conscious too. Haha.
But your outfit is super cute and adorable.
Love the coat, with the scarf, and your curled hair. It looks so cute :)
I would definitely just keep them, too much of an awkward situation to take them back. I love that coat on you!
I love that coat! The color is amazing on you!! And about the boots...that's a tough one because I'm such a by the rules gal, but it's not like you intended not to pay for them so I wouldn't feel bad!
Thief! Why didn't you grab me a pair dang it.
I definitely don't think you're going to hell, so don't worry. :) But I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Enjoy your boots. :)
Love the color of that coat! That's a tough one about the boots... I know I've gone to the grocery store and been charged for things that never ended up getting put in the bag and I've never gone back to get a refund, so in the grand scheme of things it probably all evens out, right?!?! Have a great weekend!
Eh - keep 'em and pay it forward... they are adorable and I love that coat!
Pearls & Paws
take it as a gift :) if you noticed then, but it is silly too many days later!
PS: I am a new follower and i am glad to be here!
nahhh don't feel bad; just enjoy those cute boots. Those things happen every now and then, and besides it would be a crime to return them....they look that good on you ;-)
LOVE the coat!!!!
Can I just say that you're the cutest mom I've seen with a blog! I love love love LOVE your style, your girls are so lucky to have such a stylish mom! I followed! I'm reallly looking forward to more posts!
Ah, this stuff happens. I think that if you were feeling so guilty over buying yourself a gift over the holidays that you went to take them back, you were being rewarded for it.
Also, I love this coat. Have you considered switching up the buttons to something like gold for a little contrast? Not that its current buttons are bad! The thought just crossed my mind, so I thought I'd share (even though every thought is really not worth sharing.) :)
Totally happens all the time but in other cases things that are suppose to be on clearance you get charged full price I think in the end it all evens out...I am like you if you took it back they make think that you stole them and how to you honestly make them believe that they were in the wrong not you...I say enjoy the boots!!
No worries!
God's grace is WAY bigger than that...
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
2 Cor 12:9
This coat is gorgeous, I love the tiers and the color - so pretty!
Sparkles and Shoes
These boots are just meant to be yours. If the clerk did not charge you for them - it's not your fault - especially if you discover the mistake post sale.
Just bought the same jacket after seeing how adorable it looked on you! thank you :)
I've been lusting over a mint colored clutch I saw the other day. I couldn't bring myself to walk to it and hold it knowing that I would spend money I didn't have.
I've been lusting over a mint colored clutch I saw the other day. I couldn't bring myself to walk to it and hold it knowing that I would spend money I didn't have.
Similar thing happened to my mom at Target! She was buying a few tops and they didn't charge her for one of the dresses...she kept it. Shhhhhhhhhh!
This totally doesn't count because it was the cashiers fault! I had a similar thing, but it was at Costco, so the door checker caught it. I actually felt bad because I had stopped the cashier when I forgot something, so I blamed myself for distracting her. I didn't want her to get in trouble, so I told them it was my fault. In your case...it was NOT your fault!
I had a very similar situation happen to me last year. I tried to use a coupon on some cold medicine and it ended up just not ending up on my receipt. I mostly didn't try to do anything about it because I was sick and didn't feel up to walking all the way back to the grocery store to work the situation out. It wasn't my fault so I didn't really worry about it.
By the way I love that blue coat. It is such a pretty color!
-Mary @ Style That Moves
I know this is an old post but I had to comment. I am really shocked by all the comments here, especially those using religion and God to justify keeping the boots. What about Thou shall not steal??? I get that it isn't your fault, but its definetly the right thing to do to go back to the store and pay. What if you owed someone some money and accidently gave them way too much? Would you think that it's your fault, oh well, they can keep the money? I am not writing this to judge you, I am just shocked by the number of women who have had this happen and don't do anything about it! I always go back! The store is most definetly not going to prosecute you for stealing!!!! If you ask anyone who works in retail, they will say that prosecuting for stealing is a really complicated process and returning something you didn't pay for is not going to cause you to be arrested!
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