Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Wednesday #16 - Blogging

Sweater: Forever 21 (option) (option)| Chambray: Forever 21 (option) (option) | Jeans: Old Navy (exact) (option) | Boots: Pac-Sun (exact) (option) | Belt: Old Navy (option) | Necklace: My Sweet Friend, Dusty

Sorry, non blogging friends. This post was written for the bloggers of the world. So, my feelings won't be hurt if you duck out early, but I hope I at least gave ya a little fashion inspo.

Back to the task at hand...blogging. Hmmmm, such a broad word. It means so much more than just writing something and slapping it up to an URL page you have made your own.

I have seen my fair share of posts where bloggers discuss the dos and don'ts of blogging. I have never written one before because I felt like mine would sound and read like whatever everyone else has already said. I am not of fan of being redundant.

I am by no means an expert. I am by no means a "big" blogger. I by no means think I have it all figured out. I learn something new from you guys every single day.

What I do know is that I feel like my blog has turned out somewhat decent by discovering a few things that actually work.

Take it with a grain of salt. Or pack it in your suitcase for the bumpy ride we all call blogging.

Again, these are my own opinions and the ones I feel are most important. And if you think I missed a BIG one, make sure to slap me with the stupid stick in the comment you are about to leave.

Here goes. Not sure how long this is gonna get...

1. I turned off my word verification after a few months of blogging. I found out that people hated filling out those tiny words that don't make a lick of sense. Those of you who still haven't turned it off, I promise you will not get spams that actually show up in your blog comments.

2. I get so sad when I want to respond to a comment and the person is a "no-reply" commenter. It breaks my heart because they wrote me something REALLY amazing and I go to tell them thank you and how awesome they are and instead of their email popping up, the nasty message of "no-reply" pops up. Make sure you email is set up in your profile and linked to your blog. That's what blogging is all about, making friends, chatting, engaging, gossiping, much more fun that just returning comment favors.

3. Advertise. If you really want your blog to grow, this is the best bet. At first I swapped buttons with other blog friends I had made. Then, after about 6 months into blogging, I purchased my first sponsorship. It was the best decision I made. I now try to sponsor anywhere from 1-3 blog per month. I choose my advertising based on their readership, how many people engage with them, their content being similar to mine, that they are active bloggers and use other social media outlets.

4. I participate in link ups. New bloggers may not know what this is. Well, it's like today's post. It's a hub where bloggers link a specific post relevant to the link up topic. It's a free and easy way to get my name out there and meet other bloggers. I try and not make every post I do a link up.

5. I write about my life. People are Nosy Nellies. Blogging is voyeurism at it's finest.  I want my friends and readers to get to know me, the person behind the blog...what I am like, a glimpse of my personality, a piece of my everyday...again we are nosy. Advice: post a few pictures of yourself from time to time. It kinda weirds me out when I don't know what the blogger actually looks like.

6. Respond to people. I used to respond to every single comment that was left on my blog. It was crazy time consuming, but it helped build a strong foundation of friendships and loyalty. I still do my best to get back with everyone who stops by in some form or fashion, but sometimes it gets overwhelming and I can't physically do it. Just don't ignore people. We all take time to read and comment and if someone writes something genuine and sincere on your blog, the least you could do is say thank you. And yes, I agree with ignoring the "I follow you. Wanna follow me?" comments.

7. Speaking of genuine and sincerity, that is what I strive to be every time I comment on a blog or respond to a comment that has been left on mine. I will 99% of the time write something longer than a four word sentence. You will not see me say, "I love that dress." "Super cute top." or "This was such a touching post." Most of us spend an enormous amount of time writing our posts, planning our topics, editing our grammar and then rereading what we just wrote a least 10 times. We all take pride in what we do or we wouldn't be doing it. So, I try not to be a jerk and insult someone with an insincere comment. I would rather say nothing at all.

8. I use social media. Alot. I shamelessly and religiously plug this little blog everyday on three sites: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I will pin myself on Pinterest when I do an outfit post. Go ahead and roll your eyes about the Pinterest one. Say I am self absorbed. Now tell me what you think about this. I have had over 5,000 hits to my blog from pinning my posts. BOOM. It works, people. It drives serious traffic. But, I am mindful to not only use social media for my blog. I am known to throw in crazy stuff about my life, connect with my followers and engage in conversation.

9. I have reached out to other bloggers and made genuine friendships. I discovered ones that have things in common with me. They have ended up being my biggest support system and vice versa. I have also contacted bloggers that I admire. I have picked their brains, asked questions and learned a few tricks from them too. Don't be intimidated. It never hurts to ask. Who knows, you may end up finding your long lost best friend in the process. Blogging has been known to create some crazy strong bonds.

10. I have taken a few gambles here and there. I put myself out there not knowing if I was going to sink or swim. Case in point, doing a Bauble Swap all by myself. I had no clue if anyone would even sign up. I was nervous as hell, but it turned out pretty good and man, it taught me that I would never do it again. Then came this link up. Again, I was peeing my pants the morning of the first one. I was terrified that nobody would participate, but my blog buds came through. This link up is my baby and favorite post of the week. And last week, I announced my new personal styling business. Talk about not sleeping the night before this post got posted. I had to pop four melatonin to sleep. I received more love and support from this new venture than I have could have asked for. And it was all because I took a gamble and reminded myself that I had nothing to lose. And that my friends, is what I recommend to you. If  you have an idea you are passionate about or believe in, go for it. If you don't try, you will never know. That is the beauty of having a blog, you have a voice. A unique voice that can't be replicated no matter how hard anyone tries. Shoot for the moon and reach for the stars. You may miss a couple of times, but that one shot just might hit the bulls-eye.

11. Most importantly, I have stayed true to myself. If you don't do this, you will fail. Why? Because it's not YOU talking and people will see right through the BS. 

12. I get out of it what I put into it. I have found that the more I put into my posts, the better results, traffic and comments I get.

13. It has taken time for me to grow. Only for the lucky few, does it happen overnight.

Wow, this might be one of my longest post to date. I really do hope this helped. It's been a long time coming.

So, what did I miss? I know there are a few other big ones. My brain is just a little fried now. Help remind me and the others, if ya don't mind.

**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette. 
Oh, and go meet some new friends! 

Can you click on this pretty little circle and vote for me?
You can do it once every 24 hours until January 23rd.
Please and thank you.
It takes 5 seconds.
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy.

P.S. Don't forget about the group giveaway going on. 
14 prizes. $200 Value. Go enter!



Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Great tips!

I feel like I do all of these things and am a genuine person but I'm still a little blog. The only thing I've never done is pay for advertising. Maybe I should start.

It makes me sad when I see bloggers who are all about bs and get ahead. No matter what I can't and won't be like that.

I LOVE that sweater!!

DaintyJea said...

Wow, this is a beautiful post and so much valuable information. As a new blogger, it can be a little overwhelming and scary at times. Thank you for being so honest and providing all this information. You are an inspiration and I adore your looks. You have a new friend here! ;)

P.S. Sorry your Texans lost, but I am glad my Pats won! haha joking. ;) lol


Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

ok this blog post was amazing! AMEN to the TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION. omg one of my biggest pet peeves! I'd rather not comment than fill out that dumb thing. half the time, i can't read the squished, font 2 words anyways haha.

Also, i just started taking paid sponsorships!!! It's sooooo hard to get started, i feel like nobody will want to sponsor me. but like you, i'm going to try to find some blogs to sponsor myself!! it is a slow beginning but i hope it will get better :)

great blog post shanna! and way cute outfit!!!!!!!!!

Life etc... said...

Great blogging tips! I really think I'll start looking into sponsoring some blogs soon, I'd like to grow mine a little :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE this post! I was just talking to someone the other day about those people that do the generic copy and paste comments...I cannot stand it! I've really been on the fence about sponsoring blogs...not because I don't think it will work, I'm just dancing along that fine line before I take the plunge! ;)

Cathy said...

This is my favorite post to date! Inspirational in so many ways and the reason you are in my top 5 blogs that I look forward to reading every day. So happy to have found my Texas sis :)

Nicole said...

You said at the beginning of this that you held off on sharing your two cents for awhile but I am SO glad you did - I was so overwhelmed when I started my blog because I wasn't sure how to form friendships with other bloggers and make a connection with readers. I remember reading your blog in the beginning and being so impressed with how you were able to share your life (and amazing sense of style) with your readers without seeming self absorbed.
I've definitely seen that it's something that takes time and dedication but throwing myself out there for linkups and leaving sincere comments has helped me to make a connection with so many sweet people. Thank you for sharing what I consider very valuable advice from someone who has a very in depth understanding of what works and what doesn't.

Nicole @ Sequined Patterns

Emily Devine said...

This is a great post, Shanna! So much great advice. And of course your outfit is amazing, as usual.

Love stopping by your blog on the daily and linking up every Wednesday!

Emily Devine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paige Nicole said...

I agree with so much of this I don't even know where to start!
I've recently realized the power of pinterest. It's in my top subscribers for the first time even though I had pinned posts before. I have no idea what I did right with that one but hey, I'm not complaining!

Btw, I love that you can pull off brown and black. For some reason, that color combination is so tricky for me! I can do black leggings and brown boots but anything else throws me off! lol

TaraMixandMatch said...

Great advice Shanna! The number one thing that drives me nuts when visiting other's blogs is word verification...people need to just turn it off! I also agree about pinterest....a great source of traffic, I think I need to remember to use it more!

Annie said...

These are such awesome tips Shanna! You are such a genuine blogger and it really shows in every post, and I love that about you. Plus, you are just the cutest :)

The Other Side of Gray

Allison said...

Thanks for all the tips Shanna! And I love, love, love your sweater! :)

Sheena Rae said...

Great advice! I hate having to type the word in to post a comment! Half the time, I just LEAVE! :D

Ashley said...

First off...your sweater is so adorable, and I've been wanting something like it for a while!!

The one about Pinterest. I'm having not so much luck in that department. If I pin something myself, no one else repins it...but if someone else does it, I have more success with people repinning it. What are your thoughts on that?

Danavee said...

Thank you for reminding me to really be sincere with wording my comments. And for giving me permission to ignore the "let's follow each other" comments!

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

We all want our blogs to grow, especially someone like me who has a small blog. What I do have though is real style, real concerns and a real life so I do share my daily outfits with a dose of my day-to-day goings. Your tips and advise all sound good and so genuine. Maybe I should look for advertising later down the road.

I would love for you to let me know two things though:

1) How do I turn off Word Verification? I didn't even know I had them on, until a couple of bloggers that have commented, have told me about it.

2) How do I make a Blog Button? Do you have an easy tutorial or website where I can make one?

& 3) -but this is more like a favor of me to ask of you - I absolutely love your style & your blog. As you know I am about to give birth soon so I will be running a bunch of Guest Posts starting next weekend and through the month of February. I would love for you to Guest Post for me since I love your style, your page & especially your personality. Contact me at: ada.furxhi<@> and I will let you know more details as we E-Mail each other.

Thanks a Lot Shanna.

P.S. Great outfit as always. Love the cozy, big cardigan. =)

<3 Ada.

A Silver Snapshot said...

I am very glad you decided to write your blog tips. I especially agree about being genuine and sincere in the comments! Thanks for hosting, and Happy Wednesday!

P.S. At the risk of sounding generic, I do love that sweater. You combined it with the red pants perfectly.

Angela W. said...

This is awesome advice, Shanna! And love the F21 tribal sweater with the red denim...super cute! Hope you have a great day! xo Angela

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

Well, hello spicy red pants! Love that your mixing browns with black, that rule of "don't" is so over!
Your tips are so true to you. Seeing your personality in each of your post is the best thing about your blog! Your tips are great, it's good to know I'm not alone in wanting to or actually pinning my own to pinterest!

Unknown said...

Well put! All of these are super important but can I be honest and say that I think one of the reasons you do so well is because your so stinking cute and we all love you. And that outfit. I mean that sweater?? I want it. now.

Unknown said...

I love this advice. I've been seeing a lot of other bloggers' advice - but I trust you more because I feel like I know you lol I definitely feel in a bit of a blogging rut.. need to figure out how to get out and progress my blog!


Maddie~The Whimsy One said...

I love that outfit, man the red pants really "pop". and yes, funny enough I wrote about word verification this morning too! and I hate when I go to write a reply and I can't. I get loads of no reply bloggers. and I just noticed it posted the wrong picture on my link. haha I am sure everyone wants to click on a link they think is about minnie mouse;)

Sarah Tucker said...

I want that sweater!!! I was searing for it on Dec 31st to buy it before my 'challenge' started! No luck...which means I am coming to steal yours!

Helene said...

seriously awesome post and great points. (but i disagree, to me you are a "big" blogger). agree with all of this and it is so helpful!! love this Shanna!

Alison @ Get Your Pretty On said...

GREAT blogging insights. I'm only 4 months into this so appreciate all of the advice I can get. Loving your layered look today with chambray, colored denim and that awesome sweater!

Courtney said...

1. Love your sweater, it looks so cozy and chic.
2. What great advice and blogging tips:) You're a great writer and a natural at fashion styling but my favorite thing about you and your blog all along is that you are real, no bs. Its' refreshing and it's what I want to read;)

Katie said...

i loved your tips. especially the ones about leaving genuine comments. it makes me laugh when i write a serious post and someone write "cute outfit". clearly did not read a thing! I also try to respond to each comment but lately have felt like i just can't do it! I'm learning that it won't always be possible, but I also want to conintue to try as hard as I can because that is one of my favorite things about blogging - getting to know others!

Martha said...

First off, that sweater is so cute-I love it!

Second, thank you for posting about blogging. I still feel like I'm all thumbs as far as things go in the blogging world, and it's rally helpful to get tips and advice from bloggers who know the ropes.
Thank you again!

Susan said...

I think these are all really great tips. And I'm with you, sharing a piece of yourself honestly is what I think most readers relate to best. Happy Wednesday!

Laura said...

such a great post lady. good for you for just laying it all out there! there is no shame in pinning your outfits- you worked hard at them! i do the same with my recipes and DIYS!

Carly said...

Love this! Great advice, every single thing! Sponsorship really has helped my blog to grow! Plus, actually fostering relationships with other bloggers like your awesome self!

And I think I'm more excited than you about the new business, I wish you lived here so I could hire you!!!!


Joy said...

Wonderful words of blogging wisdom. I've been doing this for 4 years, and honestly... I blog for me and my family and friends. The words that I write are to share our life with them, and thankfully along the way... I met some of the sweetest and most amazing blog friends I could have ever imagined!!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Great tips. I shake my fist at the world when I see a noreplyblogger. GAAAAAH!

I don't advertise or sponsor, but I've been kicking it around. I wasn't ready before, but I feel like I might be now. Thanks for the extra little push!

Suzanne said...

Useful tips. I have yet to dive into sponsoring other blogs but I know I need to do it.

Love the red pants!


TheTinyHeart said...

Word verification drives me nuts! Blogger shouldn't even have that as an option. I'm a no reply blogger on purpose. I comment on so many blogs that my inbox would just be inundated with replies.

The Tiny Heart
JCrew Giveaway!

Lisette @ Northern Belle Diaries said...

Can I just comment on how much I love you? I just showed this post's pictures to my hub and said "can you believe the amazing wardrobe this girl puts together from places we can afford?!" Yes because not everyone has money to shop at Bergdorf Goodman or Saks Fifth Avenue. I'm so proud of you and so happy to be sponsoring your blog in a few weeks! Your genuine efforts to responding to comments has earned you a good friend over here! XOXO!

Always Maylee said...

First, I love your sweater! Second, love this post. I totally agree with ALL of your tips! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Jes said...

Great advice about blogging.

I'm really bad about not putting pictures of myself on my blog. BUT I have some on the side in hopes it'll make up for it!

And I hate work verification too. There were a few weeks where I got about 50 spam comments that were posted on the blog. It drove me nuts so I did put up the verification for a few weeks. BUT I took it down and haven't had any of those pesky comments since then!

I do like blogs best when they are sharing about their life. I am super nosey.

pretty little things said...

love that sweater on your girly! xo

Jenn said...

I love seeing how other bloggers view blogging. Whether they be a big blog or even just a small blog, we each have or own opinion about the do's and don'ts. Thanks for your input!

Karen said...

Wow! Just what I needed today. Thank you for being so transparent. I just discovered your blog last week and decided to link up today. I am going to share this post with a blogger group that I am in. Hopefully, it will encourage someone else today!


Ginny said...

Great tips. This is such a fun hobby and I think your tips ca. Help me to make the most of it.

Sami said...

Shanna! You're so smart sister! I agree with everything.. except responding to everyone. That ish has become a full time job :/ I try to respond to everyone that asks a question or writes something really sweet but otherwise I don't. I think that makes people mad but it's so much work. I'm vowing to get better! I'm linking up today! Whooop :)

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

I blog for fun! I am never going to be a big blogger and I am okay with it. My reward is the connection, that simple. This is my little diary to my child. What leave behind for him. It's based on fun, honesty, love! I want people to follow because of me not a giveaway, not stats etc. I interact from my comments I leave others. You have to admit are not the normal. I also respect others who take it seriously. Hell, maybe one day I will. But you know I don't like rules. But I love you!

Unknown said...

This is why you are my favorite blogger! With a full time job and jewelry line, my blog comes third as a "diary" for myself, but as I have come to "know" other bloggers, I have seen how wonderful this little world is! I know you know how much I love you Miss Pretty!!!

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said...

Definitely great advice. I love on number 5 "It kinda weirds me out when I don't know what the blogger actually looks like." SO TRUE!!

I am the same! Im like who IS this person!? haha

Anywho, great post. Love the outfit! Thanks so much for hosting the link up!


Simply Evani said...

Hi Shanna! I've heard such great things about you from fellow bloggers like Nicole from Treasure Tromp and I knew I had to check you out for myself! I love the blog tips you posted and I think you brought up some wonderful points about quality interaction and content. I'm excited to continue to follow and learn more about you! :)


Sarah said...

This is such a great blog post! Very thoughtful and good tips. I am newish to the blogging world, but the deeper I get into the more I love it. Now much husband says, this isn't going on the blog is it? haha...

Gwen said...

This post could not have come at a better time! I started blogging over a year ago, but I was very sporadic with posting. I got rid of the word verification b.s. awhile ago and made sure that I'm not a no-reply blogger. I still don't understand link ups, but I'm working on it.

Thanks so much for these tips!

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Shanna, these were fantastic tips on blogging, and pretty different than what is seen on other similar posts that you referred to. I'm glad you wrote this, and I love seeing your heart and soul in this blog!

Allison said...

You just made my life! I've been blogging for a couple of years, but I only recently started the realize there's so much more than just writing something I'm feeling on my blog. You can connect with people! How do I find link up parties? That's one thing I am clueless on!

You just rock too much! :)


Mellissa "Shia" Rondinelli said...

Great tips! I know recently you posted that I was a no reply commenter ... what am I doing wrong? I need to fix it! help!!


Amy Shaughnessy said...

Girlfriend, love all of these tips. I have had a twitter account for over a year and have not really used it. I had to hunt for my password yesterday and logged on. I don't get twitter. Do you think people use it more than FB? I'm more of a FB person but I'm thinking about jumping on the twitter wagon. Maybe...


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Mellissa "Shia" Rondinelli said...

I made some changes - how about now? Also, thanks for bringing this to my attention - I would have never known it was an issue!


Dani @ Wine Cheese and All The Things said...

I just favorited this post, because it speaks to me about where I am wanting to take my blog. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom on this topic! :) Xoxo

Jenn @ WLB said...

Thanks so much for the tips! As a fairly new blogger, I like to soak up as many as I can get. You never know what one thing will be your big help!
Also-You really need to know how much I love that sweater. It looks so cozy!
With Luck

Hailey Stoner said...

I hate when I have written a comment and then I have to verify I'm not a computer! So annoying, and I don't comment anymore. :) I haven't taken the leap on taking sponsers yet, still too nervous I won't get any I think, but I love sponsering! Really does help grow your blog.
Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick

Anonymous said...

Love the red jeans!! I need to get a pair of those!

Thanks for hosting the link-up, they're always such fun!

Unknown said...

thanks for the bloggy advice, i love reading everyones opinions on blogging its great :) adore that sweater!!

kate @ a journey in style said...

I was going to say, "Great tips!" but after reading #7, I'm afraid to now! No but seriously, I agree with most of these tips-- I've been intending on posting a PSA about turning off CAPTCHA because it drives me so crazy!

Kate @ A Journey in Style

Sara said...

Girl, you nailed this! Great advice and I couldn't agree more! Thanks for giving me the courage to pin my own posts. Knowing that you do it makes it 100% ok in my book!
Sara :)

Chioma said...

love all the advice you gave Shanna! i've never been a fan of receiving four or five word comments on my posts either. I love this sweater! it stands out so much more with the red! I'd love to collaborate on something soon! Have a great day!

C's Evolution of Style

Jeans and a Teacup said...

Thanks for the tips! I think it's really great when successful bloggers share their knowledge. I didn't know about word verification and no reply bloggers until another blogger told me!
When I first started blogging I told my husband it wouldn't cost anything! I'm still holding off on sponsoring and other blog relating things that might cost money for now. I also don't have a smart phone which makes it really hard to keep up with social media (again it's a money related thing!) But I'm trying to do the best I can to grow my blog despite these "challenges" haha...
Jeans and a Teacup

Unknown said...

Thank you Shanna, for being so honest and putting your honesty out there like this. I think we all can learn something from this, in fact, I know I did. Your honesty is inspiring and I truly appreciate you. Keep up the amazing work, you're one of my blogging role models!

Understated Classics

Danielle said...

Everyone here is right. This post was quite helpful. I was guilty of comment verification and didn't even know it until someone told me. For shame.

Also, you know what makes me happy? When I end up wearing a similar article of clothing (or entire outfit) on the same day as one of the bloggers I really like! It makes me feel like I'm doing somethin' right :) (If you're wondering where that comment came from, I'm wearing chambray and red pants today, too!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of these. I hate it when I can't reply to someone because their email isn't linked. I also hate bloggers who never ever respond to comments. I get that not every comment requires a response. We all have lives. But to never respond? It's just rude.

Cramer Coffee and Jesus said...

gahhly Make me scroll all the way down through 68 people because YOU have a popular post - what were you thinking? lol. great post my friend! Great tips! and loving your outfit...someone once told me never to wear black and brown but you sure as heck pull it off perfect....I might have to throw their advice out the window..

Melanie Montgomery said...

I try to do all of these things, probably not as often as I should.

This is probably my favorite outfit so far. I love it.

Rach said...

I'm so glad you have the word verification turned off! Those crazy little letters are impossible to read, haha!

Elena said...

I really like to read about your blogging experience! Blogging is not easy but it should be fun, I can see that you truly enjoy it that's why your blog is growing so fast! And I'm grateful that I can"meet" so many amazing people through blogging world!

Anonymous said...

First of all, love the Aztec sweater with the red jeans! Second I love this post. Great post and all things I try to do and you're right that word verification is so annoying. I removed mine within 2 weeks while I was playing around in blogger. So annoying especially when you so all your commenting on an iPhone like I do. Love your blog!

tara said...

you are wise beyond your blogging years, shanna! <3

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

Great personal blog tips! I think "meeting" other like-minded people is such a great benefit from blogging!

Just Another Shopaholic said...

What a wonderful post Shanna! Your blogging tips are great and your Forever 21 sweater is so darling!!

Amy Powell said...

I love these tips! sounds like you've really learned a lot in the "blog world" and I love that. made me think about a few things too :)

xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

{PS - I'm giving away a fitness journal. Would love to have you win!}

Head to Toe Chic said...

Gorgeous sweater lady and i love that you belted it!! Your advice is dead on and I agree with all of it. I need to find some other blogs to advertise on this month, I think that definitely helps a lot.


Happiness at Mid Life said...

Well said Shanna! I am still a newbie at blogging (7 months young) and these tips will help.


Claire Kiefer said...

This is one of the best posts about blogging I've read. You're so right on the money--it's all about being genuine and honest and opening up. Funny enough, I know the things I could do to grow my blog, but it doesn't always take a priority. I'm grateful for all that I've gained from blogging, however, and I'm totally with you on all these thoughts! xo

Unknown said...

I am a new follower! I hope to see you follow back :) I love this sweater and I love how you put the whole look together well, done!

Unknown said...

I love your tribal sweater!

Unknown said...

Great tips on blogging and I love your outfit!

Jenn @ Party of One said...

Fantastic post, as always! Thanks for providing genuine, realistic & helpful tips on growing a successful blog! You are, of course, a blogger whom I admire SO very much & I really appreciate all the of the insights you've shared! You're just the best, Shanna!

Janna Renee said...

Fantabulous blogging advice! Pretty much exactly what I would pass along as advice.

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Unknown said...

Hey Shanna you inspire me so much so thanks for the tips. My blog turned one year this december and I have been feeling like I've spent the year trying to figure out where I want to go with my blog. The hardest thing for me is forming relationships with other bloggers, it feels like the first day of school. All the bloggers seem to be friends and connected and I feel like the new girl who doesnt know where to start lol! If that makes any kind of sense, but hopefully I'll get there. I hope next year gets much better and things start to make sense to me!
The aztec sweater looks so cute with the red pants. Great outfit as usual!
Ms Dee Kay