This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, PEOPLE StyleWatch® and InStyle® but all my opinions are my own. #PMedia #NewYearMeTime

I mentioned a handful of my 2015 goals in this post. I am happy to report that I have stuck to them thus far. I know it's only been a little over a week since I wrote them down, but progress and accountability are day at a time.
As most of you know, I am a wife and mom to two beautiful and very involved an adoptive mom to a spotted fur child, Gus Wilbur. I left the "corporate world" almost three years ago to stay home with my kids. I wanted to have the flexibility to pick them up off the bus after school, be home with them during the holiday/summer months and to be more "present" in their lives.
During the week days, I work. My site is my job and contributes to our household income. I take it seriously and most days I am at home working on the computer or planning upcoming posts. Before I know it, it's 3:00 PM and time to walk down to scoop up the kids, complete homework, prepare dinner, chauffeur to extracurricular activities, spend time with my husband and BOOM it's bedtime.
Soooooo, with all that said, I've sort of, kind of lost my Shanna know the one where I used to take time for myself...go on lady luncheons, actually shop in a store and not in front of my computer screen, get a pedicure (it's been embarrassingly too long since my last), sit in a Sephora chair and let the ladies have their way with me and most importantly making time to carve out an hour for physical activity at least three days a week.

All workout wear available at Kohl's // Asics Athletic Shoe
I picked up two of my favorite magazines, InStyle and PEOPLE StyleWatch, at Walmart and set aside some quality reading in a bubble bath. I immediately started flipping through for style and cosmetic inspiration. Surprisingly enough I was drawn to the articles that focused on fitness, health, exercise and getting my butt into shape for the new year. What? Who have I become?
Don't get me wrong, I still read all about new spring styles, what's on trend for 2015, tricks for mastering hair and make-up and even ways to flatter my shape (in hopes that I didn't actually need to exercise to look more fit). Again, the features discussing health stole my attention...especially the Instagram #buttspo (yes, that was the hashtag) that InStyle posted from readers. I was like daaaaaaaang....gimme some of that! Ha!
In all seriousness, both magazines gave me some exercise ideas, fun workout gear options, healthy recipes and MOTIVATION!!!
Last week I hit 9Rounds three times and plan on taking more walks/jogs with Gus along our neighborhood trails in between kickbox classes. I have never been a runner. I never will be. I will say that jogging for one minute and walking for three is a step in the right direction. It's all about getting out and moving. Participating in some sort of physical activity is better than sitting in a chair behind a computer all day.
Not to mention that a beach vacation coming up next month has put a little fire under my rear.
Even after that vacation has come and gone, working on my fitness regimen will be top priority for the rest of the year and hopefully for years to come. I have been a slacker and an excuse maker. Not anymore!! I will continue to turn to InStyle and PEOPLE StyleWatch for their exercise/workout features....and for style and make-up too!
2015 is a new year for lifestyle changes, no more excuses and spending quality/active time with MYSELF. #workit

P.S. You can save $1.00 on ONE (1) PEOPLE®, InStyle®, PEOPLE StyleWatch®,
All You®, or Real Simple® magazine. The Walmart digital coupon is available
1/14/15-2/16/15 (while supplies last). To access the coupon you must be a
member/subscriber to

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