UPDATE after giving this post more thought than I should...wear what makes YOU happy. PERIOD! If you feel confident and it puts a pep in your step, do it. Who cares what anyone thinks is "in" or "out". Just be you and work it!
My friend Jenn shared a Who What Wear article earlier this week discussing 18 trends the writers of the site are "totally" over. I immediately hopped over to take a peek at what they thought and to see if I was guilty of their fashion faux pas.

Lauren Conrad at Kohl's Boyfriend Blazer (option here and here) // Lauren Conrad at Kohl's Top (option here and here) // Old Navy Distressed Denim // Zara Heels (option here and here) // Sira & Mara Necklace c/o // Forever 21 Bag (option here and here) // Michael Kors Watch c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Alex and Ani Bracelets c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Lilac Bijoux Crown Ring c/o
Luckily, I had to agree with 90% of what they thought we should all immediately get rid of. I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings, but they hit it dead on. I've never been a fan of cat printed anything, the bubble necklace bursted about three months into it's debut and don't even get me started wedge sneakers. One I was surprised about was the sock bun. I guess I actually like it when it looks a little messy and undone...not so socky. Is that a word? They also said toss out your infinity scarves. Sorry, I don't toss out any scarf...ever. My leopard one from Express is still one of my all-time favorites.
This article kind of gave me an aha moment and then I patted myself on the back. I was proud to say that I didn't fall into most of these trend traps like I would have in the past. Even before I started blogging, I would buy things because they were cute or the biggest rage in fashion magazines. Then when I did start my blog, I think I got worse about spending, thinking to myself, "Oh, this would be great for the blog." One day I walked into my closet to do a bi-annual purge and was appalled. There were way too many pieces that I had only worn once, items I didn't even like anymore and the "trend" was long gone.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good trend and I am happy to jump on the train as long as it fits my style and that I can see myself wearing it more than just in a blog post. Take for instance, the fur vest explosion. I have four (yikes!), but have worn them all at least twice and my white one, well it's been seen in a few posts and several times on Instagram. They were all budget friendly and even if this little fad doesn't continue next year, I got my cost per wear out of them and then some.
I guess what I am saying is, be cautious on spending your dollars on pieces that may not be around in a few months. If there is a trend you are dying to try, hit up your local resale shop, thrift store or more affordable retailers like Forever 21, H&M, Target, Old Navy or Kohl's (they have insane clearance prices)
I have made a conscious effort lately to shy from experimenting with styles that don't suit me, my age or personality. Sure, there are several I would love to try (crop tops), but I am well past those days. Just because it might look great in a post; I am almost 100% sure I would never wear it in "public".
Lately, I have opted to go for more classic styles, like what I am wearing today and adding spices of things that could very possibly be ancient history in a few months. At least I can feel good about not spending over $50 on most of the "I want to try this trend" pieces.
Hope y'all have a happy weekend! We are going to see Gus! In case you are new here, Gus is our dog and has been gone for bird hunting training exactly one month today. One more month to go!

I only have one of those what not to wear! An infinity scarf and I'm not tossing it. It's super warm and sometimes you just need that!
Love your shoes!
I love classic look like these, the are made of basics and are so elegant.
Ooooh! I love how you paired the blue with the turquoise! I don't think I've ever done that, but I sure do like it! Gonna have to give it a whirl myself for sure!
I love classic, always.
And I adore cobalt blue. Such a fresh pop of color.
Love the blue shoes here! The whole ensemble is classy! I checked out the Who What Wear article...I mostly agree, like you said, but I don't think I'm ready to give up my mint bubble necklace yet...does that make me lame...lol!! Have a happy weekend!
Kellie @ www.ie-style.com
I went through the list and I have a few exceptions:
- I wear my bubble necklace very infrequently, so I don't think it's ever going to fully leave my closet.
- I have one cowl neck sweater that I wear when it's below 20 degrees because it offers additional warm on my walk to work! And that's functional.
- Peplum - because I think if it's done right it's awesome, but it's definitely overdone.
I agreed with everything else!
Love this very refreshing post Shanna. I also loved that list but I can't agree with them on all points because some trends are meant to be classic....plus whatever happened to the concept of remixing. But I'm just too happy to rid my eyes of the bubble necklace...LOL!!
I won't lie, I was a little sad to see peplum tops on their list of trends that were over :( But I agree that they had their moment and it's time to move on. Love the pops of blue in this outfit, btw, and totally agree with you about the closet clean-out and sticking with the classics!
I read the article but a bunch of those on the list I don't consider trends like infinity scarves or cowl neck sweaters. I think we should always dress for ourselves, whether it's something trendy or not. If you love it, wear it!
The Tiny Heart
haha omg yes- just say no wedge sneakers and bubble necklaces! but totally agree with you- whats wrong with scarfs?!
love this pretty casual look!
ladies in navy
agree that I haven't been trying as many trends lately. but if I do, I usually try to get something budget friendly so if I only wear it a few times, no big deal. and i'm over the sock bun too - I also prefer a more natural looking or messy bun :)
-- jackie - jade and oak
I can't wear scarfs at all. Make me look toooooo top heavy. I try to be as minimalistic as possible up there. On you, beautiful. On me, not so much.
Is some of that stuff a trend? I can't keep up. I don't remember anything holographic being around? Did I miss an invite to the rave?
Blue and white is definitely one of my fav color combinations and you look so pretty!! Love this look...
xo Ash,
Sincerely Miss Ash
I know what you mean, I find myself thinking that, "oh, this piece will look amazing on the blog and photograph well," and went wayyyy over budget Black Friday and Boxing Day shopping. What a wake up call. Now I'm budgeting, and it's really helping me to stay true to my style while still buying beautiful pieces. If I want something trendy, I usually try to find a cheaper version of it. I don't like to pay too much for things I know I'll only wear once!
Arielle from Tangled Musings
Pretty look today girl! I will never throw out my infinity scarves...I think they're the best thing ever!
I really love those blue heels!! And I could never get rid of any of my scarves. I love them all too much for that, lol
I totally agree with you 100%. I used to buy things because they were trendy (I wish I had never fallen for that dang bubble necklace!) but now I am so much more into buying what i like. If it happens to be trendy, so be it.
Um, I agree with the scarf thing too. Why would you get rid of a scarf? Even if it's not cool, you can still wear it with your coat to keep warm. I think that was the original purpose of scarves anyway :)
Awww...thanks for the mention. I am SO guilty of being a trend-aholic. And admittedly have purchased more than a few items just for the blog. Thankfully with a few years of blogging under my belt, and no more room in my closets...I've given up buying items that I know would only be worn once! Btw, LOVING your pops of color here. Hope you have a great weekend!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
This is what my resolution taught me the most! Not to buy things just because everyone else is wearing them. I should have never bought bubble necklaces...because I am not a necklace person. Never have been,never will be. There are things I have bought and by the time I have enough confidence to wear it, it is out of style. Great post, friend!
I agree with most of them.....I never liked half of them anyways. I do have to disagree with the sock bun though. I love my sock bun and it will never go away:)
I love this outfit! It is so classic, but the blue heels give it such a great look :) I am going to read that and while I agree with certain things (I only wore the bubble necklace once and realized it wasn't for me...) I think as long as you are taking trendy items and styling them with more classic pieces, even if something is technically "out of style" I think if you can make it work with something classic, it still looks good and therefore, who cares haha!
And I am going to hide in shame right now, but I LOVE WEDGED sneakers. I just think they are super edgy and I love that style even though I can totally understand why some people wouldn't like it!
I never jumped on the bubble necklace and wedge sneaker trends.
I just got my chevron infinity scarves. They aren't going anywhere.
I'm always confused about what's a trend and what will last in fashion. I just buy what I like (and what I see you wearing :) ) I'm with you on the scarves...they are my favorite accessory. And, I still like peplum, even though I'm supposed to throw it out too!
My gosh I love those shooooooes!! So pretty. :)
~ Country Girl's Daybook, recently posted: Sheenazing & Sherlock. Mmmmhm. → http://bit.ly/1cB4fJO
Always keeping it real Shanna! Great post!! You look beautiful, blue really looks great on you! I totally agree with finding cheaper alternatives to try a trend that won't last very long, even though I don't really go by the books. I buy what I like and will usually mix it a couple different ways to ensure I get my money's worth. I don't think i'll ever be able to ditch my scarves or fur vests though!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Great outfit! I definitely have to check out the WWD article!
Crumbs & Curls
You look beautiful in this simple but chic outfit. Love the shoes. As far as the list.. I will not get rid of my infinity scarves. Or my peplum tops because I feel like I didn't get to fully wear them this year with this big ol' belly and all. And I think cowl necks have been around since I was little so I don't really quite see it going anywhere. But what I DO know is that I'm not getting rid of anything... just like the denim jacket, it'll come back again I'm sure of it, haha! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Love your classic outfit! I almost got those heels!! They are so cool. And I'm victim to a few of those trends - mainly peplum. I still like it but I have a few top is my closet that just don't fit right but I bought them because I liked the trend. And I don't agree with the sock bun and infinity scarves! I'm still trying to master the bun and I will never get rid of my scarves either!! But thank goodness wedge sneakers are going away. Who ever thought that was a good idea?
Jeans and a Teacup
Some of those trends I still love and I have no intention of not wearing something simply because someone says it's not in style. I'm pretty sure most people outside of the blogging world don't have a clue nor do they care about what's in style. Wear what you love and what looks good on you and who cares about the rest!
I could not be more excited to say goodbye to sock buns, peplum, and wedge sneakers. I never got into it, and hope to see less and less. I am sad about infinity scarves and bubble necklaces though and will still wear mine when I want to ;-)
Happy Friday!
I am so guilty of spur of the moment purchases that go out of style before I even get to wear them a second time, and that are definitely not my style. I guess I do need to become a smarter shopper.
I am so guilty of spur of the moment purchases that go out of style before I even get to wear them a second time, and that are definitely not my style. I guess I do need to become a smarter shopper.
Can't go wrong with classic, timeless pieces! Love this outfit... so chic and blue is my favorite color. Happy reunion with Gus!
2014 is definitely starting out as a year of the classics!
Enter to win a $500 shopping spree!
Agree on the peplum and bubble necklaces! (although, I never got into those trends in the first place, so....that might be why.)
Not getting rid of my wedge sneakers until they are completely irrelevant. I have to say I love mine!
Haha I totally get over-thinking this post to not offend anyone, it can be quite a shock to realize you aren't "on-trend" anymore!
I agree, wear what you feel good in and makes you happy. I never got into the wedge sneakers or the bubble necklace. But I think peplums were on that list and it made me a little sad. O well, whatever!
I am so in love with those blue shoes! I hope we see them lots!
Love all of the various shades of blue here...and so happy you get to see your doggie :)
There were a few on there that I disagreed with...bubble necklace, peplum and infinity scarves. But hey, that's ok. Like you said, if you feel good in it, then who cares (within reason, of course). Love the look in this post...classic. It may help that i also have that necklace you're wearing.
I love the blue! The shoes, the little necklace, the bag. Blue become you.
Fortunately I only have two of those. Infinity scarves…and bubble necklaces and still adore and wear them proudly. So those two nominations I think are horribly misguided, but otherwise the other 16 are totally on par.
She may be over them, but I'm not! haha! I love the bubble necklaces!
I totally agree with wearing what makes you happy and not following trends! I actually hate it when I see something all over the place - like bubble necklaces (and I'm sorry, I never liked the sock bun). And I love your outfit so much - the pops of blue are gorgeous!
I think that I was always jealous of the sock bun because I don't have enough hair to make one - my bun is more like a tiny pinky bun.
I thought that list was spot on - except the infinity scarf, that is a classic to me. And although the cowl neck does have a dated look to it, it is just so warm and nice to wear when I have a long, cold walk across the parking lot into work! Peplum though has to go, I need to draw attention away from my hips - not to them!
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