Jacket: Forever 21 (similar) | Top: Tracy Reese for Target | Denim: Kohl's | Shoes: Target | Necklace: Forever 21(fun option)| Bracelets: Gallery and Forever 21 |
As you already know, the Target and Neiman Marcus collaboration launched last weekend. It seems to have tanked miserably. I am sure both CEOs of the companies are curled up somewhere in a fetal position, all alone and sucking their thumbs. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
Anyway, the only thing that I wanted (well, wanted enough to pay full price for) was this Tracy Reese top. I ordered it online because I thought the stores were going to be a mad house. After, I posted the picture of it on Instagram, several people told me the fit was bad and they were disappointed.
So, then all my excitement went straight down the tubes. I had been lusting over this top for over a month.
Well, it arrived yesterday. And while I don't love it, I don't hate either. I am just wondering if it's worth $80. This is the most I have spent on a single top in years. I keep thinking, this is like four shirts from Forever 21. I am also considering being a little shiesty and taking it back and then buying it again once it goes on sale. If you have been to Target lately, you know there will still be plenty hanging on the racks.
So, I need your vote. Be honest. Tell me what you think. You know I have the hardest time making decisions all by my lonesome. I have to get my girlfriends' opinions. It's part of being a girl. Right?

I have to say, when you posted the first picture of the shirt, I wasn't impressed. Then, I saw it on the rack in Target and I still wasn't impressed. But, Shanna, you look amazing!!!! Keep it girl! :)
Very cute! I love that top!
Happy Holidays!
I am doing a Holiday Giveaway from Sephora! Hope you stop by and enter!
Happy Holidays,
Brooke♥ ❤ ❥
It looks much better on you than it does on the rack. Personally, I like my clothes to have a little more shape, but I love the colors and the sparkle. I voted "do you really need it" especially since I'm sure that stuff is going to me marked down right before or after Christmas. Maybe you can scoop it back up on sale??
Ohhhhh. It's good. It's reeeal good. With that blazer and necklace! LOVE!
I'm always under the impression that if you don't love it, you probably won't wear it too often. So I agree, you should take it back and wait for it to go on sale. Although I'm not sure they make clothes that don't look amazing on you.....
To be honest, I liked the shirt until I saw it was $80! My big ticket items: dresses, shoes, purses, coats...that's it. Other than that, it better be under $50!
I tried it on but just didn't like it. I'm not sure why exactly. I didn't know the back was all blue and almost sheer. Just wasn't for me.
I totally think you should take it back and then buy it again. It looks really great on you....but $80 is lots of dough! LOVE how you styled it!
Keep it - you look GORGEOUS in it!!!!
It's hard to say about the fit because of the jacket (which is amazeballs) but I did here that about the fit as well. I think it would be a versatile piece if you like how it hangs but I am sure for $80 you could find something a lot better!
Did I help? Hope so ;)
Sheree xxx
I have definitely pulled the take back and re-buy move BUT when I was at Target when the line went live I did hear one of the managers say that only the hardgoods would go on clearance and not the clothes...
I love it on you!!! It fits you really well. I'm a little torn though because I think you're right, it will go on sale. This target collaboration hasn't done well at all. I can't believe you can still find everything in the store!
I think it's a gorgeous top - but for $80? Nah... but you look gorgeous - but really what's new? :)
Pearls & Paws
That top was by far my favourite piece of the collection. I guess, like many others, I was disappointed with the collaboration also. While I haven't seen that top in person, I must say it looks AWESOME in these photos. It looks so pretty with that gorgeous blazer. However, I would definitely return it if you don't LOVE it. Wow, I didn't realize it was $80. That seems a bit high, especially if you don't love it.
xo Jenny
I was too looking forward to this top. It's so pretty on the hanger but it didn't fit me like I wanted it too :( Plus, I couldn't justify spending that much on it! But you look fabulous! Love how you paired it with the blazer!
It actually looks really nice on you and the fit seems nice. However, I think $80 is a bit much for this. And like you said, you could get like 4 tops from F21 for this price. I'm sure they will come out with something similar! So my verdict is return and maybe buy again if it goes on sale. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
i think it looks great on you! BUT I would have a really hard time spending that much on a shirt. Think of all the things you could get on clearance at Target with that? :)
It really does look great on you. I loved that top too, but the $80 price tag on a shirt from Target was too much for me. That's my feeling on the entire collection. It's just too much for items from Target. Can you hold on to it and see if the item gets marked down? If the collection is tanking that badly, the items should go on sale fairly soon.
I could tell from the online pic that this top would fit "weird"... and then saw people confirming. Then you put it on and look like a rockstar!! I am in love with how you paired it with that adorable jacket!! BUT - you said it - you don't "love" it. Anything you don't "love" for that price isn't worth hanging on to. Switch it out for a few things that you DO love! If nothing else, at least you got to show how cute it looks on you!! :)
I love how this looks on you. It just pops with that pretty blue jacket!
After seeing your post about the top on Instagram I was excited to find one in my local Target. I will be honest, I was surprised that there were still multiples in every size and as I looked around I was even more surprised that a lot of the collaboration products were still in stores. It looks great on you, but personally, I wouldn't have paid $80 knowing it will be on sale soon. You do look beautiful though.
If your going to a party at the VFW it's good just make sure you have first aid kits and paddle machines. You make this look good.
I think you look great! Buuut yes, it will eventually make its way to the sale rack for $18.38 or something random :). I really liked a few of the sweaters but I don't want to pay 45$ for a sweater from target, I think I'm cheap..oh we'll, ill be keeping my eyes on the sale racks too :)
At first I was meh, but by the photo of you looking down and sort of to the side I was like yes she is rocking this.
I love love your top. Would have purchased myself had I been near a Target right now. It is a dressy top, but you can dress it down too, for sure. I love this entire outfit actually it is stunning with the Cobalt Blazer, Nude Pumps & Gorgeous Silver Statement Necklace. DEFINITELY KEEP THIS TOP, SHANNA. =)
Have a Fantastic Weekend, Ada. =)
Um I kind of love it. But I might be a little biased - it's sparkly and I love anything sparkly. :) No seriously though, it looks awesome on you! But if you're not sure how you feel about it, take it back. $80 isn't cheap!
I'd take it back. Especially if it's something you are already saying to yourself "but I could find 4 really awesome tops from F21 or H&M" cause really, that's what it comes down to. ;) lol
And then if/when it goes on sale and you've changed your mind, you've saved some money...and probably purchased a few more tops with the extra moolah. ;) But just my opinion.
$80 is a lot of money to spend on something that you're not sure you like...so I'd probably take it back if I were you!:) And like you said it's 4 tops at Forever 21 & they have some super cute things right now!!!
ok so i only voted take it back because, 1 $80 is alot for a top 2 I can tell you're not in LOVE with it.. For $80 you should just love love the shirt. i say take it back and buy it back because you like when it's on sale! :)
It's cute and I love the bright blue!
Well I do like it and I love how you styled it with the cobalt jacket, but...$80 is a lot. If it's well made though, it will last for years, so that might be something to consider. Let us know what you decide!
You look beautiful, but I'd have a very hard time paying that much. It's also hard with statement pieces, because its not something you can wear every week. It's a hard choice...
gorgeous outfit! my friend bought that top too and i absolutely love it :)
It looks really great on you! However, I try to stick to a rule about clothes. I only buy it if I love it. I have to love the way it fits and the way it looks and be comfortable spending the asking price (which is why I typically stick with thrift stores and clearance racks so if I really do fall in love with something I don't have to worry about it being terribly expensive). If you were head over heels in love with it then I'd say, sure enjoy a splurge. But you obviously are unsure. I would say take it back and wait for it to go on sale and if they have it available in your size for 75% off (or whatever you're willing to pay) then go for it!
I'm loving the shirt, and the entire outfit together looks fabulous! Perfect amount of sparkle for the holidays!
It's really cute, but certainly not worth $80!
Fizz and Frosting
Love your top as well as your whole outfit!
It is suuuuper cute! Especially on you. But i completely understand how you feel. I don't spend that much on tops usually. Unless it is classic and will be a staple in my wardrobe. If you don't need it for anything, I say take it back. Take that $80 and go to Forever 21 or H&M
I think it's adorable on you and adorable in general. Don't take it back!!
very cute top! but girl I would not spend $80 on it. lol, love your blazer with it though!
C's Evolution of Style
You look beautiful & I kind of like the top - but I don't like it enough to spend $80 on it and is sounds like you don't either! I say take it back and watch for it on clearance :)
Ummm I LOVE IT...but the price makes me kinda want to barf...but then again it is super cute....but the priceee.... <---that is how my mind works!
Honestly? I'd return it and buy it again when it inevitably goes on sale. There is SO much stock in my local Targets, I'd be sure of it still being available. It looks cute - just not $80 cute :)
It's a cute top, but for that amount of money you could get a great better fitting top at a department store. I think it looks adorable, but not worth that much money. Let us know what you decide on!
I like it...want one too but thinking it WILL go on sale soon!! it has too becasue Target does not like it's stuff on the shelves...I think I'll drop by tonight to check hahaha
I read online this nm collab won't go on sale! They will just pull it from the floor.
I love it and think it is pretty. Do you love it for $80? If you don't think it is worth that much, then it isn't. It doesn't really matter what I'm willing to spend or anyone else for that matter. If it is worth it to you then go for it.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I think it's a really cute top and it looks great on you! But I voted - Do you really need it? If you aren't in love with it $80 is a lot to spend in my opinion. But if you return it and it doesn't go on sale or is sold out in your size would you be ok with that?
Jeans and a Teacup
Im with you. Dont love it. Dont dislike it. Just OK. and for $80 you should have stronger feelings for it than this.
I absolutely adored it & you really pull it off. KEEP! ;)
I think it looks fabulous on you! But I think I would wait until it goes on sale... the collection has a lot of cute items, but I felt they were a bit overpriced for the quality. Have a great weekend!
Shanna, you look awesome, but if you're unsure about it then it's probably not worth your $80. Spend $80 on something (or a few things) that you LOOOOVVEEEEE.
I like the top but not for $80
This seems to be the biggest fail Target has had with their collaborations. I bought the Marc Jacobs cashmere scarf because it was $60 and it wasn't hideous, plus it was a cashmere blend. My Target has TONS of merchandise still in stock. I have to say that you styled this top beautifully and I kinda regret leaving it there, but you said it yourself, this is the most you've spent on a single shirt in a long time! I would hold out to see if it goes on sale.
I was also disappointed with the pop up shop at Target. I happened to be there that morning around 8:30 getting some snacks for our road trip and the ladies were going crazy over the tops. I only wanted the Tory Burch lunch box but it was sold out. Oh well. I think you look cute, but I think that blazer and necklace would look great with a crisp white blouse.
It's cute on you, but I'm not sure it's worth it. $30 less and I'd say absolutely. You look great though!
Perfect! I love that top!You look so beautiful.Getting FREE Christmas Gifts Here,http://www.japan-lingzhi-2daydiet.com/Christmas.html.
The top looks great on you. If you don't think you will get that much use out of it then return it.
Ok, I'm going to be honest here - I love it in this outfit. However, I wonder how much I'd love it without the jacket. I think that the blue jacket brings out the blue in the top, but I feel like without it there might be too much flesh-tone. So...I'd say if you don't really love it, take it back. And then rebuy it much cheaper. :)
It looks great on you! It didn't look good on me, it was like weirdly short. But honestly it looks GREAT on you! Love the pairing with the blue blazer too!
I love the blazer, but I'm not too sure on the Top, sorry!
Daisy Dayz
I think it looks great on you but the price is seems so high. I checked out the items at my target and there was a ton of everything still there. Love this outfit!
I really like it - the design and cut are very flattering on you. But I'm not sure if you "need" it... tough call! I usually only spend more than $50 on shoes and jeans
Haha, I love that you made a poll for this... serious stuff!! I like it, but don't know its worth $80... esp. if you don't LOVE it. Also, how's your new oil skin care routine going? I'd love an update... I have been too chicken to even try it yet :)
I LOVE this on you.. I actually saw it at Target tonight and was so surprised the collection tanked. Until I realized how expensive everything was... just doesn't fit with Target's appeal and regular customer. I think if you LOVED it, then you should keep it. Otherwise I totally think it's okay to return it and buy when it's on sale :)
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