Vest: Forever 21 | Shirt: Old Navy (similar)| Skirt: Forever 21 (old) | Boots: MIA (old) | Socks: Forever 21 | Bracelets: Brighthouse Baubles & Gallery |
Happy Random Wednesday....let's get started, shall we?
1. I wanted to express, once again, my compulsion love for Forever 21. I know I have said it a thousands times, but really, this store does it for every time. Take for example this puffer vest. Ladies, it was only fifteen smacker-roos! Can you believe? And they have like nine colors to pick from. Go grab one or three. Then, along came these socks. I mean every girl needs a pair of polka dotted knee socks, right?
2. Yesterday, I got "THE" tickets. Tickets to what? Glad you asked. Tickets to see Taylor Swift!! Yep, the whole fam is going to see T-Swift come May. Tickets don't officially go on sale until Friday, but I scored a pre-sale code from the nicest girl on Twitter that I don't even know. I just threw out a tweet Monday night asking for a code and low and behold, I got my answer. Thank you Twitter, thank you social media and thank you "Twiggy Tart". And this gif of her....well, it just made me laugh.

3. I am sorry if I haven't visited your blog or responded to many comments this week. To those of you who read my rambles, it means more to me than I could ever express over a computer screen. And though I read every single comment, I need to step back from the amount of time I have been spending in blog land. Do I wish I could sit and read all your juicy gossip, #ootds, funnies, what fab color you painted your nails and all your holiday wish lists? Yes, of course! Is it reality? No. I have to somehow figure out a happy medium. Any tips? Please share!
And it doesn't help that this is the busiest time of year. I had a slight anxiety attack yesterday because of all the things that I still have to get done in one week's time. I am wound up like a clock, having horrible dreams, on edge, snippy at home and stressed. It SUCKS! I hate feeling like this, but hopefully things will calm down after Christmas is over. I just have to keep reminding myself that all of "this" is not what the season should be about. It's kind of sad the impact society, retailers and media have on the majority of us when it come to the holidays. Excuse me while I go breathe deeply into a brown paper sack.

**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette.
Oh, and go meet some new friends!

I;m with you on being MIA. It's just plain hard to keep up sometimes! Especially around the holidays.
I love your flannel + vest. Cute! And congrats to T Swift tix!
uhmmmmm cutest socks EVER! And your plaid is perfection. I've seen some not-so-cute lumberjack plaid, but yours is darling. i'm currently on the hunt for my own...
Cute polka dot socks! The holidays always feel like a whirlwind. My girls are SO excited for Santa to come this year which has been great motivation. :) Congrats on your tickets!
You're amazing!! I need the secret to balancing blogging & life too:) I wish I knew an answer. As much as I've loved blogging, I have to remind myself regularly that my little family is the most important thing in my life! Take a break from it all, I think it will give you less stress.
LOVE this outfit - that plaid shirt and vest are awesome! When I went on holidays to America for a month, I visited F21 probably at least a dozen times. I wish it would come to Australia! :)
Love F21 and those polka dot knee highs with the boots, yes maam! I hear ya about the stress level...driving me to drink :)
You're looking super cute as always Shanna!! I love that shirt and those boots! I hope you're having a great week so far :)
Lauren x
You look incredible girly. Casual yet super chic. I love the vest. You layered beautifully. =)
P.S. Did you check this out?
Keeping up with blogging is supper hard, i get what you mean, love that shirt and boots
okay that outfit is adorable! loveee that vest. i'm supes jeal you got tickets to taylor swift. seriously. so jealous. and girl, don't feel bad about not being able to "keep up" with blogging - it's a balance and no one has the magic formula or trick - you have to live your life! :) love ya girl!
I am OBSESSED with your socks! You look SO cute in that outfit Shanna! T Swift is amazing and so is that video clip of her...too funny. Hang in there this week, I'm sure you will get through it like a rockstar :)
The Other Side of Gray
I need you to write a blog post on how to balance blogging with real life. (I'm demanding, right?)
It is a tough balance! Let the tips and tricks roll in, cuz I want to know too!
Love that plaid shirt!
I am SO in love with those socks! And YAY for a puffy vest!
I'm super stressed too, and I hate it. I feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. And I feel overwhelmed when I look at the list of unread blogs that I love to follow. I'm looking forward to some tips as well!!
Shanna. Seriously. With the socks. LOVE!!! And I did take your advice and take my butt to Kohls where I found a BUNCH of fun boot socks! Thanks for the tip! :)
I also adore F21...what a great score on the vest!
The Blue Hour
Not gonna lie...I have some mad love for TSwift! :D
haha love that gif, that will be so fun! and F21 is seriosuly the best, love 'em.
I am no help when it comes to finding a balance with blogging. Sometimes it's overwhelming since I don't want people to feel "left out" but we all know you're busy!
I for sure know I need a pair of polka dotted socks in my life. Can I go see TSwift with you?
That vest is awesome and so are those socks--leave it to Forever 21! How exciting that you're going to see Taylor Swift, have fun!
Jimminy cricket- I can't believe that vest is F21 and the shirt is ON! I need me some new plaid/tartan shirts to style. LOVE this outfit on you and genius on the knee socks under boots. Must try!
I sincerely hope you can find some calm in the midst of the Christmas chaos...I feel where you are coming from. I'm searching for that "happy medium" as well!
Love the puffy vest and polka dot socks! Too cute.
How did I miss those socks in f21 over the weekend! Need!!
I'm with ya on the stress and being snippy. I snipped at the Mister this morning because the dishwasher was leaking as if it were his fault. Ooops!
Love those adorable boot socks! And I can't stop laughing at that Taylor Swift gif!!
As you already know, there's tons of great blogs and posts out there. Its impossible to devour it all. I always read my favorites (your blog obviously) and then I read titles. If I like it, then I'll star it in my google reader for later. Sometimes, I don't ever get to it. That's ok. I definitely don't lose sleep over not reading someone's post about penguin nails (I'm sure they're cute though.) Esther Norine Designs How do you find time for all these cute outfit posts?
Um, polka dot knee socks!? What. How do I keep missing these cute polka dotted things you keep finding!? You look so cute!
It is for sure a crazy time of year and you just have to keep doing what makes you happy and focus on the important things in your life. Finding a balance is always hard, in every aspect of life, but I'm sure you can do it! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
You are the only person who will appreciate this as much as I do. They just opened a two story forever 21 at our mall. The bottom floor is an entire story of the mall. It's HUGE.
Your polka dot socks are TOO cute!
I still struggle with balancing blogging time with the rest of my life, but I think it's important to take a break. I never read blogs from Friday night-Sunday so I can relax over the weekend.
The Tiny Heart
Earrings Giveaway!
So in love with those polka dot socks! You are just so cute! And I totally feel you on the anxiety attack. I think I pretty much have one every day. I just don't know how everything is going to get done! As for blogs, I've been really bad lately but I just tell myself that when I have the time to grow my blog I do and when I don't, I don't. And I just have to be satisfied with that. One last thing, I honestly think you leave the best comments ever on blogs. You always make me feel so good! And it's always so genuine!
Love the plaid shirt with the polka dot socks, so cute! I've been looking for a plaid shirt like that, wish they still had it at ON! I need to be on top of my game with their website more!
confession time. two things always remind me of you. forever 21 and the deodorant aisle at target. because i love you.
pretty outfit as usual lady!! That GIF made me LOL, I love it and stared at it for awhile!! I'm so jealous, I wanna go to the Taylor Swift concert tooo.. can I come? :) How awesome of a twitter friend to give you a code!! Love social media!
wow, congrats on you t swift tickets! i bet your girls will love it and are excited already.
you have a very good reason to be MIA this time around, i guess everyone are busy.
happy holidays!
Love your cute outfit!
I LOVE those socks! They're so much fun! I need to get my booty to F21!
And I can totally understand needing to take a step back, blogging can be so time consuming sometimes! I'm not able to respond to all of my comments anymore either, so I've got to figure out a good way to let people know I appreciate them!
And do you know, I have had a half written Random Wednesday post for a week and a half now? I keep updating it then getting busy (finals week at school) and every time I go back to it, it's Thursday! Ahhhh lol
I'm repeating almost all of the comments when I say WICKED SOCKS!
My advice: DO NOT allow anything that is within your control give you anxiety! ( I had vertigo for a year, then after Accupuncture fixed it I got anxiety trying to drive....which I tried to keep doing to conquer it & it became full blown panic. Which I am still trying to manage with medicine, herbs & exercise....getting better slowly & finally after a yer almost through it).
I think it's God's way of letting you know you need to slow down! Stress is detrimental to your health, people & blogs can wait, breathe, light some candles, do what makes you happy, without your health you have nothing... Does that make sense? I mean when you are not healthy you can't accomplish anything that brings you happiness, your health is the MOST important thing :) take care of yourself :)
That TaySwift gif is hilaaaaarious. Girl stole my best moves!!!
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
Fun outfit, and I'm lovin the boot socks :)
1. I haven't done any of my shopping.
2. I want a puffer vest!
Love the socks :)
I've been prewriting a lot, but then I forget to publish...this time of year is rough! Just enjoy the normal things and let blogging take the backseat. We won't forget about you!!!
I'm wearing a puffy vest today too! I love the polka dot socks! So glad it's actually cold in Austin now!--
ooops I posted this comment on the wrong post the first time!
i've seen that gif somewhere and laugh hard every time i see it. it's hilarious!
that's a really cute outfit too!
I saw T Swift on Friday night and she was great! I am a little over who whole "omg you really like me" act, but girl can sing!
I want to see Taylor Swift! That sounds like fun!
Forever 21 is amazing! I got a complete holiday outfit for around $30 yesterday! I love your plaid shirt!
Jeans and a Teacup
So exciting that you guys get to see T Swift! It will be so great! And I love Forever 21! :)
The vest is perfect over the plaid, so cute!
Do I have to be a fashion blogger to do the link up on Wednesdays? I am new to this link thing - could you give me a few pieces of advice?
i love this look on you girl! that vest goes perfectly with your tartan top. Gosh it's pretty in your background. I miss the sun lol
C's Evolution of Style
I linked up, put in the code crap and here I am.
So, I'm not very good at balancing. What I tend to do is blog daily, read a whole bunch of blogs at once, not read them other times, and respond to emails whenever I think about it. I always hope that I somehow end up responding to comments and emails of people at least once or twice per week, but I don't have it figured out perfectly. It's more of an art than a science, and I'd say it's Elmer's glue and pasta art at that...
Lurve your outfit - girl you always look so stinkin cute! Can't believe that vest was only 15 bucks! Also, that gif of Taylor Swift cracked me up! Can't wait for your giveaway tomorrow :)
I bought the orange one for the same price a little earlier in the fall. Is it sad that I bought it, even though I didn't need another one, just because I knew I could wear it on Sundays when the Browns play? I feel like you would understand matching outfits with professional sports teams! :)
Jess - J's Style
You look so CUTE! Love the plaid, puffer and boots!
I know how you are feeling!! This time of year is just insane. I certainly haven't had time to visit many other blogs lately either but that's ok! We are humans, not machines:) Hope things slow down a little for you and your anxiety level goes down!! Oh and I love those polka dotted socks, super cute!
Cute outfit! Thanks for hosting the link up, and I'm your newest follower. Happy Holidays!!
Lillies & Silk
Your boots and boot socks are precious! Love it!
After seeing this vest on a couple blogs I need one! It's amazing. And please take me to see Taylor Swift with you. I love her! Maybe I can convince Robert to go with me when she comes in September.
I've been telling you forever my struggle for balance! How do people do it? When you figure it out (because you're brilliant) let me know.
Hey girl, I tried to add your Wednesday button, by it turned out gigantic on my page, weird? So anyways, added your regular button instead! Wonder what I did wrong to make that happen.
=) Brooke
$15 that's a steal and yes we all need polka dot socks
You are not alone in your struggles. We have all formed genuine relationships with our blog friends, but sometimes it's hard to keep up when real life gets in the way. Balance is never an easy thing, especially when you are running a family. I felt guilty about not being able to read/comment on all the weekend update links, which is why I stepped away for now. Stay strong and just breathe deep!
Those socks are the cutest!! I want some polka dot socks now!!
The polka dot socks are too stinkin' cute!
i totally get what you mean about having to step back! i enjoy blogging a lot but you have to have balance for sure!
I am so with you on the Forever 21 addiction. I can spend hours in there and I honestly think the quality is generally pretty great for the money. Especially their sweaters.
I think sometimes stepping back is a good thing to refresh your blogging mojo :)
I go through my emails and comment back to those that have commented on mine! I also comment on my {hopefully} daily reads (like you ;), but other than that...I WISH I could find a balance.
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