Yep, it's Christmas time! Even though we had 80+ degree weather this weekend, Christmas month is in full swing around these parts. And, today, Mother Nature has finally decided to cooperate and wave her little weather wand across Texas. It won't go passed the mid 50s in Austin today and the low is in the 20s! I am sure we will be back in the 80's in a few days.
We started Friday off no different than we normally do, Mexican food and margs. In my book, it's the only way to really kick off the weekend.
Then we headed downtown for the annual Christmas tree lighting. Holy madness. I think the whole town of Round Rock was there. Crowds, double wide strollers knocking at my heels and walking what seemed like 5 miles back to our car was not my idea of a Holly Jolly Christmas. Oh well, the kids had fun.
After the chaos, a few of us girls got into our PJs, poured ourselves a couple glasses of vino, popped in Four Christmases, threw the kids upstairs and let the boys play a little at it's finest. Let me tell ya, nights like that, well they just don't get much better.
Saturday we hosted our company Christmas party at our casa. I ran around bat shiz crazy all day. At the last minute, I had the brilliant idea of doing a white elephant gift exchange, where we provided the gifts. I don't know why I do these things to myself. And for some reason speed shopping (well, procrastination in general) gives me a wicked rush...the pressure...the adrenaline...feeling like I am in a I am being timed to get it done. I know, I may have one or two screws loose.
I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the food. Bad blogger. It was divine. If you live in the Austin area and need an AH-mazing caterer, please call this guy. Jim is phenomenal and I love him. Give him a buzz and tell him I sent you.
If you are wondering who that guy is in the middle right picture. Well, it's the new Heisman Trophy winner, Johnny Manziel. This was a huge deal at the party because over half the people there went to Texas A&M and we had to watch. I am not an Aggie, but it was pretty darn amazing seeing a player from Texas, a freshman I might add, take home the honor.
I asked you ladies last week for a holiday cocktail recipe. Thanks for all the ideas. Dusty, I am saving yours for New Year's Eve! Anyway, I ended up making Caramel Apple Cider, but I served it chilled because it was like springtime outside. I will definitely make it again and serve it warm once it gets colder out.You guys, it is so freaking good. Here's the down low:
1 gallon Apple Cider
1 bottle of Sparkling Apple Cider (gives the drink a little carbonation)
1 1/2 cups of caramel flavored vodka
5 cinnomon sticks
Mix it all together and have a few.
And what's a party, after the party if you don't play Taboo? Things got a little rowdy and I still think the other team cheated.
Sunday entailed church, leftover food from the party, football, nap, piles of laundry, more leftovers and Clark Griswold. Best. Christmas. Movie. Ever. Redbox it. Buy it. Netflix it. Watch it. It's a BEAUT!
So, what holiday fun did you have this weekend? I'll tell ya one thing I didn't do....Christmas shop. I am so far behind it's not even cool. I guess that goes back to the "working under" pressure thing.
Have a dashing week, kids!
P.S. It was so fun reading your thoughts and comments on Friday. I decided I would take my $80 and spend it elsewhere. I will keep my eyes focused on the Target clearance racks.
P.S. It was so fun reading your thoughts and comments on Friday. I decided I would take my $80 and spend it elsewhere. I will keep my eyes focused on the Target clearance racks.

I am linking up with: Leeann, Dana and Sami for the Weekend Update.
Molly for YOLO Mondays.

Wow! Are those stuff for the White Elephant? :D
I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested!
WOW Your house is beautifully-decorated for Christmas. I also love the first colage of photos. That tree with the blue lights is stunning. =) What kind of company do you guys have?
Wishing you a Great Week and Happy Holidays!!
I am totally addicted to Mexican food! But, trying to cut back on the Margs...
Looks like a fun weekend!
I'm so glad you made the apple cider!! And I'm glad your party was a blast. Mine is Saturday, and I'm out of town all week....stressing!
Mexican & Margs is the perfect way to kick off the weekend! And yours sounds like it was awesome...cider, Taboo, Christmas it!
The Other Side of Gray
Great pics - we watched National Lampoon's Xmas movie this weekend - never gets old! MN had a snowy weekend... it now feels like Christmas :)
Pearls & Paws
love this post shanna!!! you had a wonderful weekend (despite walking 5 miles to the car after the chirstmas tree lighting). I can't believe you provided all the presents at a party YOU were hosting. you certainly are the hostess with the mostess!
LOVE Christmas Vacation, It seriously is one of the best.
White elephant exchanges are the BEST!
My weekend consisted of staining a sleigh my Grandpa made years ago. My mom gave it to me and I'm keeping it to hand down to my children some day. Just another way to keep his memory alive!
And PS - I was craving margs Friday night lol Never did have them though. Is it 5:00 yet?!
Mexican & margs is the right way to start ANYTHING off!
I saw those polka dot pjs at Target this weekend!
Christmas Vacation is my favorite Christmas movie ever!! We just had a crazy weekend around here too. Our girls had a performance and I was in charge of calling the whole show. Now I can kick back and relax!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Yay, so glad your party went well! I love Taboo, such a fun game. Also, I want those polka dot pjs, why have I never seen them in my Target!?
Side note: so tonight, my Pats are playing your Texans. I am totally going to be thinking of you all night during the game! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Sounds like you had a jam-packed weekend! I can't wait to try the Caramel Apple Cider!
Fizz and Frosting
I'm sad Manti didn't win.
Can I come to your holiday party next year? I bet it wasn't as big of a disaster as ours was this year.
First off, bat shit crazy made me LOL. I love that phrase, it's one I never heard until moving to TX but is one of my faves. Looks like an awesome holiday weekend! I didn't even start Christmas shopping yet and it's giving me major anxiety!
I saw those Polka Dot pjs in Target, they looked so cute! What a fun party that must've been and that drink sounds delish!
The Tiny Heart
I forgot about that movie! i've been wanting to watch more christmas movies! and love your pjs!
yum yum that drink sounds amazing! Caramel vodka?! Sounds dangerous haha. I cannot wait for the trail of lights! Are yall gonna go? Its been a few years and I am exccited!
Hooray for busy holiday weekends! I went to a holiday themed bar crawl wearing a crazy outfit and did some Christmas shopping. Looks like y'all had a great party!
Love these festive pics! I've been lusting after those polka dot PJ's!
Sounds like a great weekend! What a fun idea for the white elephant gifts!
It IS the best Christmas movie ever!!! I love me some Clark Grizwold lol! It sounds like you had quite the weekend! White Elephant exchanges are so fun, that's such a great idea! And I want to try the caramel apple cider!
You're superwoman with all those gifts! Although, Chris and I had talked about doing a white elephant with our families on Christmas Eve...and now I think it is totally doable if I buy all the gifts! Thanks for the kick in the butt saying that I can do it for 10 people if you can do it for a whole company!!
Found you threw the link up. That sounds like an amazing, Christmasy filled weekennd! I went to a Christmas party Saturday night, but that was it when it came to holiday stuff.
Oh and the drink sounds AMAZING!
The Christmas party looks like it was a lot of fun!! I'm thinking I need to make that drink. Christmas Vacation is one of my favorites!
man it sounds like you had an amazing weekend!!! yay johnny football! thanks so much for linking up, friend! xoxoxo
You are such a great hostess!!! I know that party was amazing.
I love Four Christmases. "Screen saver" is the most hilarious moment in a movie of all time.
Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! I love the rush of procrastination too, glad I'm not the only one that does this crazy stuff to myself:) We have the Griswolds on repeat the whole month of December! I laugh harder everytime I see it!!
It's a beaut, Clark! However, we K-Staters were a bit bummed with the Heisman choice :( Optimus Klein all the way!!
Love the all blue lit Christmas tree! So gorgeous :)
Where was my invite? :( Caramel vodka is the best fall/winter booze EVER! xoxo
I love those Target pjs. This year the hubs and I are starting the tradition of giving each other pjs on Christmas eve. I've mentioned these from Target more than once...
Great Christmas-y weekend! I love that pic of you and Ross. You 2 are presh, presh.
I'm a Mississippi girl living in Alabama, and we love our Mississippi State Bulldawgs... but we were cheering big time for Mr Johnny Football! What an accomplishment! Happy Monday!
OMG I totally know the rush of speed shopping!!!! It's such an amazing feeling haha! That's so sweet you bought all the gifts for white elephant. How fun!!! I love that game! Btw below I like the shirt on you, great coloring but I think saving ur $80 for something even better is smart! They have some beautiful long open sweaters at Urban Outfitters right now that I can totally see you in! Haha! Christmas Vacation is my absolute fav too!!! Chevy is the best!!! XO
The lights on the water amazing!
I am saving the cider recipe.
Looks like you throw one hell of a party! And I must know, did you win the wine sock monkey?
Looks like a super action packed fun weekend! And that drink looks absolutely ah-mazing! I'm gonna have to give that a shot! Oh and apparently you throw like best parties (at least it looks like it from the photo!)
What a fun/busy weekend! That apple cider sounds amazing. Love your polka dot PJ's!
I love the Wine Bottle Sock Monkey cover!! lol
Oh how fun, looks like a great weekend!
So glad you had a fun and festive weekend!! We did a white elephant gift exchange this weekend and it was a total riot! Don't feel bad I'm not done Christmas shopping yet either :)
sounds like an amazing weekend, shanna!
What a great weekend, sounds like your party was a big hit! I absolutely love Taboo - one of my fave games!
Talk about supermom! Sounds like your weekend was a lot of fun (if not a little hectic).
Johnny he Johnny Football?? My guy went to Texas A&M and all he's been talking about is Johnny Football and the Heisman Trophy. I'm not a football person, so all of this is totally confusing to me, I've just been tuning him out haha
I want to move to Texas and hang out with you because you are always up to fun things and going to or hosting fabulous parties!
Sucks about the tree lighting madness but it's so pretty!
Thanks for linking up! Hope you are well, sorry I've been MIA :(
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I am going to try that apple cider - it sounds delicious!
Fun photos! I love the holidays. Christmas brings out the best :)
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