I thought I would change things up a bit and let you in on a bit of my of my "real" life. Might be something I start throwing in for fun. Fashion posts and product reviews are fine and dandy, but this is where my heart truly is....my crazy KIDS!!! So, I thought I would let you peek into my world and see what exciting stuff happens in my household. I think it's pretty comical and more entertaining than any post I could ever plan for. So, sit back, laugh and enjoy a little piece of my life.
My youngest, the red-head, who we call Sparkle Monkey, decided to play "hair salon". I have told both of my girls, numerous times to NOT play with Mommy's roll brush. I know what can happen when not used properly. So, the well-behaved children that I have, completely listened to me and DID NOT play with my roll brush, but instead got their hands on the comb. And this is the repercussion of playing with the comb, not the roll brush...
If you follow me on Instagram (@becauseshannasaidso), on Twitter or are a friend on my personal Facebook, you already have seen one of the pictures. I told you to stay tuned...so here it is...
.JPG) |
I have no idea how she managed this... |
Way worse than it looks...wrapped over and over! |
Getting the tools out....Thanks, Dad! |
Comb has been cut, now for the un-tangling... |
Ross has more patience than me...I was freaking out! He wins the Dad Award! |
The last bit...almost there! |
The surgical tools....yes, it took all of these to get it out. |
Success!! Memory pieces...I think I am going to have them framed. |
Whew!! Glad that's over! I seriously thought we were going to have to cut those red locks! She was so embarrassed. In fact, as I was preparing this post, she saw her pictures on the computer and said these exact words, "Momma, I told you not to download these!!" Yeah, right!! I couldn't resist!
Cheers to my crazy kids, not using roll brushes or black combs!!
Haha oh my gosh. When I first saw this picture i definitely thought you would have to cut her hair!! So glad you got the comb out!
I. Love. This.
Yes I do. MORE MORE!
That is too funny. Don't you just love real life? My son is obsessed with toothbrushes. He sneaks into our bathroom so he can take our toothbrushes and brush his teeth...
Oh bless her! Goodness! HIGH FIVES to you guys for getting that mess out! The journey of being a parent-you are going to be a pro by the time I have kids (yes!)! ;)
Awww - this is too adorable and kind of hysterical! Way to go Ross, I would have been freaking out too Shanna :)
The Other Side of Gray
I give your husband a lot of credit. I probably would have cut her hair...into a cute little bob though (haha). My mom had to cut quite a bit of my hair out as a kid because I decided to have a fun tac fight with my friend. Do you remember that green stuff that held posters to the wall? It also sticks in your hair. My little sister also once gave herself "highlights" with magenta nail polish. We were wonderful children.
Penniless Socialite
Hahaha this is too funny. It remindsd me of something my sister would've done when we were kids. Glad you got the comb out and didn't have to chop her hair off!
Hahaha, aww this is so funny! Kids are hilarious and big props to your hubby! At first I thought you were going to cut her hair, but instead you guys performed a very successful surgery! YAY! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
OMG Shanna! This is hysterical! I would of lost it myself, my boyfriend has the patience of a saint also! She is cute though ;) Hope your having a good Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by darling!
OMG Shanna! This is hysterical! I would of lost it myself, my boyfriend has the patience of a saint also! She is cute though ;) Hope your having a good Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by darling!
Ouch, just looking at this is painful! So glad you didn't have to chop her beautiful hair!
The Tiny Heart
Oh no! I think this is why my mom always had me wait until we ate corn on the cob to play "hairdresser" by rolling my hair up in the cobs (like curlers).
Sure, it was very hillbilly-esqe, but all I needed after was a bath.
I bet she'll be mildly terrified of your brushes from now on!
Haha oh my word! She really got that como stuck good... thank god hubby came to the rescue and you didn't have to chop that pretty hair off. Wheww! If nothing else, hopefully she learned her lesson :)
OMG Shanna! That is so funny/ so glad you got that out. I got gum stuck in my hair as a child and it took so long for my hair to grow back after they had to cut it out!
Oh my,this is so funny ;)
Oh my goodness! I'm amazing y'all got the comb out without cutting her hair. Awesome job!!
Once my little sister decided on an updo and just cut all the hair that didn't fit into it. Yes. It was bad.
Haha, this is too funny! Thank goodness for husbands, I wouldn't know what to do!
TOO FUNNY! And I can totally relate..not with my kids (cause I don't have any) BUT with myself. I used to get my waist-long hair caught in all kinds of combs and brushes when I was younger, haha!
This is so cute/funny! You are such a good mom! And I believe I did this as a little girl too. haha!
This is so cute/funny! You are such a good mom! And I believe I did this as a little girl too. haha!
Haha that's too funny. That's happened to me when I was a little girl.
That sucks...glad you were able to get it out!
Poor girl!!! I totally had that happen to me as a kid...
hysterical - I remember doing that to my own hair once, AND getting a pussy willow stuck up my nose all at the same time! Talk about a hot mess...gotta love children :-)
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Awww poor sweety!! Its good that you guys didnt have to cut of her hair! Thanks for sharing :)
That ended far better than I thought it would! Oh my, oh my, she's lucky to have one patient and loving dad!!
omg i totally did something similar with my bangs and a round brush when i was younger!!
Well at least you know she has a future with hot rollers.
I'm glad to hear that it came out!...and noone was hurt ;) Props to Ross and you! That little one is too cute...love her red locks!!!
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