Today's post is about my boobs {did I just say boobs?}. If that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then you may want to skip right on over to the next blog. No hard feelings. Promise!
Today's post is about my boobs {did I just say boobs?}. If that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then you may want to skip right on over to the next blog. No hard feelings. Promise!
Okay, thanks to those who are sticking around.
So, I have been a life long member of the I.B.T.C. (if you need a reminder of this acronym look it up here). As I am hitting myolder wiser years, the "girls" have not been cooperating and it totally SUCKS! In addition to becoming older wiser; having had a couple kids will aid to the issue at hand. I mean, they've always been small, but at least they WERE spunky. Now, they just lie there sleeping all of the time. I'm like, "kids", time to wake up!! But, they don't seem to listen...typical!
So, I have been a life long member of the I.B.T.C. (if you need a reminder of this acronym look it up here). As I am hitting my
I don't have the money nor the bravery to get them "fixed", so I am doing my best to make peace with them. But, when warmer weather rolls around, the battle begins...it's my "girls" against the swimsuit. And this battle is not a win-win situation.
So, I need the help and advice from my fellow I.B.T.C. members. Are there any swimsuits out there that can help my "girls" out? I feel like I have tried on ump-teen different styles and still no winner. I get so frustrated this time of year. Swimsuit shopping is dreadful and somewhat depressing...especially because there are a gazillion cute ones hanging on the racks. And let me just add, Pinterest doesn't help the situation...I think it's worse than the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.Why can't we just Photoshop ourselves in real life? I know, I sound super shallow, but I am pretty sure that we ALL feel this way sometimes and have our own insecurities...we are women for heaven's sake.
So, help a sister out!! Where should I shop and what type will help make the "girls" a little more festive and fun? I need suggestions that won''t cost me just as much as having their spirits "lifted". I am not asking for a miracle, just a little optical illusion.
Cheers to some "uplifting" comments and suggestions!

Haha,this is such a funny post ;)
But really go for the underwire,I have the same problem and this little piece of swimsuit will push the girls!
I too am a member of IBTC! Last summer I discovered the Victoria's Secret bombshell push up and it works wonders! Go here and check it out: http://www.victoriassecret.com/swimwear/very-sexy
I promise you, it truly is miraculous.
I have the opposite problem but finding a swimsuit top that fits is difficult to find and is so frustrating. I would say go for the underwire or sweetheart top :)
I definitely feel you ... Well, I'm a 32A, and I have the same problem with swim suits. The triangles for me are the WORST. I think a bandeau with a little padding (Victoria Secrets makes an awesome one). I also saw a few at H&M recently that were similar. I do love that sweetheart one too you have posted. If you find any, keep me posted!!
xo Julia at everything-pretty.com
While I'm not exactly a member of that committee, I do struggle with the same issue of needing a little "lift". Stay away from bandeau and triangle tops, as they provide no support whatsoever. I invested in a great sweetheart style top at Everything But Water last summer, and the whole suit is bound to last me 3 years. It was not cheap, but I thought it was money well spent! The top has some padding in it that pushes the girls right where I want them. (It's the "On the prowl" one that I wore in Port A last summer) Definitely look for underwire, pads, and halter/sweetheart styles that are more conducive to lifting them.
Fortunately, I am not a member of this club ha ha :) BUT I have many friends that are and always opt for the VS underwire very sexy something or other... I think it's the one Morgan is referring to above. Good luck! xoxo
I feel your pain. I have this problem too. I would try a halter or underwire. I've had the most luck with those
Victoria's Secret. ;)
I would say Halter & Underwire would probably do the trick! You will look adorbs in any of the above! Triangle is my least favorite for helping the 'girls'!
Love you beauty!!
I'm totally a member of the IBTC - and it SUCKS shopping for bathing suits - agreed! I find that the underwire tops are most flattering. I don't think the bandeau tops do much for the ladies, but I wear them anyway because I like 'em :)
The Other Side of Gray
Haha, Shanna, this post made me giggle. I totally hear ya! I'm super petite up top and I usually wear a halter. I have found that ones with a lot of fabric make the girls look smaller, so I stay away from thick straps. My go-to is VS only because they have such a big selection. Just ignore all the pictures of bombshell supermodels with amazing bodies. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I'm the same way! Even though I'm young I still feel awkward without support in a bikini top, and I don't want to look grammish in a bikini with underwire. I got brave though and bought one from Victorias secret that I l.o.v.e and I'm comfortable without fear that my girls will pop out!
Target has these new suits with underwear and mega push me up pads... I know Victoria's Secret does too. Good luck, fellow I.B.T.C.er :)
Oh my word, this post is me up and down. The girls are so tiny, frustrates me to death, but what can ya do! I find that bandeau's work the best for me and possible the sweetheart as well. I always show VS swimsuits (the on sale ones). They have a wide variety of colors and patterns in the bandeau style and a few other styles that I think will compliment the girls. Happy swimsuit shopping!
Haha this post cracked me up! I buy the majority of my bikinis at Victoria Secret because I find they fit really well and most of them have removable padding. I find the sweetheart bandeau tops are the best for giving extra oomph although I do like a triangle top also.
The Tiny Heart
LOL just laughed so hard! This is sooo funnnyy!!! I def suggest the halter style. Victorias secret just started making great bathing suits that give a little "boost" with out the awkward underwire that says "yes i'm getting a boost right now." Check them out!
:D Rachel
This post is hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh! I would say underwire all the way! Or just cover them up, fringe is really in right now. Underwire with fringe, win-win!
Love this post, it's sooo funny! I can't say that I'm a member of the club, but I do need support. I've found either underwire or halter top have worked the best for me. Good luck on finding the right swimsuit:)
I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you in my most recent post "7 super vacation photos." If you want to participate in making a post similar to the one I just published then click on this link and check out all of the details. I can't wait to see your 7 best vacation shoots!
Hope you have a great Thursday!!!
Here it is: http://thebloomingdaisy.blogspot.com/2012/04/7-super-shots.html
Haha aw! This post is funny :) What I love is the push up underwire bathing suits from VS, try some on there!! Just bought....3 lol :P That's how much I love them
With nearly the smallest bra size I don´t need any lifting (and even do not long for augmentation) but that quote pic made me so laugh :D :D going to my Pinterest, I´m sure it´ll be popular ;)
Have a great time
Independent Fashion Bloggers
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I always look to Victoria's Secret. The miracle pushup bikini does wonders... my friends thought that I had an augmentation... it was just underwire, a little padding, and the magic of Victoria's Secret!! haha. I hope that helps :) great post :)
XO, Janie
You are too funny with this post, it cracked me up. I don't know how much help I will be I am on the other side of the spectrum completely, I'm always looking for ways to minimize!
Ha, you're so funny! You know, I've come to the conclusion we're just never going to be happy with what we have! lol I've got the opposite problem as you, but they still look like saggy, deflated water balloons! I have to wear something with underwire and tons or support or I look like I have boobs around my waist. I'm always so jealous of girls with smaller boobs because then they can wear deep v-neck t-shirts or triangle bikinis... So, I'd say go with the triangle top. =) Just for me, because I can't.
I seriously am in love with your blog - it always gives me a pick me up! LOL no pun intended...pick me up for pickin your girls up ;-)
I have the boobs of a pre-pubescent boy. Thank God for Victoria's Secret.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I vote for VS also. They chick knows how to "present" the girls. I am not exactly in the IBTC but I do need a little "boost" when it comes to swim suits. VS has never let me down. I have several halters and a twisted bandeau top that I love from there.
Have you tried Victoria's suits?! I am not a fan of how much they cost, but went in the other day and they have some with really great padding that gives you that extra something!
The bombshell bra by VS is a miracle. seriously. try it. Great blog, btw:)
Yup, underwire from VS all the way! Lifechanging really. I am for sure an IBTC member ;)
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
OH girl!!! You make me laugh! I am a member of this club myself. After nursing two kids, it looks like someone let the air out of them!! I have read in magazines that bandeaus are bad but whatever. I say wear whatever you like and the rest of the world can deal with it. I figure this is how God made me and I just don't care anymore. Now the tummy issue is a WHOLE different issue for me...
As an honorary member of this ITBC..i totally laughed out loud because I haven't heard that term in forever, i just wear whatever now. After you turn 40 like myself, its about just about being on the beach or the pool versus looking like a million bucks. I am just glad I afforded my happy ass to luxury. I say classify them as perky. It totally changes your outlook.
Aha - never heard of IBTC but I'm a proud member! I love bandeaus the best... good thing I'm with an ass man :)
Haha I love this post! As fellow member of the IBTC I can totally relate. I just gave up with swimsuits a few years ago and now I usually wear the triangle top that none of my big busted friends can wear! I make them jealous since they have to be in their super supportive granny looking bikini tops :)
If you're looking for the lift though I say go halter and try out Victoria Secret they have lots of options for that!
Ah! I have the same problem, definitely on the very small side. I know for sure that bandeau's do not help me. I wear VS's Bombshell bra for extra oomph and they have a Bombshell bikini too!
hehe I have the same issues. I have found that more often the halter tops have slits on the inside corners to put inserts in, that helps me a lot! I hope someday I can afford to just get mine done haha Have a nice weekend!
Love this post!!! I always have to go with an underwire...never without! ;) Just saying. My ladies are not tiny, and yes, when we all get wiser the ladies change too...and so far, underwire top is the best, at least for me!
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