Thursday, December 29, 2011

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Do your eyeshadows always look lovelier in the case than when you actually sweep them across your lids?  Do you look in the mirror come 5 o'clock and say to yourself, "Did I remember to put eyeshadow on this morning?" because not a lick of it is left.

If you answered "yes" to either or both of these questions you must take "Because Shanna Said So" advice...stop what you are doing at this very moment, get in your car, drive to the nearest Sephora or Ulta and grab an Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

I started using this magical potion about 2 years ago and NEVER and I mean NEVER put eyeshadow on without it.  It is hands down, well besides my DermaBlend concealer and we will talk about that later, my most favorite, never go out of town without it, beauty product.  Here is a picture of what it looks likes. 

The Urban Decay Eyeshadow Potion is the #1 best selling product that they have.  It creates vibrant eyeshadow color that is crease-free and will, get this, stay on for 24 hours!  Yes, a whole entire day!  Believe me, I have gone to bed many nights without washing my face and the next morning my shadow (okay, not my mascara or eyeliner) is still perfectly intact.  Make-up artists, celebrities and Jane Does around the country are raving about this legendary primer potion.  It comes in 4 different shades, some are matte, some have a little highlighting shimmer.  They all do the same thing...take your eyeshadow hostage on your lids

Because I love each and every one of you for reading this, I decided to have art class on my arms.  I took my own Urban Decay eyeshadows and did color swatches on my arm.  One with the potion and one without.  Once you see the pictures you will be able to tell right away which swatch has the potion underneath and which one doesn't. Each color that is side-by-side is the SAME eyeshadow color.  Yes, I know that they look different, that's how much the primer potion increases the color and overall coverage.  The ones without the potion are much lighter and came out extremely "feathery" (is feathery a word?)  If not, I will add it to Webster's dictionary.  Here we go!

Now here's the true magic.  The next photos show the color after I washed my arms with a little soap and water.  Check it out.  The color + eyeshadow potion stayed on and the areas where I did not use it practically vanished.  I told you this stuff was magical!!

So, how much is this mystical concoction?  It's $19.00.  And you can get it at Sephora, Ulta, Amazon, or you can try to ebay it for a cheaper price.  It will last you 6-9 months.  Remember, a little goes a long way!

I know this post is a tad bit lengthy, but I LOVE to talk about things I am obsessed with. So, I will leave you with one last tidbit...a video from the Urban Decay website.  Click on the photo and you can see this dream of a product with your own eyes.  Why? Because Shanna Said So!  Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Love Urban Decay's primer for the eyelids! So glad you posted this because it reminded me I need to go grab more! XO

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