Items c/o Lookbook Store: Romper (here) Necklace (here) Belt (here) and Bag (here) // Go Jane Heels (similar) (similar) // c/o Wallis Bracelets (here) (here) // c/o Cathryn Ann Designs Bracelet (here)
Many of my reader friends are younger than me (much younger) and more times than not I get intimidated by online stores, instagram photos, blog posts and magazine ads that are my daily visuals. Lately I feel as though everything I look at, fashion wise, is mostly catered toward a younger audience.
As I have mentioned before, I am older than most style bloggers. I am mom, in my mid-thirties and mostly read blogs written by women that are a decade or more younger. I repeatedly ask myself, am I too old for this type look? Maybe. Am I dressing too young for my age? Possibly. Am staying true to my own personal style? Yes, always. Why do I even author a style blog? I still question this one. Can I really continue to shop at Forever 21, H&M and Target's Juniors Section? I sure hope so. Is there really an age limit when it comes to style and fashion? Heck, no!
As I have mentioned before, I am older than most style bloggers. I am mom, in my mid-thirties and mostly read blogs written by women that are a decade or more younger. I repeatedly ask myself, am I too old for this type look? Maybe. Am I dressing too young for my age? Possibly. Am staying true to my own personal style? Yes, always. Why do I even author a style blog? I still question this one. Can I really continue to shop at Forever 21, H&M and Target's Juniors Section? I sure hope so. Is there really an age limit when it comes to style and fashion? Heck, no!
Let me digress. My mind started to ponder when the Lookbook Store contacted me to style a few pieces from their online store. I wondered why they asked me. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I am not their typical target buyer. If you browse through the site, you will immediately notice that their items are a little edgy and the models are surely not in their thirties. Basically, Lookbook is geared toward a younger demographic.
I am not going to lie, I came this close to kindly declining the opportunity to select anything from their store. Maybe it was because the whole intimidation factor set in again. I am not quite sure, but a little voice in the back of my mind kept whispering, "can YOU really pull off one of their looks, actually wear it in a real life stetting and it be age appropriate?" I finally answered that little whisper and told it, "Yes, I can". So, I began to click on several things and added them to my cart. I am happy with what selected and actually felt confident, maybe a even a little sexy, in wearing everything I chose.
My point is, no matter our age, at some point we feel that we are too old for this. Or too young for that. Or that we can't shop at a particular store because half of the people checking out at the register are in high school.
At the end of the day, I think as women, we need to give ourselves more credit and self esteem in knowing that as long as we feel confident in what we wear and stay true to our style, age shouldn't be a factor.
If you have felt the same way or currently going through a style identity crisis, take a moment and reminiscence about the last time you walked by a store window, saw something that caught your eye, but cruised by because you were embarrassed to walk in because it was geared toward a different age group. The same applies with shopping online.
If you come across a piece that strikes a chord, I say buy it, wear it with pride and throw out the notion that you are too old or too young to wear something that will put a little pep in your step.
Can I get an Amen?

Girl you look amazing!
What a fun romper! And if you are considered an "old" blogger than I am ancient!!! :)
As a older blogger, I still shop at Target. I've never really shopped much at F21 or H&M more because of the fit than anything else. And I have to say, if you feel confident in what you are wearing, then you can wear anything!
Amen! You look FABULOUS!
You look phenomenal, Shanna. So glad you said "Yes, I can!" You're a true inspiration to all us ladies!
xx, Kylie Rae
Shimmer Me Pretty
UM...that romper is going in my cart RIGHT NOW. You look AMAZING girl. And don't worry...I am older than you! =)
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
I applause you for putting it out there. I can totally relate to the too young thing. Im 24 and no longer a college student therefore I feel like I shouldn't dress too young anymore since im now entering the adult world and must dress the part. However I always prefer the youthful styles/trends. But like you said in the end we should be able to dress however we like. So glad I came across this article. So inspiring.
I also love your outfit here. It's youthful enough to be fun but sophisticated enough to NE chic
Cute romper! Love the floral purse too. Is your husband still your photographer?!? He's doing a great job!
I got into this with someone on GOMI the other day. I'm also mid 30s,and commented that the older I get the more I dress for me rather than worrying that other people might think. She said I probably look faintly ridiculous. Ha. You look amazing in this!
Well you look amazing lady.
Girl, you look amazing in this post! However, I do sympathize with you. As an almost 30 year old I often wonder if something I pick up is "age appropriate" or if i'll just look down right ridiculous in it.
I do feel that you can pull off trends in a more sophisticated way, which I think you do here ALL THE TIME! It's one of the reasons I read your blog and look up to your style. You're like the cool aunt of blogging - always looking fiercely good!
xo, Nina
I completely get this post. I talked the other day about not wanting to dress too "old" or too "young". I get confused because I don't know if a mid twenties person should be wearing certai. Things but love what you say about feeling comfortable and confident in it. You look amazing!!! I'm glad you went for it because its perfect on you.
You look stunning. That romper is perfect on you.
Amen sister! I am loving this port & totally agree with everything you said. Plus, this romper looks ah-mazing on you...that color is phenomenal :)
I LOVE this! My mom always says " I can't shop in the juniors section, it's too young for me." And I always stop here and say OF COURSE YOU CAN! It's all about how you style it, not what it is...
You're always rocking everything lady... I envy you!
Amen, girl!!
You look fab in this romper! Even as a lady in her late twenties, I felt a bit "old" to be shopping in Forever21. But I've gotten over it. I know I can rock their clothes, stick to my style, and still look age appropriate!
Fizz and Frosting
You look amazing in this outfit...definitely not too old for it. We in our thirties bloggers need to stick together lol :)
I think there are certain things that become inappropriate after a certain age - denim mini skirts being one of them. But there is a way to stay true to your personal, youthful style while keeping it classy. This outfit, my friend, is classy. You look gorgeous.
Beautiful outfit from head to toe! I love the romper and the more I read the more I agreed! If you like it and if you believe in it then do it(or wear it)!!
First of all, you look fabulous in everything you put on, and never once look as though you are dressing too young for your age! When I was teaching high school up until a couple of yrs ago, I would see some of my students in things that I owned. I used to say to them "I don't know who it sucks for more. Me because I am dressing like a teenager, or you because you are dressing like a teacher!" haha. Either way, its all in how you wear it, and you wear it awesome, girl!
Omg you look so pretty! Love this romper..
Sincerely Miss Ash
I think you look amazing in everything you wear–to me, it's all about how you feel in your clothes more than your age!
Shanna- You are beautiful! You look great in this outfit. Blue is a good color on you. And like my mom (in her 50's) always says- "You're only as old as you feel!" ;)
LOVE your necklace and you totally rocked that romper! I found myself questioning my GAP cut-offs yesterday, wondering how much longer I could wear them. I love them....but I too am "older". I'm going to keep wearing them!
As someone who is nearing 40, I always thought being fashionable was out of reach for me. But, you have taught me something very different over the past several months. As always, thanks for your inspiration!!
That romper is so cute on you! Since I shop at kids' stores, I really have no qualms about clothes being "too young"...there's nothing wrong as long as it makes you feel good in it. My hubby refuses to go into the kids stores with me though!
The Tiny Heart
JCrew Giveaway!
Oh please girl. You are rocking this. We are not old. We are young. I still feel like I'm 18 for some reason. Maybe because I act like it. I looooove this look and would totally wear it!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I truly think age is nothing but a number and you wear clothes because of how they make you feel. you look incredible so rock it. i love and look up to your style even if i am a bit younger. keep it up!
I think you look awesome and I hope I dress as good at you once I hit my 30s! I think as long as Moms keep away from the daisy dukes and belly shirts, we should dress how we want whether you are 20 or 30!
I understand the question of "appropriateness" but I think you can make most pieces of clothing work for you in that sense as long as you style them right (except bootie shorts, you cant do much about those, ha!). I think you look absolutely gorgeous though and that romper is sooo beautiful on you. I'm still scared of rompers but I'll have to try some on to see if I can pull them off :)
Loving the romper
Two GIVEAWAYS on my blog:
>>>Persunmall Giveaway<<<
>>>Bellast Jewelry Giveaway<<<
1. Please girl, you look equally fabulous as some twenty something in that outfit (maybe even better but we wont tell anyone).
2. I love how you shop and dress true to your personal style, thats why we love you! Keep doing what youre doing ;)
Currently Coveting
I think that women of any age should take a cue from the way you dress. I dont think that the way you dress is "too young" in any way. You are ALWAYS appropriate and classy and women everywhere should learn from you on how to wear these less expensive items that may come from the juniors section. Who cares where the clothes come from or even the size on the label. Dress for YOU! And I think that is what you do. I admire you so much because you ARENT afraid to be real and you ALWAYS dress with class and dont shove your tatas in the face of the blogosphere. I respect you for that! So dress for YOU and we will all be waiting with baited breath for what you do next!
Amen! You look so adorable! I love that little romper on you!!
Amen! I actually love this look on you - and love how affordable all the pieces from Lookbook Store are!
I was feeling that way about Forever21 but randomly stopped in a few weeks ago and now I feel like I am back in HS with how obsessed I am over the store! Luckily for those of us who want longer hemlines/not too-tight fits they have the Love21 collection so I am a happy girl with a happy wallet :)
99 Boxes of Shoes on the Wall
I sometimes question that very same thing myself. At what point do you trot over to the ugly Missy section and decide that you like that ugly flowered monstrosity?? The bottom line is you rock what you wear. Whatever it is. And that's what matters.
well if it makes you feel any better, i am older than you!! =) i know i dress younger than most people think i should, but i don't care. i dress for me, and i feel i am (mostly) appropriate, so i'm happy. although i have to say, sometimes when i'm at forever 21, i secretely pretend i am shopping for my 11-year old niece!!
Love this so much!!! You are so right. It's hilarious, I'm 22 and was hesitant buying an ADORABLE royal blue Loft blazer because I don't "dress up" for work that often. But after much push from my sister in law...I bought the stinking thing and I plan to rock it ;) thanks lady.
You are one hot mama!! You rock every style :)
xo, Jessica
You look beautiful Shanna - love that jumpsuit! As long as you're staying true to your personal style, you're doing something right :)
This romper is everything! So stylish! Love the belt and the way you are wearing your hair!
i have felt the EXACT same way before - now that i'm pushing 30 and about to pop a baby out, i ask myself that question A LOT... like "am i too old for this now?" but in my head and in my heart i want to say no! it's such a strange battle! you are such a great role model, shanna!
i think you dress perfectly! :) that is SO cute and definitely styled and worn in a more adult way then a lot of rompers :)
Don't ever think you're too old! You're wonderful! Love the romper...wish I could pull that off!
You may be older than a lot of your readers, but you still give me a girl who is 10 years younger than you a good run for my money. You are gorgeous, stylish, and a role model to so many of us fashion bloggers, bloggers, and just simple women who love to read what you write.
Don't ever doubt yourself for anything you are thrown because you always knock it out of the park with everything that you do, and I, even at 23, look up you for fashion styles and advice, now THAT is something to be proud of:))
keep on keepin' girl because I love it and I know about a 1000 other girls do too! :)
You look so amazing in this outfit!! You are never too old to have fun with fashion!
that fits you to a tee!!! I am so happy you went for it. I am seriously in love Shan! And these pictures, tell Ross great job! I know we have talked about it over & over, but girl you should still flaunt it while you got it! Love ya!
Amen!! You look so amazing and love this fierce outfit!! I totally agree that us women need to have more confidence in all aspects that we do!
I'm 33 and I can completely understand where you're coming from. I actually read a blog post the other day and was horrified that the girl was talking about being a young mom and feeling like she was 35 and having to dress "older" in LL Bean and Eddie Bauer. Not that they're bad brands at all but the generalization really stopped me and made me think. I feel the same way about some brands and shops though, but at the end of the day (and this is what I told the blogger) we all have a specific style - not a brand, not a shop - and that style is what reflects who we are. And you, my friend, are rocking it.
Oops - I meant to say I feel the same way as you do sometimes about brands and shops...
I totally get where you're coming from, but for the record this is one of my favorite things I've seen you wear! You look stunning and fierce!
First of all, fashion is about confidence. Unless you are rocking a Hello Kitty onesie I don't see anything as too "old" or too "young." I think it's about the way you style certain things.
Now this romper. You have legs for DAYS in this. I'd be showing mine off in a romper too if my legs looked like that! I think the shoes are the best part. So simple and elegant and sexy! I think you look phenomenal.
You look amazing! The sleeves on that piece are incredible! And I couldn't not agree more with what you're never too old for fashion :)
Runway Chef
Well, I think you're rocking this outfit!!! So serious about that!
AMEN! And girl you look amazing! Keep it up :)
Amen!!! You look awesome Shanna...not too old, not too young. :)
Sometimes I wonder if there is a time when I will have to stop shopping at the stores I love because I'm too old, and it makes me sad...but it's really not true...I think as long as you feel good in what you're wearing/buying, you can shop anywhere. And you've totally proved look absolutely amazing & fabulous that gorgeous blue on you!
The Other Side of Gray
Shanna, I adore that romper!! The large ruffles are so chic, and you styled it perfectly age appropriate while keeping it sexy!
You look amazing! I love your jumper!
Rachel Ashley
This is why I'm so happy to have found you. Don't get me wrong, the 20-something bloggers are great, but it's nice to read/see someone my own age with kids. :)
I completely agree with everything you have said. I think that anyone should be able to wear whatever makes them happy and whatever makes them feel confident in themselves and their abilities. I know I have certain looks in my closet that I always feel more confident in.
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
The thing is you LOOK young and have a nice body, so you can get away with wearing pieces you think are "younger" or "trendy", in my opinion!
Okay, hi, you look AMAZING!!! And I just perused that store, and they have the cutest things!! :)
I wish I could pull off a romper!!! it's so pretty on you!
Everything about this look is so classy! Love the cut of the sleeves, the shoes are so gorgeous, and that blue is absolutely stunning on you. Amazing look!
Yep, you look incredible.
please visit and help donate to the Fashion Package fund!
I often feel the same way, love that you rocked's perfect on you!
You can totally pull off this Romper Hot Mamma. I also love the Belt, Shoes, Purse & especially the Crystal Necklace. And you look amazing in Cobalt, Shanna.
Missing you over my blog so stop by whenever you can.
Happy Hump Day! Ada. =)
love these sleeves
kw, ladies in navy
Ok. Just found your blog this morning and the first two posts I read were exactly where I am - feeling like a quitter in the "small" things, but loving my (new found) blog hobby and dressing my age. So, I don't know whether I should quit now cuz you got it much better (lol) or be encouraged and push forward. LOL! Great blog. Count me in...
Amen :)
Oh girl I did read this. And just said Amen, because I am older and wiser than I used to be...even though I am an old maid in the blogger world!
Such a cute romper! Love the ruffle sleeve!
Hahaha what are u talking about you look great & dont worry there are bloggers out there that are way too much older than you....THAT'S ME!!!
Well hello sophisticated beauty!! You look gorg my dear..this color is great :)
amen girl! you look AMAZING!
YES!!!! I'm a mama, in my mid thirties and love wearing things that I adore, but also realize some things aren't meant to be. My favorite thing about collaborations is pushing myself outside my boundaries and creating something that is me, but better.
You pull that off way better than I could!! That alone proves age doesn't matter. If the romper fits, wear it! That goes with anything! Keep doing what you are doing.
AMEN SISTA!! One of the things I love about you is that you do shop at "younger stores" but you style the pieces appropriately. I always think "I used to shop at F21 in high school, I can't shop there now." But then you wear something and I will think "wait, THAT is from F21? I could do that!" I think its all about how you pair items, as well as confidence.
PS...this romper looks FREAKING AMAZING on you!! Again, you styled it like you're going out on a date with the hubs or for drinks and dinner with the girls. I LOVE IT!
Catching up.
Now, I don't write a fashion blog but as a gal in her early 40's...I wear what I want, shop where I want and honestly, I think you don' really come into your own fashion wise until you are at least in your 30's! So, these young'uns (I am trying for Texas here) can truly learn a thing or two from you. And me. On Wednesdays. LOL.
Hey girl! You know what? I think those thoughts stem from our parents...I feel like their generation emits a lot of ageism. I've had those same thoughts before, but then have realized that nowadays, age is just a number....whether it be who we're friends with, styles of clothing we wear, etc. And besides, you and I are still totally in the "okay" zone. :). Great post! Xo, Kristen
O.M.G. You look sooo darn fab in this! My new favorite outfit of yours. You are rockin' it!
Love this post!! As a fellow 30-something, I find myself thinking those same kinds of thoughts when I step in a Forever 21 or similar store. What you said is so true, it's about what makes us feel good!
You are so rocking that romper and blue looks so great! I so feel you on the feeling old thing. Im new to blogging and I just realized that most other personal style bloggers are 24 and younger and its definitely intimidating especially since the younger bloggers have less responsibilities and more time! I jut hit 30 this year &
My husband often tells me fashion is a young girls game(..not very encouraging) lol Let me see if I can prove him wrong Ha! lol!
I loved this post! Seriously, you look great and I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that as long as you feel confident in it, go for it! Very inspiring! Love the outfit as well!
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