I have been one crazy busy lady. Last week went by in a flash and I barely had time to catch my breath. It was worth the ten hyperventilations that almost occurred.
Here is a little glimpse inside Momma Shanna's world over the last 7 days.
Last week of school, Landry graduated Pre-K, blog post , Logan finished 2nd grade, blog post, last dance class and recital prep, blog post, teacher gifts finished, blog post, classroom parties attended, blog post, birthday lunch, birthday brunch, blog post, end of school pool party, major house/yard work, church, family coming into town and another birthday dinner with family and blog post.
Yep, it was one of those weeks.
Now for the warm and fuzzy photos...
Dinner with Ross and the girls at Z-Tejas. One of my favorites in all the world. Their seasonal menu is killer right now. I walked out needing a piggyback ride from all the food I shoved into my mouth. Ross and the girls got me a pair of yellow Kendra Scott earrings that I have been drooling over and a matching ring. I forgot to take a picture of these beauties. What's wrong with me? I am sure you will being seeing them very soon.

Then Friday, some of my best ladies took me to brunch at the Noble Pig. If you live in the Austin area this is a hidden gem on FM 620 and Anderson Mill. Best pimento cheese sandwich I have ever put into my mouth. And did I mention that these girls have been part of my life for over 15 years? We will definitely grow old together.

Next up, the last day of school. School's out for SUMMER!!! Yahoooooo! We ended the year with a little pool time at our friends' house and let the kiddos run swim wild.
Best part? My girlfriends caught wind of an Instagram picture I posted of me and my big brother from a "who knows what year I turned" birthday. My way back when cake said, "It's Your Day" and guess what? Yes, you guessed it, they got a birthday cake made saying the same thing and requested that I "recreate" my oh-so attractive look. See, I haven't changed too much over the years.
We are skipping Saturday because all that took place all day long was yard work, house cleaning and a short cool down in the pool. I was in bed by 10 o'clock Saturday night. It felt good, but you don't want to see pictures of that.
Anyway, Sunday was church. We haven't been in a few weeks due to traveling. Another feel good. I love our church and this week was all about celebrating the kids and some clowning around. If you live in the Round Rock area, I would love it if you joined me on a Sunday morning sometime soon. You can find us at Celebration Church.
After a little dip in the pool, we headed to the Oasis for a sunset dinner with everyone. It was my last birthday hurrah and I went out with a bang...lake, family, clear skies, summer breeze, sunset and a couple of brewskies...life sure is good.
On another note, I was kinda MIA last week with reading blogs, commenting back and responding to emails. I apologize for that. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but enjoying life all the same time. Now that summer is here (aka school is out) I am not 100% sure how I am going to manage my time since both my girls are home with me. I don't want to neglect them or the time we have together. So, please bare with me if I am not the best at returning emails and blog comments. I promise I read every single thing you guys write me. I have to figure out how how I am going to make my non-summer blog routine gracefully transition into my summer at home with the kids. Any pointers? Shoot them over. Thanks for hanging with me.
Linking up with Leeann, Sami, Molly & Carly.
Linking up with Leeann, Sami, Molly & Carly.

WOW! You were busy! Here's what my weekend looked like: progress reports,blog post, progress reports, blog post, repeat.
This is my last week, so come on summer!
Super busy woman!! Glad everything worked out and that you were able to celebrate your birthday so many ways. You deserved it!!
Look at all the fun you have! I love summertime, pool time, beach time, no running around and packing lunchboxes and all the little things that come with no school:) I will say, the lack of alone time is tough! I pre plan a lot and build in small moments to blog and write while my kids to their summer work..it seems to work...for now:)
chris always calls me summer katie once school is out! yeah for summer! i love all the pictures of you with your family and friends! you are definitely loved by so many! :)
Love the cake :)
Sounds like you guys had a busy weekend!! We had recital this weekend and I'm so happy to have a break. But my 4 year old is going to be busy all summer going to camps. We just have to carve out a little 'me' time!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I love that your girlfriends had a cake done like that photo! Hilarious!
YAHOOOOOO for summer! I hope you have a great one with your little ladies!
Beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a fantastic weekend :)
Sounds like you had a crazy-hectic but fun weekend! Hoping you get a slight reprieve today. :) I'm so jealous of all of your pool time!
Fizz and Frosting
Beautiful photos <3<3<3<3<3
Kisses, The Spotted Cherry Pie
Your week looks absolutely amazing! Love all of the photos, such a beautiful family!
Fierce & Fashionable
What a super fun, super busy non-stop week! ;)
Ah it makes me feel so warm & fuzzy to see photos of Oasis and the Round Rock Outlets. I miss living in RR so much! But looks like you've been having a great summer so far! :)
What a fabulous and super fun weekend! I LOVE the cake, haha. Looks like you're going to have yourself one heck of a great summer! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
What a great weekend–that cake looks SO yummy!
What a busy week but looks like you had so much fun celebrating your birthday! That is so cute that the re-created the cake!
The Tiny Heart
Bracelet Giveaway!
Such a fun time you seem to be having! Kudos to you for juggling so much and excelling at it all!:-) Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog
You are oh so freaking busy!! I think we need a date at the Oasis! Love that little slice of heaven!
you have been one busy lady but looks like youre having a great time too -- that's what life's all about! xo
I love that you re-created that old birthday photo- how funny!
you are such a great momma!! and you are one busy lady!!! looks like you had such a fantastic birthday- well deserved!
That looks like a jam packed but fabulous week. When I saw that sunset lake pic last night, it made me so sad that MFD won't be with me this weekend. We always take pics like that.
Do you have the blogger app on your phone? When I'm busy, I jot things down there, then go back and clean it up and insert pics in 10 minutes at night or in the morning. I'll also let editing photos slack when I'm busy too.
And if I have a day of free time, I try to fully draft some posts for the days when I just don't have any time at all.
Good luck, I know you'll figure it out!
Happy you had such a wonderful birthday!!!
Haha you must have a great group of girlfriends - love the cake and picture they had you take! Looks like you had a fun weekend, looking beautiful as always!
what a fun busy week! i looove that cake your friends got you - so cute they recreated your childhood cake. enjoy your summer with your kids and i know balance is hard, but just find what works for you. maybe blog/read blogs/comment for an hour or two each day while your kids are cooling off in the pool :)
-- jackie @ jade and oak
-- $50 shabby apple giveaway
Looks like summer is treating you very well so far! Fun, fun, fun! Enjoy.
Love that your birthday lasted all weekend and that you had such a great time!!
Looks like you had a really amazing birthday and are really enjoying summer so far! :)
Happy belated birthday! Your friends sound so perfect. Love the hat you're wearing too!
Looks like a great weekend, and yay for new Kendra Scott jewelry! Finding balance is always hard, and it seems like once you start to find it, something new gets thrown in the mix and you have to change up the routine again. The little ones are only young once, so enjoy the upcoming summer! :)
I love watching your week unfold on instagram. You are the cutest, i love your fam, and your friends are adorable! Busy week but a fun week... I cant wait to join in!!!
What a full week! I don't think I've done that much stuff all month! haha... That birthday cake is great!
Jeans and a Teacup
Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Looks like so much fun :) I am in the midst of the last week of school crazies right now! Next week will be a welcome relief!!
Okay, stop being so freaking cute. That photo re-creation with your bday cake? LOVE ITTTTT. YAY for Summer Shanna! :)
Oh my goodness, you've broken up for summer already? Ours don't break up until almost the end of July! When do they head back to school? I am a little bit jealous but a little daunted for you at the same time!! x
such a fun weekend Shan! love your little family :] & hope 35 is treating you well so far!
Great pictures Shanna. Looks like you guys had lots of fun.
Don't forget to link up this Thursday for my Tres-Chic Fashion Thursday Link up.
I just can't even handle your daughters.. they're so darn cute!!! I wish we lived closer - y'all look like a lot of fun! ;)
Yay for summer, even if it is super busy!
Looks like an amazing birthday weekend! I love your fedora hat. I've been looking around for a cute one for this summer. Found you from Sami's linkup. Happy belated birthday!
Looks like you're having a great summer and lots of fun.
http://pinkowl07.blogspot.com/2013/06/challenge-for-bloggers.html come link up with this blog challenge I made. Would love to see you come link up 20 easy questions.
dang girl!! what a fun but busy week!
Loved seeing all of these photos! Your family is just so cute. :)
DANG you've been busy!! don't know how you manage to keep up blogging and social media too!!
Sandy a la Mode
You have been busy! I just love that outfit with the lace dress, turquoise necklace, and aviators!
So fun! I love posts like this. I don't live in Austin but I feel like someone told me about the Noble Pig. Crazy. Glad you had such a wonderful birthday!
What a busy bee... love love love the pictures.
So glad you had such a great time in Austin and were able to stop by our SOCO flagship store! Thanks so much for the love!
New follower - and it seems you're in my neck of the woods! I live just down from the Oasis but have never been...must change that soon! :)
Enjoy every minute of your hectic life!
So much fun rolled into one post! Happy Belated! I love that they had the cake recreated ;)
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