Hey, strangers!! I sure have been missing y'all! I am headed home today and dying to give you the scoop on my trip to London with Wallis. There is so much to say, share and recap. Be on the look out next week for the full report.
Today one of my blogging idols and friends is here sharing her dreams and how she made them happen. Jenni and I both live in Austin and have had the pleasure of hanging out a few times. And yes, she is just as gorgeous, witty, charming and amazing as she is on her blog. Jenni will draw you in every single time with her words, photos and crystal blue eyes. I can promise you that if you don't already know her, you are going to be hooked after today. She is an inpiration and a breath of fresh air to us all.
Hey there friends of Shanna! My name is Jenni, and boy is it a pleasure to make your acquaintance. :) I'm happy to be here today, and I'd like to say a thing or two about what it's like to follow your dreams and passions. I know that's a bit cheesy and advice on this subject is a dime a dozen everywhere you look, but I really must throw in my two cents, as well. I am so proud of Shanna and all she's doing for herself lately. Dreaming big and making it happen. An inspiration to us all, eh?
A few years ago I was given this incredible opportunity to do whatever the heck I want. I was out of school, just married, just moved to Austin, and the proverbial slate was clean. And, well, long story short, I started a blog. I'm passionate about blogging and social media, and I've just always had this ITCH to take it further. Even longer story short, when I followed that passion, amazing things started to happen. Not in the form of any big pay days, I'm sorry to say (not YET anyway), but in the form of confidence and friendships and discovering other passions I didn't know I had. Like a passion for photography. Telling people's stories in photos. I don't think I would have ever discovered that untapped potential I have if I hadn't first scratched the itch to blog.
I'd be here all day if I told the whole story (lucky for you, the "story of my life" is all right over here! ha!), but I do want to say that I wake up every morning so excited to get to work. Happy and content, for the most part, with what I've chosen to do. It fulfills me. And what more could you ask for? So my best advice is to scratch the itch. Even if it seems silly. Even if you're embarrassed to tell people, at first. I can't tell you how many embarrassing company dinners I've sat through in the beginning there with my husband, where someone asked me what I do and I mumbled "oh yeah, well, I have this blog...." ;)
I'll leave you with a few photos and a link to my photography website, and if you're in Austin and need some pictures, I'd love to be considered for the job. Thanks so much for reading! :)

I'll definitely check out Jenni's blog. As for that kid in the plaid shirt and gray hat . . . HE IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!
Beautiful photos! She really captures that "moment" and you can feel it.
Beautiful pictures. And that little boy's expression just made my day!
Oh! love the baby bump photos! Good for you, following your dream!
She's gorgeous and her photos are beautiful! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I love Jenni!! and she really is so talented! missing you shanna!!
gorgeous photos! hope you're having a blast
kw, ladies in navy Zara giveaway Gap/Old Navy Giveaway"
Beautiful pictures!!!
Love Jenni. So talented!!
Oh man! I wish I was in the Austin area. Your pictures are incredible!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
If I lived anywhere near Austin, I'd definitely use Jenni!
What a cutie she is! And can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Can't wait to hear about your trip. And I love every single picture Jenni posts. Gorgeous!
Great post! Can't wait to read about your trip. Heading over to check out Jenni's blog now.
Definitely gonna be following your friend, Shanna! Love the photography! :)
Checking out Jenni's blog right now! Beautiful photos!
xoxo Bree
The Urban Umbrella
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