Shoes: Sole Society (option) (option) // Necklace: c/o Lilac Bijoux (exact) // Clutch: Forever 21 (option) (option)
I thought I would share a more professional look with you guys today. As you my or may not know, I don't have an office that I have to report to five days a week. I work from home and I love it. I'm not saying that I don't miss getting "dressed" everyday and having some place to be. On occasion I have to get my "profesh" look on for an event/meeting for Ross's company, a client lunch or for church.
I have received a handful of emails asking for style ideas that are office appropriate or tips for adding pieces to their weekday work wardrobe.
So, I figured I would style a few basics and roll them into one outfit.
This may seem simple to some of you, but I know that there are many women who struggle with their closets when it comes to putting together clothes outside their casual weekend attire.
Here is a list of a few items that will never go out of style and can be mixed hundreds of ways:
1. Solid and printed button up oxford tops
2. Blazers- at least two solid and one printed
3. Basic pencil skirts
4. Statement jewelry - earrings, necklaces and bracelets can add the finishing touches to any look.
5. Bold bags or clutches
6. A few pair of heels beyond the basic black and nude.
So, there ya go. Not too difficult, right? Don't forget a few dresses and trousers too!
...In other news, I am whooped - emotionally, mentally and physically. Thus the above post about work clothes. Yes, I know I need to step up my game. I just have major writer's block as of late.
So, can I explain for just a sec? I mean, we are all friends and friends sometime need to explain their behaviors to one another. Right? Okay, good.
Between last Friday and this coming Sunday a lot has gone on and will be going on.
For starters, I got crazy amazing news from Wallis Friday afternoon which started this whole writer's block thing. Then we hosted a craw fish boil for over 150 people on Saturday. I didn't stop all day. It was a business/pleasure event and I had to be on my "social" game. Sunday I woke up with the worst "girl" pains in my entire existence. I
was worthless. I didn't get one single thing done except a blog post.
One entire day gone. Monday, Landry woke up with strep throat. While taking her to the doctor and sitting in the waiting room for over an hour I was trying to finalize my new blog design (thank you, Tiffany). Ross had a softball game late Monday and left me flying solo with one sick kid and one cranky one. While all this happening I am trying to get flights booked for Sunday with back and forth Twitter DMs, emails and texts. As I type at this moment, I still don't have confirmation for my trip. The stress is slowly creeping in....
It continues.
I have to schedule guest posts for next week, make sure everything is set and ready to roll. Then there is a little Pat Green concert that we bought tickets for weeks ago for Thursday night. I want to go. I don't want to go. I want to go. We will go. Love me some Pat Green and Texas Music. It will do my soul some good.
Friday is Logan's spring carnival at school that I still have to buy a raffle prize for. Saturday Ross is participating in the Tough Mudder race. He has trained so hard for this and I am devastated that I won't be attending because I will be packing up my closet for said trip.
In between all of the above, we have dance class, kindergarten round up, homework, dinner, laundry, bills, lining things out while we are gone and making sure I still get my blog posts complete.
In case you didn't notice from the pictures above, I did squeeze in hair appointment. One thing we all can find time for is getting our "hair did". Mine was becoming borderline ombre from my roots.
Yep. There ya go. Are you tired too? My mind is being pulled in a million directions. My body is begging me to slow down, but my heart, well it just keeps racing and doesn't want to stop because this girl right here...
...is going to London in four days!
Even though I sound like a ginormous whine bucket in my rant above, I am truly blessed with all that is going on in my life. I would be lost without the hustle, bustle and excitement. I just hope my mind and body can keep up with my heart.
One thing I am sure of is that God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. He is pushing my limits (in a good way), teaching me patience, and showing me that I can do all things through Him. And so can you!
Until tomorrow, friends! I will be back with something fabulous. I promise!
**If you are linking up today, I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link
back to it in your post. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy

I am totally with ya in the non-stop schedule. Everyone keeps saying it will slow down so that's what I am hoping for! But girl, a trio to London? It's totally worth it :)
Sounds very busy. You will get it all under control. Just have faith. I went to JCP on Monday and noticed all the goodies they had. I didn't buy anything but I will be back soon.
Who is that girl Mo?
It's so hard with a little one sick- I hope she gets better before you leave on your FAB trip!!! Can't wait to read all about it.
We moms are are always pull in a million directions but somehow at the end of the day - we get it done!
Love this outfit with the pop of blue!
WOOHOO!!!!! I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear alllll about LONDON.
Let me tell you I will be the first person to understand how it feels to have one BILLION things going on at once!!!! It really is exhausting but so worth it, especially for all of the fun things you have coming up!
Loving the outfit as always : )
You have really stepped things up with the new blog design and camera... wow! Hope your daughter gets better soon. What a busy and exciting time for you... take time to enjoy all that you've earned! :)
You are so darling as always! Loving the colors and I'm so excited to read all about London! xo
I love this look. When I was office based I often wore suits, but mixing it up like this is a far better option.
Hey Shanna! Just found your blog via the link up. :) I love this outfit...it's adorable!
Amanda | Living in Another Language
I love your office tips. As a teacher I have to find a balance between comfortable and professional, which is sometimes hard to do because I always end up on the floor with kids and usually go home with glue stick on my clothes. Haha.
London in 4 days!!!
Ok, first off, I loved this post. It's nice to see different kinds of outfits, and I really have to have this blazer.
Just make sure you have lots of people helping you do the things you need to do. And take care of yourself, girlfriend!!
You are one busy mama!! Work, sick kids, wallis, crayfish events!! I dont know why but the other night while praying u came to my mind!! So i prayed for you. i know you have alot going on lately but you have us and a great family for support!! If you need anything let me know!i dont know how much help i would be but sill!! Oh and if u looking for people to get post next week i would be honored!! i hope evetrything slows down soon and you can enjoy your last couple days with your family before the trip!!
PS you look fabulous love the way you paired up the tangerine and mint!!
You are one busy mama!! Work, sick kids, wallis, crayfish events!! I dont know why but the other night while praying u came to my mind!! So i prayed for you. i know you have alot going on lately but you have us and a great family for support!! If you need anything let me know!i dont know how much help i would be but sill!! Oh and if u looking for people to get post next week i would be honored!! i hope evetrything slows down soon and you can enjoy your last couple days with your family before the trip!!
PS you look fabulous love the way you paired up the tangerine and mint!!
1. Love the "professional" look. I do go to an office/have business meetings and I feel like bloggers forget about that side of fashion (at least, I forget about it a lot!)
2. You are seriously CRAZY busy! But just remember to breathe! You will have SO much fun in London, and you can sleep on the plane! (hopefully)
3. I'm SO sad you're going to miss Ross competing in the TM! Its an AMAZING event to watch. If you get done packing early, you should really try to go see him (if its close). I don't want to add more guilt, but as a Mudder myself, seeing friends/family cheer for you is AMAZING.
4. HUG! Just thought I would pass that along :-)
O, I forgot to add, tell Ross I said good luck from a fellow Mudder!! :-)
Hi Shanna! I meant to write you yesterday and say congrats on the new blog design! I really love it!
Good luck next week in London! Looking forward to reading all about it!
Very nice outfit!!!!!!
You are so busy, but you got this!!!! Just think summer will be here soon! Have an AMAZING time in London! I'm SO excited for you!
Sounds crazy, fantastic and amazing! Try to get some rest in between. You are going to have so, so much fun in London! Don't forget to take your point-and-shoot camera as it's easier to carry around than your DSLR, plus you know you wouldn't want to lose your new one! You are going to be an awesome brand ambassador for Wallis. They are lucky to have you!
I am so proud of you!
Everything sounds so exciting and soon you will be able to just relax and enjoy your trip :) Love your new design, too!!
I am now exhausted from just reading this...makes me want to stay in bed! So happy for your upcoming London trip...enjoy :) Love the peachy orange / mint combo in this office look!
Sounds so exciting! It will all be worth it in the end! In other news, I love seeing more professional looks mixed in with casual ones. I love this blazer- JCP has some great things lately!
Have fun in London and dress warm!
You are amazing girl! And Love this outfit too, by the way - as always you look great! I cried for you when I saw your video. You are such an inspiration! LOVE YOU!!
Such a busy and exciting time! You can do ALL things through Christ, who gives you strength!!
First, love the outfit and the quality of your photos is awesome so the new camera was a great buy!
Second, even though there's so much good going on, it's okay to be overwhelmed. It's a whirlwind for you. Hang on and enjoy!
I am SOOOOO excited for you! And I love the striped blazer. I may be making a stop at JC Penney soon!
Thanks for hosting such a great link-up each week!!
So excited for you going to London!! Have a great time!
Love the mix of colors-so fun!
wow Shanna!!! you have got tons going on, but this is just so exciting! so happy for you!!
Oh girl, now I'm exhausted too! :) 4 days....eek!!!! So excited for you all!! I am a complete believer, like you, that God doesn't give us anything we can't handle and some of us get more "challenges" than others but it is because we are strong!! You can handle all of this! Love ya!
Yay love the new hair. Love this outfit. Love that you're going to London. Love YOU. Don't forget to breathe! You are going to have such an amazing time, I cannot wait to hear all about it. Enjoy every minute! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I totally agree that God doesn't give us anything we can't handle! I can imagine things must be stressful, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate! I bet once you are on your trip you will be able to finally relax! I hope Logan feels better! And I love the profesh look! I work in a law firm and everyone looks at me crosseyed half the time because I wear statement necklaces and tons of color. Now I can show them this and they will see I am not the only one!
You're precious. Deep breath, in and out. It will all get done, but take care of yourself! You're blessed in some many ways and you don't want to rush through life without realizing the little things that make your days tick :)
You've got this!!! God will carry you through the stressful parts :) Enjoy as much time as you can with your family this week and pace yourself on getting "it all done"! xoxo!!
love that clutch!!! I might need it!!!!! :)
Oh girl, I'm tired just reading this!! I hope you get some kick back time. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only mama trying to get things done with a million and one things on her to-do list. Love your look by the way. Totally classic and chic.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Oh wow! So much going on! But at least you get to go to LONDON! How cool!!
congrats again! and you look fantastic!
kw ladies in navy J. Crew giveaway!
Just reading your schedule from the past few days stresses me out! We all have times where we just need life to slow down! I am seriously so excited to hear all about your trip to London - it's my dream vacation and I am planning a trip there for next March! Love your outfit today, perfect look for the office :)
Girl, I am getting exhausted just hearing about everything on your plate! But just keep focused on the fact that you're going to London!!
The Tiny Heart
Gift Card Giveaway!
Congratulations! Have fun in London.
Congrats on your Wallis gig! I have been a blog reader/instagram follower for a while now, and am so happy for you.
you are soo cute, as always!! love the stripes!!
Sandy a la Mode
Love the new blog look!
Tiff Ima
Style Honestly
I can appreciate a busy girl, but I understand wanting to slow down. You can do this, woman! I am so excited for you about your trip and can't wait to hear all about it!
And um, this new blog design - gorgeous!
Sending good vibes your way so that you can get everything accomplished before your trip!! Love ya! xoxo
That is a ca-razy to-do list but I know it will all get taen care of.
This outfit is to die for. Everythign about it is gorgeous. The tangerine with the pop of teal. The stripes with all of it. I just love it!
Yeah, I think you're entitled to some whining. That's a crazy schedule!
Love the new blog design, and guess what? I just ordered a dress from Wallis, which I wouldn't have done if not for you. You go, Ms. Ambassador!
1. SO HAPPY FOR YOU THAT YOU WON! and 2. Go to Pat Green :) Ross and I wanted to go but we have too much going on this week. BOO us. I hope it's a blast :)
Oh my that sounds...hectic. But at least you look fabulous while doing all of it (love that outfit to pieces especially the colors) AND you get to go to London in FOUR DAYS! That's pretty awesome so at least there's that at the end of all the craziness! I cannot wait for all the posts after you get get back!!
London is freaking awesome! Not that I've ever been but to go all expenses paid for something that you have dreamed of is soooo amazing. No wonder you have writers block. Things are hectic but it's such an amazing time. Slow down for any second that you can and take it all in. Congrats again on your win! I can't believe you found that blazer at Penny's! Cute.
shanna you look GOREGOUS!!!!!!!! the colors look amazing together in this outfit and that blazer is kick ass! 4 days to london! AH!!!
I live and die by fun button-downs, blazers, and pencil skirts. Now GO FORTH AND LONDON!!!!!! :)
Seriously, I am exhausted from reading your to-do list. You are a champion, Shanna! Hang in there! These are all amazing things and you deserve each and every one of them!
Girl I die over those shoes everytime you wear them. You look great!
I love this look!! And wow, London? Awesome!!
I am loooooving your new design lady! So fresh and clean :)
And, I hear you on the running 8913568 directions at one time, because that's really all I feel like I'm doing anymore. It's all for a great reason though (for us both) and we can handle it! Xoxo!
Being a mom to a kindergartner and primary 'grocery-shopper, PTA meet-er, Appointment fix-er, play-date-arranger' of the household, I can understand the crazy schedule you are on!! But you do an amazing job and this project with Wallis is a validation of your fabulousity!:-) Have fun in London. Madam Ambassador:-)
Have a wonderful day!
Style Delights Blog
Enter $40 giftcard giveaway by Lorraine Tyne
Yay for your trip!!! I can't wait to see pics!
This whole look is perfection! I'm so excited to hear all about your trip to London! I'm still so excited for you I can't stand it :)
You are legit a CHAMP! ;) get it girl!!!! Take some time and take care of yourself. Maybe book a massage?? Woo!
Prayers for you sweet friend! xo.
Well, life of a rock star! It's not easy believe me but you get used to it. Lol!
love these colors together- good outfit.
I'm SO BEYOND thrilled still that you were there chosen one :) I'm sure the other women were lovely, but you are SO deserving! I know the ball is going to keep on rolling w/or w/o you, but don't forget to take a second to take it all in, and don't let the memories escape you =) now for the important question, WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU GOING TO PACK FOR LONDON!!???? I cannot WAIT to see updates! AAAAAND love the blog design. duh ;)
I am still so excited for you! And LOVE the striped blazer and the top!!! So. Amazing.
Busy lady! I have weeks like that, and I don't even have kids so I can't imagine the crazy. It'll all get done/sorted though. And London!! Exciting. :) Have a fabulous time there!
This is one of my favorite outfits from you ever! Love your hair too!
Great colours here! I am not sure if I have already said this somewhere along the way, but once again well done on the Wallis assignment. London. Oh it is one of my favourite cities in the world. Lucky, lucky you. Enjoy. Thanks for hosting.
Fur Earwig
love the new blog design. love the outfit. love you. HATE that i didn't get to see you while in austin. love that you're all famous and stuff now. can i have your autograph?
Oh I love your outfit! It's fabulous! Just found your blog and can't wait to get to know you :)
First of all, I love the new blog design and second I love this outfit!!
First of all, I love the new blog design and second I love this outfit!!
I definitely feel the tired too... perhaps it's the week. There must be something in the atmosphere going haywire!
So excited for you and your opportunity and to see photos of your trip! Have a safe and most fabulous trip, doll!
Man, I am so bummmed. I keep missing out on your hop; Random Wednesday. That day is usually a crazy day in my home/life. Dang. I love your meme, I do. Just forget. Doh!
This necklace is tremendous. It looks sort of like a mini bubble necklace, with several strands of beads above it, but it is all in one necklace. awesome. YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT FASHION COORDINATOR/ARRANGER/GAL! hahahahaha. What is the right term? hahahhahaha. silly me. Oh, I know: FASHIONISTA.
I love the fun colors in this outfit! Looks great with the striped blazer!
Oh girl, you must be pooped. But at least you get to work from home so you can at least sleep in. I can't wait to hear more about your fab opportunities!
DARLING OUTFIT! I love all of it together!
Beautiful and loving the blazer, and necklace.
Gorgeous outfit, I love the mint clutch
LOVING your blazer, pretty girl!
CONGRATULATIONS on the Wallis win! That is super exciting! Have so much fun in London! I got married there at Claridge's in September…you have to go there to have tea or a drink in the bar!
Since I've been linking up pretty regularly now, I went ahead and added your button to my sidebar! Just thought you'd like to know!
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