Top: Forever 21 (option) (option)| Skirt: J.Crew (exact) | Belt: Target (option) (option) | Wedges: Payless (option) (option) | Necklace: c/o K.O. Jewelry (exact)
Oh man, where do I begin?
I have so much rummaging through my head right now. I don't know if it's from what blew in from the crazy "A" wind storm we had on Monday (hence the blown hair in the pictures) or if it's due to something we call life. The main culprit that is causing the whirlwind in my head is something I like to call, "The Over Thinking Woman" syndrome.
Do you suffer from it? I think there are a few of us that already joined the club/group. Feel free to sign up in the comment section below.
I mean, I even went back and forth on posting this outfit. When Ross saw me he looked at me funny (insert me over thinking). I asked if he thought it was "cute", he responded with "it's different". In male terms this means it's not cute. Oh well, I went with my gut, wore it, took pictures and now it's posted here for all the world to see. Now I am thinking, "What do you think about it?" When does all this thinking end?
It doesn't just stop with a simple outfit post for a blog. It goes deeper.
I am an over analyzer. I evaluate EVERYTHING. I run every possible scenario through my crazy head. Why did he say this? Why didn't she say that? Should I do this? What will happen if I don't do that? It's a non-stop occurrence. It can drive a person to mix up a rum and diet coke...in moderation of course.
The thing is, I typically always go with my instincts. Are they always right? Heck no, but are they usually close to the bulls eye? The answer is yes. If there is one thing I am REALLY good at, it's sensing situations. I can read people like a book. I can almost always predict outcomes. It just get vibes...good and bad.
You might be thinking, "Wow, this is kinda cool. I wish I could have this sort of sense of about people and life in general." Well, folks, I am here to tell you, NO, YOU DON'T. It sucks.
Wanna know why? Because it involves something that I just mentioned a few seconds ago...OVER THINKING.
It's almost as if I focus on a single situation SO much that my "brewing" brings things to real fruition.. Does that even make sense? I don't know. I am just telling you how I feel.
Ross, my mom and several friends seem to have one thing in common, that's telling me to chill. Chill? What does that mean? I am not wired to just sit back and "chill".
If there is something bothering me, I want to hash out the issue immediately. I can't stop thinking about it or let it go if it's not brought to the forefront the moment it starts to get to me. That is how the good Lord created me. And He knows that I wish He made me slightly in the opposite direction. But guess, what? He didn't and there is a reason. Don't know why He chose me for the job, but He did. I have learned to live with it the best I can.
Okay, I am really starting to ramble now. Geesh.
The moral of the story, if you will, is that I know that most women out there DO over think situations, scenarios, life's what ifs.
"Why did he/she do that?"
"Was that comment on her blog post aimed at me?"
"Why didn't I get invited to that party?"
"Why hasn't he/she called me back?"
"Did they think what I said was rude or judgmental?"
"Does this dress make my butt look big?"
"Why did they unfriend me on Facebook or unfollower me on Twitter?"
"Why was their text message so short?"
"Did I just screw up that interview? Why didn't I answer the question another way?"
"OMG. I made a complete fool out of myself last night. Does everyone think I am crazy?"
"My child doesn't do this or that. Do people think I have zero parenting skills?"
"Why won't they talk to me?"
"What if I do 'this' and fail miserably?"
"Should I stay at my dead end job, or do something that I really love?"
"What if I do 'this' and fail miserably?"
"Should I stay at my dead end job, or do something that I really love?"
"I made HUGE mistake. Will people forget and forgive me?"
Sidenote: Examples above are NOT all personal experiences; just scenarios
Have you asked yourself any of these questions? I would bet my life that you have been in at least one of these situations and asked yourself the same exact thing.
You know what? That is okay. It's a slice of humanity and IF we didn't critique what life throws at us we wouldn't be human. Or at least a human with a heart and soul.
Truth is, life sucks sometimes. We all go through seasons, change and growth. One minute all is fine and dandy and then you blink your eye and all hell breaks loose.
It's all in about how you deal with it. Some may wipe their hands and walk away. Move onto to something else. Not let it bother them. Not give two shizzes.
Others will choose to analyze the heck out of the situation, ask a million questions, push buttons and go the added mile to get their answer. Rethink. Re-evaluate. Recreate events. Put waaaaaaay to much thought into a particular incident.
At the end of the day, we handle "life" in our own way. That's what makes life interesting.
But I will say, go with your gut. It is a pretty brilliant little organ. It might not always mean that the ending turns out how you expected, but I least you did what you thought was right at the time.
If it didn't turn out as expected, pick yourself up, lean on the people who take care of you and move onto over thinking the next thing that comes your way. Kidding!
Did this resonate with any of you? Or am I the Lone Ranger? Okay, I am doing it again. I am just gonna let your comments speak for themselves.
One thing I don't have to think twice about is Miss Kelly.
Kelly blogs over at Messy.Dirty.Hair. She is one of those girls that will back up her friends and stand up for what she believes in. She is not afraid to stay 100% true to herself. It's one of the million things I adore about Kelly.
So what's the meaning behind her blog name? Let me sum it up for you, it's called being real, natural, embracing yourself and loving who you are, regardless of your flaws.
If you don't already know, Kelly came up with, in my opinion, one of the BEST blog ideas ever. It's called the Messy Project. It's has been a HUGE success and a genius way to showcase fashion for all walks of life. She personally picks out one item every month. Sends it to four other bloggers (plus gets one for herself) and then they all style the same piece on the same day and blog about. I actually participated in the project back in November and sported the same shorts that Kelly is wearing below.
And I must admit, I am a tad bit envious of how Kelly can rock just about any hair color known to man. We'll just call it 50 Shades of Kelly.
Kelly is also a VERY active blogger and is a social media butterfly. So, if you have your own blog, you are gonna be excited about this. She is giving away an advertising spot on her blog worth $50. Someone is going to show up at the bottom of every single one of Kelly's posts. Talk about some serious exposure.
Be sure to enter below and hop over and tell Kelly hello! I know she will be crazy excited to meet you.
**If you are linking up today, I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link
back to it in your post. Oh, and go meet some new friends!

STOP OVER-THINKING! Just kidding, I think many of us do that. I can twist myself up into absolute knots over things that end up being inconsequential, but I can never seem to stop myself!
PS-I love your outfit. Those shoes are awesome!
You're female. heck girl that's all I do is overthink, over analyze and just think too much period. That's why I stay up late and hardly sleep at all sometimes. I dont think anything is wrong with this outfit. It looks great.
heck if you're like me you have your own sense of style and everyone else thinks its weird and strange. Well that's them. I say they are jealous b/c they couldnt rock it as good as we could or can. :D
I'm one of your newest followers. I'm sure i found you thru a blog hop. would love for you to follow back and all.
First let me say I love the outfit! Yes, it is "different" (exactly the same thing my husband says to me when he doesn't love what I'm wearing!!!) but TOTALLY works! I think the leopard pulls it together. You probably look darling in anything you throw together : )
As for the overthinking thing. Um, I think we all do that to an extent? But yes I am guilty of it too. To the point where it makes me really indecisive at times. Irritating, yes, but don't be too hard on yourself! Sometimes I have to just step back and think about the end result and decide if I am ok with it, even if it's not something I have complete control about. That helps me accept and move on. A quote that I always think about is "Don't sweat the small stuff! And remember, everything else isn't that big"
Thanks for hosting!
you look FAB Shanna! mixing patterns and prints is totally your thing, you always make it work! And yes, I'm active in the "overthinking club" I overthink the overthought thought. Our groups should get together some time!
Lovely post + pictures! I love your blog. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx
oh girl i can relate to this all too well. it's horrible and i hate it. it probably has a lot to do with how indecisive i am. which i also hate.
i agree with going with your gut.. but it's a lot easier said than done. especially for someone like me. it's something that i am constantly working on though - making firm decisions and sticking to them.
long story short- YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
thanks for sharing! xx
I'm an over-thinker for sure. Chill is rarely in my vocabulary. I love your skirt so much, it's adorable! Excited to be linking up again:)
I totally over think everything! Love that you wore that outfit! It's so cute! xo
This cracked me up because I do the same thing! Plus my husband has definitely given me the squinty are you sure face for many a blog outfit post! You paired the prints beautfiully and I personally love it!
I over think too!
And I can't handle not knowing secrets
You are beautiful and can pull off anything so don't over think it next time. I love it! But yes, I am an overthinker too...it's too easy to let your mind doubt. Ugh!
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Guilty. I overthink EVERYTHING! I actually have a friend that told me in college that I should wake up and smoke some weed every morning to help me chill out (note: i've never done that in my life!). I've chilled a little, but I will never be one of those "care free" kind of people. I don't know if its a girl thing, or a me thing, but I'm kinda glad I'm not alone. And then I kinda feel like we both need a girl day...massages, someone cleaning the house for us, wine, and relaxing! ;-)
OH it SURE did resonate with me girl! I am just like that. I cannot let things fester in my head. If I think someone has a problem with me I NEED to work it out right them or its the only thing I will think about until its solved. I think I've gotten a little better at over thinking, but of course do it from time to time. I think knowing that no matter what I KNOW that I have always had the best intentions for myself, family, friends, readers... etc... and then I can calm down. And I LOVE that outfit I was actually looking at the picture thinking "I'M traveling in 2 weeks and will actually be in the vicinity of a JCREW and totally NEED That skirt!" Go with your gut, always!
Oh I am the queen of over analyzing a situation. Like...sometimes can't sleep at night over it.
I'm glad you posted this outfit...I LOVE it!! So adorable..and that skirt is perfect!
Crossing my fingers for this giveaway!
I tend to overthink things too...and I try to tell myself to stop, but it is so hard! I think your outfit here is so fun and creative Shanna!
Overthinking things will drive you crazy - quite literally! But we all do it. Or at least I do it too which means when we're both in an overthinking state of mind we should have a glass of wine and call each other. Seems like the easiest solution. Your outfit is perfect as usual girl.
Oh man. I'm queen over-thinker here! Blah! It's impossible to stop.
I can honestly say I don't do this. Anymore.
The {ahem} older I got, the less I did. Now, don't get me wrong, there are still things that happen {mostly with regards to dumb things like the evil (evil!) mothers at school} that may irk me but overall, I know who I am, I know my intentions are good and I just go with it.
You changed your link up line. Did you over think that because of that silly comment? Change it back! ;)
Ohh yes I do this too! I really try not to, because it leads to a lot of anxiety. In turn, I overthink THAT and just become overwhelmed sometimes. It helps to try and take a step back and sometimes just "let it go", but easier said than done. It's definitely a constant struggle and you are not alone!
Well, if you ask me, this outfit is very gutsy. I LOVE it! I became an overthinker after becoming a mom. I still fight it sometimes. But after feeling like I was missing out on my son's life because I was overthinking it too much (did he sleep enough? Should he eat organic only, etc?) I decided that my mama gut just knew better. :)
So glad you introduced me to Messy Dirty Hair! I am loving her blog so far!
I definitely am an over-thinker, too. Mine is mainly from anxiety, but I've found that there ARE ways to deal with it to help. I always try to think, "Will worrying or over-thinking about this help me or hurt me?" Most times, it just hurts you. I try to change the subject in the head, focus on something else and move on. In other news, love your outfit. Guys don't get fashion- my bf would say "it's different" too! ha
Nope. You're not the only one. I think Jessica nailed it. I am indecisive, too. And you look adorable ALWAYS! I am no expert in fashion, much less when it comes to mixing patterns. Love you!
i rethink way to many things! i'll get dressed at home, get to school go to the bathroom and wonder what was i thinking! and then rethink serious things to like conversations with others! regarding your outfit - you are adorable - I am convinced you could wear anything and are one of the best dressed people in the world. :)
Yes, this totally resonates. I used to overthink every. single. thing. But here's the good news, it gets better. The older I get, the less I do it. I'm not sure why but things roll off now that used to simmer for days. And I think your outfit is adorable!
I freaking LOVE this outfit - so glad you posted it. You're so great at mixing prints/colors - I need to take all the cues from you!
And- I am THE same way! I actually couldn't fall asleep for a while last night because I was worried about my blog & life. I worry about the dumbest things and compare myself to other too much and it drives me crazy. Even my boyfriend tells me I need to stop thinking/worrying so much. But I just can't!
You're definitely not alone girl!
Um no, you ARE NOT the Lone Ranger on this. I am so an overthinker...
and it's exhausting.
I've always been a sensetive person, but as I've gotten older it's morphed into total paranoia! Do people like me? Are they having a meeting to talk about me? Do people think I'm a b?
Oh yeah....We're all there with you.
Love the outfit!
Hello. My name is Jenn and I'm an over thinker.
Should I even post that?
With Luck
I over think everything too! I'm constantly reading into everything everyone does/says. Sometimes it drives me nuts, but sometimes I feel like I've really listened to what everyone has said. And then sometimes I just want my brain to stop analyzing every little thing, ha!
I overthink some things, but not everything. I try as hard as I can to just go with my gut.
This is why you are the VP of my Over Thinking Club, because everything you said is true and how I feel on a daily basis. My husband is always saying "you need to relax", which really just has the opposite effect. As I've gotten older, I think it's gotten worse. What will I be like when I'm 95!? :)
Oh and you look gorgeous. I'm so jealous that you can wear a skirt with no tights. Send some of that Texas weather to me!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Your outfit is my fave this week. Love. Such a great combination.
You look beautiful.
New follower here. :)
I love this outfit! Before I even scrolled down to read the post, I thought "only she could pull this off! I wish I had this kind of style!" -no joke. Then I laughed when I read the post because it IS an amazing outfit! it just works! Go you!
And I'm so an over thinker! Even when it comes to comments! I rarely leave them because I sit back thinking "oh. I hope that doesn't sound rude/bitchy/mean because it's NOT intended that way" and blah blah blah. ALL THE TIME.
I over think EVERYTHING.
And I hate those looks from the husband. Nothing makes you think twice like a look like that. Darn men. :p
Dude!! We could be sisters. I am exactly like this. Are you a scorpio?! Anyway-i love the outfit! love your sense of style.
I totally over think just about every situation. Actually happened last night! I drove home from dance and the whole time was analyzing a conversation I had while there. It took me 30 minutes to get home and I barely remember the drive (terrible, I know) because I was so focused on that conversation.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I didn't even have to read the whole thing to think that we're exactly alike in this. I overthink everything, and I am also blessed with being able to read/sense situations and people's feelings. It really is a curse. I can always tell when someone isn't happy with something, and I always want to "fix" it. Sometimes it can't happen, and sometimes it just eats away at me. I promise I know exactly exactly what you're talking about. It happened to me just this past weekend with something and put me between a rock and a hard place. Ah! I think we just have to figure out ways to put things in the back of our minds if at all possible. It's so hard to do, though.
Oh I definitely over think things too! To the point where my hubby will tell me I need to stop thinking about it and move on but it's easier said than done.
The Tiny Heart
I'm seriously the same way! I'll tell a joke and freak out immediately hoping I didn't just take it too far and offend someone. I tend to be a little high strung sometimes. But as far as overthinking this outfit..stop now! You look fabulous! I would have never thought to put this together, but it looks great! (whether or not the hubs agrees or not!)
You might be the only person on planet Earth that can pull this look off!
You are female...which equates to us being over-thinkers. Just roll with it! Does sweat the small stuff :)
Love ya!
loving all your pattern mixing, girl!!
Sandy a la Mode
I over think EVERYTHING too, so I totally know how you feel. And as for the outfit, I honestly LOVE it! I wish we were neighbors and the same size so I could borrow it, haha.
We all do it my darling. I am a big over analyzer but I don't get paranoid about things that are said or written unless I know for sure it's blatantly obvious then that goes to a whole other level in which I address it personally. I found that life is so short so why spin your wheels in big pile of mud?
As far as the rest of the post, you know how I feel about that. But that's what makes us unique. You can like things or people I would rather be hit in the head with a wet squirrel than like. Don't over think it, don't worry about pleasing just be Shanna.
Not only does this post sound like I wrote it about my personal life, but I should hold a position in your group (VP, treasurer, something) because this is me! Not only do I over think, but I worry about the thoughts that go through my mind. So add major worrying/anxiety in there and I'm a little bit crazy. Don't feel bad, there are at least two of us :)
Stop it girl....it's soooo not worth it! Take it from someone who's been there done that! :-) I love your lovely mix of prints & patterns....so casually chic!!!
oh girl, we ALL over think! I'm not sure if it's possible to quit completely, maybe find areas where you can over think less? haha! That's what I try to do, not over think the frivolous stuff in my life. oh and tartan, stripes, and leopard?? i just love it!
C's Evolution of Style
Super cute outfit, my friend! I could never pull it off but it looks fabulous on you! And no, you are not alone. I am the Queen of over thinking things. I finally got to the point where I had to seriously concentrate on NOT doing it. I was up all night, every night, and it was killing me. Just remember that He is in control and no matter what we do or how much we over think, His master plan is at work and the outcome will be His outcome! Hope you have a great Wednesday! :)
oh hi. get out of my head. i think we are the same person (in the over-thinking category, at least). no, but for real. wow. same. that is me. to A T!
I love that outfit! My boyfriend would have said the same thing though, so I understand :). Boys just don't get fashion!
I overthink ALL the time. I go with my instinct on everything, and am very reactive. But then I spend so much time analyzing what I've done or said, etc. It's frustrating!
I am already a part of this club sweetie! no worries... and it drives my boyfriend crazy sometimes. I OVERTHINK everything, which in turn makes me freak out about every little situation. I have had the few situations where I can actually let something go and just let life move on, but honestly it is a hard thing to do for me.
And I love your outfit! I know I couldn't pull it off, but you are working it :)
I'm a major over thinker too but, do you know who helps me snap out of it? My non-overthinking husband. Sometimes I try to take a lesson from him and chill out but it can be so hard!
I am exactly the same way! I over think everything! At night when my husband and I are going to bed, I always come up with some random comment/thought and he says, don't you ever turn that thing off? I say no...haha! I'm constantly thinking and wondering, maybe I should have said this, what if I did that instead...I'm right there with ya!
I do this SOOOO much! And it drives Dave crazy, haha. My most common is over thinking what in the world he's thinking when he looks at me sometimes and I ask "What's THAT face for?"...lol, he assures me it's just his face, but I'm not buyin' it. ;)
Love the pattern mixing & added leopard!!
I seriously thought I was reading about myself because I OVER ANALYZE EVERYTHING! I think about crap I said 5 days ago hoping it didn't offend anyone or thinking about what someone will say if I wear my hair a certain way. My family & friends think I'm crazy & tell me to stop thinking so much! lol Oh well, glad I'm not alone :)
I can relate girl! Especially right now since I left a job I didn't like to chase my dream...and I know there was a big thing I said after my interview, that they didn't like, but if I am trying to be me, would I have taken it back given the opportunity? gah! haha!
Love the pops of leopard! Rock it girl!
Thinking is a curse. But thank goodness for it to. All the possibilities. It is good to question. And it is good to know you are a thinker because then you can control it too. Thanks so much for hosting.
Oh I'm for sure a part of this club! Story of my life.
The outfit? Glad you posted it, I love it. Good instinct :-)
I have an annoying and stressful habit of over thinking too. And it can be over anything like which size to get or if I should get together with a friend on Tuesday instead of Thursday!! I hate making decisions because of this. It's all a work in progress.
I think you look adorable in this outfit! But I understand about the over thinking and you are not alone in that. I think that is what is supposed to be so fun about this whole mixing prints trend, you're just supposed to not have to over think it. But who am I kidding, I over think the "rolled out of bed look" to the point of just having to take a shower and start all over. Haha.
xo, Courtney
The outfit..yes, it's "different" but man it looks great!!! I tend to overthink my outfits on a daily basis, wondering if "i'm too fancy" but sometimes you just gotta go with the outfit and work it and if you don't feel comfortabale then not wear that outfit again. I seriously loev the whole pattern mixing you did here!!
We talked about this overanalyzing/ taking things personally...kinda goes with the same theme, right? I deifintiely overthink things...it's a habit that goes along with worrying and yes we should just leave it all up to God, but that's very hard to do. Matt tells me to relax all the time (if I did then maybe I wouldn't get tension headaches/ migraines) but it's really hard to let go of our thoughts. I am definitely the type that cannot let an argument go, it needs to be talked about now!! Otherwise I blow it up in my head even more and that's not good for anyone. Try not to overthink your overthinking..it's another one of your characteristics you can "embrace" in a way (for better lack of description) Love ya!!
I feel like I tell you this a lot - but seriously we are so much a like it's scary. I over-analyze everything! To the point I annoy the people around me and myself, and I am often left wondering why I hell I do that! My mind just goes and goes and goes! But you're right, the good Lord made us this way for a reason. Thank goodness He also made people like Shawn to be my opposite :)
So my hand is raised - I am a card carrying member of The Over Thinking Women's club.
I over analyze too. I reflect on EVERYTHING, and it makes me so anxious sometimes! It's frustrating!
I love guys "it's um.. different." I get that with a lot of my outfits. :) I personally LOVE this!!!
Oh lady, this is me to a T!!! I can't stop over-analyzing EVERYTHING!! Ugh! Brad says the same thing to me and luckily he lets my ramblings just go (might be that male selective hearing he has). We can drive ourselves crazy at times, can't we? I think your outfit is fun and fits your personality perfectly! Hope you are having a good Wednesday! Love ya friend!
I LOVE the top part of the outfit. The tartan with the stripes. So cute !!! And husbands /men want us perpetually dressed "sexy" not cute or (heaven forbid) "Fashionable" because the fashion industry is run by women and gay men and if men were in fashion we would all be dressed like Victoria's secret models and there would be no such thing as flats.
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I am DEFINITELY an over-thinker. And, like you, I can read people like a book and predict how things will happen.
But, don't over think that outfit. I love the pattern mixing!! I think it looks awesome :)
I do the SAME thing...and I hate it because it makes me feel like I'm never relaxed! Anyway, stop overthinking that outfit because it is too cute - love how you tied in the leopard with the belt AND the shoes :) You look fab Shanna!
Overactive brain comes with ovaries, it sure does.
I do this with myself and I make my friends do it to (and they get annoyed)...ask yourself when you are thinking about something, "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does this affect my overall life?" Try it at least once! My best friend hates when I say it, but I swear it helps you worry about things less.
I am definitely an over thinker, so this post really resonated with me! I also could relate to your reaction to the word "chill". When people tell me to relax, it has the opposite effect. Love the outfit...the mixing of prints is pretty amazing! :)
I can be superanalytical at times, and rethink and over think every little thing I say and do, and how others might think of me etc. etc. But then I say to myself, "snap out of it"! And then I try to do some snapping out.. I don´t always succeed though!
First, love the outfit! Great colors together on you :) Second, can we start an "over thinkers" club?? Cause I can't begin to tell you how crazy and ridiculous my head can get and go 100 miles an hour! It's so easy for some people to say "relax" or "don't worry about it"... I'm slowly working with myself, but I wish it was easier to turn my over analyzing mind off sometimes! Thinking of you girly (not overly haha) and hoping for some mind reprieve for you :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
thank you so much for having me Shanna & for the sweet post. I really believe over thinking is a girl thing - going through these comments everyone is the same way haha! At least we can all take comfort in the fact that we're not alone....sometime being a guy would be so much easier - their daily thoughts - food, beer, sex, sleep hahahahhahah! LOVE YA!
HOLY CRAP! I LOVE the pattern mixing here. So bold!! SO FUN!! Love it!!
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I love the outfit, it's bright and fun and I wish I had gotten that skirt when I had the chance!!!
Oh girl, I over-think EVERY THING!
I feel ya!
Here's to the overthinkers club, I am a proud member... and really love this look on you! I saw it and swooned- it's actually one of my favorites!
Pearls & Paws
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that this was The Over Thinking Woman Syndrome. I used to think I was unique because I over analyzed EVERYTHING. Then I watched enough sitcoms and spoke to enough men who all said the same thing: it's a female thing.
I don't over analyze nearly as much as I used to because I've trained myself to recognize when I'm doing it and immediately put things in perspective. Generally the things that are being given too much thought are those things that don't even matter. Half the time when I was preoccupied with how someone said a particular thing, I'd ask them about it (to put my mind at ease) and they would have no clue what I was talking about. "Oh? I had a tone? I really didn't mean to." or "I was hungry so I was cranky- sorry that I let it interfere." You get the gist.
I thought there was a point to this comment but I'm afraid there isn't. Oh well. You can't win 'em all.
Awesome plaid skirt!
Adorable! Plaid is so in right now, keep rocking it!!
Did you write this post about me accidentally instead of you? :) I am a crazy over-thinker. ALL THE TIME. But it's just a part of who I am and I accept it most of the time and TRY to brush it off most of the time. But you definitely don't need to over-think THAT outfit. Too cute! Miss master pattern mixer!
I majorly overanalyze everything, especially if I'm in an unfamiliar setting with unfamiliar people... say, if I'm traveling. That's the worst. But I love love love your outfit - I'm always up for some cute print mixing!
Really LOVE LOVE the colors and mixed prints of your outfit! It looks great! I used to over analyze and over think but I'm glad to say I don't anymore. I think it's just something you get over eventually.
xx Allie | A Song to Pass the Time
yesssss... totally feel you on this sister. My lord. Though I HAVE gotten better. Well, not better at not over thinking, but better at making myself STOP when I recognize it. It's a battle, for sure!
I love this outfit! You are so cute. Thanks for sharing
I love the combination of the skirt and shirt - you totally pull it off!
The Hartungs Blog
I know the feeling and more often than I wish I did. Sometimes I wish I had a switch to just turn my brain off to just STOP.
PS-hubs is wrong, the outfit is adorable!
I'm definitely an over thinker. I still question things I said years ago. I wish those thoughts would leave my head.
And while on paper your outfit "shouldn't" work, you're rocking it!
I definitely over analyze. My hubby calls it paralysis by analysis!! It's terrible!! I feel your pain on obsessing over some things!
Ok I thought I was the only over-thinker in the world. Haha. None of my friends or family over think things, except for me. So I thought I was the only one. But I'm glad there is someone else out there that over thinks things as well. I do not feel alone anymore :)
As for your outfit, your husband was right it is different. But not in an ugly different kinda way. Its actually very different from how you normally dress (well from posts you have shown us.) But I'm actually in love with this outfit, I love it. It's cute. You did a GREAT job at pattern mixing. I love it. And I love that you included pops of leopard. And I am in love with that skirt.
So don't worry about it. It's actually a really cute outfit.
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