Top: ModCloth (exact) (option) | Skirt: Kohl's (option) (option) | Belt: Old Navy (option) | Shoes: Nine West (exact) (option) | Necklace: Francesca's (option)
This outfit and pictures have all the qualities of what springtime encompasses; light and airy, blooming flowers, vivid colors, sunny skies and birds chirping in the trees. It's picturesque. It's the time of year I enjoy most and spring seems to have sprung early in most parts of Texas. We will see how long it lasts.
Sometimes things appear light, colorful, radiant and harmonious, but behind the scenes it can be quite different. It's not always as cheerful as it may look.
There are so many things I want to write/blog about that dive into greater depth than just fashion or my weekend happenings; relationships, friendships, lack of motivation or things that really gnaw at me. For numerous reasons, I choose not to. Maybe I don't want my mom and dad to see. Maybe it's because I don't want my "in real life friends" to know. Or maybe I am too afraid of rejection and the comments I will receive. It's a scary thing putting yourself out there with a blog. Some people are braver than others. Just because I don't touch on touchy subjects or don't speak about more personal dilemmas, what you do read on my blog is real. It's 100% who I am.
I posted this on my Instagram yesterday, a few ladies agreed with me and felt the exact same way.

I have been going to through a few struggles lately with my own personal identity, friendships, parenting and things that I can't seem to shake. I know I should write it down in a personal journal or private blog, but I am the type of person who needs feedback. I need to hear the opinions of others; their take on the situation. But then again, I don't want to put my private life out "there" for the entire world to see, read and judge. It's kind of a catch 22. I have a couple of friends that I confide in about pretty much everything, knowing that they won't judge me and will shoot me straight. And of course I have Ross who is a huge support system, but sometimes men see things differently. I just feel like I am bottling things that need to be poured out. There was a time in my life where I shrugged things off to the point of depression. I don't want that to ever happen again. I will not let it happen again.
I think as women, we tend to put so much pressure on ourselves; pleasing others, wanting to be accepted by a certain group, competition both personally and professionally, always trying to keep up, comparing ourselves to others, not being able to shake things off as easily as men and the list goes on.
Yet, I think that so many of us keep things to ourselves thinking we are the only ones that are going through whatever it is we are going through.
So, today, I thought I would let each of you comment, openly or anonymously about what you wish you could talk about either on your blog or with someone else. This isn't like the "I've got a secret post". It's just a place where we can all come together and let out anything that is bothering us. Things we are too afraid to share on our blogs, Facebook, Twitter or with a friend/partner.
This could completely back fire on me, but I think it might help to see that we share common insecurities and struggles and that we are not alone.
In other, happier, sassier, prettier news, I have someone that I would like you to meet. Ever since we met, Lauren has made my blogging days brighter and inspired me with her fashionista skills.
Everyone say hello to Lauren. Drop dead gorg, right? She is also one of the most sincere and kindest bloggers I have come across.
She hosts a weekly link up starting at 4 PM every Tuesday called Style Sessions. You can link up anything outfit / fashion related, or if you're on a
budget / camera shy you can even create a virtual outfit. Plus, one lucky link-upper (is that a word?) will be selected each week to be featured as Head Stylist.
Lauren also likes to shop, play dress up, covets cosmetics and gets giddy over anything that's shiny and sparkly. A girl after my heart. See, I knew you would love her too. Take a look at her shopping adventures. Which top do you think she should have gotten? I voted for all four, but take a look at what her readers decided.
I bet you are wondering how she stays so slim and trim, huh? Well, she takes good care of herself and shared a few pointers about how she stays healthy and fit and looking cute while sweatin' it out. Girl's gotta it goin' on!
So, remember I told you a few seconds ago how sweet Lauren is. Well, the proof is in the pudding. She is giving away not one, but TWO gift cards to one lucky reader. Enter below for $25 to J.Crew and $25 to Victoria's Secret. Someone is going to be looking pretty fab on the outside and underneath...wink wink.
And head over to Lauren's blog, Style Elixir. You will love this lady, I can promise ya that!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette.
Oh, and go meet some new friends!

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy and Style Elixir

I totally wish I could blog about work! Just as a way to vent, but I'd get fired. And nobody wants to read that lol!
In other news, I love your outfit! I am not good at mixing patterns but you are :)
LOVE that green skirt and leopard shoes!!!!
And thanks for sharing Lauren with us!
I often times wish I could blog openly about my Christian faith, without people thinking I'm close-minded. I'm opening up slowly, but...when I'm so passionate, sometimes I can sound, well, weird maybe? ;)You're not alone sista!
I think about blogging about two things: 1- a "condition" I have and 2- female health problems (yes somewhat sexually related) because like you I need other people's opinions I think I might eventually blog about the first because it's something that scares me as I get older and I'm not really afraid to put it out there, just don't know if I want to make it known on the internet...I kinda wrote about some things that i don't understand about the blog world in my post today...so on the same train of thought, I guess.
Anyways enough heavy talk and let me just say I love love love the outfit!! I would totally wear that to work!! Gorgeous as always.
I love this cute little spring look! I'm kind of obsessed with anything pleated!
ok I LOVE that top! AHHHH coveting!
yes, a true picture of spring! Love it, girl!! You really know style, new and current, old and classic. I think you meshed it all in this one! hmmmmm, blogging topics on the hush...I'm still thinking, maybe work?! I have drafts that I'll most likely never publish. It was a nice way for me work though those frustrations and resolve.
Cute leopard print heels! Hope you find your way through the difficult spots soon. :)
Such a happy outfit!
Since my parents read my blog, I also feel that some topics are left out...
It sometimes helps me to just start the post about it without ever publishing it, just to sort my thoughts.
You know I love your outfit, especially with that added touch of leopard!
I only discovered Lauren's blog a few weeks ago and I love it! Also, I absolutely love your look - those pumps are super cute!
LOVE your springy outfit! And I love Lauren's style as well. Such a generous giveaway ... would I jinx myself to say I'm feeling lucky?! :)
I would talk about my in laws, but I know that all of them read.
I would also talk about how bitter I am that I hang out with about 8 girls on a regular basis (dinners, awards show girls night, play dates), and how only 1 of them even acknowledged that it was my birthday.
I LOVE your outfit, you fantastic of course!. I sometimes wish I could vent on my blog. I made a choice 5 years ago to stop communicating with someone who manipulated and emotionally abused me and everyone around us growing up. I made that choice and some of my family have stuck by me and kept in touch and others have not. I wish I could post more about it to vent, but I made a choice for no contact and blogging would be contact. That person is my mother and we haven't spoken in 5 years and I couldn't have made a better decision for my little family and I.
That does feel a little better getting it out there. Thanks Shanna I needed that today. I have a very special post I am trying to get through for my little one tomorrow, emotions have been high this week.
Okay I am stopping now promise!
Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick
I wish I could post about my husband helping more but he reads my blog
Love that green skirt! Great outfit.
Wish I could write about work, but too many co-workers are readers! And you never know if a parent could accidentally stumble across it.
Thinking of you! You could blog in a "private" members only venue!
Hey Shanna - I really appreciate your honesty and am sorry you're going through some tough times right now. Your post really spoke to me. I've been in an upheaval the past two weeks - major job changes, parenting issues, and health issues with my parents. I haven't made one good friend since moving to Texas so that makes it doubly tough. But I'm grateful for my husband, he's always a rock, no matter what.
i wish i could write about work, too. (like danavee) but my coworkers read my blog - and that could be bad news bears.
<3 you shanna!! keeping you in my prayers for whatever it is you're going through.
Great giveaway- thanks Shanna!
That Skirt!!!! You look fabulous, how do you do it? The pattern mixing I mean, can you teach me your ways?
Love you!
First of all - LOVE that outfit - the bright colors, the pattern mixing - so so SO cute. Secondly - sorry you're going through some stuff right now. Sending good thoughts your way. Thirdly, what do I wish I could blog about? Hmmmm...probably the crazy co-worker that just handed me my ASS yesterday at work. And finally, thanks for the link up (I love finding new bloggity-oggs). Have a good day, mamacita!
As always, your post is so honest. That's why I like reading your blog so much.
I wish I could blog more about work (since most of my time is spent there...but I know I can't), and how hard it is for me to make new friends as a grown up. It gets lonely sometimes.
First, I am so jealous that you can wear such a cute "spring" outfit already!
Second, just because you do not blog about 100% of your life does not mean that you are not being honest. Your blog in definitely written in a "voice" that is clear all you. That's why I love it!
Three, I would blog more about my kiddos "food issues" but I am sure no one wants to hear about it;)
I've started to open up some about it, but I have extremely low self-image/body confidence. I was a star athlete all through hs and college and now that I'm not training as hard as I did at that time, my body is changing. I am also super afraid of pregnancy/parenthood. I don't want to be a failure. I know these seem silly to outsiders, but they are the darkest parts of my heart...currently.
1. Thanks for introducing me to her blog, I love it!
2. Love your outfit. That skirt is adorable and so glad you shop at Kohl's, too!
3. I totally know how you feel. My parents and friends read my blog (as well as complete strangers and people I don't enjoy), and sometimes I wonder what they will think of me for what I write about. But at the same time, I'm a writer. And this is what I do. While I blog about fashion and makeup, I also write about real issues and opinions. I guarantee that writing honestly about topics that you might be worried about may actually HELP someone out there feel that they aren't alone.
I love this outfit!!! I think I need that skirt;)
I feel the same way! I kind of wrote about this in my post today. Lately, all I've felt like sharing is recipe posts or posts that have little to do with me. I want to write about deeper things but don't want to seem like I'm complaining or get nasty comments. I definitely agree that I don't want some of my family or friends to read what I really want to say...so I just don't. Also, it's very tough to write about the hard stuff because being vulnerable is a scary thing. I have MANY "draft" posts sitting there that I'll probably never post. I also want to write about work but can't exactly write about the clients I see for therapy- ha! If I could I would have some very interesting stories ;)
I so wish I could just write what I want on my blog! I'm having a really hard time with things right now - a good friend has pretty much left me to further her blog career. We used to talk a lot, hang out a lot and it was great. But now I think she's gotten a "big head" and left me in the dust. It's so hard because I want my blog to grow and it's happening very slowly. I guess, like you said, these things happen and we just have to move on.
Speaking of moving on - I have the exact same skirt! And I never ever thought to pair it with a shirt like that. Definitely going to have to give it a try!!
I love the green skirt! Just got a dress in the same color...definitely looks like spring. I am pretty bold on my blog and have shared many struggles that I thought I never would. I wish I could write more about my family (parents, etc) and my marriage.
Love your outfit! I have 3 green skirts - it tends to be the colour I gravitate to! I love that you've paired it with something floral.
I really really want to write more intimate posts, but that's scary! I completely agree that as women we look for feedback but at the same time we're careful with who we tell. My favorite blogs always involve real life stories and traumas-I'd love to be them but that's a big jump.
Oh my GOODNESS your outfit is ADORABLE! That skirt? I die! :) also.. I will need to check out her blog, she is so cute!
i wish i could share more about work - not bad things necessarily but just common work chat- i just would NEVER do it because i don't want to every have a negative affect on where i work in case people don't like somethingi post on my blog!
Could you be any cuter?!?! SERIOUSLY!
I love that top! I am wondering though...did you pay full price for it?! You're usually over at the clearance rack with me digging around...haha. I wish I could blog more about the craziness of my job, however I am limited by that whole attorney client privilege thing.
Penniless Socialite
I guess I wish I could more openly write about my pregnancy and all of the trials it has brought on, but I don't think it's really that relevant to my readers, and I'm afraid it would be a little depressing, and people might judge me for not being as excited as I should be because this has been a hard one!
Onto other stuff, I absolutely adore the color and shape of that pretty, pretty skirt!
I would love to blog about family drama. There are situations that I've been stuck in that other people can related to or avoid, but I can't because the person who causes the most drama, stalks my blog.
A friend and I kicked around the idea of starting an anonymous blog to write about the crazy things in our families.
I'd love to publish what I really think about the Arkansas abortion bill that's trying to get passed, but I'm afraid I might get pushed into a volcano :) pretty strong choice gal over here.
I wish I could talk about parenting shtuff on my blog. It's not something I want to jump into, because the internet can be a cruel, cruel place for parents.
Work and relationships
In life we are given an imaginary shovel. You can either bury yourself or dig yourself out with it. I think every woman goes through life wondering if she's good enough. I do it all the time. I wish I was pretty. I wish I was smarter. I wish I was braver. I wish I didn't have to wish these things. But in the end I know exactly who I am. I am Dusty. Somedays I don't like it but I accept the good bad and the ugly. If the truth hurts and people don't respect it then it's really a deeper issue. You will be Shanna and people will either love or hate you for it. But if the love you then they love you on the inside. Not for what you write, not for what you wear but because you are you.
I love you Shanna! First, you look so cute, love the color of that skirt. Second, I always love how honest you are. Even if you are not blogging about every single thing in your life (you don't need to), I still think you are one of the more honest bloggers out there. Sometimes I think you are fearless and I wish I could be like that too.
I wish I could blog more about my husband. But he reads my blog. And he won't let me post pictures of him. He thinks he'll get the "ladies all riled up". I mean seriously, please, I love him but, he's no ryan gossling. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Maybe how to deal with the family craziness and some of the little female stuff we ladies have to deal with.
There were so many times when I could have blogged about annoying family members or friends, but I don't really know who reads and who doesn't so best to not get myself into trouble! :p
I always wish I could blog about how stressful traveling home is and the pressures of getting around to everyone, but I always worry about offending my MIL or mom!
Happy to be a new follower, linking up with ya!!
noel @highheeledmama.com
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
That floral top looks absolutely fabulous on you Shanna! And don't even get me started on the bright skirt.
As for my thoughts, I've drafted up a post about how rough last year was in school and how everything happens for a reason...but I just haven't had the guts to hit publish.
Okay this probably isn't the most serious of topics but since my parents read my blog, I can't tell some of my favorite stories simply because I know they would freak! Also, this one is mean but when people are rude in blog land I wish I could call them out but I know that's not nice and I'm a chicken anyways ;) Love your green skirt girlfriend!
Ok, first she seems so sweet I can't wait to go visit her blog! Also, yes girls are so hard on each other and ourselves. I go through the same through the same thing with friendships- I think we all do!! ps I wanna win!!
I'm always afraid to talk about things that are negative. Like, it I have something eating at me, sometimes I actually sit down and write a blog post and just end up deleting it. I'm usually such a happy person, that I'm afraid to show that side of me and be vulnerable.
I love your sincerity. Don't ever change girl and say what you think or feel. I know it can be hard at times but always remember you are not alone and we all have those days. Stay true to yourself and speak your mind. I admire you and love your style. You are an inspiration lady! ;)
xo, Jealeyni
First of all, this outfit is absolutely gorgeous. I love the floral with the green skirt and leopard heels! I would have never thought to put anything like this together, thanks for the inspiration!!!
I wish I could talk to my professors about how much pressure I feel from acadamia to be the perfect student, when I just can't. Many students on my campus are supported by "daddy's wallet" and don't have a full time job or even get involved on campus. Then they wonder why I come to class exhausted or sometimes unprepared. Sigh.
my divorce. dealing with really really hard and immature ex husbands! ahhhh. but then you get all the haters who just have NO IDEA what it's like but feel the need to throw out their opinion. ahhhhhh!!
ps - your outfit just radiates spring! love it. too cute girl!
you have such a cute and colorful outfit on!! :)
Sandy a la Mode
I love the skirt, Shanna!
I wish I could talk about work (like everyone else), the army more (without my husband losing his job), and my husband's crazy family. Just my luck, they tend to read my blog.
We bloggers have such problems! :)
Thanks for hosting!
I love that skirt too, you definitely bring spring in the air :-) Thank you for hosting the fun party.
What a gorgeous top! I love the way you paired it with the skirt and accessories-- together they all make an amazing outfit! I hope your blogging woes go away; it can be an annoyingly tough thing sometimes.
Love, love, LOVE this outfit Shanna! One of my favorites!
Ooooh blogging, and ooooh life struggles. You said exactly how I feel: I wish I could blog and no one would read it. In fact this week, I've considered taking my blog private for that very reason..
I wish I had the kahona's to talk more about my fear of having more children, and whether in the end I actually will.
I wish I could blog about my health problems and the burden it has put on my mind. But it just feels too personal to put out for the entire world to see.
And I wish I could blog about my MIL...she drives me insane!
The Tiny Heart
Necklace Giveaway!
I'm not a blogger but I totally relate to those mom/wife/friend identity struggles. It's a balancing act trying to be great at all three and meet everyone's expectations as well as your own. I feel ya chic!
I took down my blog two years ago. Time was the major issue, but not being real and fear were also factors. I wish I could have spoken more about my failures in parenting, my marriage and insecurities. Most bloggers paint their husbands to be Prince Charming and that can't be the case...
I am in love with that skirt!!!
This is kind of embarrassing, because I love posting, but I have a hard time taking what's in my mind and writing it on my blog. I feel like my writing is more boring than I really am. Point is that I'm not the best/most interesting writer. But I still manage to post. Sometimes I want to make it just a picture blog :)
negative comments. they're anonymous so i'd love to address them in a post but i dont know if its even worth it.
My thoughts in religion. I feel that it's one of those "off limits" blog topics.
I'd like to discuss how my friends and co-workers started treating me after I decided to quit my job and move abroad.. but they'd probably see the post!
My blog is secret from real life friends but even so I know what you mean about just not wanting to put certain things out there. I don't blame you one bit! There are so many things I just want to blurt but you kinda have to censor yourself. Maybe start an anonymous blog separate from this for that? You could still get feedback and you could vent without anyone knowing it's you! Lauren is totally gorgeous! I would love to win that give away.
let's be honest here, i feel like you just tore a page out of my personal journal! :) i think this is something everyone goes through, and it's just finding that balance between sharing everything and sharing nothing...what works best for you! i'm still working on that part. i also think that part of the fun of blogging is meeting so many people... maybe what you want to share but don't feel like you can/should is something you could share privately in an email with a few girls you have met through your blog! :)
xo, courtney
Funny you should write this post today. I have not linked my blog to my facebook or pinterest because I dont want my real life friends to read my blog, isnt that silly. I dont know even understand why I dont want them to read. I would love to write more about the challenges I face with parenting, my divorce, the list goes on an on...
I would talk about my in-laws, and family dysfunctions if I could. But they all read it, and I don't think bloggers would care. But it does makes me jealous that some people have the perfect family and mine is absolutely off their rockers.
I don't mind posting this publicly because I'd be curious to know if there's other out there like me!
Thanks for opening up your blog space for us to comment about this :) You are just too wonderful.
Thanks for hosting the link up!! Love your skirt, the color is so great!
Loving the mix of patterns in your outfit and adore that skirt! Over the summer I saw a girl wearing a maxi version of yours and became obsessed well now I am re-obsessed so thanks for the links!
As for blogging - I feel the same way about not being able to be 100% honest sometimes. My Monday post made it back and forth between draft and scheduled because I really felt guilty bragging about a new job and hating my current job when there are so many people struggling to find a job because they got laid off. I just finally decided to hit publish and accept the consequences ... everyone seemed super happy for me but I still thought I wasn't 100% on how I was exactly feeling - it was like the PC version ... ya know. I think though that we should all support each other and whether or not someone posts something that you 100% agree with - we should at least give them props for putting it out there and being honest.
Email me anytime! I'm a good listener and have tons of great advice to give ... that is my role with my friends ... you know the one that knows everything but in a good way!
World According to Shia
I'd like to write about how I really feel about an 8 hour work day but my co-workers read my blog:)
I love our outfit!! Too cute!
newest follower! Can't wait to
I'd blog more about marriage...ups and downs...
It's one of the greatest journeys I have even been on..but also the hardest!
I wish I could blog about the struggles of healthy eating & self-confidence I have faced in these hard economic times.
I wish I could blog about my MIL but she reads the blog. I wish I could blog about my past struggles with infertility but there are things about my family I'd want to put in there and I wouldn't want them to read it.
When I first started my blog I wanted to be PC but I've gotten over that a bit. I still stick to mostly light topics but if I'm moved to get on a soapbox I will.
Also, I didn't link up today because my posting schedule got off track and I ended up having to post part of my restaurant review series, which is in no way random. Next week!
Hello Shanna! Thanks for sharing your beautiful outfit with us as well as letting us see a bit of what's inside your dear heart. Yes yes yes. I often find myself compairing myself to others. Its silly and a complete waste of time. The Lord made me just as I am & I should accept myself as He accepts me.
Thank you Shanna for letting me join your Link Up. Its fun getting to meet new people. Btw, bragged you up on my recent post. :)
First of all, love that skirt! Green is one of my fave colors and that skirt is just gorg! Secondly, I know exactly what you are talking about. I wish I could vent about a few personal things on my blog. Instead, I just unload on my friends which isn't good either but at least my biz isn't out there for ALL to see. Hope things lighten up for you, doll!
Ugghh. I can totally relate. I'm am cautious about how much of my personal life I share on my blog. Partially because I've been in a bit of a funk for a while and who wants to read a bunch of sad, dark, whiny content all the time. Especially on a style blog! So I do keep a personal journal but it doesn't solve the need for discussion and feedback.
I swear there needs to be a depression anonymous group!
You are brave, honest, fabulous and daring. Keep it up!
High Heeled Style
Love this outfit! The colors are amazing!
I guess I don't really feel the urge to share personal things on my blog. Part of it is a privacy concern. I kind of like keeping it only related to fashion. But sometimes I have bad days and just want to vent but I'm afraid of being too negative on the blog.
Jeans and a Teacup
Love this, and you!
We've been having some pretty serious issues starting a family, and I'm toying with whether or not to post about it. I worry that it's depressing, and feel like it's hubby's business too. A lot of his coworkers, clients, etc read the blog....so it's probably not the best idea!
I LUV this question b/c it is so true! I've been wanting to blog about some things I want but can't afford, if it was one item that'd be OK, but the list is growing. I've been online pretend shopping for a nice down coat, one that is really warm. I've seen some ppl with soo cute boots and hunted for them online, just to peep. I luv fashion my fav places are Forever 21, Charming Charlie, Victoria Secret, but who wants to hear about everything you want! I like looking online, tho, even if not actually buying. I love this blog, with the white picket fence and the cute outfit, the pretty house, and you have a nice into paragraph, it is incentive to make an attractive blog!!!
What a great idea! I love this post! You know what I would love to post about but I'm not even thinking about it for a while. Definitely not brave enough :)
I wish I sould blog about my decision to quit my career and become a SAHM when my baby is due in July. Some days I am sure and other days I an afraid to lose my ability to support myself.
I wish I could blog about the ups and downs of parenting a special needs child, but I feel that it would be too emnotional. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
hey pretty friend! loving that skirt! talk about color - I need that in my closet! NOW! hahaha.
I have made the mistake of bringing personal stuff onto my blog and man o man it caused an uproar so I keep my mouth shut - I guess I have the friends and blogging friend that I can email personally if I need to - trust me, I wish I could blog about it and get feed back but...you just have to ask yourself 'is it worth what's coming....'
Sometimes I think about starting an anonymous blog that anyone can go to and write what they are afraid to say on their own blog.
Love your skirt and blouse!
P.s. - this link up is HUGE! I wish I was as popular as you. bahahahaha!
LOVE this look on you! One of my favorites I think! :)
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
First off...loving your green skirt there. So gorgeous! Second, I wish I could blog about personal things. I sometimes do but don't fully address the person(s) which is okay because whatever I say could one day be held against me and that's not what I want. :(
However, some things I believe just need to be kept secret and not told to the whole wide world of this wonderful internet. ;)
I just wanted to sop by and say YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I'm blessed to have friends I can confide in but I know the feeling of it not always being enough.
Love your outfit, especially that green skirt. I would love to talk about personal stuff but my parents and sister read my blog, i would love to talk about some people in my live.
x Audrey
First of all, you look adorable. I love the pattern mixing and I pinned your pic to my spring fashion inspiration board on pinterest!
There are so many things I wish I could delve into deeper on my blog but I am afraid for the same reasons you are. I struggle when it comes to comparing myself to others in blogging and IRL. That's one of the biggest battles I face, and it's comforting to know others deal with it too.
Love the leopard print shoes!
FAMILY DRAMA. And friends. Both of which I have been struggling with lately. But they are some of my biggest fans and while I don't want to hurt feelings, it is MY blog...it is hard.
You can always vent to me, I promise!
Also, I am obsessed with that outfit. Good one :-)
This outfit is SO LOVELY! That green skirt looks fabulous on you! :)
Also, thanks for introducing Lauren, I'm going to check out her blog now!
Such a fun post! And I love your outfit!
First of all, you look adorable and now I totally craving Spring as I sit here with a space heater blasting on my feet.
Secondly, I hear ya! I love you and your honesty. Maybe just writing a fake blog post in word and getting all of your emotions out would help. I totally know what you mean with hubs. Mine will listen and support til the cows come home but sometimes you just need a woman's perspective. Thinking about you pretty lady and hope things get easier!
I would definitely blog about the in-laws. I was blog about my fears. I would blog about people I knew in high school. And I would blog about why I dreamt about my ex-boyfriends almost every night before I got married for at least six months.
Well, I was afraid to post about where I work, but I faced my fears and learned that being honest is very freeing! I feel like if people (family included) choose to read my blog, then I can be honest. I don't have to censor myself.
Growing apart from friends is something that I've been dealing with lately. I'd love to post about it but I don't want feelings to be hurt because of who may read my blog.
3 words - yes, yes and yes! I'm seriously obsessing over that green skirt paired with the cheetah heels! I have a pair almost exactly like those, but mine came from Target and are surprisingly comfortable!
I love everything about this outfit! The bright skirt, the leopard heels, the floral top...it's all amazing!
I just want to start a blog period. :)
I cannot believe you have 171 link ups! CONGRATS!!!
Ok, so there is SO much I could say about your RW topic today, because I'm right there with you. I worry about SO much that I don't talk about with other people. And right now my current worry is my relationship status. I've been in a relationship for 6 years and I still don't know if he wants to marry me. So I need to choose a path and stick to it. LONG story, but you get the idea. Lots-o relationship drama in my life!
Love ya girly!!
I wish I could blog about work frustrations, but like those above, I know co-workers read it and I don't feel like people want to read about my silly problems. I like my job so I wouldn't want the wrong person to read it and get the wrong ideas about what I think about my job. I just wish I could share things sometimes about other teachers that annoy me.
I LOVE THIS OUTFIT!! It is amazing, everything from the colors, print mixing, cheetah.
I know what it feels like to be in a funk, and it's not fun. But have you read the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? I'm reading it now, and it's incredible. Definitely recommend it.
And last but not least, I am a new follower, love your blog and decided to link up too :)
Just found your blog through the Random Wednesday link-up and I love it! I'm your newest follower! Oh, and hey---we have the same name! Haha!
I always enjoy your "let's get real" posts and that is part of the reason why you are one of my favorite blogger sisters :) You know how to mix up the girl talk with some laughs, some serious thought provoking discussion and always a fabulous outfit! Loving the mix of floral, leopard, and color of the year green in this springy look...we love our Texas weather! Count me in on the giveaway from this sweet girl (now a follower of hers...thanks for the intro! ) Be sure to check out the latest giveaway on my blog too :)
I love this post, I've been thinking about this a lot too, about how there are things I would love to talk about, but I don't really want all of the people in my life to know. I wish I could talk about how sad and frustrated I am with my infertility. Especially when most of my friends are pregnant, some for the second time since my husband and I started trying. Now my best friend in the whole world is pregnant too, and I'm really struggling with it! Boo...but it does feel better to vent about it where no one I know will see :)
P.S. I love that skirt more than you know! It really rocks my socks :)
you look SO freaking pretty!!! love the colors of this whole outfit! Something I wish I could blog about but too nervous too is basically just to vent about other bloggers...i guess im not really nervous just dont want to ruffle anyones feathers ;)
I want SPRING NOW! Too bad I live in the midwest and that's not happening for a while. At least I can look at you and dream of sunshine and flowy skirts. :) I'm the same way with needing feedback...hang in there...you are beautiful on the inside and out!
For the most part, I pretty much put it all out there all of the time. I write about what I want to write about because maybe, just maybe, my struggle or my joy might inspire another person. It's also cathartic to speak your heart. Perhaps, I'm a little too honest about myself in real life and online, and I'm okay with that because I'd prefer for people to hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not.
I enjoy reading your blog because I feel as though you bring more to it than just your wicked sense of style. I appreciate that I come here, and I find that you often have a lot to say. You allow yourself to be vulnerable, and I respect that. Thanks for doing what you do!
Yes, looks like Spring has sprung its pretty little head in Texas, you look gorgeous my dear!
I do try to share personal things on my blog, the only think I don't really talk about are problems at work, because I don't want it to come back to get me in the future.
I hope you get the affirmation and peace of mind that you are looking for in you current worries! You are too pretty to stress that much!
I am in LOVE with your green skirt!!! And the leopard heels with it are adorable! Great outfit you put together!
Your post couldn't have come at a better time.
You are SO right. Sometimes us ladies have a hard time shaking certain things & we all know bottling them up is not good for ourselves, our relationships or ourselves.
And P.S. Best outfit post TO. DATE. I'm not usually into mixing prints, but this is FLAWLESS.
First...thanks for hosting the link-up.
Next, I love the outfit...the mixed prints is sooo chic.
Lastly, I totally relate with you. I am naturally a private person so the whole blog thing scared me a little but ironically I knew it would be something I enjoyed doing. I am very selective in what I share and as a matter of fact most of my friends don't even know about my blogs. It is crazy. I wish you well and thanks again for the link up and great post!
Love your outfit and blog.
I appreciate your candor, and I think many women (including me) struggle in those same areas. It is difficult to know HOW honest you can be .. without facing judgment. Praying for you today!
Thanks for hosting and I'm your newest follower:) I love your outfit, especially your skirt, great color. Enjoy your day!
Lillies & Silk
i love this look Shanna! you always look so chic, that skirt is perfect!
C's Evolution of Style
I would love to blog about my bad eating & exercise habits and hope others are eating as badly as I am :)
Girl... if you ever... ever need to vent or talk or need a different perspective... email me. I adore you and while I'm sure you have a ton of Blogger friends you can talk to, just know that I'm here if you need or want. Love you to pieces.
Sometimes I wish I was able to blog about my opinion of politics and the terrible state this country is in.
I would NEVER blog about it, but I wish I could scream from the roof tops what I really think about all the bloggers that want to voice their opinions about other bloggers. I didn't enter blog world to go back to high-school. Grow up & get over yourselves, haters.
Love the outfits!
Since this is buried under 127 comments before me I feel safe in admitting, I wish I could blog about how worried I am about my husband's job situation. He WILL be laid off. We cannot plan anything right now. Not even a week out because we just don't know what is going to happen. And being a planner, this is excruciating. Can't blog about it because I don't want to embarrass him. And my blog is supposed to be my light and funny place and that's not very light and funny. I can't really talk about it with him because I'm trying to be supportive and I don't want him to think he's failing us.
There. I said it.
New follower, btw.
Oh my - just found your blog!!!
Can I just say I totally know how you feel? There is a lot of pressure and competition as a woman, and I think for the most part we do keep it to ourselves. Usually because we think we're alone in the way we feel and no one will understand. Thank you for putting yourself out there and saying this! It's good to know when other people feel the same way you do sometimes :) And of course, if you ever want to talk, let me know :)
Obsessed with this look- hands down one of my favorites from you!!!
Pearls & Paws
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