Happy President's Day. If you are off, yay! If you are not, boo!
Just giving a fair warning, it looks as though I am on a random kick again. It was only fitting because, well, that's exactly what my weekend was...
Let's begin with an #ootd since I seem to gravitate toward the fashion side of things.

I wore this on Friday. I labeled it "golden and gingham". Like what ya see? You can find it here, here, here and an option here.

My youngest turned 5 years old last week. My sweet baby is no longer a "toddler", so we thought an induction into princess hood would be appropriate. Her and fellow inductees gathered at 6:00 PM sharp for an evening of pamper, fashion, Chick-fil-A nuggets, gifts, glitter, pink lemonade and cake. If you live in Round Rock and a have a princess of your own, My Party Palace, is the place to be for a birthday. I mean, look at this place. In Landry's words, "This was the BEST party of my life!"

Saturday I had the privilege of helping a client friend prepare her outfits for upcoming engagement portraits. This is one of the three outfits we put together. We also hit up a few shops for some additional accessories. How cute hot is she gonna look in this? Thanks, Shannon, I had so much fun!

Here is where is gets kinda CRAZY. As I was driving home, feeling horrible from allergies and wanting only a hot bath, jammy jams and my couch, I got a call from a friend saying there is a massive manhunt in our hood. I immediately called Ross to make sure they were in the house, safe and sound. I rushed home and met a policeman with his big A sniper rifle on my street. He proceeded to tell me to get home, lock the doors and don't go outside. Apparently, two men broke into a local business, stole two loaded handguns and ran right through the path of where we live. Helicopters, K-9 dogs, po-po everywhere and neighbors freaking out. That's what went down. And guess what? These two thug trolls never got caught. I am sure they are far into Mexico by now. Another eventful day in the neighborhood..."won't you be my neighbor...won't you please...won't you please...?" Anyone old enough to remember that tune?

After calming down from the thug troll commotion, Logan, my oldest passed out from anxiety, Ross did some work in the garage and me, well, I went with "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days." One of my top 10 favorite movies, some mommy juice, a face mask, nacho cheese popcorn, Matthew McConaughay and a little ginger monkey by my side was just what the doctor ordered. I swear that movie gets me every single time...maybe it's Matthew, maybe it's the "love" fern or maybe it's the sappiest, cutest romantic comedy of all time. I don't know. I just know that I Benny Boo Boo Boo can "frost" himself on my TV screen any time.

Then came Sunday, a day of rest, sort of. I woke up with Mr. Sniffles again (refer to How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) and declared that the BIG girl panties needed to be pulled on. We made our way to church for a solid and hard truth sermon on marriage, had a nice Mexican food brunch, tackled some yard work (enter killer allergies again), a jeep ride and a crawfish feast. It was a rest, God, eat, rest, work, rest, eat and rest again kinda Sunday. Now if I could only get rid of Mr. Sniffles (aka cedar fever) and this nasty raw nose of mine. Life sure would be more pleasant.
That's all I got. What happened in your world this weekend? I hope it didn't include a runny nose, troll thugs or K-9 dogs.
I am linking up with:
Leeann Monday Morning Gossip
Sami Weekend Shenanigans
Molly and Carly for YOLO Mondays.
Leeann Monday Morning Gossip
Sami Weekend Shenanigans
Molly and Carly for YOLO Mondays.

oh my god....manhunt? that makes for a dramatic weekend!
That princess party is adorable! My girls would be screaming with excitement. Wish they had something like that in our town! Glad to hear the manhunt was uneventful. Happy monday to you!
What is it with manhunts lately? I'm sure you heard about the Chris Dorner manhunt here in CA... I would love to do a Princess party if I have a girl :) And I could watch How to Lose a Guy....over and over and over again.
Thanks again and everyone can go "ice" themselves, right? ;) hahaha
New follow from the big giveaway. We had the crazy Dorner manhunt last week too! Crazy! And at crawfish is making me drool! My MIL is from Lake Charles Ark and ships in crawfish twice a year for a major crawfish boil bash!
Hope you'll follow back. :)
Loved your outfit and the chevron top! Im obsessed with chevrons right now. I actually just wrote a little about that today.
Once Upon The Hill
What's up with all these manhunts??? We had that in CA...now you too? Bahahaha, just saw Kat asked the same. Haha.
Oh I wished I had a party like your youngest. She sure was a princess! :)
How scary! Glad you're all safe!!
And what an adorable bday party. Looks like she had a blast :)
What a fun family weekend!
Thanks for joining my bloghop! I added you to the linkup ;)
OK that is SO scary! Glad everyone was OK. Your golden gingham outfit is the cutest and Landry's party looks like a blast :)
The Other Side of Gray
So scary Shanna, glad everyone is ok though. A princess party looks like a blast. Oh, and I love your outfit!
EEEEEEEEEEEK! That IS scary! I'm glad everyone is okay......only wish they'd caught the thugs!
Love "golden and gingham", Loved Mr. Rogers, and I love the outfit you put together for your friend!
Aw what a fun princess party! I wouldn't mind one of those and I'm in my 20's :)
I must be totally outta it because I didn't know that there was a manhunt! So glad you and your fam is safe. Hopefully they're outta TX by now :)
WOW that had to have been scary! Glad everyone is ok and hopefully those idiots get caught soon. I LOVE your golden gingham outfit!
OMG that is terrifying about the man hunt! I would be freaking out!!
the birthday party was too cute! as was your ootd!
What an exciting weekend! My girls would have loved the party palace at that age...what a great idea!! How to Lose a Guy...is one of my favorites, too. Hope you get rid of those sniffles soon.
Sounds like a vey eventful weekend:)
I had to comment & tell you we say jsmmie jams at our house too!
Happy birthdsy to your 5 year old!
Wow! You have had a crazy weekend. The Party looked like so much fun, and I'm obsessed with your gingham outfit above (also loving that shirt you laid out for your client friend...where is that from?)
Southern Love/City Lights
That is the best birthday party ever, I'm sure she had an awesome time! And the manhunt... funny thing is, the same thing happened in my town over the summer while we were having our annual bbq. Helicopters everywhere while I'm eating my burger and pasta salad. They also never caught the guy! Crazy. Hope you get rid of those sniffles!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Crazy!! We were on a walk in our old neighborhood and a cop ran up to us and asked if we had seen anyone running. Apparently some prisoner had escaped and was in our neighborhood. Ugh. I was convinced he was hiding/living in our shed after that.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
That is SO insane about the manhunt and kinda scary that they didn't catch them. But I'm sure they're long gone from your neighborhood now. That is one of my fav movies too. My hubby recently bought a plant to spruce up our living room and he calls it our love fern :)
The Tiny Heart
JCrew giveaway!
what a week!! a least there was some fun sprinkled in :)
Whenever helicopters circle my hood due to police pursuit, I get creeped out. And my dogs go crazy!
That shirt you're wearing, black & white gingham - Old Navy? I have one on its way to me, it shipped Friday!
Whoa! What a weekend!
Love, love, love me some yellow! Unfortunately I have little to no yellow in my closet...going to have to remedy that!
Sounds like a good, albeit, CRAZY weekend! Glad you guys are safe and sound!
That party looks awesome and I kinda want to do that for my next birthday...ahhah
OH gosh, what a crazy weekend/fun weekend. Love that movie too! I have it on my ipod right now actually :)
Seriously Shanna...You have the most exciting life. Lol! Sounds like a crazy fun weekend. Please take care of yourself. We're fighting colds or something here too. :p LOVE How To Lose A Man!!!! :) Sad I missed it. Phewy! Hugs!
If there was a manhunt in my neighborhood I would need more than chic flick...Lots of wine! ;)
I love that yellow outfit! I need some cheery colors to get me out of the winter blues.
<3 Melissa
OMG, a manhunt? That would be so crazy to pull into your street with a cop holding a big sniper! I'm glad you and your family are all okay. And yes, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is what the doctor ordered! My doctor orders 27 Dresses for me!
yay! How to lose a guy is my absolutely fave! GO US! and your neighborhood thing - that's CRAZY!!! that happened around my parents house one night...they wouldn't let anyone out of the house. one guy tried and he received a strong rebuke. ha!
Wow, we've had one of those manhunts in our hood before It happened when the local prison "accidentally" let a convicted killer walk out the doors because of a computer error. ack.
landry's party looks AWESOME!!!! holy moly! and a manhunt? terrifying!! i also love the love fern!
I love love love that princess party! So cute and I can't believe your baby is five... Where does the time go? I really want to go to s crawfish boil... You'll have to take me when I make my way down there! Also I am responding to your email tonight! The weekend was so busy!
Love the mixing of prints on your Friday outfit. LOVE.
That story is crazy!! I cannot even imagine that happening RIGHT where I live. I am glad you were all OK but it is too bad they were not caught!
Ok, that Princess Party is just about perfect. I'm pretty sure that's what I'm doing for my next birthday.
So scary about those guys!! Oh my gosh. Glad everyone is safe.
I LOVE seeing you styling sessions. You go girl!!
Love, love, love that gold & gingham outfit!! Adorable!
That manhunt must have been so scary! I live in LA and last week's craziness with the Dorner manhunt was enough for me to get anxiety, I can't imagine it going on right in my own neighborhood!
I miss crawfish boils, that looks so delicious!
Loving that black and yellow, black and yellow.... And glad you're safe and sound!
Wow...what a weekend! I know about the manhunt thing...In California the Dorner manhunt finally ended last week. There is also like a car chase every other day on the highway. What's wrong with people?!
Anyway, I love love love yellow pants, gingham and floral scarf. So cute!!
Jeans and a Teacup
I laid around with snot.i felt like shitbalz. I still do. I need magic so I feel better.
love your outfit! mustard makes me happy! glad you and your fam are safe :)
C's Evolution of Style
I saw that crawfish pic on insta and was immediately jealous (and hungry haha). Have a great week girlie!
xo SideSmile,
SideSmile Style
Thugs and po-po's in the hood?? No bueno!
Too bad they didn't catch them.
Hope you're feeling better. Allergies are heading north soon. SC is on deck shortly! I'll be red nosed then!
Princess Party = Success!
The pics are adorable!!
Manhunt = not success...how friggin' scary!!
Jeep Ride = jealous..I'm still on the hunt for one.
Crawfish = you can have my share any day. LOL
How to Lose a Guy...I'll take Benny Boo Boo Boo any day, I still say we need to take a trip to his Horse Ranch..and pretend we are in the market for a new beauty. ;)
Looks like such a fun weekend! I love the outfit you pulled together for the engagement shoot!
The Princess Party Pics are just adorable!
We regularly have police helicopters flying around so I'm kind of used to it, but once we were awakened because the police captured a guy who was trying to hide by our back door. Good times.
Looks like a great weekend! I'm glad Landry had a great party!!! I miss you!
Such a weekend, indeed!!! Now, the princess party - well, the birthday princess looks just GORGEOUS, dahling, and Happy Birthday! And as for the manhunt - whooo! just hearing about gets your imagination going with every CSI and true crime show you've ever watched,doesn't it?! Back in the 70s, a friend of my then-MIL received a call from her son that one of these Black Panther types had escaped custody -it was all over the news - "Mom, be careful! She escaped just two miles from you!" - and as she was telling him there was nothing to worry about, she happened to look out her window and there was the fugitive hiding behind her copse of trees in the backyard ;-- She fainted dead away! Her son thought she was a hostage and called police - well by the time they arrived, they found an embarrassed suburban housewife - oh, and some interesting footprints ...
Yeah... no thanks, I'd rather not be your neighbor with that scary situation! I mean, wow, it made me think of an apocalypse situation.
I adore the red/cream striped shirt! Want!
How freakin' scary!!! Oh my! Glad y'all are safe :)
Matthew is amazing...and I dream one day he will give me a "love"fern."
Your princess is adorable!
What a great weekend :) Minus the manhunt...
OK, I'm in love with your yellow pants. That whole outfit at the top is perfection!
The Glossy Life
Wow, that's a crazy weekend! Glad you and your family are safe! So many crazy people on our streets!!!!!!!
OMG that sounds crazy!! I've never had crawfish before. I'm kind of afraid to! haha. I love that first outfit!
So random, but do you live in Round Rock? I lived there all last year and I LOVED it! Other than the occasional creepy manhunt, hahaha. Ugh.
Another manhunt?!? Scary, scary place we live I swear.
Why didn't I plan a princess party for my 30th? I'm emailing my sister right now to change the theme!
I'm glad you didn't let your Mr. Sniffles ruin your lovely weekend!
1. I want a princess party!! haha
2. That's super scary about the manhunt. Mostly because they didn't catch the guys!! yikes!
How cute is your little girl and her princess party? I love it! I can't believe about the manhunt, so scary! Thanks for linking up love, I appreciate it :)
Oh I love that gingham and golden outfit, so cute!
You and your girls are too adorable. Especially those pics of you and your youngest with your mask on :)
um, hi. i'm totally having a princess party for my birthday in june!
Is it crawfish season already??? So excited! That is so scary about those thugs... stay safe!
LOVE your outfit and your booties. And lov ethe outfit you picked out! She will look so pretty in that. Coral and turquoise look great together!
SO, I think you took some inspiration from my Mustard and Gingham post on Friday (haha, jk...but great minds do think alike!) And HOW CRAZY about that manhunt! Glad you guys are ok!
your golden gingham looks amazing! And what I would do for some mud bugs in my life right now - YUM!
Enter my Lash Boutique Giveaway!
I seriously want that outfit you put together.
First off- the princess party looks like too much fun! What a great way to turn 5!!
But the criminal manhunt?? Crazy!! Glad everyone was okay!
Your Friday outfit is adorable! Love all the colors together! The princess party looks like it was sooo much fun! And ummm.. scary man hunt?? That is nuts! But I am glad everyone stayed safe. Other than that crazy happening you had... looks like a great weekend! :)
Wow, kinda scary to pull up to a police offer telling you to get into your house and lock the doors! I love the pictures of your daughter and you with the face mask! So cute!
How scary is having a manhunt in your own hood...that would totally freak me out! My little boy is turning five in April - I am so not ready for him to be a big boy as he claims he is.
Can you please outfit plan for me every day!? That top is beautiful! That party looks amazing.
The Hartungs Blog
OOH I love your outfit, I want you to just move to PDX and plan my clothes daily.
Even workout clothes, they're yours for the outfitting.
What a darling party for your princess - best mom ever :)
Pearls & Paws
what an exciting weekend! love your yellow/gingham outfit. and so scary about the manhunt - yikes! glad you and your family are safe!
-- jackiejade.blogspot.com
Love a good manhunt on a Saturday...Sounds like a good weekend other than that. Haha
Your weekend recap posts are my favorite!!
Just found your blog and love it! Thank goodness the police were surrounding your house because those guys weren't getting in with them standing there! Newest follower! :)
I just found your blog! you are so darn cute! you also look shockingly similar to my friend here in Chicago! Weird:)
seriously that princess party is PRICELESS!!! Way to go mama, that is a forever memory.
So glad that manhunt turned out okay! I freak over stuff like that.
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