Welcome back from the four day feast of turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. Just to make you feel better, not one of those calories counted. Not even one.
So, I'm gonna get a wee bit deep today. Just a few things that have been restless in the back of my brain.
Here goes...
I have stumbled upon a few blogs lately that dedicate an entire post to stating how "over" they are with seeing other people say how "perfect" their lives are. There are even a handful of ecards people make saying things of this sort. People I know have deleted their Facebook accounts because they are sick of seeing people post stuff about their kids, their significant other, joys in their lives, accomplishments or in some people's minds, bragging on how "perfect" their life is.
So, I'm gonna get a wee bit deep today. Just a few things that have been restless in the back of my brain.
Here goes...
I have stumbled upon a few blogs lately that dedicate an entire post to stating how "over" they are with seeing other people say how "perfect" their lives are. There are even a handful of ecards people make saying things of this sort. People I know have deleted their Facebook accounts because they are sick of seeing people post stuff about their kids, their significant other, joys in their lives, accomplishments or in some people's minds, bragging on how "perfect" their life is.
Yes, I understand that most of us don't showcase what goes on behind closed doors. I think that isn't necessarily a bad thing. There are some things that need to remain behind those doors and stay private. At least that's how I feel now. I was "that" person, not too long ago, that opened up my "closed" door and let too many people through the front door.
I am NOT saying who and what bloggers should or shouldn't write about. That is why we all blog, to communicate with the world, express our own opinions, inspire others, time capsule our lives and for the most part, let complete strangers into our personal world.
I always told myself that I would stay positive on my blog. That is my personal choice. Besides a few hiccups that have taken place in the past year, I have for the most part stuck to my guns.
I don't look down upon ANY bloggers. Heck, I respect every single one of us out there because we DO put ourselves out there for the whole entire world to judge and make opinions about. I don't think I fully realized that until recently.
I will say, that you will never hear me publicly make a negative statement about what anyone is posting out there in blog land. Specific or general. I just don't want to place time or energy making negative statements about what some bloggers are doing or not doing. And this includes Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Let people be happy. Be happy for them.
If the majority of my blog and social media posts seem too perfect, than I guess you can label me a fake blogger. That's okay. I know that I am not perfect. My family is not perfect. My friends are not perfect, but they fit perfectly into my life.
I don't know about you, but I want to look back at my blog and remember the happy moments and know that I did not dwell on a few hot seconds of drama.
I am NOT speaking about major life events, death, illness, depression or deep relationship issues. I am talking about petty drama that does absolutely nothing for anyone except hurt feelings and make the people saying these things somehow feel better about themselves.
So, if you are still interested in my imperfect life, here are a few perfect moments from the weekend that I can't wait to look back on ten years from now.

My sweet family of four at the camp house,
riding through the trails on the Polaris.

Pouring a glass of red wine with my mom and sister as soon as
I walked in the door on Thanksgiving.
I walked in the door on Thanksgiving.
Taking pictures of ourselves in the car when I know I have
a fresh coat of lipgloss on.
a fresh coat of lipgloss on.
Target shooting at balloons with Logan to see who has the better aim.
She won by a long shot.
Carrying on a 34+ year tradition of making Christmas cookies
with my mom and passing it onto my own children.
Those cookie cutters are older than I am.
with my mom and passing it onto my own children.
Those cookie cutters are older than I am.

Road trips back home to Alvin for the holidays and praying the kids
will pass out for a quiet 3.5 hour drive.

Capturing moments like this on my iPhone.
This is the epitomy of Landry, footloose and fancy free.
Watching Ross and Logan have a competition on who can catch
the most fish from the pond. And exposing our children to
more than video games and television.
the most fish from the pond. And exposing our children to
more than video games and television.
To sum it up from my prospective, be YOU, just try and leave the judging of others out.
I love this. I love how you are speaking what is true to you. Keep doing what you are doing, I love hearing all the good and great things!
I'm totally with you on this!! I'm totally fine with people to come out every now and then with their problems, worries, whatever..but who wants to read a totally depressing blog? I like to see pretty pictures, happy moments and share other people's happiness. I do understand people need support in times of trouble and sadness which is all good and fine, I've been there done that too, but I am with you on wanting to see the happy of everything.
I'm so glad you wrote about this. I very rarely put things on my blog that are not positive because I agree that most things that are not "perfect" should stay behind closed doors. At least not spread all over the internet!
Your weekend looks amazing! I love the fishing picture.
Cheers to happiness and positivity! :) I love the Christmas cookie photo... such happy smiles and cute cookies!
Agreed x56083! I never really understood where the people who made remarks about being sick of seeing/hearing about people's "perfect" lives were coming from.....I think we are all grown up and aware enough to know that no one has the perfect life. The happy, awesome moments are the ones I make a point to capture and document, and on that note, who doesn't want to be a part of someone sharing their happiness??!
Great post! I totally agree!
I have NEVER thought of you as a fake blogger! Sometimes I feel like some blogs are more a fantasy land than real life, but if that's their real life, then I guess I'm just jealous that they don't have to work and have a closet full of J.Crew and Christian Louboutins. I agree with you, I want to look back on my blog with a smile, not a frown.
I LOVE that you had such fun with your family. Keep exposing them to the outdoors, I hate how much kids watch tv/play video games. No imagination.
You are FAR from what I would ever deem as fake! Shanna and fake do not even work in the same sentence.
LOVE that photo of Landry!
I agree girl - we are all just trying to live our best life!
Pearls & Paws
Your blogs has been one of my favorites since I startee writing/reading blogs, and the thing I love most is always the smile and positviy you carry in all of your posts. This post made me love you even more!
Keep up being you and your perfect life, because I know many others and myself enjoy hearing about every minute of it!
Your photos are all so beautiful!!! I totally agree with you and I will never waste precious time or energy being negative about petty things. I wish we could all just be happy for others who are happy. Negativity may make people feel better about themselves momentarily, but jealousy is ugly and positivity always shines.
I do occasionally get deep in my posts, but I try hard to stick to "what I learned" or finish with "here's the silver lining."
What's the point of bashing or sending out depressing vibes into the world through another media?
I've seen people make comments about how "fake" they think other people's lives are...it should be seen as wonderful that they are able to stay positive when everyone's lives have some element of harshness and reality to deal with!
Your pictures and posts are awesome! Nothing fake here!
Love this Shanna! I believe you should always focus on what you want more of in your life. And if that's positivity and precious moments, then by all means, do it! Thanks for this post.
I totally agree and love this! Your pictures from the weekend are amazing and obviously amazing memories for you and your family, and that is all that really matters.
Shanna, you have the most beautiful heart and the most beautiful family. It is truly a pleasure to call you a friend. Love your pictures and your blog always.
I LOVE this post and agree with you. Who cares what others think - you have an amazing life and beautiful family to celebrate each day! They're just making waves because of their own (crappy) lives. :)
Amazing pictures! Looks like a great Thanksgiving!
I hate when people are hateful for no reason.
I'm a very real deal person, and while that does come through on my blog, I prefer to dwell on the good.
Do people need to know if my husband and I had a huge fight? No. It's okay for some things to remain private, and in fact some things SHOULD remain private. Do I blog about my husband and I having our thermostat wars? Yes, frequently. Because it's funny and harmless and okay for public consumption.
Just because you have a blog doesn't mean you signed up to sell your soul to the interwebs.
great post shanna!!!!! i completely agree, people get in a huff about things and I am not really sure why!
I've seen a lot of people get annoyed because people (and myself included) will post pictures of babies on facebook. You have to go check out this website: unbaby.me (type it in just like that). It removes pictures of babies from your newsfeed and replaces it with 'awesome stuff' (their words). If that isn't the perfect example of how we live in a culture of death then I don't know what is. I love all of your family pictures by the way. You look like you guys had a blast this weekend!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I completely agree. If I posted half of the not cheery things I think about on a daily basis I don't think anyone would be interested. Everyone has a hard day and sometimes writing about it needed and thats great. I started a blog to find myself again and help me focus on the good things I have and not what I have lost.
I love your blog and will continue to read about your imperfect life. :)
Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick
I love this Shanna! What sweet memories you made with your fam--beautiful pics;)
I didn't know it was possible to love you more, but I do. Seriously, I wish we could meet in real life! I totally agree with everything you said. I don't understand why people get so angry about what other people post. Just don't read it, or just move on. I don't let those things consume me, it's so petty. And we all have our own reasons for blogging. If there's a blog that I don't like, I just don't read it. Why would I waste time putting someone down. It's so silly! I think that by now everyone should understand that no one has a perfect life and if they want to share what makes them happy, let them. If you don't like it, just scroll past it! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Love this. And so very true. Misery loves company so people really don't get it when others are genuinely content with life. Great post & lovely pics!
You are pretty much the farthest thing ever from a fake blogger! Shanna, you are so genuine and real and I think that comes across on every blog post.
I do think some bloggers come across as fake are the ones who never share anything about their lives, whether it be good or bad.
The Tiny Heart
Love this post... it's degrading to see bloggers post negative things about others on their own blogs, Twitter, FB, etc. Be happy for others is so true. Thanks for this uplifting post, Shanna! Looks like yall had a blast during Thanksgiving. Logan is such the outdoors girl it kills me! Go girl!!
Amen sista! And you are too cute and tiny! Especially in the pic next to Logan, she's gonna be stealing your clothes soon! :)
Dear Shanna,
You are one of my favorite bloggers and this post is another reason why. I always try to stay positive on my blog too. That's more important to me than dwelling on negativity. I tried to be encouraging today actually on my blog. If you check it out, let me know what you think. Esther Norine Designs
I agree with you. I know that I had a chunk of negativity on my own blog that maybe I shoulndn't have, but at the time, that was all I was feeling, so that's what I wrote. But it didn't make me want to knock what other people had...I could still be happy for them without it making me feel worse :)
And target shooting with balloons must have been a blast! Love that pink gun!
What a wonderful post. I think you summed it up perfectly. We all have imperfect lives in which there are perfect moments.
So well said Shanna. I just spent time looking back at my year of blogging, and it's the preservation of all the happy moments and pictures that I absolutely love re-living. Of Course, life is full of imperfections and trials- but my personal decision is not to put them online in permanent cyber history to re-live over and over. Doesn't make me fake. It's just a choice I make.
Looks like you had a BLAST this weekend! I love that you spend so much time in nature with your family. That, is where it's at.
I love this and totally agree. No need to dwell on the negative. I always try to stay positive and talk about the good things in life!
Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving!
Thank you. Someone else who gets it. I blog to keep myself accountable and to really just let myself be myself. I appreciate your honesty and the idea of "be happy for them." Don't be jealous, or dwell on negative thoughts. I think you did a fantastic job summing up the imperfections of life, and hey, that's what makes us all human anyway!
Happy Monday!
Understated Classics
the #1 thing i love about you BS is just how honest you are. you truly lay it all out there even if people are going to dislike you for it. one of the main reasons i read your blog is for your honesty -- so thank you! you are such an amazing woman inside + out & i am so blessed to call you my friend, heck blogger BFF. these pictures from your thanksgiving weekend are so sweet. looks like you will def look back on them & smile!
have a great monday lady!
love LS
Such a sweet and honest post :) I wrote a similar post a few months back {http://tuckerup.blogspot.com/2012/09/being-transparent-person.html} and have had so many people be open and honest with me about life. Blogging is such a blessing to look and see that no one is perfect.
Have a great Monday!
I 100% agree how it feels like lately there are so many people (and bloggers) posting about others being fake. Honestly if you have the time to go through peoples posts and count the good v bad, you have no life! I love what you said about let people be happy and be happy for them! I think that those people who cannot be happy for others aren't happy in their own lives. I mean do people want bloggers to just talk crap about their lives everyday?!
I 100% agree how it feels like lately there are so many people (and bloggers) posting about others being fake. Honestly if you have the time to go through peoples posts and count the good v bad, you have no life! I love what you said about let people be happy and be happy for them! I think that those people who cannot be happy for others aren't happy in their own lives. I mean do people want bloggers to just talk crap about their lives everyday?!
I much prefer people to post happy things on blogs and fb. No one has a perfect life, I am happy when others are focusing on the positive. It is much better than the annoying person who complains all day about the silliest things- THAT is annoying. The only thing I will complain about is no local Target store will restock their boyfriend cardigans so I can buy the mustard yellow one!
I agree with you, Shanna. I think it's a great thing to keep things positive. Life is so hard anyways...that's why I think she should share an occasional heartache, but definitely enjoy the beautiful moments in our lives.
I totally get what you're talking about in regard to facebook, but I haven't seen bloggers doing so.... guess I should consider myself lucky? For me, I like to keep my personal facebook private and that is where I share my inner thoughts, but my blog is public and so I too like to keep things positive. My blog is my own outlet, not a place to attack others. I am trying to draw people in by being relate-able, and I don't think being hateful is the answer. I swear this digital age, as great as it is, has caused us to loose our filters. We all need classes on what is proper internet etiquette :D Thank you for sharing this!
Oh I love everything about this post! You're such a great blogger! So thrilled to have met you!
what a well written post! I have yet to come across such blogs, but I agree with everything you said Shanna!
C's Evolution of Style
Lovely pictures of your family!
looks like you had a lovely time.
xx Audrey
Hey darling nice blog you have here, I like your posts! Hope you will have time to visit mine and let me know your opinion about it, maybe we could follow each other if you like my posts =)
Great post! Thank you for speaking the truth. Your family is just precious. :)
I am so glad you addressed this subject because I too have seen those posts & I guess I am too guilty of a "perfect" life. It brothers me because of course my life isn't perfect. No ones is. I have been through a ton of hardships but I choose not to blog about them because one I believe there are some things in life that need to be kept private & two because I want my blog to be a happy place. That doesn't mean I won't blog about the hard times every now & then it's just not the vibe I want my blog to have. It's really frustrating when I see bloggers calling us fake bc of that but it's like I don't write for you. I write for me. Anyways I'm really glad you addressed this!! Love you shanna!!
PS. You have a beautiful family! I love how happy you are in all your photos!
word! save the drama for your mama! ;)
Girl, you have NO idea how much I needed to read that. I experienced a bit of blogger negativity last week, and it really got under my skin. It seemed like it was straight out of Mean Girls. I could not have said it better myself, so I am so glad you posted this. Thanks for speaking for all of us!
Well I just got my bubble burst. And to think I thought I was perfect! Crap!
i love this because it's absolutely true. we blog when things inspire us and we blog about things that mean something to us. if someone doesn't like it, just move along. how hard is it to NOT comment or just close the window/browser?
i honestly believe that people take the internet and social media way too seriously!
Amen, sistah! People are just crazy and want a reason to complain I think. I mean, I've complained on my FB then looked back and thought it was stupid so I try not to now. I can understand people getting annoying with negativity - but being happy? How can anyone be mad at someone being happy? Haters! Lol I never use that term.
Well I'm glad you and the fam had a great weekend. I love the sleeping pics :D
Thanks for linking up!
P.S. I was unable to link up with you the first two weeks but this week it's on! I already have my post scheduled :))
I think people get huffy-puffy due to their own choice of looking at the negative, dwelling on it, getting stuck there leading to jealousy of others. And it is a choice.
Of course there are hard times....you cannot see the light without the dark... But choosing to be positive, hopeful, thankful & celebrating the good things is a wonderful way to achieve peace & happiness! :) Keep on sister! :)
i struggle when people complain about blogs being fake. they are their blogs and people can share whatever they want about their lives. I love all happy blogs, loves blogs that are serious and love the ones in the middle too!
So true and so glad you posted this my friend!! I feel the exact same way!
I just love all of our family pictures! You captured some wonderful moments!!
Nobody's life is perfect, but it's not horrible to share the best parts of your life. At the end of the day, we share what we want... good or bad. And people can take it or leave it. I just adore you, lady!
I feel like this needed to be said. Thank you for this post.
Your kids are the cutest and all your family pictures are just great. It's great getting to know more about you through this post.
Such priceless pictures of the fam!! Looks like an amazing Thanksgiving!! I always love how positive and happy you are on your blog. It's one of the things I like about you best :)
Well said Shanna! Logan looks like a pro shooting those balloons, and I totally always try to make sure I have a fresh coat of lip gloss on when I take photos :) Looks like you had such an awesome weekend, and I love getting a glimpse into it, imperfections and all!
The Other Side of Gray
I love your take on this topic. I also challenged myself the past year to only write/post when I'm happy. This is probably why I haven't posted in a few weeks. lol My point was that I am reallllyyyy good at complaining and to write only positive things would be a good challenge for myself. :)
AND this is why I love you. I promise I will stay more positive on my blog because you are one of the lights in my life.
Love your blog! You are gorgeous! Would you like to follow eacother on Bloglovin' & GFC? If you want to let me know, will follow straight back.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Kelly XOX
Oh girl, I am so with you! I could've written this post! I especially love your advice, "Let people be happy. Be happy for them." Yes, yes, yes!
When I was in college I made the mistake of ranting about a guyfriend on what I thought was a secret blog, but unfortunately he saw the post on another friend's computer (I had borrowed it and left the page up). Anyway, we eventually worked things out and are still friends today, but I have regretted that ever since. I can't erase those words from his memory. When you put something out on the internet, you can't get it back.
I have a prayer journal that I write in and when I need to rant in writing... I do so there. No one except my husband sees it. And if I need to talk things out with someone other than my husband, I have a close knit group of girlfriends to share with in person. I love the blogging community and honestly I would share(and sometimes have via email) with my friends here about the frustrating things of life, but you won't see it on my public blog where any random person (especially the person I might be ranting about) could come across it.
So anyway, long comment short... I don't look at anyone's blog and think "oh wow, that person has a perfect life"... I think "I love that so-and-so is focusing on the beautiful things of life even when things aren't always perfect." :)
Oh man, I'm totally with you. I feel like people may get sick of seeing fun pictures of my family and kids but who really wants to hear about my bad shopping habits, bratty kid moments, not so perfect mother moments or my one glass of wine before bed habit?? lol
Well said, pretty lady. I'm with ya. I've seen good, bad and ugly from bloggers and to each their own. So get down with your imperfect life, woman! I just love you and your blog :)
And I love using cookie cutters older than I am to make cookies with my mom!!
I so agree with you. I only stay with positive blogs, I can't do the downers (I mean the ones that ONLY are downers, we all go through hard times). Looks like you had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!
I think there needs to be a balance. I don't want to hear about how perfect someone's life is all the time, and I don't want to hear how horrible life is either! And as far as facebook goes I'm one of those people who hates seeing a bunch of people's pics of their babies/dogs! haha...
Jeans and a Teacup
I love this post, just as I love EVERY post of yours! You and your family are beyond precious! Always BRAG about that!! xoxo!
So true my dear friend! I love you and your imperfect life! xoxo
Love this Shanna, every word is so true! Well said. I agree completely with focusing on the positive and not dwelling on the negative. My blog is my happy place, and I may get serious every once in awhile, but I think it's really good to have a positive outlook on life.
You are awesome girl!!
Simply loved it...
I couldn't have said it any better! You are awesome, Shanna!
I love that you post about your family life. I enjoy that you are so real. I totally agree with your post :) You have a beautiful family and what a blessing that is!
I definitely see this on Facebook and don't care or pay too much attention to it. I choose to complain every once in a while because I have to vent about the stress in my life otherwise I end up a in a ball on the couch crying. I haven't seen this on other bloggers...maybe because I only follow happy, positive people? even still I agree with you when some things are meant to be private. I blogged about getting in an argument with my husband and wondered if that was too much..but I didn't go into extreme detail, just that he made me mad haha. I think blogs should be positive and not always filled with the sad stuff...besides why would others not be happy that their fiends (blog or real-life) are happy? That makes no sense...
I love your family pictures!! Sush beautiful girls and sooo cool to be able to shoot and fish :)
absolutely loving this post. I completely agree. totally.
I absolutely LOVE this post and all of the things that you said are the many reasons that I adore YOU and your blog!
I feel like you are completely down to earth, relate-able & just so genuine- so many reasons that I know you have so many followers who love your blog!
I appreciate your sharing that you support each blogger for writing what they want and how they want because you are right- we all are putting ourselves out there for the world to see & respond to however they want- nice or not nice!
Shanna, I just think you are fantastic and I'm happy to be your blogging friend :)
if i could give a standing ovation in blog land, you'd get a rousing one from me. maybe even started by a slow clap. but seriously, you are amazing and i think at the end of the day, people just need to realize that we are ALL human and crap happens. but our blogs are our blogs and they're "safe havens" for us writers of said blogs. you know? i love your heart, Shanna!
I love this post lady! I try to keep my blog "real", but like you, I really focus on keeping things positive. Not lying to make things look rosier than they actually are, just showcasing the things that make me happy over the not so awesome things. I love your blog, so keep on doing what you do lady, because it rocks!
I really love this post. I'm one of those that hate hearing about everyone's perfect lives and vow to post about everything, perfect and not...but I love the way you put it, you're blogging about your perfect moments so you can go back and remember them vs. remembering the not so perfect ones. LOVE IT. Thanks!
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