I made this!
From pinning this on Pinterest.
I have been bound and determined to get my craft on for the holiday season. There are so many magical DIYs floating around Pinterest, and this little DIY glitter deer stole my heart. I thought to myself, there is no way mine will turn out as well. It is going to be a HOT MESSY MESS! Can I actually glitter inside the lines? Well, yes I can! And yes, I did.
This project was as simple as simple comes. I sent Ross on a mission to Google his favorite buck silhouette. After we both agreed on "the one", he printed, cut, traced onto to some heavy cardstock and then cut it out with a razor. His job was done.
Now, onto my part, the fun, easy-peasy part, which includes GLITTER!
What you will need:
Any size canvas. I chose a 12x16
Deer pattern
Glue (I would choose clear)
Paint brush
Hair spray
Total Cost: $14.16
Step by Step:
1. Trace your pattern onto the canvas
2. Apply a good amount of glue onto the deer
3. Use a paint brush to even out thicker, uneven parts. Trace around the lines and hard to reach parts.
4. Pour on the glitter
5. Let it set for about a minute
6. Shake off
7. Touch up any areas you missed.
8. Spray with hairspray to make sure the glitter stays in place.
9. Viola!
Doesn't he look so cute and cozy sitting by candlelight in my dining room? I just love him. And what I love most is that Ross and I made it together, well sort of. I mean, it was a team effort.
Okay, I have a little something extra for ya today. Call it a 2 for 1. The holiday season is about giving and sharing, right? Well, I had to share this one with you too.
My version
I wanted something new and festive for my mantel this year. BINGO! Pinterest strikes again! Where else do we get our brilliant ideas from these days?
The Deets:
N, E and L came from Hobby Lobby (N and O were 50% off. I used a 40% off coupon for the E.)
O is a plain Jane wreath from JoAnn's (It was 40% off as well)
Poinesetta - I already had at home
Total Cost: $26.79
I must say that I am smitten. Although I do like the one I pinned a little better, what I went with fits better with my Christmas decor. And there was absolutely no tracing, gluing, cutting or measuring with this little number. Just a bit of shopping.
So, what do you think? I'll tell ya what I think. I think I am going to have to start doing this craft thing more often. It was fun and I definitely surprised myself with pinning something and making it happen. Not just once, but twice. Miracles do happen, especially this time of year.
Linking up with these ladies for more Pinterest projects.
See, there ARE people actually putting their pins to good use.

My friend and I are throwing a "Pinterest Potluck" in a couple weeks where we each bring a recipe we found on Pinterest - and I'm going to faciliate Pinterest craft time haha - and this is the craft I chose! I am definitely gonna do the deer, but I also found templates for a high heel, a candy cane, Christmas tree, heart, & and star! :) Yours turned out GREAT!
Looooooove this!!! Where did you find the deer pattern?
This is so great girl!! I love it.
First cooking...now crafts! WHO ARE YOU? ;) Great job on all of the above...now I might be headed out tomorrow to spell Believe on my mantel :)
Love ya!
Look at you go!!! Kinda like that E-card that says "watch out world, I've got my sassy pants on today" -- except yours should say "I've got my crafty pants on today"
Shanna, you are so creative!! I am so inspired by you!!
So awesome!! I also made a deer head, instead of using glitter thought, I decided to just make a silhouette so I could have it up all year long! haha! :) Your crafts look so cute!
The glitter deer is on my list of things to make too! Yours turned out great :)
You can never have TOO much glitter!
ADORABLE!!! Great job, Shanna!!
Really great job! Soooooo pretty!
Lovely Christmas Ideas!I really like all of them! :) You got a new follower in me! :)
EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK! Impressive!!!!!!!! It looks like glitter deer came from a store!!!!!
Look at you being all crafty! I'm going to have to try this fo'sho!
I pinned both of these - LOVE LOVE LOVE them so much!!! All of my Christmas decor is at Matt's parents house a couple hours away and I'm begging him to go get it. If all else fails, maybe I'll make these projects to have something Christmasy around.
Love the "Noel" sign.. I've been wanting to make one and had no idea where to start :-P
Love that glitter deer! I probably would have gone further with it and put a red glitter nose hahaha! Great job Shanna!
Love these projects. I made an ornament wreath last year from Pinterest. It lasted 3 hours before the cats knocked it off the wall and it came crashing down shattering most of the ornaments. I might not be meant to make Pinterest projects.
Penniless Socialite
Enter My November Giveaway!
I've been DYING to make that Noel sign!!!! Yours looks fab... and that deer canvas is so adorable.. and I love the decor in your dining room..cozy for sure.
SO CUTE!! I love your version of the "NOEL" thing on pinterest, I have been wanting to create my own version of that for a while now and you have inspired me!
I am in love with the NOEL. I have the perfect spot to do it, just have not gotten to Hobby Lobby yet! Yours turned out great.
girl, I love everything with glitter. That is toooooo cute.
Ohh I love the glitter deer canvas! What a great idea and it looks simple enough. I LOVE the noel on the mantel. Your version came out great. Why don't we have any Hobby Lobbys around here, you get so many great things. I have been desperately searching for letters to use as decor and haven't been able to find the right ones. Great job Shanna! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Words I never thought I'd say: that glitter buck is right up my alley. I'm not a hunter, I'm a sparkler. :)
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
I love sparkles and that came out soo cute! I'm not a crafter but this definitely seems like a project I could do :)
The Tiny Heart
Starbucks + Ad Space Giveaway!
Love, love, love the buck! Yours looks better than your pin. Also love the Noel...might have to steal that one ;)
oh my gosh I've been wanting to do the glitter deer canvas! Yours turned out better than the original--I will just have to copy!
I love that glitter reindeer! So cute and I kind of like yours better than the pin! Just saying :)
I love this girl!! You did so well. I painted some canvases for my mantel but one of them didn't turn out exactly how I wanted... Oh well. Gotta love those pinterest inspirations!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Love the glitter reindeer idea!! Very cute!!
Love both of these! Your Christmas decor is so pretty - you should do a post just about your holiday decor so we can all get some good ideas!:)
you did such a great job!!! Love the deer and all your decorations - so pretty!!!
You already know I adore the deer thing. Beau would absolutely DIE of happiness if I ever created that beauty!
But the NOEL thing...OMG!! PRECIOUS! I absolutely LOVE the wreath as the "O"!! Girl you so fancy! ;)
Love love LOVE it all!!! Thanks so much for linking up with us!! xoxo
um. hi. this is amazing! love it!
Look at you Crafty McCrafterson! I love both projects.
I'm considering making a candy cane wreath or vase that I saw on pinterest.
Pinterest is a blessing and a curse. I would also add a red nose to the deer you know just for shits and giggles
This is so amazing! I saw it on Pinterest too and wanted to make it instantly. What else is new?! I'm so glad I found yours blog through our link up too!!
Thanks for linking up girl!
I am totally doing the glitter canvas with my girls, they will love it!
I loveeee both of those!
wow! i am so impressed with you! I love all of it!
You rocked these crafts, girl!! Great minds think alike with the glitter canvas!!
Can you please come decorate my house?! Your decorations look SO good!!! I must make one of those glitter deers - so cute!
I love your dining room with the glitter reindeer and candles and the NOEL on your mantle is so pretty (and what a deal)! I wish I had the ability to decorate like this! My husband got those genes!
Looks great! Love the glitter deer! I really wish I could decorate my apartment for christmas but we are never home during the holidays! Oh well!
Jeans and a Teacup
Go on with your crafty self girl! Love your reindeer!
So freakin' cute! Obsessed with the deer! Is it weird that we have the same "pinning" style?? I mistakenly have pinned that NOEL a dozen times....it's about time I made it myself!
this looks awesome!! totally stealing it!
I just found this on Pinterest last night & I cannot wait to make this! Yours looks awesome!
so friggin cute! love that glitter one! & the NOEL is so pretty! pinterest is pretty amazing, can not wait for the day when i have time to do this kind of stuff!
I love both of your projects! And it's safe to say that your glitter deer is better than the one you pinned!
Can I borrow your template? :)
Fabulous projects Shanna! Love them. Think I need to hook up with saw it pinned it did it. I have SO many diys pinned that I am dying to get to!
I think your Noel looks great, Shanna!! I see a HobLob "L" in there! The glitter project is awesome too. Such a creative mama you are! Xo
Girl, you are so crafty. I'm loving both of these! Both of your projects actually look even better than the pins!
So freaking easy. I'm doing it. My glitter hating boyfriend is going to kick me out and I'm going to have to move in with you. But I'm doing it.
This looks great and totally puts my mantel to shame. :)
I think your glitter canvas is prettier than the pin! :) I call that a successful DIY crafty experience :)
Ah! I love this. It'd look gorgeous on our mantel...but my husband freaks out about glitter..haha
I absolutely love the glittery deer. That can totally be done for any holiday or even something for every day decor. I so want to do one!
look at you crafty lady! Your house looks gorgeous. I think I need a home tour post!
Oh my goodness. I LOVE this project. Neither my husband nor I are hunters, so the deer wouldn't make much sense for us, but I am bound and determined to find a silhouette of something else to glitter! Gorgeous!
Fizz and Frosting
THESE ARE SO FUN!!!! i love the glitter reindeer!
so impressed! i love the deer and want to make one!!
i love your darling blog and i'm so happy be following you because of all your cute ideas! xo chaseandem.blogspot.com
Aww what a lovely idea!! Love seeing people actually doing these Pinterest projects :)
Obsessed with the glitter deer...that's a project I've been wanting to do for awhile but haven't yet gotten around to it lol
I have been trying to find some inspiration for my mantle this year and voila here is your wonderful post. I really LOVE the NOEL idea. Thanks for sharing! :0)
i'm definitely doing the deer next year when I have my own apartment to put it in!
I'm in love with that glittered deer!!!
I much prefer yours. The first one confused me (I thought the star was the O when I looked at it). LOVE your glitter deer. I think I should make some glitter pine-cones to remind me of home!
Sooo cute I love the NOEL
I LOVE the glittered reindeer! Amazing!
Stop that. Stop that right now!! You're making me feel behind the eight ball :) Gorgeous crafts, lady!
SO impressed with your glitter deer!! my boyfriend would love that one too :)
Loving this! What an adorable idea!
I've seen this on Pinterest and thought it was so adorable! Yours came out perfect. I think I need to make this too!!
I actually have this reindeer craft pinned. I need to do it now!!
I love this! I make my hubby do all things that involve crafty talent so maybe I can't talk him into doing this :)
These both look amazing. And your deer came out better than the pin!
LOVE!I made one of these with a black silhouette on a piece of wood i'm sharing on the blog soon- i was too scared to try the glitter- you COMPLETELY nailed it- love all the xmas decorations you have, you're amazing!
Ok I def need to make this asap!!! I heart deer & glitter.... yes please!!!! It turned out gorgeous!!!!
Oooh I have extra canvas lying around...I should get on that!
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I looove that glitter deer!!
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