Top: Old Navy | Skirt: Target | Bow Tie: from Old Navy Dress | Shoes: Express | Bracelet: F21
Okay, friends, I need your HONEST opinion. It may hurt a little, but I am not going to hold it against you. I pinky promise! Well, the promise sticks as long as you don't make me cry.
What do you think about the bow tie?
Okay, friends, I need your HONEST opinion. It may hurt a little, but I am not going to hold it against you. I pinky promise! Well, the promise sticks as long as you don't make me cry.
What do you think about the bow tie?
I love playing around with different looks and style ideas. So, I took a belt from a dress I wore here and decided I would tie it around my neck. This outfit needed some pop and I couldn't find the right necklace in my mess of a jewelry pile, so I decided I would noose myself.
Is this Bozo the Clown's long lost sister or am I the next big trendsetter? I am crossing my fingers that you say the latter, but honesty is the BEST policy. Shoot me straight!
Speaking of honesty, Ross told me I looked like a naughty school teacher in this "get up". He suggested that I wear my glasses for this post, but I said HELL to the NO!!
Is this Bozo the Clown's long lost sister or am I the next big trendsetter? I am crossing my fingers that you say the latter, but honesty is the BEST policy. Shoot me straight!
Speaking of honesty, Ross told me I looked like a naughty school teacher in this "get up". He suggested that I wear my glasses for this post, but I said HELL to the NO!!
Looking forward to hearing what you think...I think.
And now....for the Kiki La' Rue $50 Store Credit BIG WINNER! I have been teasing her all day on Twitter! And now the cat's out of the bag! She is super awesome and a Texas native! Congrats, Jessica!
Don't worry if you didn't win this one! Go enter for a chance to win a $75 store credit to Shabby Apple! This could be your lucky day!!!
Cheers to honesty, a winner, giveaways and the weekend!

Today I am linking up with
Allison with Two Thirty-Five Designs
AV with Long Distance Loving.
Kori at Blonde Episodes
Go check them out and other fab bloggers!
u look so adorable! love the mix!!
SHUTTTTTTTTT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe I won!!!! I'm seriously so freaking PUMPED! This put the BIGGEST smile on my face!!! :) :)
I totally forgive you for torturing me all day now.. but I might still get payback :)
Oh and I LOVE the statement piece! Maybe not with so many other colors though. If it was me I'd probably wear it with neutrals.. but then again I'm not as daring as you :)
rock it girl!
You look amazing!! I love the top with the added bow! It's sooo cute on you.
So creative! Fabulous look! I probably would only be able to pull it off with a red shirt or maybe a pink. You, on the other hand, look amazing! Love how the red porch chairs in the first photo background work off of your outfit :) are funny. I really like the yellow gingham with the blue skirt. I probably wouldn't have worn the red bow myself but way to go for taking a risk! As long as you have confidence in what you wear you can pull off pretty much anything!
total fan of this bow tie! Sups cute my love! You are always setting the trend!! love you!!!
Love that outfit on you girl! Especially the bow tie! You are risking it and rocking it at the same time :)
xoxo ♥ Shar
I think you look adorable! so so cute!
I think you're the cutest thing ever! You can SO pull off the bow tie, and I admire you so much for trying out new combos and finding something that works. Wish I could pull of this look! :)
Shanna - I hate to be the first negative one, but I think all the primary colors look a little Bozo-esque (but you are WAY more attractive than a clown!)
I love that you were thinking outside the box, though! Maybe this would have looked better with a white or black shirt instead of yellow? Or purple? I don't know, I'm not a fashion expert, this is just my initial reaction at 7am.
I really love those red heels! All the pieces are cute, but maybe not in one whole outfit.
Can we still be blogger friends?!?!?! :-)
okay so i'm going to be honest shanna - i really think you are the only person that could pull that look off. you look SO adorable. me? or really anyone else? i would be like WHAT?! oh hai Ronald McD. but seriously. i'm not lying to you. you look adorable. and i'm kinda jealous of how adorable you look.
Well, now I am looking for sashes on dresses to tie around my neck. And since it's hard to find vintage shirts that tie like that, this is the perfect alternative!!!
I wore something similar on my blog so I'm definitely a fan of the bow tie! LOL about not wearing your glasses...I feel the same way about mine! Have a great weekend, Shanna!
The Tiny Heart
JEWELIQ Giveaway!
what a fun look!! xo
I think you can pull it off! I think it would look cute with a white tee/shirt too but I love the bright colors!
I looove the bow tie!!! I wouldn't be brave enough to pair it with the gingham, I probably would have done a blue blouse to match the skirt and then popped the red polka dot. So creative, I'm going to try it!
And um, so, Ross mighta sort been on to something, geek glasses would look sooooo HOT with this outfit! ;)
Shanna you're the cutest thing ever! I love it! Happy weekend:)
Shanna, you're adorable. Love the creativity and love the bow tie. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with a different color tie, but I still think you look super cute! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I love the concept, but not so in love with the colors all together. I think if you switched out the tie for a glitzy necklace that lays under your collar, that would be totally adorbs. I love that you took a risk and you still look fab regardless! xx, Allie
I LOVE this! BUT - I think you should have gone with a solid colored shirt. Definitely a cute idea!!
Welcome to The Chicken Barn. I am Shanna and I will be your Hostess today. How many in your party?
Honestly, I wold never pull this off like you do. You are absolutely adorable ... If i saw this laying out, I would say “no way” ... but ON you, looks awesome! I love the pattern mix and the colors too!
Totally honest: I love it! The pattern mixing of the dots and the gingham is SO CUTE! I want to recreate this look right now. Now to find a spotted bow tie like yours...
Also, is that your house in the background? Because, 1. it matches your outfit, and 2. those red rocking chairs are the cutest!
I personally would not wear it because it would look ridiculous on me and I would feel so uncomfortable/self conscience. However, I think it looks cute on you!! Way to go for taking a risk :)
The bow tie just doesn't do it for me. I love that you are thinking outside the box, but the color combination is a little overwhelming. I'm also not a bow kind of girl in general. But I do think a statement necklace would have done more for you.
I see Priness Di when I look at this outfit, not Bozo the Clown. However, I also have some questionable outfit choices sometimes. If you want to feature this look again, maybe go for a more neutral colored bowtie...pale pink or beige? Then you won't have a clown in the back of your mind. OR if you want to do a bright colored bow, maybe a more muted skirt and shirt?
Penniless Socialite
Don't hate me but... I don't love it. You, of course, can pull off anything, a quality for which I hate you a tiny bit. I like idea of it, but I think the colors are throwing me. Too many primary colors for me, I'm more a pinks/purples/teals kind of girl. Props for your risk taking though!
You own it, girl!! That's what style is all about! Taking a risk and selling it! I love it! I would do it with jeans (only because i'm not really a skirt gal) and little red pointy toe flats. I Luuuuurrrvvves it! Have a fab day beautiful! xoxo
You're definitely working it girl. Since you asked for honesty I'm going to tell you, I love the idea, but I'm not sure I love the color combo. It feels a little young maybe? I feel like it would look GREAT with jeweled tones for fall, but I don't know... it's too bright.
with that said, you probably actually are a trendsetter... and I'm just not cool enough to know it. Have a great weekend love!
Dang, girl! You are too cute. I love love the blue and yellow and I love the bow. I probably wouldn't have chosen red, but that's why you are queen fashionista and I am not! So much fun.
Oh my gosh... LOVE it! Seriously, you are so creative, love this look!!
<3 Melissa
I don't want to be negative, but this outfit, mainly just the color and length of the bow tie, isn't for me. I think your outfit would've been great already without the bow tie! Just not my cup of tea really. Not like you look horrible, you still look great! It's a very cute idea!
I think you are so brave for two reasons: Wearing something this colorful and asking for opinions about it! I REALLY like the idea of tying a sash around your neck - I am totally inspired and I'm going to try to figure out a way I can try this! I would probably go for a more subdued color palate, but it's all about what you love!
I think that it's a unique look that not everyone can pull off but YOU can! It looks great. You look like an old-fashioned country diva (in a good way!).
Happy Friday!
I like the bow tie, I have to agree with your hubby tho it does remind me of a sassy school teacher. ;)
Girl!! I LOVE the bow tie look. Werrrk.
So creative! I love it!
awww you look so pretty!! :)
I think the bow is a cool idea! It's a little crazy with all the other bright colors, but I kind of like it that way. I'd definitely try it again, maybe with a mostly black outfit or something?
I like but I don't....I totally thought school teacher too!! Not a fan of the yellow/red/blue combo, but I DO like the pattern mixing. However I totally agree with others, you can totally pull this off!!, but it looks cute and I love the wedges!!
Honestly? You look like you could work at Disneyland or something. That's what it looked like to me. Maybe it would look better with less bright colors and solid prints? Sorry!! But YOU look pretty! :)
you are so so cute!! i love the outfit although minus the bow, kinda gives me a theme park vibe just a bit
No, no and no! Though you are super cute, I would not wear this as a bow tie...not a good look! (And I mean that with love). I think a better look would be if the skirt had loops and you could use it as a belt...:) xo
I think this is just too much. I actually really like the bow tie but not with everything else. I think it would look great with a white top.
Hahaha, Ross is funny...the glasses are a definite NO. lol Love the boy tie you added, such a great and funky touch!! the big bow tie! Congrats to the winner! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
-Jyoti from Style Delights Blog
Win a gorgeous piece of jewelry in my international Giveaway
I love the colors together, but while you look adorable, I am not sure about the bow tie. Perhaps if it was a bit looser, more scarf-like? I don't know. As I said, you look adorable and can totally rock pretty much anything. ;)
I have a statement necklace giveaway going on, if you would like to come check it out.
CC's Cheap Chic
I think you are super cute and you are rocking this look!
OMG! I don't think anyone could pull that off the way you do! I seriously love the bow tie on you!
I really love this look actually! The bow is super cute and I love the primary colors... you look chic and sorta naughty librarian - and I LOVE IT!
You can totally pull off this look! I want your shoes!
I love that you used a belt for a necktie. I am trying to be more creative with my pieces like that. I think the colors might be a bit much. Maybe just stick to two colors? I think the skirt and shirt would work alone with maybe a neutral shoe. Or just do the neck tie only with a completely neutral toned outfit.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
This is adorable. I love that you take risks and don't stick to the norm. Life is way too short not to right? And who the heck cares if someone doesn't like it anyway. As long as you do it's all good and dandy. Love it! Newest follower :)
Love this! You rock it well -- as do you in every little thing you wear! If you ever become the next Stacy London, I'll be your first customer! :) Fabulous look!
yeah.... not your best look. switch out the shirt for say, a white one and then it would be cute!You have great taste, im sure you can make it work!
I agree with everyone that YOU are adorable, I would have to say about the bow tie... it totally reminds me of Minnie Mouse, which is not the look I'm sure you are going for :) Keep being adorable, but skip the bow tie!
Love the gingham and dots but I think I would've worn something a little more neutral on the bottom-maybe some nice flare legs or skinny trousers.
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