Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A die hard with a new dress

Dress:Forever 21 (of course) | Sandals: Forever 21 (of course) | Belt:Thrifted | Jewelry: Forever 21 (of course)

Okay, I can't even concentrate on this post right now because my team lost last night.  What team? MY TEAM...the San Antonio Spurs.  Those who know me well, know that I am a DIE HARD.  I even have a pink Spurs truckers' hat that I bought at a game years ago.  You remember when those were cool?  Well, it's now my rally cap and I wear it for every game...when I am at home watching of course.  No public appearances.  Anyway, MY TEAM is in the Western Conference Finals and the series was tied 2-2 until game five and we FREAKIN' lost by three points. It was a nail biter until the very last seconds.  As I am typing this, my adrenaline is still PUMPING.  Can you tell by all the CAPS?!?  I am one of those fans that screams at the TV as if MY TEAM can hear exactly what I am telling them to do.  Ross and I were so loud that my little Spurs children yelled from their bedrooms for us to be quiet.  Yes, we ARE those fans.

So, I can probably bank on most of you not giving two "sha-doobies" about the Spurs or basketball for that matter; that's why I posted this cute maxi, hi-lo dress I recently scored (no pun intended). These pictures were obviously taken before Game 5, hence the smile.  It kind of gives off the Bohemian-chic vibe.  What do you think?  I am still deciding if it's REALLY me or if I should take it back and get something more practical.   I am REALLY trying to buy more staple pieces these days, you know, items I can remix. Thoughts? Opinions? I am easily influenced. 

Anywho, sorry for the rant.  That's what friends are for right...to console one another during heartache.  Please tell me that I am NOT the only one out there that get's this worked about about a game?  I know there has to be more of us die hards out there.  If so, what team gets you fired up?

I will leave you with one last picture. I would be most grateful if you could send some good "ju-ju" our way for the Wednesday night game!  Please and thank you!

Cheers to the ritualistic chant, "GO SPURS GO!!" 


Danavee said...

I am sorry for your loss ;) but think the dress is a keeper!

Janna said...

I am still SO upset about that ending...I will FOREVER be your Spurs buddy! Fingers and toes crossed for an exciting game 6...GO SPURS GO!!!

Always Maylee said...

Ok your post just made me SO happy. Alright, I'm from Boston so clearly I am a Celtics fan all the way... but for some reason my mom's favorite team is the Spurs. She just loves them. We all scream at the tv. Hoping for a Spurs/Celtics showdown!!

You look fab in that dress, I think it's very you. :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Shanna. I could feel your passion for the Spurs radiating out of my computer screen as I read that. You definitely aren't kidding about being die hard! Good luck to YOUR TEAM tomorrow night :) And as always, you look completely adorable in your dress!

xoxo, me

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

My hubby and I were going for the Spurs too! So sad! But on a happier note - you look adorable!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

Sorry for your loss, I felt the same why when the Packers lost in the playoffs this year. Yup, still not over it. Anyways... KEEP THE DRESS! You look like a feathery goddess :)

Penniless Socialite said...

Well I can't really send good vibes your way because the NJ Devils are about to lose the Stanley Cup in the next few days. So, my support lately hasn't resulted in any wins.
I think this dress is a keeper. You can turn it into a staple. Pair it with a cardigan, or a blazer...wear a shirt over it and turn it into a skirt. There are so many ways to wear it.

Penniless Socialite

Head to Toe Chic said...

Sorry they lost :( but at least you look gorgeous! Love this dress and definitely keep it!!


Katherine said...

i love the belt with this dress - and the dress looks great on you. i'm not a sports person myself, so most the spurs stuff is a bit over my head :D

still being [molly] said...

i like the spurs cause i like danny green (go heels!) i'm sorry for your loss. you look adorable though if it's any consolation!

Ashley K said...

It's always hard when your team loses. I like hockey myself, the Red Wings to be specific. My dad is always the one who yells at the TV ;) As for the dress I really like it the feathers are different you don't see that pattern much. Who needs practical when you can have a whimsical fun pattern :)

Amy Shaughnessy said...

You look so cute. Sooooo I probably shouldn't tell you that I wasn't sure what kind of sport the Spurs play...Don't hate me. I don't follow sports at all so I don't know what teams go with what sports. Except for the LSU tigers because I can't escape it here...


TheTinyHeart said...

Aww, so sorry they lost :( I don't really watch sports much...I probably married the one guy that doesn't care about sports (it's all about motorcycles instead).

That maxi looks fabulous on you, Shanna! I think you should keep it if you think it's something you wear again next season.

The Tiny Heart

Simply Sarah said...

Keep it!! Looks fabulous with your hair up too!!!


Laura Burtis said...

LOVE this dress SO very much!! You look beautiful!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

I'm too busy rooting for this dress to root for anything else. TAKE THAT, Spurs!

Laura said...

saw that dress at F21- looks sooooooooo much better at you- AH!
totally watched the end of that game last night...and i have to say the boyfriend is cheering for OKC- uh oh......

Redheaded Daybook said...

what an adorable dress!!!
love how you paired it too.
looks amazing!

ps. i am having a giveaway if you would like to participate :)

Sami said...

Would you hate me if I said...
I just love that team, it reminds me of being in college. So sorry :(
Love your dress though.. it's so pretty and I love feathers!!

Ashley said...

I'm pretty sure my husband watched that last night, but as for me, I don't really care for sports. Don't hate me!

Love the dress.

Erin @ Currently Coveting said...

Fabulous belt!! I can't believe you thrifed it!! I don't know much about sports but I hope your team wins haha!


Jamie said...

Love this dress!!!

Alexa said...

Haha. Sending good vibes to them my dear! And love that dress! :)

Yvette | Classic Glam Blog said...

the dress is stunning! hope youre having a great week so far!

TaraMixandMatch said...

LOVE the dress on you...and sorry your team lost, I'm a die hard sports fan too so I understand all too well :)

Caitlin C. said...

I love love this dress!! It looks great on you! :)

tara said...

sorry they lost! you're looking cute! AS ALWAYS!

Debra said...

Awww....dontcha bate when your team loses? I am a Steelers fan living in Baltimore. There is ALWAYS yelling when my boys are playing....especially their rivals the Ravens. Lol! I say you keep that pretty dress girlfriend. :)


Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

You just proved to the world that a grumpass can still be pretty. High five yourself.

Ashlyn | Let It Be Beautiful said...

you are beyond die hard. you sound like me when it comes to hockey! ha CRAY CRAY. love this dress, looks so good on you!


Andrea said...

As you know, I live in San Antonio so I too am a Spurs fan (except for when they play the Mavs - sorry grew up in Dallas) and am so upset!! The boys must turn it on tomorrow!!

I love your dress, of course, when do I not? Hope you had a great day! :)

Just Another Shopaholic said...

You look darling.
The dress is just perfect on you.

Rachel said...

Haha I love reading your posts, always entertaining. Love your dress too!

xo Rachel


Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

I love the dress... so fun and perfect for summer. But are you going to still want to wear it next year? If so, then keep it! Anyways, that belt is super fab!

Sylvia said...

Laker fans at our house. It can get pretty intense at times. Sorry your Spurs lost...how frustrating! I really like your hi-lo dress. It looks lovely on you!

Style-Delights said...

Love this dress and belt! can't believe it is from F21 - looks so expensive - or may be is its you:-)Hope you are having a wonderful day!
PS. New post is up on my blog. Check it out whenever you have time!
Style-Delights Blog

Anonymous said...

New to your blog and I must say, Your passion is contagious! Excited to follow along and looking forward to getting to know you better via this blogging world.

palmandpineblog said...

This is such a great look for you! Love the bright orange nails ;)

<3, natasha @ twenty-something blog

Heather said...

That dress is so gorgeous - I love the neutral colors - you look so tiny!


Mrs C said...

You look good in this dress, loving the belt.. very pretty! Good luck with the game, GO SPURS!

Come check out my new obsession :

Cereal with Chopsticks said...

I love this outfit! Absolutely adorable!


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

You look fab!

tres chic chica said...

This dress is so beautiful! I love it! u look great :)

xo Marie