Let me just tell you, I am so glad Monday is here. You read it right, HAPPY MONDAY!! Ross has been out of town for almost a week which means I have been playing single parent to two crazy kids. To put it mildly, my nerves are shot! I love my girls, but now that Ross is home we can tag team it. Hey Ross, tag, you're it, buddy!
Since I had so much fun last week linking up with Sami, Leeann and Dana with a weekend recap, I thought I would give it another whirl. Is it just me, or do you love peeking into other people's lives? Does that make me a creeper? Well, if so, just chalk it up as another one of the many names I have been called. So, here it is, a weekly recap through the eyes of my Instagram. Go ahead, peek all you want. You can find me @becauseshannasaidso.
This picture makes me want to bust out Nelly's, "It's Gettin' HOT in Here". Yep, pictures don't lie. That's Texas for you. And oh, do you like all the kids' junk on the backseat? I don't even try anymore.
These are a special gift sent down from the Lord. How did I eat the entire box in 4 days? I guess that explains my tighter fitting jeans. Oops!
We pretty much lived at the pool last week. I considered it my place of peace while Ross was gone. Looks like these two pool rats found peace as well. It's a hard knock life!
I was bummed that I didn't get to spend Father's Day with my daddy this year. I thought of him all day and we talked over the phone at least three times. He is my other life long dancing partner. And no jokes about my over-sized forehead...I heard it all my life from my big brother.
Okay, who else out there gets the strangest key word searches? Sarah Michelle Gellar boobs? I had no clue who Phillip C Norred was, so I Googled him. My blog was listed 3rd on Google when I searched his name. And guess how Mr. Sly Guy popped into my little blog world? He was one of those "anonymous" commenters that never make any sense. Thanks, Mr Norred, you brought a new vistor to my blog.
Speaking of Father's Day, Ross didn't get back into town until 7:00 PM last night. We sent him this picture for him to hurry home. My girls missed this their daddy and I missed my sanity! Kidding, I missed you too, Ross!
Awe, there we go, reunited after almost a week. Look are those sweet, innocent, "we do no wrong" faces. Oh, if you could only be a fly on the wall in my house. I am keeping it real with the red-eye. Too lazy to edit iPhone photos. Momma's tired, remember?
Ross wanted sushi for Father's Day and Momma never turns down a meal that includes raw fish. What is it about that spicy mayo sauce that they drizzle on top? Anyone know where I can buy a bottle of this goodness? I could eat it with a spoon.
I call these little munchkins the chopstick lips. They found more ways to entertain themselves with two wooden sticks. Such a proud mom moment. And no, they don't eat sushi, just fried rice.
In case you missed the BIG announcement yesterday, I am hosting a Bauble Swap on my blog. It's a fun way to get a piece of jewelry from a fellow bloggette and make new friends. I have about 8 people interested so far. Don't miss out! Spread the good word!! Please and thank you!

I am linking up with these fab ladies today!
I love the pic of you all with the sad faces - so cute! I am wishing it was hot enough here to lay by the pool - it's cloudy and 60s...booo! Happy Monday Shanna :)
The Other Side of Gray
For being a single momma all weekend, looks like you had a good one :) And HOLY buckets... 103?! I would get heat stroke for sure. haha No wonder you lived at the pool!
I've had some bizarre-o hits from Google too.
Must try those Wheat Thins!!!
those are cute pics of all you guys. and I need to buy those wheat thins for my husband. AND google search terms are so strange sometimes!
Cute pictures!!! Thinking about the swap. Good idea!
Love this post - So cute! Can't wait for the Bauble Swap.
<3, natasha @ twenty-something blog
Oh man that is rough being the one parent for a weekend. I bet you were happy when he got home!
I love your instagram pics!! So glad Ross is home!! I get some super strange search items for my blog too. It's definitely entertaining. And you look so much like your Dad! Love that pic :)
Such cute pictures! I love the one of your girls at the pool.. adorable! Glad you got to spend at least some of the day with your hubs! Can't wait for the Bauble Swap :) Thanks for linking up lady!
Oh the sad faces :( I love it to see somethign from other peoples lives ;) xx
Looks like y'all had an awesome dinner despite spending most of the day sans daddy. Glad y'all had a great time, and even more glad for you that you have some help again!
I looved all your instagram photos but especially love all of your hilarious captions! Weirdest search words ever, so so odd haha. Looks like you had a fun weekend though and so glad your hubby is back!!! Hope you have a good week girl! :) xo
Glad that your hubby is back home! I too have gotten some really strange keywords on my blog like "wearing rain boots when it isn't raining"!
The Tiny Heart
103 is way too hot! I would so love to lounge out by the pool on a hot day like that tho. LOL @ Sarah Michelle Gellar boobs! I get strange things like that sometimes too I have no idea how they get there.
I love seeing bits of your life. :) And I love the idea of the bauble swap! I'll definitely be participating - you'll get my email shortly. Also, I gave you an award over here so stop by when you have a minute!
okay I saw your search keywords on Instagram and was CRACKING up! Tarzan?! What are people doing. I love looking at mine every so often to find some WEIRD ones! And I need to get those Wheat Thins for my hubby :-)
Love all the pics! So glad the hubby is home - now it is your turn to take off for a week! :)
Playing single parent is hard work!!!!! I don't think I've ever seen pics of your little ones...they are so adorable!!!
ughhhh to 103 temps. ughhhh
My Hubs works crazy hours so half the week feels like being a single parents. It is so hard! Love the pictures. The pooltime sounds amazing!
hahahah i get the weirdest keyword searches to my blog, too!!!! love this :) xoxo
Your kids are so so beautiful and you have a gorgeous family! LOL at the search words - people search the boobs a lot I guess..LOL!Hope you are having a wonderful day!
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i'm a creeper that way, too, so i appreciate you puttin' it out there for me! i love all of your pictures. and i want those wheat thins!
You are so teeny that you can def overlook a box of eaten wheat thins. Wheat thins and chicken salad is my fave. Happy MOnday!
You sure had a jam-packed weekend! When you posted the pic of the girls I thought one of them was planking! Bahaha. I'm weird!
Such random searches - had no idea spammers could get found that way! Jerks!!
Haha! Sarah Michelle Gellar boobs is my fav. I don't get anything that random.
Count me in for the bauble swap friend :)
I love the pic of your daughter sunning. The one lying with her arms to the side is totally planking she just doesn't know it. But remember when you laid out like this as a teenager thinking you have to tan the back of your arms?
Yum that sushi looks seriously amazing! I had sushi too for father's day but yours looks way better.
So excited for the swap and the girls are so cute!
I love your happy monday attitude!
Those are the weirdest Google search results ever. Sarah Michelle Gellar boobs? Oh, why yes of course. I think I may need to peek into my google results and see what funny things pop up.
Those chopstick lips are so stinking cute! Thanks for linking with us. Looks like you had a great weekend.
haha I love reading those search topics... fascinating and creepy stuff
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