I have been tapping my toes for this link-up all a week! These girls are GENIUS for dreaming it up. What a FAB way to find new blogs and give some of your favorite ones well deserved props. So let's not chit-chat any further and get right down to business!
In case you have NO clue what I am talking about, I am linking up with this party: Join if you have the time!!
Let me start off by saying that this is by NO MEANS a popularity contest. There are a ginormous amount of blogs
that I adore and read every single day. Just because you were not
mentioned does NOT mean that I do not love you just the same! We all need to
keep doing what we are doing. I admire all bloggers
for putting their lives "out there" each and every single day!
Drum roll, please...
1. Do you have any real life blog friends?
Yes, I actually I do. Her name is Amy and you can find her here.
We have known each other for years and have monthly girls' night outs! She blogs about fabulous things in Austin and has fallen in serious love with HUNK! Check her out. I have also officially met a few other Austin bloggers, but hope to meet more soon. It's seems like us Austin bloggers are few and far between. I met theses fab ladies for dinner and think they are pretty dang legit! Britt at Secondhand Magpie, Mallorie at Home is With You and Jenni with Story of My Life.
2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet?
Okay, there is more than one....once again.
First off, I would have to say Tara at Fabulous but Evil because we are planning a meet up soon when I go visit the 'rents in Houston. I am taking her to Forever 21 and guiding her through the hell of a mess! As you may or may not know, I am the QUEEN of that store. We have become pretty good blog and Instagram buds. Plus, have you seen her last IG pic of riding a unicorn bike? Enough said!!
I MUST meet the little sister that I never had, Ashlyn with Let It be Beautiful. We chatted over the phone for hours; as if we have known one another all of our lives. She is such a determined young women and we have so much in common.
3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid?
Besides the obvious celebrity-status fashion bloggers, I would love to raid the closets of:
Tara at Mix and Match Fashion,
Kystin at Surburban Faux-Pas
and Annie at The Other Side of Grey
These ladies have mastered the art of putting together the ultimate outfits. I want to be just like them when I grow up!
4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?
Okay, I don't think any of my blogger friends could really help me survive. Most of them are too busy putting together outfits, being funny, cooking up some great meals or working on a few Pinterest projects. If I had to pick one that could help me survive I would have to go with Andrea at Blonde Ambition because she can cook up some scrumptious looking meals. We all know that the key to survival is staying nourished! Plus, I am hoping this plug will get me invited her beach house! Hey Andrea, I am waiting! ;)
5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ?
No question or doubt, Angela with Head to Toe Chic. This girl is my GIRL!! I consider her my blog BFF. We started blogging about the same time and have so much in common. We "visit" each other every single day, whether it's on the blog, Twitter or Instagram. She is sweet as can be and has some serious styling skills. I can't wait to visit her in North Carolina one day soon!! We are going to shop until we drop!
My other lady love is Emma with Emma Lately. We also started blogging at the same time and became friends IMMEDIATELY!! She is one that I just want to wrap my arms around. I secretly want to be a bridesmaid in her upcoming wedding. I have no doubts that if we lived in the same town we would be BFFs too! It's crazy how connected we get through this whole blog world, but I think this girl and I were friends in another life. I love her to pieces. You will NOT meet another blogger that is as true and candid as Emma!!
6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?
I admire Morgan with XOXO, Me because she just sold her car and is busing it to work and everywhere in between! Hell-to-the-no, Momma needs a car. There is NO way that I could rely on public transit each and every day! If I get the urge to run out for a quick Forever 21 fix, I need my car and I need it now! You go, girl!!
7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?
I have two winners for this category.
First up is Dusty with Girl Loves Fried Pickles. Holy hell!! This girl will make you laugh, cry and say, "OH, NO SHE DID NOT!!!" Ross even reads her crazy antics! He calls her his second wife! She offered to bail me out of jail when "My TEAM" lost last week (I kid about jail). She is a serious riot and should take her show on the road. When she does become famous, I plan to be her PR agent. Love you, Dusty! Thanks for keeping it real!
This girl is no second place winner, just not the first listed. Her name is Jes and her home is Two Smuppies. Again, Holy Hell!!! Where does this girl come up with the things she comes up with? Her blog was the first one I ever sponsored. I mean who couldn't love someone who talks about turds, farts, her period, food, scrotums and everything in between. BOS loves you, Jes!
8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be casted with you?
Since the only two reality shows I would want to be cast on are Survivor or The Amazing Race, I have to go with Leann at Join the Gossip because she lives in L.A. That in itself is a survival of the fittest. Plus, she is pretty damn cool and we could talk all day long about hot boys...I am still sad that she cancelled Man Candy Monday!! Girl has amazing taste in men!!
9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with?
Okay, she actually just quit her "day" job to follow her dreams of photography. I admire her gut and fearlessness, so I have to go with my sweet girl Stesha with Classic and Bubbly. I feel like
I have known her for years. She is such a gorgeous, free-spirit with a heart of gold. I love every inch
of this girl. We are kindred spirits.
10. Favorite blog design?
Okay, I seriously can't answer this one. I am sorry, my mind is fried from answering questions 1-9. This was way tougher than I had imagined and I still feel crappy for not mentioning a dozen or so other blogs!! So, you tell me, what blog design do you like best? I am thinking about redesigning mine!!

I love you, my BOS!!!!
I am waiting for Ross to send my alimony check. Hello Moma needs a new Range Rover! In all seriousness, I love ya Shanna, bunches! Now could you please wear something ugly to make me feel better?
Aw thanks for the mention in #1!! Also, can we PLEASE go to Forever 21 together?? It's my obsession and I can never get anyone to come with me!
The Secondhand Magpie
Such great choices! I think we all just need to have one BIG blogger vacation together!
I need to start saving my dollars because we are going to go CRAZY in f21 and h&m!! SO excited!!!!! xoxoxo
Yay you did it!! Thanks for linking up girl !! I just love miss ashlyn too! I need to do a second link up so I can share more blogger love!
Fun post!!!! I am going to be checking out some of these pretty ladies blogs today!! :)
Um, if you come to Houston and meet up with Tara, I'm totally meeting you too!!
Well thank you so much my dear! This is quite flattering :) Believe me, if I still lived in Indiana, I would have NEVER have sold my car. Luckily the walk to F21 is about 5-7 minutes :) Dangerous, but I'm not complaining!
xoxo, me
All fabulous ladies!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I need to check some of these gals out!
You are the sweetest! You are so my blog BFF and I can't wait to meet you someday! You seriously should come visit and I need to see Texas too! We would be so dangerous together and it would be so fun :) definitely checking these other ladies out!
Oh stop that! You're making me blush ;) I just love you and feel the same (not like you don't know that because ummmm I tell you every time I talk to you ;) haha) And srsly, you couldn't be any sweeter! Everything you said about everyone was SO nice! Including the beginning (making it clear you aren't picking favorites)...because that is totally something I would do/say! Wait...I did do that in my (in process) post for this link up :) Nice minds think alike ;)Love you!!
I want to raid Annie's closet, too!
Her clothes are always SO FUN :)
Thanks for linking up with us, girl!
Wow, this is a great way to find new blogs, I am not aware of most of them. Thanks for this, Shanna.. surely will check out the party :)
Come see my latest blog post:
Aw you are the SWEETEST thing!! You just made my day :) xoxoxxo!
You are so sweet! I must give a good "foodie" front :) Now we must plan a get together and then sort out our fun trip to the coast :) I've already told my hubby that I found this fabulous blog friend that we are inviting down for some fun in the sun!
Thank you SOOOOO much for the shout out. You totally made my week :)
Can we discuss how freaking sweet you are? Thanks for the shout out girl - you are the bestest. Loving your style and I must say the outfit combos lately have been on fiyah! Thanks a ton and keep doing what you're doing - such a fan
xo Krystin
PS - we still need to plan some cross border shopping trip! Someday, somehow!
Suburban Faux-Pas
What a bunch of great ladies I'll hav to check out their blogs!
I love this post b/c I love finding new bloggers!!!
What a neat post!! I think the idea is so fun! I wish I had the opportunity to meet more bloggers!
This is such a cute & fun idea - can't wait to go check out new blogs! And thanks for the shout out Shanna...I want to be just like YOU when I grow up...meaning a super stylish, super sweet, awesome momma, who can totally kick Forever 21's butt :)
The Other Side of Gray
Hey- that's me up there!!! I clicked on your post and got confused for a second, but couldn't be more thrilled to be grouped with such a fun, smart, BEAUTIFUL group of ladies!! Thanks so much for sharing all these great blogs. My reader list just doubled. Work productivity, what?!
I LOVE this idea!!!! So much fun.
This linkup is so fun : ) I love Two Smuppies too! and I'm pretty sure if there is a contest for who's closet people want most, Annie of The Other Side of Grey is winning : )
I would love to raid your closet too! Thanks for the mention, you're awesome!!
So I love your list and there are some ladies on that list that I love and some I need to go stalk!! I have been feeling guilty all day about people I didn't mention.. I want to go back and write a little blurb like you did but I'm pretty sure everyone already saw it so it would be useless!! Oh well.. you win some you lose some :/
I LOVE this questionnaire! May have to do one myself!
This link up was awesome. So many people want to raid your closet (as do I)! I am with you on wanting to be Stesha.
I seriously LOVE YOU!!!! I am so honored to be on here. I know I have been MIA a little but I am totally back and cant wait to catch up and chit chat! Your comments are so kind Shan, and I look up to you all the time!! Thank you!!!
I really enjoyed this post. I'm always looking for a good new read, and I think I'll definitely be able to find something in this list of yours. Looking forward to checking out the funny antic writers!
you melt my heart! i would love to meet you! we have so much in common & you really are the big sister i never had. can't wait to catch up here soon.
love you!
this is such a cute idea! and what a great way to discover new blogs.
xo, lizzie
Hey Shanna! Thanx for the list of new bloggers to check out. I love making new blog friends. And any friend of yours is a friend of mine. :)
Debra@ stylewisebydebra.blogspot.com
Aww! I love some of these ladies and are happy to meet some more! Thanks for stopping by my blog and it is nice to "meet" you!
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