Monday, March 17, 2014

Grabbing for Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope you remembered to wear your green today and don't get pinched. I found myself in the spirit and gravitated toward the shade all weekend. The crazy thing is, I rummaged through my closet for several minutes trying to find a green top, pair of pants, accessories, shoes....anything. Come to find out, I don't own much of it. I was scratching my head in confusion because it's one of my favorite colors to wear. Thanks to this little day of four leaf clovers, leprechauns and luck, there is no second guessing what my next purchase is going to be.

Old Navy Plaid Top - old (option here, here and here) // J.Crew Factory Colored Denim (option here and here) // JcPenney Denim Jacket (option here and here) // Old Navy Flats (another great option) // Shop Ruche Bag (on sale!) // Nashelle Ring c/o // Gigglosophy Heart Ring c/o // Sweet Clover Bracelet c/o // Lilac Bijoux XO Bracelet c/o // Michael Kors Watch c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Forever 21 Sunglasses (option)

Speaking of weekends, not much went down in my part of town. The weather couldn't decide what it wanted to do; even the Weather Channel app on my phone couldn't keep up with it's unpredictability. 

We ate our weight in food, watched way too many episodes of 48 Hours Mystery (it's like crack), slept more than we have slept in months, the girls camped out in our neighbor's backyard (full-on tent, flashlights, sleeping bags, campfire, roasted marshmallows and they made it through the night, even though we hung around until they were fast asleep), dabbled in a little shopping, made it to 12:30 church service on Sunday, ate some more annnnnnd got a relapse of pink eye. UGH! 

I thought it would be safe to put my contacts back in, not thinking that this pesky little bacteria would still live on my lenses. Blonde moment? Possibly. It came back with a vengeance. Back to sunglasses and off to the eye doctor I go. These were my last and only set, so I sported my specs, bare to the bone eyes all weekend and kept my fingers crossed that I wouldn't run into anyone I knew. Shallow? Maybe. Embarrassing nonetheless. Lessons learned.

P.S. I met Erica, one of the coolest girls ever, last Thursday night at the Fossil SXSW event featuring Foster the People. Out of hundreds of people, we stood in line with her and her fiance. Fate, I tell you. Come to find out we have mutual friends, had a zillion things in common, spent the entire night together and plan on hanging out again soon. It's so refreshing to meet other Austin bloggers because it seems like we are few and far between. You guys should check out her blog, Miss Louie. She is just the cutest and her YouTube channel is too much fun! 



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful combination!

Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


Unknown said...

I had a similar moment today thinking what I would wear for tomorrow and realizing all I have for St. P's day is a bright grass green skinny jean I bought two years ago and a sweater; kinda sad. Green is such a cool color too, go figure! :) I really admire your layering skills and use of all the beautiful accessories together. Those rings and bracelets are really cool, and this is such a wonderful casual outfit for anyday including St. Patricks. Hope you catch a couple Leprechaun's; we'll be trying with my kiddos! XOXO, Elif @ theboxqueen

Unknown said...

Great casual look! And bummer on the relapse on pink eye. Totally unrelated but related to contacts and eyes..once I ate at a cajun seafood place and the food was super spicy. I washed my hands several times because it felt like it was burning my fingers. When I went to take out my contacts, it seriously burned my eye. The next day, I tried to put the same lens back in my eye and it burned it again! So if you ever eat spicy foods with your fingers...kiss you contacts good bye.


Claire Justine said...

Great outfit, love the colours :)

Becky M said...

I'm so glad you posted a pic today with a jean jacket because I just bought one:) I love the green pants!

Rachelle ( said...

This color combo is so awesome, sorry your pink eye is back other than that it seems like you had a nice weekend :)

Charming Lucy said...

Your casual outfits are always my favorites since I typically dress more casually(: I have green pants but have never worn them!! I will be matching them up with a cute plaid top now! Thanks!! Susan

Nina Piccini said...

Love these pants, they pair so well with the plaid. I'll be getting pinched, I don't do the green on st pats - maybe it's because my irish dance school's colors are pink and black, I typically rock that. Four shows throughout the community today so It'll be a busy one! Have a green beer for me!
xo, Nina

TaraMixandMatch said...

Your plaid top is perfection with those green pants! So pretty!

Kimberly said...

UGH - so sorry to hear that your pink eye is back! :( On the bright side, you look adorable - this is a perfect casual outfit for the holiday today!!

Unknown said...

This outfit makes me so excited for spring! It's perfect! I seriously need to get some green denim in my life. Girl throw those contact lenses away! At least you look fabulous in sunglasses ;) Glad you had a good weekend!
xo said...

very nice bag and the sunnies are so fotogenic :)


Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said...

Lovin' those jeans on you. The fit is so cute!

Caitlin C said...

Oh no more pink eye?! That's terrible, you might ask your physician for some antibiotic eyedrops to clean them in. That's what we've learned in class anyways. At least your outfit is on point! Green is a favorite of mine too, and up until a year ago I barely owned any. I have plenty to go around now though. I hope your eyes get better soon!

Caitlin C

Nicole said...

Oh Shanna! I had pink eye once and had the same thing happen to me - to eager to put those contacts back in. Bummer!! I hope your eyes recover soon. Love your outfit today - I have a pair of green pants that are almost identical from Gap Outlet. I am inspired to sport them asap! I just love your blog - I look forward to Mondays now because I know you will have a post waiting. So glad I came across your blog. I just began reading it about 2 weeks ago, and I have now read EVERY single post since you started. I am a little obsessed - stockerish?, and possibly creepy. lol! I have always enjoyed dressing well - but have taken an "I don't care that much" approach over the years. Now I am in full fashion mode! I love it - such a fun way to make yourself feel good. Now if I could only convince my husband that shopping is a MUST because I have so many pieces I need to add to my wardrobe. =) Thanks for brightening our days, Shanna!! Love ya.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Your casual outfits rock. They always look put together yet effortless. That's an art form my friend!

Pink eye is hideous. Hope it passes soon!

Alissa said...

PINK EYE IS THE DEVIL AND IT CAN DIE! Did I say that out loud? Woops. Seriously, pink eye is the worst! I had it as a kid and that was awful.

On another note, I have green pants and didn't even think to wear them today. FAIL!

Unknown said...

Love the outfit-- but the bag.. It is a must have! Thanks for sharing the wonderful look.💚

Unknown said...

Love the outfit-- but the bag.. It is a must have! Thanks for sharing the wonderful look.💚

Alyssa said...

I can't tell which I love more–those amazing rings, or that awesome bag?! I'll take both!

Helene in Between said...

so sorry about your eyes! that stinks! i do love these green pants and even if you are trying to hide your eyes I love the sunglasses!

I love it when i make an instant connection with someone, off to check out her blog!

TheTinyHeart said...

I kinda forgot it was St. Patty's Day so I'm not wearing any green except for my mint nail polish :) Hope the darn pink eye clears up asap!

The Tiny Heart
JCrew Giveaway!

Amy Shaughnessy said...

My dad wants to take my boys camping in the backyard soon. Wondering how that will work!! Sorry about your eye! I do love those sunglasses though.


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Sarah said...

Totally off topic but I love your hair straight in these shots!

Because of Jackie said...

Those sunglasses are amazing, they are exactly like the Rayban version! Also, I'm so happy someone else likes murder mystery shows like 48 hours, my husband calls it "murder porn" (which may or may not be innapropriate;)

Anonymous said...

You're looking super cute as always! I want a pair of green crops for this summer, or any fun color. Hope your eye clears up fast!

Shira said...

I love this fun outfit and those sunniesssss! :)

Unknown said...

Love the sunnies!

Darcy said...

I always struggle with green for St. Patrick's day! You would think I would learn by now to buy more green, haha. Luckily Express has portofinos out now and have them in every color! Love those sunglasses, too. Hope your eye gets better!!

Ashley said...

I LOVE the Nashelle ring! OMG gorgeous.

KP said...

Loving the green pants, and the bag!

Happy Monday.

Eleventh & Sixteenth

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

I love how perfectly your shirt matches with those jeans. I always get excited when I have a plaid shirt and I find the perfect say accent tank top to wear under it that pulls a single thread of color from the shirt to the front!

I had a horrible eye thing happen like this when I was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras - it happened RIGHT as we were driving to town. I was so upset. All my photos have been with my hair over one eye .. LOL I had to go shopping at CVS for pink eye drops, so classy... I hope it's better soon! ox

Paige Flamm said...

Those green pants are so lovely. I love them paired with that plaid shirt! This is totally an outfit I would love to have in my own closet!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm loving that combo of colors! You styled green very well! :)
-alex of

Adri Lately said...

Totally brought out my green jeans too! Love how you styled them with plaid. I think I'm going to have to try it too!
xo Adri

Katie Did What said...

PUT DOWN THE CONTACTS, SHANNA! ;) In other news, you look cute as always. Loving the green pants! Too bad I don't fit into mine this year (#pregnantproblems), that would totally have been my go-to choice.


Amy said...

So sorry your pink eye came back! That is THE WORST. I am loving this outfit on screams Spring. That bag is so perfect for Spring and Summer and you look great, as always!

xo Amy

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

I cannot find my mirrored ray bans...I have literally torn my house apart looking for them....these may need to be a replacement pair!

Unknown said...

Love this spring look Shanna! So sorry to hear about the pink eye coming back! I wear contacts too, I have the worst vision ever (-9). I honestly feel like my eyes are little magnets that attract everything into them. I hope one day I can say goodbye to the contacts and get Lasik! Atleast you rock those sunnies well!!

xo, Erica
Casually Styled

Unknown said...

Such a chic look! Happy St. Patrick's day girl!

Anonymous said...

I had same problem only green thing I really had was a green UT shirt lol Nothing wrong with reping Longhorns though

Unknown said...

You look so cute in your green! Happy St. Patricks Day my sweet friend! : )


Johanna said...

The dose of green is perfect and I especially love your bag!

Ashleigh said...

I recently started wearing sunnies in photos, not because of pink eye, but so I don't make my squinty face and ruin the fashion photos! I dislike not having eyes in my pics because I feel like there's no connection to the viewer if they can't see your eyes.
On that note, I love your green pants! So festive but not over the top. We had girls in green cat suits with tutus out today. Sheesh!

Jessica @ Here&Now said...

Love the green look you pulled together. I was surprised to find my green options pretty limited as well! Had to make the one sweater I found work :)

Enter my current giveaway!

jenn~the stylish housewife said...

Your hair is getting SO LONG!!! Loving this color perfect for St Patty's Day! But BOO on the pink eye situation...ugh!

XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife

Unknown said...

I had the same situation! I claim green as one of my favorite colors, yet my closet inventory doesn't agree. I love how this came together! Wishing you a speedy eye recovery!

xo. Maggie

Unknown said...

I had the same situation! I claim green as one of my favorite colors, yet my closet inventory doesn't agree. I love how this came together! Wishing you a speedy eye recovery!

xo. Maggie

OccasionallyAJ said...

I bet you look fab in glasses! But I hope you got a new pair of contacts to finally get rid of the pinkeye. Love the green cropped skinnies with the plaid.


Kayla MKOY said...

I LOVE the plaid shirt with these pants!!! The hint of green is really brought out by them, you are so cute!! :) happy St Patty's Day!!!

Elegance and Mommyhood said...

You always look great so don't worry that "you have nothing to wear for St Patty's". I rocked Green Jeans last weekend and will show them on the blog this week. I have also been loving my Denim Jacket lately. I definitely want to recreate your outfit. I pinned it. I am in love with your Cognac Ballet Flats, they look so expensive - hard to believe they are Old Navy. You convinced me that I need a pair NOW!!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I hope your eyes feel better! I wear contacts too and sometimes I hate the crap that we have to go through with these darn things! Love those sunglasses though, and your green! And 48 Hours Mystery (it IS like crack)!

Holly said...

Green is my favorite color and surprisingly I don't own that much of it. I do own that flannel from old navy and I have actually been wearing it a lot lately. Maybe because I'm willing spring to get here sooner. Either way - I love it. You look great! Hope your eye infection clears up soon. Yes, those pesky contacts can have the bacteria on them. I learned the hard way too when I had pink eye - in both eyes! But I refused to give up my contacts!

Laura B @ Walking in Memphis in High Heels said...

Those green pants and sunglasses are amazing! I immediately pinned it!

Miss Louie said...

OMG SHANNA! I am 100% speechless right now. I am so touched by your callout. You are the most darling thing, and I am pretty sure we were separated at birth!!! Thank you so much for this, it Seriously made my week. huge XOXO and lets get a cup of coffee soon!!!!!!!

Walter said...

I hope you remembered to wear your green today and don't get pinched. ...