Vest: Old Navy (option) (option) | Top: Forever 21 (option) (option) | Jeans: NY&Co (option) | Boots: MIA (exact) | Scarf: Forever 21 (option) | Belt: Target (option)
As we all know, we are headed into a new season. And as much as I am ready for spring and all it has to offer, I must admit that I am going to miss all the things that winter brings; the holidays, layering clothes, football, scarves, hot chocolate, girl scout cookies, fires in the fireplace and the list goes on.
As I was editing these pictures it reminded me that this was probably going to be one of the lasts "winter/fall" looks that I will post for the next several months. Recently, we've seen more warm days in Texas than cold ones.
This outfit also shed some light as to what I wanted to write about. It's so wild to think a simple outfit can stir up so many deep thoughts.
Truthfully, this post was going to be geared towards marriage; how marriage travels through different seasons and if you don't adapt to the so called seasons, the marriage will fail. The more I sat and stewed on the idea, the more my thoughts broadened. I said to myself, "Wait a minute here", seasons aren't just about weather or a marriage, seasons are the epitome of life in general.
As much as I want to dive into a little matrimony talk, the subject today falls into a million categories for a million people. I felt it would be unfair and unjust to chat about seasons in a marriage when it's just a small triangle from life's pie.
The analogy:
Seasons change every three months, but we always know that one comes to an end; it will return again next year. We know somewhat how it's going to play out, but it can throw us a curve ball every now and then. For instance, we know that with winter we are going to need some essentials; a coat, some boots, a scarf and hat to stay warm, but we never know when and if a blizzard is going to hit until a few days before and there isn't always enough time to prepare for the storm. But somehow we manage. We get through the said storm and we learn from it, so if it happens again we will have the knowledge to know what we need to make it through.
Like weather/seasons, life can surprise us day by day. What's important to remember is how we choose to adapt to it. Figure out ways to embrace it. Learn how to handle it next time. Get excited about it. Most importantly, learn from it.
More of the analogy:
More of the analogy:
We are going to have moments of frigid cold, an ice storm if you will.
Moments where it's hot and steamy (wink wink).
Moments that change colors or completely fall from a "tree".
And hopefully countless moments that are just simply light and breezy.
Moral of the analogy:
Sometimes seasons suck and we are so ready to move on. We patiently anticipate brighter and warmer days, but without seasons there would be no life. Leaves must fall. Sometimes trees are bare. Flowers tend to always bloom. And at the end of the day, we must remember that the sun will shine again.
Facts of the analogy:
No matter what life season(s) you are dealing with right now:
There is a lesson to be learned. A memory to be embedded. Think about it. Think about your seasons of joy, heartache or just plain confusion. What did it teach you? I bet that any terenchal weather that you've experienced taught you something. Made you stronger. Wiser. More equipped for next time.
I personally feel as though I have been through a thousand seasons in my thirty-four years of life. One has taken me into a deep depression. Many have brought tears of joy and sadness. Several were serious life lessons. Countless of them have made me stronger, more aware and prepared. But the toughest ones brought me closer to God.
I feel that I have talked in circles today and made a shiz ton of analogies, but sometimes that is how I think. At the end of the day, I just want to reach out to as many people so we can all be reminded that we have to face our own seasons as best as we can. Whether we are ready for them or not, they will come.
Take the analogy with you:
Embrace your seasons. Learn from them. Grow from them. Share them with others.
Realizing that we are not alone and that seasons WILL pass can hopefully provide comfort to those going through crappy ones at the present time.
P.S. This outfit was inspired by my friend, Amy. Go see how she wore a similar look!
**If you are linking up today, I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link
back to it in your post. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Love the outfit Miss Shanna! I have a striped dress and that vest so I am going to have to incorporate my boots, leopard, and scarf and try my hand at this! It's still snowing here so I think I have a few more months of colder weather clothes to play around with ;) Have a great day! xoxo
So pretty! Love the setting too. Excited for spring, yay!
Beautiful post!! I have had a similar train of thought with a similar analogy, but not as deep as this was. Love it and the outfit of course :)
And I was just thinking about season change as far as clothing...I always get that I have no winter clothing for winter or I have no spring/summer clothing...all I can think of is layers, scarves and boots right now I have no clue how to dress for spring/summer...weird? I know.
Love the outfit! Your layering skills are awesome. And loved everything you wrote about seasons.
yay! i adore this link-up!
kw ladies in navy
Amen to the amen. There are plenty of seasons that really kicked my butt. But all of them (even the horrendous ones) make up who I am. I am bit stronger than I was before. We can never be prepared enough though..we just have surround ourselves with love and strength and knowledge that there is a greater plan than our own. xoxo
I love this analogy! I have a tendency toward thinking in analogies (some may say over-thinking ;)) and relating simple things to life lessons. I have always said that I wouldn't want to live in a place that has a constant temperature year round. I need to experience the differences in the seasons in order to appreciate the beauty in the next one. As usual...I love the mix in patterns in this outfit!
mmmmm.. so very true. each passing season makes the last one and the future one so much sweeter.
you are so inspirational my dear. Truly. XO
I love everything about this outfit!!
Hey Beautiful! I have had florals and stripes on the brain lately, you read my mind! Love the outfit as usual : )
As for the seasons, I totally agree with you. It's really easy for me to always look to the future and ahead at the good things that are to come and sometimes have to reel myself in and find joy in the moment! Especially with 2 little ones at home : )
I LOVE this Shanna!! I'll have to check out your vest options. I've been sad I never got that same one at Old Navy when I had the chance:)
You look so cute! love everything about this i am going to
have to try to reconstruct it!thanks for the link up
First off, you look super cute! I haven't quite figured out how to layer yet so I always love seeing others do it.
Secondly, the analogy was actually quite perfect and just what I needed to hear. The hubs and I are going through quite a "tough season" right now and I've been praying and patiently waiting for it to pass but it gets exhausting after awhile. This was a healthy reminder that it will be worth it in the end. Thanks!
I struggle with the embracing of the winter seasons in my life. Ive had some tough curve balls thrown my way in the last few years and Ive felt the weight of the bad doesnt equal out with the good.
Thank you for the encouraging reminder. It was needed.
You can read me at Once Upon The Hill.
Needed this tonight as I can feel a change coming on soon. I don't love change so this could be hard. Thank you! xo
Shanna, you always look great. Your wonderful and amazing smile always catches my eye.
I definitely needed this post tonight and it amazes me at how I come to blogs and read certain posts that I need to read when I'm going thru something. So I look forward to hearing from. esp on this http://laneyg02.blogspot.com/2013/03/will-it-ever-stop-yoi-dont-know.html
thanks hun. and happy early Hump day. Hope it's a great one for you.
I think this just may be your favorite outfit of mine ever! The stripes, the scarf, the little leopard belt, the jacket....LOVE it all!
Ecc 3:1 is the husband's and mine life verses! We dated long distance and that verse kept us going. Thanks for sharing. You look gorgeous, as always.
You are so wise...I love your heart and the truth you speak! And your outfit is adorable as always...you are the queen of putting fabulous patterns together!
Missouri weather is so fickle. Monday it was 64 and yesterday we had a wind chill in the 20's.
You are always so insightful when you wax about deeper things.
I know why we are friends....love you lady! You apparently have been in my brain lately. :) I agree with every word and needed this post as you know! Love this outfit, you are looking gorgeous as usual! Have a great day!! Lets plan a day to meet again soon!
so true. it's crazy to me how some seasons of life are so hard and painful and others are filled with so much joy and happiness. But I know that if I didn't have those harder seasons I wouldn't be as thankful for the good ones and in those hard seasons is when God really teaches me and draws me closer to him.
I love thinking about the seasons of life. It makes hard things easier to get through, and good things sweeter - you know you'll get the good again even when it ends.
Sometimes when our relationships change, thinking like this helps too. Some people are meant to be with us for only a season.
Look at you and all your smart analogies.. haha! But you're so right! I love this layered look, too- it actually reminds me a lot of fall
You are so cute!!! And a print/pattern mixing queen. I love love love this outfit so much!
i love the mix of prints and colors in this outfit so much!! and love this analogy, needed these words of wisdom today.
Adorable outfit, fantastic analogy for life in general & last but not least ...you could totally pass for 24. Just sayin'.
beautiful as always! love the warmth in your scarf and the all the pattern plays :) I think I have that same striped T. Enjoyed your analogy. Life is full of seasons and the faster we embrace them the richer life becomes!
I 100% believe in living by change and seasons. Or else we are not growing and living. Thank you so much for the reminder, Shanna, and thanks for hosting! Happy Wednesday!
Great post. Thinking in seasons is a great way to be able to embrace change, because ultimately not many of us really like change. You look great too. Thanks again for hosting!
While I am digging this outfit, I just love this post on the season of life. You hit the nail on the head. Thank you for this reminder; perfect timing!
Love this outfit...I think you have inspired one of my weekends outfits. It is, after all, going to be a whooping 50 this weekend! Whoooo!
I am also really digging this analogy. You hit the nail on the head once again. I think I need this printed out and hung on our fridge.
ANOTHER great outfit! I love the combination of patterns.
And I love your analogy of seasons...we are in a growing season at our house...learning so much.
That's the 4th time in a week that that verse has come up! What! Wonder if God is trying to tell me something... I love how you added the scarf and tugged the striped top down below the vest! This is so cute!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Great outfit, I love the striped shirt with the vest and scarves! I've recently been loving vests too, I'm sad to see them go bye bye for spring :( Love reading your analogy on life, you're so right it really does compare to seasons!! Also, did you get your hair done? Looks blonder with more layers, maybe I missed something?!? Last, but not least THANK YOU for linking up with Diaries of A Bargainista :) Much appreciated!!!
I have that belt and I definitely out-wear it. LOVE IT!
You look beautiful in this outfit Shanna. And your hair is looking especially fab today! I SO needed to read your post this week. I have been going through some especially hard "seasons" and lately it seems to be the stormiest. BUT, I am so ready for a new season to come and I welcome it with open arms! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Hey Shanna! This is a great post! It reminded me of the time when I was separated by two states from my husband while he completed graduate school. I grew so much during that time but I remember the anxiety and pain as if it was yesterday. I know that I am a very strong person. I know that from experience. Hopefully, I don't go through that again but I know there's always some trial to overcome. Don't worry about emailing me back. I know you're busy and I think you're a great blogger/fashion guru. Esther Norine Designs
Amen. What a fantastic post. Thank you for sharing that "I'm not the only one." for all of us out here who don't have the "perfect, Pinterest-worthy marriage" every day. Love you girl and the look! I'm sad to see layering heading out - NC is warming up as well.
Great post, thank you for sharing and for hosting.
You're too precious, sweet friend. You look adorable and I love this post! xo!
Hi there! I love this post; I love your outfit; and I really love that scarf!
I have to say - I agree with you; I'm so ready for Spring, but Winter does bring a of nice things (holidays, layers, boots with jeans, fun scarves)...but I also feel like Spring bring a sense of renewal.
When the weather starts getting nice, I start to feel a sense of "I can do anything and be anything I want to be" and I love that about the warmer weather.
Thanks again for sharing!
Really, looking great Shanna!!
I love your outfit.It's a great match.
fashion search engine
I am very ready to leave winter behind me and move on to spring! Heck, I'd like to go straight to summer :)
The Tiny Heart
Love your outfit Shanna. Don't forget about my link up tomorrow. Show me how you would style cobalt.
Oh my word I love your outfit! I love everything about it- the way you have mixed the patterns is superb!
Thanks for hosting the party.
What a great post Shanna! So well written! Love the outfit and how the thought of clothing is so relatable to life in general. We are moving to Ohio this summer. Our house is closing this Friday and although I am so thankful that it sold quickly and that we got a great price for it it is heartbreaking to be leaving this phase of our lives behind. Our girls were 2 and 4 when we moved in and I love this place. I know our life in Ohio will be great, because we will make it great but the season of SoCal is coming to end. Life is what you make it, right? I feel like it's the same with marriage - it's not easy but the flowers do sprout again and if you deep down love each other enough and are committed enough you'll get through those frigid temps :) We just need to make sure we have make sure we have an extra leopard print coat and some cute boots to get us through! XOXO
LOVE this outfit!! It's the perfect mix between winter and spring!
LOVE that scarf.
I can't wait for FULL TIME spring ...
This flip/flop weather is starting to annoy me.
In love with this outfit, and post. It's so easy to get caught up in one season, and to forget that it will pass!
Thank you thank you thank you for this. It's so important to remember that life isn't always a bowl full of cherries. Sometimes it's tough, but that's what makes us stronger in all aspects of our lives. Thanks for the reminder. I definitely needed it this week :)
On another note, I LOVE that outfit!! The layering and pattern mixing is perfect.
This outfit is so perfect, like all of the other outfits you wear! I love it and I love you - and I love spring.
I love so many things about this post. The outfit is wonderful and that scarf must find it's way into my closet soon.
But first and foremost, your message couldn't hit home more. A lot of things have been going on around me lately and the only thing you really can do is learn, grow and adapt.
Love that scarf! And although I can't wait for Spring, I've been loving the cold this year. :)
Love the scarf and the entire look, obviously :-)
This analogy? Is amazing. Although I don't have real seasons in San Diego, my life has had many of its own. And I feel as though I am entering a new one now! A good one.
I love this outfit and I love this post!! I have currently gone through a season of change...and rather than be upset that it's over, I'm trying to embrace the good and hold on to what it's taught me! By the way, this look is so my kind of mix matching!!
LOVE that outfit! Linking up! :)
Hi there, I just found you through the blog hop! Great outfit, love all the different patterns you mixed in! I am your newest follower!!
XO Chelsea
Here are mine if you get a second to take a peak:
love all your pattern mixing!! i'm pretty sure i need a leopard belt, asap.
xo, Courtney
I LOVE this look. I have pinned it...which means it will be replicated soon...haha.
Penniless Socialite
WELL SAID Shanna, well said. I loved this post. And can we talk about how fabulous your hair looks in these photos?! Lovely, dear :)
Thanks for the beautiful analogy today!
And love this outfit, the mix of stripes, floral, and leopard looks great! I'm going to have to copy this one! ;)
I read this post earlier, but I was on my phone and didn't have time to comment. So I'm back! :-)
I really loved this post...and it means so much to me, especially now in this "season" in my life. As you know, these seasons change so much, especially when you have little ones...so I'm trying to enjoy every minute of it...and also be flexible in adjusting to how life changes every now and then.
wow - i really love this post. spot on girlfriend!!
I love this entire outfit. Amazing. You are a stunner!
I always love reading what you write Shanna...that was a brilliant analogy :) And how CUUUUTE is that outfit?! Love the patterns!
The Other Side of Gray
I wish there was an in between like say s sprall or frinter that way being in the middle doesn't make you choose. But I tell ya I like being myself. I like my own individuality and not following in others footsteps. I like new friends and old. I like that I am original and my life marches to its own drum. The best part is not conforming and loving my inner circle. The rest is an added bonus. What's close and present is what my season is.
Great outfit Shanna! I love the way you relate your fashion posts with real content, I feel like that gives everyone a little something we enjoy. I feel like I'm going through a change in "seasons" myself and it does leave me wondering what's coming up next.
Shanna, that is a beautiful outfit! And I absolutely loved what you wrote about the changing of seasons not only winter to spring but in our lives. Thank you for sharing!
OH GIRL, I love that outfit! I love the vest and I never thought I would want one, but I DO!!!
Sheena @ The Details
Such a cute way to style the vest with the scarf and stripes!
Too cute! Love the stripes!
Hot Pink Day
Libi & Lola
You did such a great job mixing prints!
This is probably my favorite random Wednesday post ever. I love the analogy because it IS so true! Seasons are just like life, and I completely believe that God created life to be this way. There are some really profound thoughts here, I'm going to be milling over this all night now :)
As always, you are right on.
Thank you for putting it so well.
And that outfit---so cute!
girrrl you are gorgeous. i love this post. very well put and something we can all relate to! love to you, friend!
Amen, Sister.
The toughest seasons get us closer to God, for sure.
Bloom where you're planted.
I'm loving all the prints together!!! I definitely need to try wearing my vest with a leopard belt.
You do this all the time.. not only do you accessorize a striped shirt and vest adorably, but you write a great read that convinces me to embrace :)
I bought this same ON vest and have not worn it yet because I couldn't figure out how to style it without looking like a safari guide. This will be a copy outfit for me.
You know I adore that vest and of course the way you wore it! I could live in stripes. You looks perfectly put together as always! And what a beautiful analogy from Ecclesiastes:) I'm so glad I read that today.
That might be my favorite mixing of patterns EVER. I don't know what it is, but that outfit is PERFECT!
Love the analogy too. Great way to start off my morning!
love the whole thing Shanna! LOVE the combo of pieces and colors! youa re so gorgeous.
great post!
Woah! This one hit home with me :) the past 2 years have been a difficult winter, kind of have some heavy fog around me now...hoping that as it clears I will be in a new spring! I am so looking forward to a spring! Hoping God is bringing me there soon :) Thank you for an amazing post Shanna :)
girl there is so much i could say here. so much i feel like i relate to, but alas, i would be writing a novel. you are so wise, shanna! seriously.
What a great post, Shanna!
And the outfit is cute, too. :)
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