Pants: Kohl's Apt. 9 | Shirt: Forever 21 | Jacket: JCP | Boots: Charlotte Russe | Necklaces: J.Crew & F21 | Bracelet & Glasses:F21 | them! And that my friends, is what I did. I finally found a pair of mustard ankle pants that did not look like they were painted on. I say "pants" because that's what they are. These are not denim material and I think that's why they fit better than all the other yellow ones that I have tried {ahem, Old Navy skinny jeans}. Another plus, I can wear them all day without having "saggy booty" syndrome. These are definitely my new favorites. I got them last week and have already worn them twice. Who knows, I just might wear them again tomorrow.
*Disclaimer - Yes, I am wearing a jacket. Yes, I know it's not cold enough to wear one yet. Yes, you may call it fashion editorial, if you will. I did wear this outfit all day, however I just added the jacket to spice it up a bit for the blog. Call me a poser, but I will call it adding special effects.
On another note, I am co-hosting the GFC Blog Hop this week. Make sure to add you blog link below, make new friends and be social!!
When I want to follow a blog the first thing I look for is GFC (Google Friend Connect), it's so easy and nice to be able to go and see all of the blogs you follow in one spot. It's really a great tool to have.
Did you know you can also follow through GFC using your Twitter Account? TRUE, it's definitely an option!
If you are interested in co-hosting the next GFC Blog Hop shoot Melissa an email at
Ok, so let's get to gettin'.
RULES are simple:
1. Follow your host via GFC
The First link below
2. Follow your co-hosts via GFC
The Next 8 links below
3. Link up below using your main blog url not a specific post.
4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them via GFC
and if you want to leave them a comment, I'm sure they'd appreciate that as well.
5. Tweet about this blog hop
6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar!

love love LOVE the outfit so much. you look so cute. i could swear i was following you already, but i guess not so here I am from the blog hop. =) saying hello!!
Swoon! I love mustard, it's my hands down favorite Fall color.
Too bad I"m pregnant and am barely squeezing into non-maternity clothes as it is!
next year!
AHHHHH, I love this outfit, Shanna! I tried on those pants and wanted to make them work soooo badly, but I had too much junk in the trunk haha. I will live vicariously through you!
Super cute outfit! Glad I found your blog... new follower via the GFC hop. :)
Those pants are drool worthy. Seriously. found your blog through the GFC hop and I'd be flattered if you took a look at mine. Thanks! Jennifer
This is such an adorable outfit. Love your pants...too cute! Great buy :)
Love your outfit and love the background. That old rustic truck and red barn. Love it! Looks beautiful!
Newest follower from GFC Blog Hop. Hope you can stop by and enter my NEW giveaway.
Julie from Stlavonlady – Scatterbrained In St. Louis
That's a super cute outfit! I'm a new follower from the blog hop. :) Glad I found your blog!
The Little Giggler
oh I love that pants / shirt combo!!
i love love love the color of your pants!!! :D
<3, Mimi
Spirit Ink Tattoos Giveaway
Too Much Soul Giveaway
ON skinny jeans don't fit me either! I mean, do they think every girl has twig legs?! I love that you're rockin these mustard pants, they look fab on you. And the country theme to your outfit with the picture location is perfect! Well done, girly. :-)
ON skinny jeans don't fit me either! I mean, do they think every girl has twig legs?! I love that you're rockin these mustard pants, they look fab on you. And the country theme to your outfit with the picture location is perfect! Well done, girly. :-)
I LOVE those pants! I'm definitely taking a trip to Kohls soon!
I have a similar pair of pants like that from kohls and I love them! Perfect for fall! I love love love this outfit and the location of your pictures.
I'm putting my mustard jeans on the blog tomorrow! LOVE!
Love the pants! so fun to be co-hosting the hop with you:)
Umm, pretty much in love with that outfit you're wearing. Those yellow pants and the jacket work so well together!
New follower from the GFC hop--would love for you to stop by!
hello favorite outfit of yours!! I want everything about it - including your sunglasses and your hair! :)
You look adorable! The pants are great!!! New GFC follower from the blog hop---thanks for hosting. Would LOVE it if you could visit my site and follow me back via GFC. Thanks so much for sharing!
Love the mustard yellow jeans! I ordered a pair from Sanctuary- just hope they fit:)
Becky M.
I bought a plaid shirt yesterday and I thought... I feel like Shanna right now. Which, by the way, is a great thing.
I love those pants! I tried them on at Kohl's but they were all out of the size I needed. I am sad now. I also did not like the Old Navy ones. Holy muffin top!
Penniless Socialite
You look so pretty!!!!! I love this outfit. I saw the mustard pants at ON and have been wanting pants that color ever since. I never tried them on though so I may check out the ones at kohls. This is the perfect fall outfit!
dont be freaked out if one day you come home and find me in your closet trying on all your clothes and jewelry!! that first pic is just gorgeous I love the prints, colors, sunnies!
Shanna! I love those pants! I want some colored pants like that that aren't jeans that I can wear to work to spice up the ol' work wardrobe! These are perfect! I agree, the Old Navy Rockstar skinnies are awful. They do have the Sweetheart in colored skinnies. I bought a red pair and want the mint pair. Try those. They don't feel "painted" on, and believe me, I'm not a fan of my thighs feeling like sausages!
super cute outfit!!! :) newest follower via GFC Blog hop. :) you make me want to go shopping. now. :)
Love this outfit! The jacket is the perfect touch.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I am loving this entire outfit. So cute! that plaid shirt is to die for! Adorable! Great combo!
this is cool! I've never done this before! Chance to meet new ladies, right! Love it. Thx for hosting Shanna!
ok, now back to Biznass- girl, I think this is my favorite outfit on you, Ever. That's hard to say, of course, but I loooove this! You styled it perfectly!
Distinctly M
You are so cute + these pictures are amazing!! I need to go to Kohls and check out those pants! Thanks for sharing about the link-up, I've never linked up to this one and totally will now!!! xoxo
Such a cute outfit!!! I LOVE IT!
I LOVE this outfit Shanna! I was just thinking of getting myself a pair of mustard jeans. It's ok that you added this jacket for the blog because it looks fabulous. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
AWESOME outfit!! And I know exactly what you are talking about with the pants! I have tried several on from different place and have had NO luck! I am definitely checking these out at Khols!
P.S. I love the barn, the truck, and the wagon. I could actually use the wagon for our wedding. Just ship it on over and I promise to return it. ;o)
i am diggin the vibe of this outfit and its getting me really excited for fall!!
brooke @ what2wear
A good pair of pants are hard to find. I often suffer from "Saggy booty syndrome" haha... They look great and I love the color!
Love those boots! I get so many of my shoes from Charlotte Russe! This may need to be my next pair! I'm your newest follower on Bloglovin and Facebook! I'd love for you to check out my blog and follow back if you like.
I ALWAYS have issues with colored denim looking like they're painted on and it is most definitely NOT attractive. Thinking I need to head to Kohl's and try out colored pants this outfit!
And I have a pair of sunglasses that are almost identical to those and they are by far my favorite em!
You look adorable!!! I would look so ridiculous in mustard yellow pants - but you are totally rocking them! Love that serious pose in the 3rd picture ;) Go girl!
I have rust colored skinnies that I need to pair with something, andddd this looks like it would be a perfect match with my booties! =)
One question - super random...
what kind of socks do you wear with your booties? I always feel like my socks are showing when I wear regular ones!
You are one adorable lady!! You must be a Delta Z ;)
But really, look at you!
And yay for the link up. Going to do it!
Love how you paired that plaid shit with the pants!!!
I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop...thanks for co hosting!!
Love the outfit, Shanna! I think it's cute that you added a jacket, not poser-ish at all. I would do the same thing to get some good outfit pics. In fact, I'm smitten with my outfit today and may go home and straighten my hair to get some cuter pics.
Love your mustard pants!!! They look great! How fun is this blog hop! I love meeting new bloggers!
Great outfit! I love that mustard color! Also loving the blouse, you look fab :) x
I love that you're wearing a jacket! Because it's fall (even if it's hot) :)
I have been scouring stores for mustard pants and I can't find any that fit the way I want them to! I love yours!
Wow, I love this outfit so much. Way to go!! Stopping by from the blog hop and thank you for cohosting.
Oh yes, those are much better than the ON ones! Which are in fact painted on my thighs. I appreciate your special effects because I would've have thought to put my denim jacket with these. Most likely since I get all hot and sweaty just putting them on...
AHHHH! You are ADORABLE!!! I love the new mustard pants, and the pieces you paired them with are perfect!! I would wear this outfit in a heartbeat. SO stinkin' cute.
Love these pants on you, adorable. And I appreciate the jacket look, because here in chicago it's only 60 degrees and I need ideas!
okay WOW! you look amazing, shanna! and these photos are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! where did you take these?
I seriously need booties like that! And I love your pants! Thanks for cohosting the linky, I'm a new follower :)
This might be the cutest outfit look amazing!
You look so cute in this outfit!!
I've been looking for a mustard pair too! I'll have to check out Kohl's :) Love your outfit!
I think this could be one if my favorites. I mean who doesn't love representing condiments.
And on Tuesdays...we wear mustard. :) I couldn't help myself!
Looks adorable as always!
Life's Little Lovelies
I just bought those exact same pants and wore them today! Just like you said, I love the fact that they aren't denim and don't look like they're painted on. Great outfit!
LOVE this outfit!! I may need to recreate in some fashion with my new yellow pants :)
xo, Katie
such a cute look! I want mustard yellow pants!!
go for the glam
Ok this is def one of my favorite looks of yours!! I'm obsessed!! Love love love the mustard color on you! And with the red plaid?! Ah fabulous! The boots complete it! Loving the bun too! Obsessed!!! XO
this is one of my fave looks of yours! you are too cute and i LOVE those pants! and the boots too!
Special effects... man, I love you. I still haven't gone to Kohl's but I need to check those pants out like now. Dress you up, dress you down... you look great either way.
Your blog looks fantastic! Where have I been?'re outfit is adorable. I seriously love every last thread of it!
Love the color combination on your outfit! new follower from the GFC!
LOOOOVE those pants! I've been obsessed with that yellow lately. I can't get enough of it!
I'm a new follower from the GFC hop!
This is my favorite outfit. I adore EVERYTHING about it. And I am proud to say that I just picked up a pair of mustard yellow cords at the Loft. I cannot wait to break them out. So big thanks to you Shanna! And I love studs so I must ask where are your earrings from? I love them (as well as everything else about this outfit as I'm sure I've made abundantly clear...)
Love you my beautiful friend!
Super cute outfit, added special effects always work ;) New follower from the GFC hop :)
I beyond adore this outfit! I was just at Kohl's yesterday and bummed that they didn't have these pants left my size :(
This is such a cute fall look! Why didn't I think to wear a jean jacket over plaid? I'm pinning this :)
The Tiny Heart
Enter my scarf giveaway! (open internationally)
you are so cute! I LOVE THIS! and your jacket!
Even though it's hot I'm glad you added the jacket it does give the outfit more of a fall feel! :)
Aren't those pants the most comfortable colorful pants ever?!?! I have ever color from Kohl's. I don't usually ever shop there, but for some reason tried these pants on and couldn't stop buying them! Love it! :)
Digging the mustard 'pants'. I've been searching for some as well but haven't been able to find any. Oh well, there more in store for me!
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