FYI: Today's post has NOTHING to do with my outfit. So, you can either get fall style inspiration by looking at pictures, which is totally fine by me, or read a long ramble. Just wanted to warn you. :)
I came this close to having a panic attack yesterday thinking about everything that has been planned and needs to be planned before we ring in the new year. I feel like this year went by faster than any other and quite honestly, I don't feel like I made the best of it. I have REALLY been lazy this year in relation to so many aspects of my life. I don't want to say it's been a bad year and thankfully nothing "bad" has happened, but it has been, by no means, one to be proud of...until now.
Let me digress, last Sunday our pastor at church gave one of the BEST sermons I have heard him preach. It was our first time back at church in weeks because we have been in and out of town on the weekends. I swear the sermon was directed straight towards me or at least that's what it felt like.
I have a long laundry list of things that I slipped on this year and as of last Sunday, I decided to make some changes....serious changes. I haven't sat down and physically written out any goals for myself or my family. I have them in my head, but haven't put them to paper. I have never been one to keep a calendar, jot down monthly goals, dreams, to-do lists, etc...I literally keep almost everything in my Notes App on my phone or let my thoughts and agendas swirl around my in cluttered head.
The crazy, chaotic business that I have been running is coming to a halt. I finally sat down and spent a good portion of my day reflecting, writing, praying and soul searching on what I was missing, where I was lagging and what I wanted to change to make myself a better Christian, person, wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend.
I know that life throws us curve balls, we get busy, life takes over, we slip, my house is still Crazy Town, I am the mayor of it, I am not perfect and my life will never be perfect. Even though I may not have control of certain things in my personal life, I refuse to let it consume me any longer.
I made a list to help hold me accountable and to remind myself of what I want to change. I hope to look back when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2015 and smile knowing that even though I am late to the game, I made the most of my last few days of 2014 spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. Hey, better late than never. Right?

Lookbook Store Sweater c/o // American Eagle Jeans // Charlotte Russe Ankle Boots (option here and here) // Forever 21 Tote (sold out: option here and here) // Sweet Tea Jewels Bangles c/o // Costa Del Mar Sunglasses (option)
Taking the Last Days of 2014 by the Horns List (now and forever, hopefully):
1. Spend time with God every single day. No excuses. (and tithe our blessings more often.)
2. Start working out again. Again, no excuses (I have been twice this week! Yay!)
3. Eat breakfast and prepare healthier meals.
4. Volunteer at my girl's school in their classroom once a week. (Started this week! Another yay!)
5. Cuddle more on the couch with Ross. We never do this anymore. Sad.
6. Call my brother and sister once a week.
7. Go to the grocery store before our fridge is bare and the kids have to buy a school cafeteria tray lunch. GOD FORBID! :)
8. Stop worrying what other people think of me or trying to figure out what they think of me. I am learning to accept that everyone does not and will not like me.
9. Spend more time with people that want to spend time with me.
10. Read. I only read two books this entire year and hardly ever catch up on current events/world news. Things that matter...not celebrity gossip.
11. Being lazy is just that, lazy. It won't get you anywhere, except maybe for the couch.
12. Don't fall into the social media trap and let it gauge my personal blog success.
13. Don't let laundry pile up until it's unbearable to comprehend the hours of folding that stand before me.
14. Remind myself that kids have off days just like adults. It's okay if they weren't "the perfect angels" at school. THEY ARE KIDS. Give extra high fives for the good days.
15. Come to terms that my house and car will never be spotless, organized or Pinterest worthy until our girls leave the house...okay, maybe I have something to do with the messes too!
16. I do not need to shop or spend money for the sake of this blog.
17. Don't take it personally when someone tells you "no". We all have to say it sometimes.
18. Blogging used to be fun, find that fun again and stop taking it so seriously. At the same time, it's only human nature to want to be successful. Find the balance.
19. Go to bed before it turns into the next day, meaning asleep by 11:59 PM.
20. Focus on keeping up with the Schneiders, NOT the Joneses.
21. BREATHE. The past is the past. Live in the present. Be optimistic about the future.
I hope this list inspired you to become the best YOU you can be. Have a great weekend and enjoy the ride. See y'all on Monday.
P.S. To everyone who read this entire post...GOD LOVE YOU! I appreciate that you took time out of your busy day when you could have been doing something else. xoxo

I am new to this blog world but totally understand/relate to these things! I have to remind myself to not let the social media & online world control the decisions made in my actual world. I have to actually see & spend time with those people everyday!
I read until the end :)
I've been thinking about refocusing myself/life lately too! Thanks for making me realize a LIST should be written for this.
Why haven't I made one yet when I live by lists?? Who knows!!
Have a good weekend!
I've spent many days and nights having similar thoughts as you! Life is definitely not perfect, but I somehow strive to make it that way....and it's exhausting!!! I love your list of goals...I think they are reasonable & definitely attainable! xoxo
Sometimes we have to pause to remind ourselves of things we shouldn't have to be reminded of in the first place. Life has a way of making us take for granted the truly important and focusing on today's problem which by tomorrow is hard to even remember. Great post!
Red Reticule
You post one of my favorite blogs. It is the first one I read with my breakfast every morning. (I have to say Tuesday and Thursday's are my sad days because you aren't here.) I needed this post today. We are heading away for the weekend but I am going to take time to sit down and reflect about where I am going to go. Thank you for inspiring.
Great post and love the list, just calm down, do your best and let it go. That's my motto, and also blocking outside noises work wonders.
I can totally relate Shanna. Last week we had a sermon about how to stress less and honor the sabbath. I never really thought about that. But God calls us to rest too. We never rest here in this house. We have to remember that, in order to be adherent to God's plans, we have to be rested and focused. Let me know how you do with your plan. I will be praying for you. And let's talk about that sweater!! PERFECT! Susan
Well said Shanna. It is so easy to let all the small things get in the way of the big things or our big goals that are most important to us. I once saw an analogy used where you have big rocks (big goals) and small rocks (other stuff). If you have a bucket and you put all the small rocks in the bucket first chances are the big rock (goals) will not fit after this. But if you put the large rocks in the bucket first the small rocks all fit nicely around the large rocks. Point being, it is important to schedule your big rocks first. Have a super day! Great sweater!
Amazing post Shanna. I too have been contemplating the same exact topics. We have not gone to church in so long because I feel like we are always on the road, and it just breaks my heart that my kids are not getting what they need spiritually. We too are trying to make changes. I wish you the best of luck with your list, and I think you are an amazing person!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Great post Shanna, I especially love the list!! So many great reminders that I need to follow myself. Thanks for sharing this and love the cute casual outfit too. Enjoy your weekend:)
Marta, xo
What an amazing list of things to work on. Your girl's teachers will be so thankful. Parent help is more appreciated than you know. Your list inspires me to get on track with what I have been wanting to do. I feel like just yesterday I made my 2014 goal list and yet here I am, 10 months later, scratching my head and wondering where the time went. You will get it all accomplished and if you don't you will know you gave it your best effort.
Shanna -
I love this post. Man do I ever feel like I am in the SAME spot as you!! I am lacking in so many of the same areas. Heres to trying to kick it back into gear! Good luck to you, my friend! Btw - your hair looks AMAZING in this post. =)
Shanna -
I love this post. Man do I ever feel like I am in the SAME spot as you!! I am lacking in so many of the same areas. Heres to trying to kick it back into gear! Good luck to you, my friend! Btw - your hair looks AMAZING in this post. =)
Thanks for your authentic post. I think you voice what so many people feel. This summer I had a similar experience and decided to get back into the habit of doing daily devotions. I am now that person who gets up at 5:30 and spends time with God. You might check out shereadstruth.com , I love it and the devotions are amazing. Refocusing on God has been the best change and I can tell a difference in my attitude, the interactions with those I love and my students. I wish you the best and will be thinking about you.
true words! focusing on you is really important, makes all the difference!you look beautiful!
Loved this post, Shanna, and I applaud you for your transparency - numbers 2, 16 & 18 really hit home for me and are goals for me as well. Let's pray for each other - we can do this!! xoxo
Ah, another great, insightful, candid post Shanna. These are really your forte and I just savor every word when you do them. I enjoy your insights and perspectives about blog-life balance. I have definitely fallen into the comparison trap and the "I need something new to blog about" trap for sure, and it's something I constantly have to remind myself NOT to do because it's NOT the reason I started blogging. It's not to be MORE popular or have MORE stuff than someone else, it's to participate in the community and share my experiences for what they really are, not what I think people expect them to be. Anyway, great post again! :)
Gina - On the Daily Express
Love this list...and that sweater! There are many changes I have made this year, that have made an impact on how I view and experience life. It has been amazing to see God work, being faithful to him, even in the little things, provides such blessing. Nothing is too hard for him!
I loved this post! What a great reminder to step back and remember what is important in life.I love your list at the end, I want to make my own! I especially love the one about not falling into the social media trap of blogging. There are way more important things than your number of likes on a picture!
that's a really wonderful idea. i need to sit down and write a list of my own. this year did fly by.it's shocking.
I feel ya sister. I feel like I have a NEVER-ENDING list of to-do's and I just can't fit it all in. It's very overwhelming. But the most important thing is family and our kids are only little and willing to spend time with us for so long so I am making every effort to be IN THE MOMENT. Love this list and can pretty much just print it out and use it as a reminder for me too! =) Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend. Miss you!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
I did stay and read the whole post and it was so on point with where so many of us are in our lifes. Keeping up with the Jonses especially. Live life, embrace what we have and for gosh sakes get back to the gym ( the three I am currently working on). And not to disrespect any of your comments I really do like the outfit.
Its so easy to get wrapped in other tasks and forget to work on ourselves. This post really resonates with me, especially spending time with God each day. It really helps but its something that I'm always "too busy" for which is a ridiculous excuse. BUt it really sets the tone for the rest of your day. I'm sure you will make some of the goals before the new year. Writing things down is a great start.
Cha Cha The Fashion Genius
What a great list and reminder to enjoy life as it comes Shanna! I to have been feeling overwhelmed lately, but your list is a great reminder of the things that matter!
I swear, my friend, if you can get #s 1, 8, and 21 down pat every day, you will triumph over the rest.
You know I'm not a church girl, but I do have my higher power/communing with the universe, and doing that and 21 center me every day. 8 gives you the freedom to live the best way that suits you and your family and no one else.
Reading your list of to-dos, I was nodding my head in agreement the entire time. I am right there with you, keeping things in my mind, swirling around and almost always reach a point of necessary reflection. Thanks so much for sharing, I truly enjoyed reading and you have inspired me to take a step back and reflect myself. Hope you have a great weekend.
I love this post Shanna and especially relate to #16 (oops!) Your blog is one of my favs, so I hope you do find the balance and find the fun again! xoxoxoxox Have a fab weekend!
Danielle @ www.fortheloveofleopard.com
I love this post Shanna and especially relate to #16 (oops!) Your blog is one of my favs, so I hope you do find the balance and find the fun again! xoxoxoxox Have a fab weekend!
Danielle @ www.fortheloveofleopard.com
Love that sweater, look so comfy! xo Andrea
Boho Bunnie
I read your whole post. I feel you on a few of the points, I was like yes, I feel the same way, or I do that too. It is nice to sit down and be open sometimes. I love your honesty! I too have too want my blog successful but it s not the end of the world, family is most important.
Happy Weekend!
XO Chelsea www.shesaidhesaidfashion.com
I swear, if I didn't know better, I would think that you are reading my thoughts with this post!
That sweater looks super cozy! I love the colors in it. It really is the focal point of your look. Beautiful!
Loved your honesty, Shanna! I definitely relate to this - I've gotten really lazy in the past few weeks, and I see a downturn in energy and motivation associated with that. It's time to finish this year off on the right foot - we only have so much of 2014 left, and it deserves to be as special and inspired as can be.
definitely some really important points you brought up, and i do like your fall outfit too :)
Well timed post, and thank you. Summer brings us all a flurry of other activities, and fall is a great time to refocus and refine the intentions for the rest of the year. It is so refreshing to read someone who admits to actually being a fallible human like the rest of us. That's part of why your readers love you, you share your love of life and fashion from a perspective we can relate to. Thanks for being you, and not all the other voices out there.
Firstly, I love that sweater!
I'll be cliche and say "Better late than never!" I think your goals are great. They are smalls tasks that you can easily accomplish as long as you keep on task! I'd have my kids fold and put away their own laundry though. It may not look as nice as when you do it but it will teach them how to do it and give you a bit of a break. My 8 and six year olds fold and put away their clothes, and it really helps out!
You truly are amazing Shanna! I think we all need time to step back and reassess. And really if you feel like setting goals now then that's great! It really shouldn't just be on the start of a new year.
xo Adri
Great post! We started Andy Stanley's series Breathing Room with our small group at church...and let me tell you, it is hitting all of us right in the face! Highly recommend it! And I am one for everything that is going on in the celebrity world, but I will say I have started reading theSkimm every morning and I love hearing what is going on in the world without having to read all of the articles myself. It definitely gives me more talking points, and I love that! I hope you conquer every single one of the goals!
OMG, could not said it better Shanna! I have been going thru the same emotions of being the mayor of my crazy town home and blog and keeping up with 1000 things - but as your pastor said, reflecting on your goals and soul searching is the key to peace and happiness! What a great post!! And yes, better late than never - to a more organized and peaceful 2015!!:-) Take care!
Style Delights Blog
I love this post.....it is a good reminder for me that I need to focus on these things too and #8 is what I spend time trying to conquer lately!! Thanks again!
Perfectly said!!!!!!!!!!! Words I needed today! Thanks for sharing!
Oh and love your look today! ;-)
That was very well written. You just gave me one more reason to keep coming back to your blog. I love your style, and you have a good heart. I hope that the rest of 2014 goes as planned for you!
Shanna, your posts are always so perfectly timed for what I need to hear. I think so often we wait around to make changes until some "meaningful" time (birthdays, new years, anniversaries), but NOW is the time to make your dreams and goals come true. You go girl! Thank you for being an inspiration to me, both in fashion and making the most out of life.
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