Okay, I know what some of you are probably thinking, another giveaway from more bloggers that are trying to "buy" their readership. I will be honest, I personally stepped back from participating in group giveaways where I had to "pay to play". Lately, I have chosen to only do giveaways that promoted a business or was a sponsored ad.
So when Lindsey emailed me about the Style Spree giveaway opportunity, I sat and chewed on it for a bit. I was deciding if I was going to be okay with some people talking about it in blogosphere. Some of you know how it goes...
Here is the deal. I work REALLY hard on my blog. Harder than I have worked on anything in my entire life, not counting my family obligations. Most bloggers, in general, bust their romps whether it be on content, photo editing, constant commenting, email answering, or all the social media....it all takes a TON of time.
And the topic of entering into a $1,000 giveaway may not be up your alley. And that is 100% okay. I consider my blog not only a hobby, but a part time job that earns a small amount of money. It's definitely not a full time salary or even close to what people make at Chic-fil-a. It's play money that I take and use towards vacations, school clothes, extracurricular activities for my kids and advertising like this today.
These giveaways, in my opinion, are a small piece of the blogging puzzle. It's called advertising yourself and if you are a blogger that wants to grow, gain new readers, make a little extra money and have the opportunity to be on nineteen other amazing blogs at the same time, I say why not. Plus, it gives my sweet and exceptional sponsors some extra exposure.
If this is your first time visiting, sorry for the long winded explanation. To my loyal buddies that visit on the regular, you know that these giveaways are not my regular gig. Regardless if you are new or a long time friend, I felt convicted to give my two cents on the group giveaway craze. I understand we all have our opinions about them and that's the beauty of blogging.
So to sum up my rambles, I am BEYOND thrilled to be in the company with nineteen other style bloggers. We all threw our money into a big ol' pot to bring you ladies the chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card!
Please make sure to complete all required entries. They will be verified and we would hate for a winner to be picked and then have to give it to someone else because a required "follow" may have gotten overlooked.
If you enjoy reading blogs that offer personal style inspiration, then you will want to make sure that you check out the ladies below. Each one is absolutely amazing and I may or may not religiously stalk a few of them...not saying which ones, I don't want them to think I am cray! But seriously, I read all of their blogs. The cool thing is that we all have our own unique style and fashion sense...chic, feminine, edgy, bold, casual, daring, budget conscious...it's such a well rounded group of gorgeous ladies....I am just so honored to be by their side. I hope you discover a few new ones to read and see some of your favorites as well.
Good luck to all those who enter. We appreciate the support!
Dreaming in Cashmere || Because Shanna Said So || A Little Dash of Darling || Elle Apparel || Walking in Memphis in High Heels

Wahoo! I am so happy to be up there among you and the other fabulous ladies! I really don't do "group giveaways" either and find it harder when people love to talk about those who do- but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be partnering with nineteen awesome style bloggers!
And I too style stalk a bunch of these girls (you included!!) Maybe our next group thing can be sharing closets?! :)
I do like these type of giveaways because it is a great way to "discover" other blogs. I used to find other blogs by scrolling through the comments, but it seems like comments are disappearing in the blogosphere :(
I love that you took the time to explain to your readers the though process behind choosing to participate in giveaways (though you have no obligation to!) My blog is still a baby, and I already feel like it's a part-time job, so I can't imagine how much work goes into making BSSO happen.
There are more than a few blogs I have stopped reading/read less because they bombard readers with giveaways. I know how tempting it is to host one every day, but at that point it really seems like the blogger is selling out. So glad you are true to yourself and your readers! :)
OOOHH this giveaway is such an exciting opportunity and I am crossing my fingers for this one as it would help to pay off some treatment costs! :) ALSO... I love that I didn't know about a lot of these blogs and I have just discovered some wonderful new ones!! THANK YOU so much for being a WONDERFUL blogger to admire and look up to!!
:) Rebecca
I love your disclaimer on group giveaways! Not that you have to explain yourself. I too have been sort of on the fence about them and I've only done a small few. I'm pretty sure I'd have a lot more readers if I participated in one every week but it's just not for me or my blog to do it. Though tempting. I guess I would rather enter to win as many of them I can instead!
Good for you! I am indifferent about big giveaways. Sometimes I enter and other times I figure there are so many people entering that I have no chance to win. BUT I don't get why others get angry. People are way too judgmental. If you don't wanna enter, move on, with yo mouth closed ;) lol!
Thank you for opening up and being real about why you stepped back from giveaways. I too view blogging more of a hobby (maybe one day a part time job-ish) and "pay to play" is totally the way I viewed many of these giveaways.
You always seem to choose wisely, and I respect your honesty and decisions for such giveaways. Thank you.
Happy Monday!
Understated Classics
I've actually been wondering if I should do more blog giveaways (I've only done 3 small ones with one other blogger) so I feel a little better reading that doing one every day isn't necessary! That being said, I love this because I hadn't seen some of these other blogs, and now I'm really excited to check them out! Glad you did this one!
You're so right! I blog just for fun and even then it takes up so much time of my day to edit, to post, to visit other blogs and get the word out. I enjoy it a lot, though, it is one of my many hobbies!
I'm really excited for this giveaway, and heck, wouldn't hurt to win. LOL.
Ana Paula
your explanation is reason #24902984 why I love you, shanna!
You are always so honest and candid about everything. :) Great giveaway!
this would be a huge blessing for my family especially home schooling and getting the bills paid down for another year, thank you so much for the chance to win
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